Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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Hey Happy Sunday at all!

Sorry Midnight, I’m late, anyhow Happy Birthday :)!

I always thought that Adam and Emily are greats. He did his best in the scene where Calleigh kissed him, his face was indescribable! Emily was great in Man Down…it seemed that she was really going to cry.

Moriel21 said:
I totally see them getting married down the road! Yay! :D :D

It would be great… :D
Question: How do you picture their wedding?
I think that they would marry in Cuba, on the beach, with all their families, and I can see them leaving for the honeymoon immediatley after the ceremony :D.
Thanks, Abby!

I remember when Jackie reported the spoilers for Burned, originally there wasn't supposed to be any eye contact between them. It was just them standing very close to each other. But what we got was so much better.

Abby - Americans can't travel to Cuba, but I could see them getting married at the beach. Calleigh not so much, for some reason, but if she hated the alternative sure.
hi i'm new! You people are so lucky you get to see season 5 finale on Monday! I live in England and won't see it here for like 9 months! It's soooooo not fair, i've seen clips for season 5 on the internet and Eric and Calleigh should so be together! And that kiss on the promo she definately didn't want it!
Welcome calleighsthebest! You get a pair of hiphuggers! :D

I can't wait to one day go to Cuba and I am sure Eric would go if he could also. It would be beautiful because I am sure he has a lot of family down there.
Welcome calleighsthebest!! I love your stories over at

I could picture them getting married on the beach only b/c Cal probably wouldn't want the whole huge church wedding. And it would be more romantic and Miami fitting if they got married on the beach.

Of course, if you want to talk about the possibility of things going wrong on their wedding day....a body would probably wash up right next to them while they are saying their vows :lol: That would be typical Miami!!
I was just thinking, does the glass shard scene make more sense now that we know Calleigh has been seeing Jake?

I think now that Calleigh said Eric's name to maybe stop him, but she couldn't bring herself to say/do it. Kinda like, she wanted at that moment to stop and tell him about Jake but instead she looked him in the eyes and that was overwhelming for her and she found herself caught up in the moment. At that moment I think she also realized how deep her feelings for Eric are.

Just a theory? I mean, I think she has feelings for Eric and doesn't want these little moments with him to go away, but at the same time there's Jake, who I think she's been avoiding because there's no way Calleigh works 24 hours a day, and she could have a date with Jake if she so wanted.
I agree with you midnight_tiptoes. Calleigh was probably seeing Jake during that time and felt weird at that moment because it was the two of them alone and she didnt feel right
Good theory. It would make sense why they changed it to her that said his name. I am sure Calleigh didn't realize her feelings for him and she might have gotten a little scared.
I like that theory although i think that when he got shot she realised then how she really felt about him but didn't tell him because he was recovering from being shot. Maybe she's trying to tell herself that she couldn't date him as he was 'out of bounds' so to speak as they work together so is trying to distract herself with Jake. But it'll be ok because true love always always wins.

(Although i haven't actually seen season 5, living in england, so i could be interpreting the few clips i have seen the wrong way!)
I haven't heard anything about storylines if that is what you mean. We will find out on Weds if the show has been renewed; although I don't think we have to worry about that :D It is the most watched show on Monday night as well as the it will be renewed.

I like your theory Midnight....I actually thought about that myself after hearing about the finale and then watching the scene again a few times. She dfeinately hesitates for a reason and that could very well be it. She knows she feels something for Eric but can't bring herself to say something to him about Jake.

God, it really needs to be Monday already!! Only 28hrs to go here on the east coast!! :D
28 hours, you are so lucky, i've only got 9 months to wait! Sooo not fair!lol! Although i guess i'll get to find out what happens on tuesday which is good, just not as good as actually watching it!
Only another 22 hours to go. Boy, I can't believe the season is ending already. This season really flew by, and I really want to see the finale. I hope this is a really good episode. The quality has really improved this season from what it was, and I really want to see some more E/C moments tomorrow night.
Hey I've gotta question. How many promo's of the finale do they got out there? Cause I saw the first one from right after the last episode last week when they showed it then I just saw it now on tv on cbs and its seems like it changed alot!? :confused:
I got like one day till the finale! I'm gonna tape it so I got it for later viewings...... :D :devil:
I can't wait just don't wanna be dissapinted ya kno?

So the killer goes after Calleigh I know but does she get hurt? Like what does he do to her? Well when I saw the promo again and saw the kiss, for a moment it kinda looked like she liked it. I don't know. Calleigh;s a good kisser. LOL ummm....does anyone else get hurt like Calleigh in the episode? I though H was gonna get hurt still I don't.
Please tell me if y'all got answers to my questions in the spoiler thanks! :D

Katie <3333
I'm beyond confused. I'm gonna be confused until tomorrow night. And even then, I'll probably still be confused. :lol:

I've seen two promos. But somebody somewhere said there was a third one? I've been avoiding the promos like the plague for the last couple days, so I don't know.

I'm still not certain the killer goes after Calleigh. I'm not certain Calleigh even has anything to do with it at all. We do know how those promos are. :rolleyes: I just hope this triangle turns out to be something more than a two second thing. Sure, I'd rather have Eric and Calleigh than Jake and Calleigh, but I'd love to see a few episodes of tortured Eric having to work around Calleigh knowing she's not his. And I'd like to see Calleigh actually fight with her feelings and try to repress them, but not be 100% sucessful. 'Cause you know, I do like my angst. :devil: :D
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