Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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hey midnight...totally agree with you...dunno how to put spoiler code but i posted at the spoiler forum re: a E/C scene in the finale
Poor Eric.

I knew they were gonna do something like that. I wonder how he's gonna react. Originally he was supposed to know about Calleigh/Jake, and now I don't know if he's gonna find out when he sees them kissing or if he already knows. Ack, after Jake treats Eric like crap, I can't believe Calleigh's gonna kiss him. This is gonna be really interesting.

One thing's for sure, everyone's gonna be rooting for Eric during the summer. Thanks for the spoiler, Nicky. Just so you know, the code is:

[*spoiler=What the spoiler is about]spoiler[*/spoiler]

Of course, remove the *s.
Welcome Nicky!

I agree, too that Calleigh has realized to face her feelings for Eric ever since the shooting.

That sounds cool! So Eric will see Calleigh kissing Jake? Wow, talk about some tension in Drama Land. I can't wait! I want to see what Eric will do. He'll definetely go do something about it, knowing him. And when he's angry, we all know how much that turns Calleigh on. :devil:
Eric will most likely take it gracefully, and tell her he's happy for her. He won't want to screw with her happiness. Of course, he won't know that Calleigh's happiest with him.

Jake's gonna break her heart. I just know it. And I've always gotten the feeling that he's gonna get into drugs. When Horatio says something...
Well at least we know what Corey was referring to when he was talking about complications!! I can't believe she is going to kiss that jerk...while it pisses me also intrigues me :lol:
going to piss me off, too, but come on ya'll. She can't possibly end up with him forever. Imagine how unhappy she'd be. I think she might be the one to take a dramatic move. She'll realize he's not that great. For some reason Eric is sweeter now, so he might try to stay all positive and such.
they showed the scene they were in the lab and it looks like calleigh was checking jake's face or something then they suddenly start kissing not an innocent one either
I was just telling Jackie, what if Jake kisses Calleigh on purpose because he knows Eric is watching? What would be such an assholish thing to do, but it IS Jake we're talking about. Of course, Calleigh won't know Eric is there and Eric will just turn around and leave and the whole thing will be heartbreaking :(

the clip was short...but they were standing really close to each other cal was touching his face...then he i think grabs her hnead or something it happenede so fast and i kinda fainted so im not sure if cal wanted the kiss or not x()
Oh boy, can't wait to see how that plays out! :lol:

I would guess he forces her to kiss him and makes Eric think something is going on between them. And if Calleigh means to kiss him then she'll be confused and we'll have a triangle!

Damn you Jake!
Jake gets hurt like it was originally reported, and Calleigh is with him because a) her feelings for Eric scare her and b) if Jake is hurt she might feel obligated to be with him. Of course, she'll be thinking about Eric all along.

the kiss ended and Calleigh looked back and saw Eric leaving. Man, that would be AWESOME.
Well Nicky if what you saw is correct that kind of goes with what Carol was saying about Jake kissing Cal b/c *he* knows Eric is watching. Cal would never outwardly make out with someone at work....So, again, if waht you say about him grabbing her head is right, then she probably isn't into and it is for show b/c Eric is watching.
it is possible that he gets hurt thats why cal was checking his face.... would probably crush him and its sad coz he's had a crappy year to begin with...but it would be cool to see cal's reaction if she know eric saw her making out with jake
Ooh, exciting. I'm intrigued.

I haven't been on board with this triangle from the beginning, because E/N/R was ridiculous, and there's only so many ways to write a triangle. But this could be exciting. So Jake kisses her? Yay! Ahem...I mean...bad Jake! Stay away from Calleigh, dammit! :lol:

I agree; I do think it'll turn into a "Jake kisses Cal because Eric can see the whole thing" kinda deal. Perfect, PERFECT opportunity for jealous Eric, y'all! :D Maybe he feels threatened by Eric because Calleigh's attention strays to Eric when she "should" be concerned for Jake, and Jake doesn't like that, so he kisses her to prove to Eric where Calleigh's feelings lie, apparently. But I bet it backfires. (If this were a soap opera, I'd love to see Calleigh slap Jake. :lol:) I'd love to see Calleigh realize that Eric saw her and Jake, and then feel completely, utterly guilty, even though she truly didn't do anything wrong. Guilt right there would show everything. Ah, Guilty Calleigh and Jealous Eric. This could be good. :D
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