Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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The Miami writers are so random. I just don't know what to think sometimes.

Jaime Pressly is gorgeous and she and Emily have a lot of the same features. I don't know much about Jaime's husband except he's Cuban. I saw a pic once and Adam is way hotter, so Eric and Calleigh's kids would probably look a lot like Jaime's kid, except much cuter.
*sigh* A mix of Eric's and Calleigh's genes...there's no way that kid could be anything but the most gorgeous baby ever. Why don't they have that baby yet?!

:eek: It's almost time! I can't wait. Tonight had better be good. :D
They're babies would be goreous. Those drop dead looks... *sigh*

Well if I want to have free time to watch the show I'd better get moving. I have a ton of things to do but it is almost summer so I can work on the fics either next week or the week after.
omg the anticipation is killing me!!!
i would kill the writers if they drop E/C
they have put us so happy and if they change it i would rip all of my hairs out

ETA: i just watched ET and Emily said that theres gonna be a "sexy cliffhanger"!!!
omg im hyperventilating right now!!!
there gonna leave us hanging! :mad: :eek: :(
Okay, before I post anything else, do you want to know what happens in tonight's episode? I'll ask first this time. Oh, and that_girl1, Emily was right about the cliffhanger. Not sure if it's what I'd consider sexy, though.
You've seen it already? Kinda early isn't it?

Just put any info in spoiler tags, catey. That way people can choose if they want to see them or not. I think the rules state that you have to do that anyway until the episode has aired all over the States. :)
Well, I did that last week(spoiler boxes), but it was too much temptation for some, and I'm not sure they liked it. Where I live it airs at 7. Maybe, if you want to know, just PM me. I'm flexible. I don't want to ruin it for everyone.
I'm feeling very good about it either way. Last week I didn't have a good feeling about the episode, and look what happened. But today I feel good. Now that I'm psychic or anything.

1 hour and 40 minutes!
yea i wouldnt want to know catey
its like so tempting you just see a box there blank that says "SPOILER ALERT" and you want to know what happens but you want to see it for yourself :rolleyes:
Catey, when you have finished watching it tell us if it was worthy of watching or if it will dissapoint. Not sure if anyone else wants to know, but you can tell me if it's good or not. Not a description of the scenes just a thumbs up or thumbs down. ;)
Okay, I'll still put it in spoiler,
Thumbs down for us. It's going to be a long angst filled summer. Oh, by the way, Calleigh wasn't threatened at a crime scene. I hope that isn't giving away too much.
7 min. off to watch it.
no good E/C scenes, and we're just going to be left hanging? I don't like how this is looking, I just hope the writers don't mess this up.
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