Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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Honestly, I'm glad they are going in this direction with the characters. It's been a long time since I've enjoyed Miami, but it's coming back to what it was. This is the happiest I've been with a storyline in a long time. And it's nice to see Calleigh and Eric featured, because for a long time, it really seemed Calleigh wasn't around much. I am so enjoying this! Can't wait for Monday night, and for those who want to know, I'll post early so you can know if there are any E/C moments in this episode!
It also seems like the characters are happier, don't it? For a long time Calleigh was so blank and blah, like she didn't have any emotions. And now she's all chirpy and flirty, like she used to be in the first two seasons. And Eric has had the two years from hell, but ever since Calleigh kissed him he's been on cloud nine. It's so nice to see them so happy. If there's two people who deserve to be happy, it's Eric and Cal.
and Eric is not angry anymore!

Well, only when he needs to be angry. And then when that happens, we know Calleigh's not gonna be feeling like a bored zombie that night! :devil:

Seriously though. I love that the happiness is back. :D I hated watching Calleigh not caring. I hated watching Eric spiral farther and farther away. And you'll definitely note that all that happened when they were always apart. But now that they're near each other again, it's like the sunshine is back in their lives, or something equally cliched like that, but whatever, it's still true. :D

If there's two people who deserve to be happy, it's Eric and Cal.

Exactly. :D Calleigh had an unhappy childhood, her family has always caused her grief, she's lost numerous people that meant something to her, her relationships have always ended badly...etc. And Eric; the poor guy can't catch a break. I bet Calleigh kissing him on the cheek was about the first good thing to happen to him in forever. It's about time they found some happiness, and obviously from everything we've seen, they're always happiest when they're together. Aw. :D
I know, Calleigh caring again, Eric smiling. It's weird because just last year we were in hell! :lol:

I think that thinking about their childhood(especially Calleigh), they both will try to be the best parents they can be since it seems that they(or mostly Calleigh) felt that they missed out on somethings during childhood.
I almost wish they could adopt me but then Calleigh would catch me checking Eric out and she'd shoot me :(

I think they'd be wonderful parents. Calleigh would be scared at first, but it would come so natural to her. Honestly, after taking Ryan for all these years, any child would be a breeze :lol:
I wish I was Eric and Calleigh's baby. Could you imagine those drop dead model gorgeous looks? Those incredible brains? That awesome personality? Not that I'm not any of that. :lol: I wouldn't mind saying that they're my mommy and daddy. :p
Yeah I know because I really felt bad for Calleigh and all because she always had to deal with her father and him getting drunka ll the time. She always had to clean up for her families messes all the time, poor thing. :(
Now Calleigh's all happy and hipper and happy go lucky! Feel that she now realizes that she can express herself more whens shes with Eric and all.

Also Eric went through hell with Stelter and the IBA saying he did weed and all, then his sister Marisol dying and then finally him getting shot and almost dying. Poor guy. :( Now he can really open up to Calleigh and all and stop going through hell! :D
Poor Calleigh, she really does have the worst luck in the world. She really deserves a guy who'll worship her like Eric does.

People seem to be complaining that Eric is a player and all and not good enough but Calleigh. I don't know about anyone else, but I know tons of players and players, when they finally settle down, are the most committed guys in the world! Man, when players fall in love, they become little smitten puppies. From my experience, you're better off marrying a player who's in love with you than a guy who doesn't have a lot of experience. Players have already done it all, so when they settle down, they settle down happily. Tons of other guys settle down but deep down they keep wondering what if, and a lot of them tend to cheat.

I think Eric would completely devote himself to Calleigh, no doubt in my mind.
Well I can't really see Eric as a player. Well if I really think about it, I guess. I really don't know because in the past hes had alot I mean alot of girl friends.........I guess you could call him a player if ya like. I really think Eric will really go through with Calleigh and stay with her. :D
Elicia's story has given me the vapors. Ho. Lee mother of God. That was the hottest story ever. Encore, I say!

I wouldn't necessarily call Eric a player. Players seem really calloused to me, and Eric seems to be friends with his exes. Of course, this isn't counting the period after Speedle where he was out of control, that was more scary than anything, but overall his relationships seem to last. Not long, but long enough for him to refer to them as his 'girlfriends'.

I agree, though, that because he's already been there, done that, he's more likely to successfully maintain a serious relationship.
I really think Eric's too much of a good guy to hurt a girl like that. We all know that Eric would never hurt Calleigh in his life never ever. He likes Calleigh too much like the way he smiled after she asked him if he wanted to go with her to the crime scene in "Burned" :devil:

god.....they were like made for each other and all! :D
Well, a close call with death could also have changed Eric, and made him put his priorities in the right place. Maybe he realized that Calleigh was for him, and he needs to make up for lost time. I think maybe Calleigh coming close to losing him made her realize that too. Just a thought, anyhow. It is nice and about time these two are coing together.
Welcome, Nicky. Lots of new people. Me likes.

I think the shooting changed them both. It made Eric realize that maybe it's time to stop playing games and get a bit more serious and responsible, and it made Calleigh realize she needs to stop beating around the bush and accept she has feelings for Eric. She already knows from experience (Hagen) that their jobs aren't the safest and everything could be taken away from them in the blink of an eye. She nearly lost Eric and I think that scared her to death, which is why she's been a bit forward lately, methinks.

I was looking at the screen caps and I SO wanted that hug between Alexx and Calleigh, because that would've made the situation all the more emotional. But maybe the writers felt it was too much. To have Calleigh cry on Alexx's embrace really would've screamed to the world that she has feelings for Eric, and the writers probably wanna go slower than that.
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