Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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I was gonna say, I know this is the South, but in no way are they like brother/sister. I think Ryan and Calleigh fit that description better, cause she's like his big sister. Or like his babysitter. Or like his mommy, really. He's a lot like Eric and Calleigh's unruly teenage son.
:lol: :lol: Yeah Cal and Ryan fit the brother/sister thing to me...that I can see, Eric and Cal though...they are the red hot, smex me up good, love me forever thing! :devil: Here's hoping we get a couple good scenes next eppy and then something lovely in our finale...I think we'll angst :p but I want a nice hot kiss! *fingers crossed!* ;)
I don't mind angst, cause we already know how they both feel. And like that Travis song says, love will come through.

Think about it, Jake might be all tough, but Calleigh has never looked at him the way she looked at Eric. I guess I could see her gravitating towards Jake because in a relationship with him she'd be the one in control, it'd be safe. But it would be a disaster cause the whole time it'll be Eric on her mind.

I wonder what would finally open her eyes. I don't want them to turn her into Pam, though. I want Calleigh to go after what she wants/needs.
hey where i live were not up to this ep yet, and i simply cannot wait!!!! if someone could post the important EC parts on youtube or something I would be soo soo grateful! thanx
I think R&C have really good chemistry but they seem more bro/sis than Cal and Eric. I don't get how these two can be put in that category. I mean he's always staring at her boobs or ass and they've always looked at each other longingly and their always lingering around one another longer than neceassary.
I don't remember Cal ever looking at anyone like she's looked at Eric...and I've shipped her with several other characters before this point...but this, this feels way more natural and real and smokin' hot than any of the others! There's nothing forced or coerced with this ship, it's just easy, smooth, freakin' sexy chemistry and I LOVE that! :devil: :lol:
Ryan and Calleigh defaintely have a bro/sis relationship and you can see it in the way she talks to him or reprimands him when he does something wrong. Cal always looks out for the people in the lab, Eric more than any of them but the way she looks out for Ryan is the way a big sister would look out for a younger brother...protective.

Eric is another story; she practically undressed him with her eyes in the shard scene and if a sibling ever looked at another sibling like that I would think there was something not quite right going on. These two definately have the chemistry of a couple and not a sibling relationship.

Calleigh would dread a big wedding but I think she would relent at some point b/c she repsects Eric's family's values enough to say yes to a church wedding. E/C have that type of mutual repsect for one another where they would make sacrifices like that for each other. Cal would definately be overwhelmed with a huge wedding but in the end she would suck it up and do it.
^ I am confused as to what you are referring to when you click on that link Carol? What am I supposed to be looking for? :D
It's supposed to take you to the Emily Procter gallery. Nevermind, though, here's the pic:


It looks like she's inspecting cardboard Eric's penis or something. It looks really strange.
Ahhh I see! And yes I do see the start of something happening in his pants :devil:

The whole angle is weird b/c it looks like if she turns around it will be like :eek: "hello there Eric's little friend!!!" :lol:
Hi! This is my first post...
I've been an E/C shipper since I watched my first episode of CSI Miami (Death Grip), but nobody believes me when I say that there is chemistry between Eric and's sad...
Some days ago, I was looking for something about the last episode of CSI Miami when I've seen some pics of Burned. With the pics I've found this forum, too...and now I'm here!
Benvenuta, Abby! Were those people blind or something?

There's always a party in Eric's pants when Calleigh's around. A monster party when she wears red.
Welcome Abby! New Hip Huggers are always welcome here! :D

Oh yes and Monday there was more than one party Eric's pants!! They sooo did it in the Hummer on the way to the scene and then the reason she said his name the way she did was b/c she was warning him not to turn her on again b/c they were too far away from the car and there were other people in the house with them :devil:

He had her so distracted throughout the ep that she forgot to put her gun on at one point....Anybody else see that little whoopsie in the scene right before the glass shard when they walk up the steps away from where the hot water heater was?
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