Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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How long do you think Horatio would survive if he interrupted Eric and Calleigh? :lol: Calleigh would have five billion bullets in him before he even knew what was going on. And then Eric and Calleigh would simply pick up where they left off as though nothing had happened, and all would be right with the world. :D

I don't see anything wrong with you making hundreds of icons. I like variety! :p
, but after the glass shard scene he told me I was nuts. That Eric has it bad for Calleigh, but that Calleigh looked "creeped out" at how long he was holding her hand and she yanked her hand away from him. Then hubby added that the way Calleigh said Eric's name sounded to him like she was warning him, like "Eric..." don't start, or "Eric..." I don't feel what you are obviously feeling.

I don't know if she pulled her hand away, but I was wondering about her saying his name. I thought she may have been warning Eric away. I really hope that it is going to lead to something happening between them, but I don't want to get my hopes up when that scene could be interpreted another way. Like she is attracted to him (who wouldn't be) but doesn't want it to go to the next level. I guess only time will tell.
It still wouldn't worry me, I guess. I think Calleigh does feel something for Eric. And I'm also pretty sure she's gonna try to fight those feelings.

As for Eric, he's already falling for her. It would be really assholish of the writers to make him lose. Again. The poor guy really deserves some happiness, after the sucky year he's had.

Of course, you never know with these writers, but I remain positive. Again, Calleigh has never smiled like that for anyone and I think that's pretty huge. Whether they hook up now or not, the wheels are in motion and they're gonna have to confront their feelings at some point.
So far this season we have seen Calleigh do things we thought we'd never see her do. I really envy Adam and Emily myself. I mean on ET Emily was like "Adam's a good looking guy," and I'm thinking yeah you just noticed! I highly doubt that! :D

I think it is just ironic how ever since Calleigh gave him a kiss he is all cheerful. I think she has been doing more. :devil:
Lol, sorry I'm still laughing over the image of H walking in on E/C doin' it! I think that would rattle even him! :lol: But I don't think they'd even notice...they definitely wouldn't stop! :devil: :lol:

Yeah I think Cal is falling for E too...but like you said I see her fighting those feelings, things are easier when they don't touch her as deeply as this could (or I'd bet) already does touch she'll panic and run probably for a minute or two before she realizes that the only thing that makes sense is to embrace that craziness and fall so deep into Eric she can never resurface! (what? I warned y'all I was a fluffy! :lol: )
Did anyone else notice that Calleigh said his name the exact same way when she went to him in the hospital? I haven't been around, I know, suffice it to say I'm in the market for a new job...

I will come bearing icons as soon as I finish them, I'm in the process of a whole bunch of them. And writing porn. I celebrated my birthday by writing fic. And getting The Kiss in Just Murdered. Now I want cake, dammit.
Oh, no, Star, what happened?

The way she whispers his name is a thing of beauty. Also, Adam rocks. I just noticed that through the whole scene, he didn't breathe at all, like Eric had his breath caught in his throat.

Adam for president.
Basically, people talking about me behind my back, spreading rumors, lying to my supervisor about me, etc. One chick was saying that I deliberately ran a red light and almost killed her and laughed about it. I wasn't the one who ran the light, she wasn't even in the cab, and I had asked to either not drive or have one of the van units and not a box, and no one listened. And I got reamed for always being late. I asked to have a later shift due to school and got turned down because "this is what you need." I was like and which of us is me? The one pseudo-supervisor-type is awesome, she helps me as much as she's able, like cutting me loose today and sending my partner out with the guy I trained, and I'm so happy to not be with them because yesterday they basically left me in the unit and I could hear them complaining to each other about me. I would give anything to never go back again.

Wow, long vent. I'm a little pissed :lol: It just makes me crazy because I'm so careful to not say anything about anyone and I always get burned because no one can give me the same courtesy.

Calleigh sounded like her whole world is contained in the 4 letters of his name. Which it is. I think honestly she realized how much she loves him when she was going crazy in the hospital. Cuz seriously? Cal doesn't fidget. And she was moving nonstop in that first scene with the nurse. And she's been all fidgety whereever he is concerned ever since. I'm working on a fic that deals with her whole must give blood now thing. Also, in Going Under, she didn't really calm down until Eric got there, and the first thing he did was touch her, as if to make sure she was still alive. And she totally leaned into him, like she wasn't sure she was alive until she had him. I'm also working on one dealing with his reaction to her getting shot in Going, Going, Gone. And that one is going to get ugly, I started it on a day I had to fly a kid to Baltimore Shock Trauma...
Oh my, but aren't we all in a posting frenzy :lol:

Star, I'm so sorry and sad to hear what is happening in RL :( I can't believe peopel can be so mean. What's the point? I always lived with the principle to never do to others what I don't them to do to me. But well... it's really one-sided. I remember someone once telling me when I confronted him about his actions, that I was dumb to act like that and that he didn't have that kind of hang-ups. And I was free to hit back. That left me speechless. Needless to say that I gladly left that company.
Be brave and live by your standards. The important thing is to be able to look yourself in the mirror when you get home at night :)

Well there have been so many posts since i was last here. I don't even know where to start :lol:

I guess at Calleigh saying Eric's name in warning way. OKay I guess we're definitely not watching the same series and episode :lol: Because if that was warning away, I don't know ;) I guess you probably just don't want to see what this was about, because neither actor could have played out clearer. I understand people having mixed feelings about that ship (okay totally theoretically I might add, because I don't see what is to object :lol:), but seeing things that haven't been said or displayed always confuses the hell out of me. If you want to see how Calleigh rejects people, just go back a few season and check out what happened with Hagen. She was pretty straight forward. She knows Eric so well, if she had wanted to say 'don't go there' she would have said it. If she felt uncomfortable she wouldn't have worked the case this closely with him, but sent Natalia with him (she was also involved).
For me the way she said his name had a dreamy quality, like being there this close to him had made her forget where they were and what surrounded them.
And she definitely didn't pull her hand away. The last scene we see Eric is still holding her hand and they are both looking down at it. Just watch again...

