Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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I can't even speculate anymore. I'm all speced out. All I hope is Calleigh is more into Eric than Jake and that it shows, even if she's with Jake. I need some hope for the summer hiatus.

Which is gonna suck, by the way. By the time the new season ends we'll probably be on thread 60.
Ack I'm late too, Happy Belated Birthday midnight_tiptoes! Hope you had a nice day.

I'm confused too, not just about E/C...this finale has been the most confusing ever because all of the spoilers are just...they all say something different and I have no clue what's going on. I love knowing what's going to happen, so this is really huge for me. :lol:

The promo was confusing too. Everything is messes up, but I really didn't get what was going on with E/C in the promo. Also with Horatio. Ack.

Well I'm late, but 'Kill Switch' was a really terrible, pointless episode in my optinion, except for Ryan quitting the TV Station, which was a really nice ending and nice speech (but has nothing to do with E/C) The convo with Jake seemed freidndly, but not shippy. I liked how lighthearted Cal was about it with Eric, 'if people would stop killing each other we could have a decent meal.' However, a meal? With HIM? Go out to eat for a break in between crime scenes with Eric, damnit!

I didn't get the promo, as I said. The kiss looked real to me but I couldn't tell. And Eric saw it happen? His poor heart. I'm hoping that was just to get us hyped and that Cal smacks him in the face, knocks him down and jams her heel into his back. Remembering back to 'Going Under...' (I think it was, bad with episode names here) Even so, this finale holds some promise, and if they don't mess it up, we could get some E/C, as well as a nearly dead H. Wouldn't that be a double treat?

*sits down on couch and waits for finale to air*
I would like to see Cal in danger and Eric save her, proving that Jake only cares for himself. I'm trying not to get my hopes up with the promo because as we have learned from past episodes, they are misleading. The only thing I am hoping for is the ending not be a cliff hanger. I don't know if I can wait 3 months until next season.
All the promos have confused me totally, all I can say is I hope the finale is a good one and that we get lots of EC scene or at least something to look forward too. Anyway I'm just hoping the finale is good and we get something good out of it.

EC all the way1!!!!
*Mo pops in, in full fan-girl mode, which at 7am is a scary thing to behold!* It's tonight, wohoo!!! I am so jazzed that our finale is finally here...took long enough, dang it! Now we just need some goooood E/C....dang it PTB, don't make me hurt you...just give us our E/C and nothing bad will happen! Don't think we won't be up in arms and after you if you mess with this ship!
*Mo steps off her soapbox and proceeds to calmly giggle with glee over what will hopefully be an awesome E/C ep tonight!* :D
Eeeeeeeekkkk 10 hours to go!!!!! I need some good EC scenes from the finale guys or there will be some serious problems!! TPTB better not leave us with some crazy cliff hanger.....
having Eric see Jake and Calleigh kiss at the very end and goes off. That would no doubt drive me insane over the summer.

And that theory makes a lot of sense if she was seeing Jake. I watched that scene about a million times and she does kind of pull her hand back from his as if she was going to say something to him. It could have well been about her and Jake but she got caught in the moment of Eric's gorgeous eyes L:lol:L!!!
Today's the day! Oh, God, I'm gonna drive Caro crazy. But I also promised to write as many fics as I could over the summer to keep us entertained at least. If I make it to 30, I get a prize. I don't know what the prize is, but I'm hoping for a naked dancing Eric.
Slipping down the page? Not cool.

I had absolutely nothing to do today, so naturally, I've had alot of time to spend thinking about this. I can't wait for this, not only because of what might happen, but just so I can stop with the damn speculation! It's driving me mad!
Wouldn't it be weird if,

Calleigh turned Jake down after the kiss but Eric, having walked away during it, misses that part? And then Calleigh goes to find Eric and he's acting different towards her, so much so that it scares her and so she doesn't make her move? That would certainly roll onto next season

3 hours and 43 minutes!

3 hrs is toooo long..I need this now! Although, I shouldn't hope for it too means the season is over and we have to wait allllll summer long :(

I need more than a life; I need Prozac!
In a way I'll be relieved when the season is over. Of course, the next week or two are going to be excruciating, but then summers tend to go by so quickly. Season 6 will be here before we know it.

The only thing I'm scared of is the writers changing their minds during the summer and deciding to keep E and C as friends. That would be stupid, though.
^I think that would be a waste of their time and our time, because they have spend the past episodes building the relationship up, and no matter what happens, as in bad, remember CSI probably has another 3 more seasons to go, so anything could happen. I am keeping my hopes up, though they have to show some good E/C b/c it's going to be a long summer.
How long now?

Dude, I just found out Jaime Pressly finally had her baby. I'm interested to see what it looks like, what with the Cuban/Southern mix and all. This may be the closest we'll ever get to seeing what Eric and Calleigh's babies would look like.
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