Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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I've seen that, but I just assumed that her gun was strapped to her other side.

And in this picture she's so looking at Eric. She's got that whole, "mmm, nice ass," look on her face. Oh, God, I can't wait.

I was talking to a friend yesterday and she says she's enjoying the E/C storyline because it's Calleigh who rescues Eric all the time, she's the one who takes charge and care of him, and he's like a puppy around her. It's so true! I love that about this ship. I love that Eric lets her be who she is and I love that it's not all about Eric being the big man around her, rescuing her from her poor, weak, womanly ways (like Horatio does with every woman). Calleigh kicks ass, and Eric LOVES it. He's like her biggest fangirl :lol:
Welcome Abby! :D You need a pair of Hip Huggers!

I know, in that other picture it does look like that area in Eric's pants are swelling up.
I totally agree Midnight that this ship is great b/c Calleigh isn't the damsel in distress. She is what most woman are today: strong and independent and Eric respects that.

She doesn't need to run to him for every problem in her life but she does need him and he knows exactly how to be there for her. That is what makes this ship so interesting. They can be honest with each other and they repsect each other's opinion. These are two people who can be there for each other w/o actually having to say anything sometimes.
I think we can safely say that Eric is the damsel in distress in this relationship, which is hilarious, considering his size :lol:. I love it, though. When she defended him from evil bitch Carmen, that was great. She was all, "don't worry, babe, I'll take care of her."
Oh yes I was soo wating for Cal to pull at Carmen's nasty ass hair and tell her to stay away from her man!! :lol:

Looking back over the seasons Cal has definately been Eric's white knight. I mean how many times has she lied for him? And she is the only person, other than H that Eric lets protect him. Eeveryone else he gets all defensive and mean.
I've always thought that she was the one that was there for him and that he would let be there for him. He's got some pride, ya know? ;) Ya'll are right, she is his white knight and I think Eric's starting to see that.
I wanted to see a cat fight between Calleigh and Carmen. Hair pulling, scratching, bitch slaps... man, that would've been awesome. And Eric definitely would've needed some conditioner that night.

I bet they do all sort of crazy role playing, and in them Calleigh always comes to his rescue, wearing a little leather number and carrying her best rifle.
You know Eric would totally be cheering Cal on b/c it would mean her adrenaline would be pumping and he knows he would be getting lucky afterwards in a storage closet somewhere :lol:

When I think of Cal in leather for some reason the Cat Woman outfit Haley Berry wore, w/o the mask, comes to mind :devil: Maybe add a whip or a rifle but either way Eric wouldn't need the conditioner that night.....asprin for the aches and pains the next morning, yes :lol:
haha at first when i saw that pic of Calleigh bending i had to take a couple of seconds to see what it was!
well i was listening to the Justin Timberlake song "Summer Love" and i like the lyrics for E/C

Ridin' in the drop top with the top down
Saw you switchin' lanes girl
Pull up to the red light, lookin' right
Come here, let me get your name girl
Tell me where you from, what you do, what you like
Let me pick your brain girl
And tell me how they got that pretty little face on that pretty little frame girl
But let me show you 'round, let me take you out
Bet you we could we could have some fun girl
'Cause we can do it fast (fast), slow, whichever way you wanna run girl
But let me buy you drinks, better yet rings
Do it how you want it done girl
And who would've thought that you could be the one 'cause I

I can't wait to fall in love with you
You can't wait to fall in love with me
This just can't be summer love, you'll see
This just can't be summer love (L-O-V-E)

Come on and lemme show you 'round
Let me take you out, bet you we could have some fun girl
'Cause we can dress it up, we can dress it down
Any way you want it done girl
Or we can stay home, talkin' on the phone
Rappin' 'til we see the sun girl
Do what I gotta do, just gotta show you that I'm the one girl
Well I'mma freak you right, each and every night
I know how to do it insane girl
'Cause I can make it hot, make it stop
Make you wanna say my name girl
Come on baby please 'cause I'm on my knees
Can't get you off my brain girl
But who would've thought that you could be the one 'cause I

I can't wait to fall in love with you
You can't wait to fall in love with me
This just can't be summer love, you'll see
This just can't be summer love (L-O-V-E)
'Cause I can't wait to fall in love with you
You can't wait to fall in love with me
This just can't be summer love, you'll see
This just can't be summer love (L-O-V-E)

The summer's over for the both of us
But that doesn't mean we should give up on love
You're the one I've been thinking of
And I knew the day I met you you'd be the one

I can't wait to fall in love with you
You can't wait to fall in love with me
This just can't be summer love, you'll see
This just can't be summer love (L-O-V-E)
'Cause I can't wait to fall in love with you
You can't wait to fall in love with me
This just can't be summer love, you'll see
This just can't be summer love (L-O-V-E)

[Set the Mood Prelude]

Let me set the mood right
'Cause I'm gonna make you feel alright
Let me set the mood right
'Cause I'm gonna make you feel alright

Gotta set the mood right
And that may make you feel alright
I'm gonna set the mood right
I promise baby you’ll feel alright

Just let me set the mood right
And that may make you feel alright
I'm gonna set the mood right
And you will same my name tonight
If I set the mood right
Promise girl you’ll feel alright
If you let me set the mood right
I’ll make you feel so good tonight

If it feels good to you then it’ll feel good to me
Let me set the mood right

I love that song! Thanks for finding the name of it for me becaus I didn't know! It makes me think of Eric and Calleigh every time I hear it myself. :D
ok so I emailed Corey again and asked him what we could expect in the finale and if we were going to see Jake again, here is what he replied:

All I can tell you is that yes, you will be seeing Jake again... glad you liked the past two eps, and will like the next two!

He said that last line in more of a statement than anything. I am very hopefuly we will see something good in the finale. :D
^mmm... interesting, well I can't wait to see how this all will turn out, but I believe the way the writers are handling E/C is the best they have done in the whole show's history.
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