Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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it looks like the PTB decided to royally mess with us and leave us hanging in a big way for the whole summer....which I guess we knew was possible but I had such high hopes that would actually not leave us with an annoying angsty cliffhanger...dang it! Well at least the door isn't shut, that's definitely a good thing! Bring on Seas. 6 and the E/C smex dang it!!!!

So Calleigh basically told Eric she does have feelings for him, but they can't be together because they work together. I knew it. This is SO Calleigh. Calleigh!

Awesome stuff: Eric calling Calleigh on her narrow mindedness. I LOVED IT! Shows how great he is for her. He gets her thinking out of her little box. That was awesome. Also, Eric with that little girl? My uterus exploded. Oh. My. God. And did you all notice the little girl had darkish skin and blonde curls? E/C BABY!

The final shot was AWESOME!! Holy crap, it broke my heart, but it gave me SO much hope. Calleigh saw him looking, and she couldn't even look him in the eyes. And they both looked so sad. ACK!! JUST GET TOGETHER ALREADY!!

Now I'm all hyper and shit.
Okay guys. As far as I'm concerned, the only important thing in this episode was...Eric and the little girl. Awwwww! Had Calleigh seen him with the little girl...there would've been no doubt as to where this triangle was angling. In fact, there would BE no triangle. *sigh* I got shivers at that. :lol: Eric needs to interact with kids more often. That cannot be said enough.

Jealous Eric deserves a mention. Even if he was bitterly jealous. It shows his feelings are hurt. Poor thing. :( But yay for at least showing he's hurt by Cal/Jake.

midnight_tiptoes said:
The final shot was AWESOME!! Holy crap, it broke my heart, but it gave me SO much hope. Calleigh saw him looking, and she couldn't even look him in the eyes. And they both looked so sad. ACK!! JUST GET TOGETHER ALREADY!!

How telling was that?? Eric's heart is broken, and she can't stand to look at him, because she knows she did it, not wanting to at all. Poor things. They need make-up sex. And babies. :lol:
OMG....damn..screams my head off... :eek: the scenes between eric and calleigh were full of angst aarrrggghh...the bad thing abt the last scene was that calleigh knew eric saw her kissing jake and she went in the elevator and looked away im going to scream again
Boo to Miami for making us wait a long summer for next season's closure. But bring on the fanfic! Plenty of good stuff to inspire. I might even write a fic. lol Anyway, as was mentioned, Cal at least came out and said something. No more denial. That's cool. And Poor Eric! I wanted to give him a big ol hug! But him and the lil girl was just priceless!
I knew Cal would be hesitant to date Eric b/c they work together!! Jealous Eric was great at the park...I want more of that. :D

The ep was pretty good though...when she enters the elevator and looks back at Eric you sooo see the confliction on her face and in her features. The look she gives him sooo says that she loves him but is afraid to go for it. God now we have to wait all Summer!!!

did anyone picture Eric with the little girl as him with his future daughter? The little girl could sooo have been his and Cal' heart melted.
ohh...i almost forgot abt that...the kid could have been eric and cal's kid she was soooo cute and eric in that scene was just priceless....just wish they show more of that rather than a scene with h and a kid
I thought it was really angsty. Doesn't mean it was the end of anything, but I just don't want to wait all summer! :eek: That will suck. Oh well at least we will have fics to read. :D And I am sure that Eric and Calleigh will be okay next season.

and that little girl scene was too cute! You could tell Eric enjoyed it and that he'd want children one day. :D
Y'all had better be writing lots of fics this summer. Every last one of you! I'm serious. :lol: :D

We know how Eric wears his heart on his sleeve. I wonder if, in that little girl, he saw what he and Calleigh might have in the future? We know he's falling hard, so that wouldn't be too far-fetched. And that would make seeing Calleigh with Jake that much harder. Poor guy, you could practically hear his heart shatter upon the floor. :( I wanted to cry. He wanted to cry.
I don't remember correctly, but the footage of Eric with the little girl, they showed it again during the musical montage, and I'm pretty darn sure it was right before the scene where Calleigh got in the elevator. Can anyone confirm this? If I'm right, then that little girl may have been the biggest anvil of all anvils.

I'm actually really happy with what we got. Bring it on. The ship is sailing stronger than ever.
can someone just kick the writers butts right now :mad: :mad:
i couldnt understand the fact that they had eric and cal almost arguing at every scene they were together and all because of jake...and the thing abt the kiss is that cal didnt seem to mind that the guy just grabbed her and started making out with her in the middle of the lab actually right where the elevator doors would open and didnt she say that she wasnt sure abt her feeling to jake...who in their right minds would kiss someone you dont even know you like :eek:...damn...they better have a good storyline next season
Ahhh, aren't we full of spoilers? :lol: I need to see it real soon... :)

Can someone just tell me if we have any E/C and if its alot or not... alot? :lol:
Thanks in advance!
kissmesweet - 3 scenes, but they're good stuff ;)

It may have just been me or the camera angle, but I don't think Calleigh was THAT much into the kiss. Either that, or she's a really lousy kisser, or he's a lousy kisser. For the most part it was Jake moving and she just stood there. I don't know.

There was a lot of tension between them tonight, and I LOVED IT! They're both so into each other, but they're unable to do anything about it because they work together and Calleigh is being pig-headed. Of course that's going to create lots of tension. Not to mention the fact that the other man is kind of a jerk. I think Eric's very frustrated because he wants her, and he knows she wants him, and he knows they'd be great together, but it's not happening... good stuff. Good times.

I need a cigarette.
I think Calleigh's very conflicted right now. People keep saying she has "unfinished business" with Jake, which I do believe. I don't think she and Jake ever got their closure, and that is something that people just naturally crave. And Emily said it herself, on the Early Show? I think. That it's hard when there's somebody you have feelings for, and then there's somebody you've known for so long and you just love them completely. Something like that. I don't think she really knows what she wants until she's lost it. Seeing Eric's face when she got in the elevator...I think it only hit her then what had just happened with her and Jake. I think with Jake she got caught up in the moment, and now it may have cost her Eric, and that's something that's going to haunt her, because obviously, she's falling pretty hard too.

I love the arguing between them. I love knowing that Eric's bitter over Jake and Calleigh, and that was the one thing I really, really wanted out of this ordeal -- Jealous Eric. :D So I'm pretty happy. For now.
Thanks Midnight! You're so sweet + I can't wait! :) Go, E/C! Although when you said that you needed a cigarette, that doesn't sound so good... considering the E/C. :eek:
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