I'm always scared by fluffy storylines. I'm more of a drama queen or it's porn or comedy :lol: I sure hope we'll see they care about each other but not in ways that are too sickenly sweet :(

It's true that our Calleigh changed this year. Well at least in the second part of the season. For someone who didn't like contact, she sure has her hands on Eric pretty often lately. No wonder Natalia picked that up. I guess it's more obvious to her because she is the newest on the team. She sees things with different eyes. I thought about writing a 'rumor' fic with her, Dan and Max, but I already did that with ER... and I hate to copy myself reusing storylines (even if the series is another one and not to add Inever finished it because a friend of mine wanted me to write porn and I could only write EC porn :lol:). But maybe during the summer hiatus ;)

Okay that was is way too long, just ignore my rambling...
Well, I didn't read your ER story, so I'd be more than happy to see you plagiarize yourself.

It makes no sense to me either because up until this point, it's been Calleigh sending Eric mixed messages, not the other way around. Eric hasn't made a single move, so I don't get why Calleigh would need to tell him to back off. I'm sorry, but this whole thing is being instigated by Calleigh (and Natalia's prodding). Poor Eric is too overwhelmed to even make a move.

Iconses! I'll make some more at a later, unspecified, date. Also, animations are a pain in the ass.


The rest are here.
Elicia said
I guess at Calleigh saying Eric's name in warning way. OKay I guess we're definitely not watching the same series and episode Because if that was warning away, I don't know I guess you probably just don't want to see what this was about, because neither actor could have played out clearer. I understand people having mixed feelings about that ship (okay totally theoretically I might add, because I don't see what is to object ), but seeing things that haven't been said or displayed always confuses the hell out of me. If you want to see how Calleigh rejects people, just go back a few season and check out what happened with Hagen. She was pretty straight forward. She knows Eric so well, if she had wanted to say 'don't go there' she would have said it. If she felt uncomfortable she wouldn't have worked the case this closely with him, but sent Natalia with him (she was also involved).

I admit that I don't know the characters that well. I don't watch CSI:Miami regularly -- I watched the first few episodes and couldn't stand Horatio and/or David Caruso so I stopped watching. I know some people love him and I can respect that, I just find him almost unbearable to watch.

Anyway,I will occassionally catch a rerun or sometimes, when desperate and there is nothing else on, I will watch an episode on a Monday night and just hope there isn't much of Horatio in the episode. I did, however, watch the one with the now-famous kiss after a friend who LOVES the show told me that there was going to be an E/C kiss. I admit that even in the episodes I have watched, I have thought there was great chemistry between Eric and Calleigh.

I plan to at least watch all of the new episodes till the end of the season to see what develops between these two. Believe me I hope they develop something romantic and steamy, but I just wasn't sure if that scene was the writers messing with our heads or not.

On a side note, someone above mentioned (I think it was StarDuquesneEMT) that they had written some fics about Eric and Calleigh. Where can I find those fics? I have found some at, but there must be other locations that people post fics. Thanks!
Wow Caro I love your icons :D They are so great. Don't be surprised if I snag some of them, they are too good to be left alone. I'll credit of course :D

I think Eric will need some days to process the information properly, don't forget he is still recovering from a brain injury :lol: But no doubt once he's done that he'll go for it.... and fast ;)
I should avoid reading reviews on other sites. I swear if I see another 'this ship is so wrong, those two have brother/sister relationship' I'll scream and whack the poster to death :lol:
I don't ever want to see brothers and sisters acting like Eric and Calleigh. Because, ew. :lol:

I'd still love to see Eric play with Calleigh's mind a little bit. :devil: Of course I want him to fall just as hard as Calleigh, but I want to see him have some fun with it. You know, subtle unnecessary touches here and there, him standing way too close behind her, giving her that smile and talking to her in that one voice that just has to make her melt...and the whole time, him knowing exactly what he's doing to her, and loving every minute of it. Think about it; Natalia told him that Calleigh is interested, but Calleigh probably doesn't know that he knows. This could drive her crazy. :D

Then when she finally snaps and jumps him, then they can start the whole having sex nonstop for days thing. :devil: :lol:

Awesome icons, Caro! I wanna snag one, but I can't decide. So maybe I'll just stare at them all afternoon. :D
Yay Caro made icons! Wow, they're beautimous! Love them! :D

Jess I totally agree by the way, I'd love to see Eric mess with her a bit...tease her, seduce her subtly so she doesn't immediately see what's going on...make her get flustered and hot and bothered...that would rock! The only thing better would be if Cal somehow figured out what he was doing and turned the tables and did it back on him, making him jump her! :lol: That would be the best ever! :D
Ooh, beating him at his own game! I like! :D

And the best part? He totally wouldn't be able to stand it. (Not that she can either, but she does tend to have a bit more control...) He could play with her mind and fluster her for months, but if she starts playing with him, it'll be less than two seconds before he rips her clothes off. :lol:
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