Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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Jake being an ass or not this scene is going to tear Eric up and he is too nice of a guy to actually say something to Cal about it. Although if Cal turns around and sees him standing there she might go up to him.

Corey said they are not Grey'a Anatomy and by making Jake grab her head and kiss her...makes things more exciting and angsty and definately not your run of the mill type of triangle. I also think it is possible that Cal doesn't see Eric and only Jake does...which is why he iniates the kiss; then Eric leaves before he sees Cal's reaction to it....that would be great :D

I want this ep NOW but of course w/o the summer hiatus :lol:
I'll tell ya
it's a good thing we already know how Eric and Calleigh feel about each other, otherwise this would drive us absolutely NUTS forever and ever. My guess is they'll drag it out for a bit next season and Eric and Calleigh will hook up during February sweeps.

no doubt in my mind that they'll end up together. They're setting Jake up to be an ass, meanwhile they're making Eric look really good, pulling the glass out of her finger, etc. The writers want us to root for Eric, so of course he's gonna get the girl ;)
Okay this is freakin insanity! Men, I swear!

I was just watching the third season finale, and it always hits me how Cal says to Eric 'You wouldn't hold a gun to my head, would you?' Like she honestly needs to ask? She had to be feeling pretty guilty about that later. I also love how he's the one to help her find the gun, because he's the only one she trusts, and then the whole thing with Alexx. And also how when she wants everyone to stop asking if he's okay how he says 'I'd be pissed if they weren't asking.' Because people being mean or indifferent to her would piss him off because he loves her so much. Emily was phenomenal in that ep.
The spoiler sounds really exciting.
Ahh, I'm interested in seeing a jealous Eric when he sees Calleigh kissing Jake. I love a good triangle. :) I keep in mind that, E/C will be canon.
hope to God that it'll be canon. All this build up, they have to take it there. Hopefully Jake will get SARS or something.

I think it's great that the press is so into Eric/Calleigh, and so is CBS. I think that's great for us. And I love that so many people have become E/C fans lately. It's like you've had this party going in your house for 5 years and people are finally starting to hear the music.

Well, there are a lot of possibilities...the wait is killing me!!!
I hope that we'll see a jealous Eric, but maybe they won't show much about Eric's reaction. Of course I'll pay attention to the espression of his face after the would be meaningful ;)

Personally, I don't like Jake...he can't make Calleigh happy, but I think that his presence could be positive in the E/C storyline, because J/C kiss=jealous Eric :D
is this. So this is happening in the season finale? I understand that we all must have patience and that good things come in time but what if Jake kisses Calleigh, Eric see this and thinks that Calleigh isn't into him or something? Then what if she tries to tell him that Jake forced her to or she turns around and sees that Eric saw? What if the season ends like that? Then I definetely cannot wait 4 or 5 freaking months!
Regarding the finale
NOOOO! I hate when they try to do a triangle. They did that on NY then they abandoned it, but it never got beyond flirting. Now, Jake's going to kiss Calleigh! I'm with you Xanessa, how can we wait that long? And what if they continue with the triangle into to the new season, who knows if or when it will be resolved. I thought they were on the right track with things, but now I'm not so sure.
optimist for the next season. I think that Jake won't be in the show a long time, maybe he would get in trouble with the justice or somethng similar. Anyway this summer will be longer than ever :(
is that jake will do something stupid and then either cal or eric shoots :devil: him hehehehe....
God, I hope that Eric seeing Jake kiss Calleigh doesn't put him right back in that mindset that he's held for years about not being good enough for Calleigh, that he's not what she wants or needs. :( Jealous Eric is good. Depressed Eric...not so much. Calleigh finally expresses an interest in him, and Natalia tells him about it, proving that he's not just imagining things. He's been on cloud nine lately, all because of that little kiss. It's like something is finally going right in his life. And now, with one look at something that might not be what it seems, he's gonna have it ripped all away from him again. :( Poor thing.
you all don't think Jake is really that great of a guy, do you? I mean thinking about it, he will do something to hurt Calleigh again and Calleigh is too mature for him anyway. He can't possibly stay on the show forever. His character really has no motive to do so. I mean just to keep him on there to create tension between Eric and Calleigh would be stupid and pointless. So I think that in the end everything will go well and that Calleigh will be the one telling Eric that she wants to be with him. Or Eric could tell Calleigh, either way at least they want to be with each other. :D
Remember when Hagen wanted to kiss Calleigh at work and she wouldn't let him? I get the feeling, then, that she might not be too responsive to the kiss, and that Eric will walk away before she pushes Jake away. Man, talk about angst!

One thing's for sure: there better be millions of fanfics written during the summer.
if Eric would get depressed, Calleigh could try to comfort him and realize that he knows about her and Jake and that it makes him depressed. Finally, she would realize that he loves her. It would be sweet
is for Eric to be so depressed that he'll do stupid things like date ditzy women. I hope he just submerges himself into his job. Also, it's about time we see Eric tackling a kiddy case. Horatio's always rescuing kids, we already saw Calleigh with Emma... imagine Eric bonding with a little kid? That'd score him major points with Calleigh, though I get the feeling all our panties would spontaneously combust.
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