Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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That's great. Now we know for sure about that love storyline. ;)

They are doing a great job with these two's chemistry. I never would've thought the show would have had the decency to go along with this so well.
To be honest I never thought the writers had it in them to deal with this as well as they are!! They must be eating their wheaties in bulk :lol:
Yeah, I have to admit, the E/C storyline has been written great so far. Better than great. I really hope they don't screw it up, though. I don't wanna see them like Grissom/Sara or Danny/Lindsay. It feels like the show is good again.
I love how they make the characters back to their old selves when they're around each other. It shows you how comfortable they are around one another. :D
They are the only ones who can handle each other, and with everything that's happened its amazing they didn't let this happen before now. I'm glad the relationship is being treated with the respect it deserves. At least by the writers and actors.
All I have to say is go over to the Emily thread and check out the pic that Tiger41 posted. If that pic doesn't send Eric to the conditioner making factory....I don't what will...well other than her being naked of course ;) :lol:
you think that maybe Eric will change the conditioner for something else when he sees that pic?:lol:
it almost looks like if shes naked in that pic:eek:
but still sexy;)
thanks for sharing the email info! I also like the way the writer's have handled the storyline, it's not too soapish and not boring. So kudos to them.
Thanks for the email! I'm very excited.
Bring on the possible-Triangle! Jake is yummy though... :rolleyes: Not as yummy as Eric of course!
Sab, I like this name too. Unfortunately Abby isn't my real name. I choose it because I'm a big fan of Abby Sciuto (NCIS)

I think that this storyline is perfect, because in the first seasons the chemistry was evident, but not too obvious. Now they no longer hide their attraction.

that_girl1 said:
i was listening to the Justin Timberlake song "Summer Love" and i like the lyrics for E/C
I like this song too, it's perfect for E/C.
Another song good for E/C could be "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" by Marvin Gave...We know that every time Eric get into trouble, Calleigh is always there for him.:)
Another great song for E/C is Robbie Williams' "Angels" That song is sooo for Eric b/c Cal is always there for him no matter what he does and is his angel.

As for Corey's makes me very excited for the finale; even though it means the show will be over til next season.
When Calleigh kissed him, I about peed myself. I was like oh my goshh! I like how this one is being played out, I thought all the others were far too "pushed out", you know?
I e-mailed Miller too, but only to thank him for the E/C storyline. He said "enjoy the last two episodes and come back for season 6!" No real spoilers. I didn't really ask him anything. I just thought we should represent.
This, Sklyar, is the numero uno ship! :D It's beautiful, meaningful and the actors are all for it! And you know what else? I can't even describe it fully in one post. ;)

That's great, btw. I still think it means that the show will stay interesting for us!
Haha, yes, this ship is number one, but to me Ryan and Valera are the funnest, cause they're so funny. Eric and Calleigh are more sexy and romantic, I guess. Ryan and Val are crazy together. I always imagine them being neighbors. They'd be the Fred and Ethel to Eric and Calleigh's Ricky and Lucy.
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