Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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Hmmmm I saw previews for that episode and all of a sudden I thought about Eric and Calleigh.

Wouldn't you like to see Calleigh in a nice beautiful gown?

Okay, I'm gonna go make another story about Eric kissing Calleigh non-stop in a closet. Wait...then it'll sound like my other story. :lol:
Does anybody have any spoilers for the FINALE? Do we have any E/C scenes? :D I heard from the H/C thread that maybe Calleigh falls for H cause he gets hurt, I don't know. I hope not fill me in please if you can thankyou! :D
I think that's wishful thinking.

I think Calleigh would hate a big church wedding. Something small and between immediate family and friends would be perfect for them.
Yeah, I agree^ about H/C don't think is going to happen, they're just wishing, but anyways Monday should be good, arent' Calleigh and Eric working together or something?
Yeah Caro I see E/C having a small church wedding too...something simple, but tender and full of love! With family and close friends only...yup. Maybe on the beach, she'd wear a simple white gown and E would wear black slacks and button up white shirt with the sleeves rolled up...and maybe they'd even be barefoot...awwwww! I like it! :D
As for Cal falling for H...where'd you hear that? Haven't heard anything like that!
Oh, Calleigh would definitely hate a huge church wedding. I even think that if Eric's family did insist they have the big Catholic wedding, that Calleigh would actually secretly dread the day. Not the marrying Eric part - of course she can't wait for that, but all the seemingly unnecessary stuff they have to go through to get to that part. Poor thing; she'd probably hate it. :( I think she'd constantly be worried about what could go wrong. What if her dad shows up drunk? What if she trips on the way down the aisle? What if that crazy Gloria chick is sitting in the front row waiting and ready to object? :lol:

But really; we know the part both of them are going to be most excited about! The honeymoon, heh. :devil: :D No more people congratulating them and trying to talk to them and steal them away from each other, no more family and friends taking pictures, no more people to bug them in general...just Eric, Calleigh, somewhere far away, tropical...not that it matters since they wouldn't leave the bed, but you know. :D
Calleigh would have to drag Eric to the airport when the honeymoon is over. I bet he'd even cry a little, and Calleigh would have to promise him much more sex when they got home.

But before all of that, I just wanna see them kiss. Please?
I've been watching Grey's Anatomy, and can I just say damn.

The way Calleigh breathed his name, I think she did have an orgasm :lol:

Their wedding would be interesting. I can see Calleigh wanting something simple despite the whole Southern-belle-ness, but Eric's mom would be like taking her under her wing and throwing the party of the century. And Alexx would help.
Man, the way I hate people messing with my life, I'd be pretty pissed if I were forced to have a big wedding. I think Calleigh would stand her ground and I think eventually their families would come to their senses and understand it's what Eric and Calleigh want and what makes them happy.

Besides, they could always throw a big party.
I swear to Goddess I'm never getting married. Of course, the only person I'd be willing to marry dumped me so no worries there. I think Eric would do battle against his family if necessary to keep things small for Calleigh, to keep the drama to a minimum and not make her uncomfortable. She can be girly but not so much that she'd want all the chaos with a huge wedding. I can so see a simple beach wedding with a simple dress and the people she loves. That's perfect for them.

Yay 100th post! I get an icon now!
Yeah, I can see Eric standing his ground, telling his mom they get the wedding they want, or they're eloping. His mom would fold.

Yay for icons! There are too few E/C icons around here. And signature banners. I swore I'd make some and here I am, sitting in front of my computer screen in my underwear.
All she has to do is give him that grin that melts worlds and anyone would fold :lol:

:lol: I'm laying in bed with my laptop in a Chicago Bears jersey. I need to upload the new icons I made. There are a bunch of Calleigh ones in my LJ and others in my photobucket. The world needs more Calleigh. I started making some tonight and then ended up writing fic. I'll do some tomorrow after I go grocery shopping.
You know, nobody's interviewed Emily yet. I wanna know what she thinks about this whole thing. Yeah, Adam is handsome, we all know that. Talk about the sexings!
I'm so happy with the scenes we got on Monday! I just saw the episode again. So so so cute.

I hate it when people say they have a bro/sis relationship. I'm sorry, but I've never whispered my brother's name while I looked into his eyes longingly. That's just gross. Calleigh totally wants him and he wants her, and it's been that way since season 1. I don't know. Some people just aren't taking this gracefully. Lots of my ships don't pan out, doesn't mean I go on a rampage. I just write fanfic or something. There's always fanon.
Lol, yeah...the bro/sis thing...I'm sorry but that's SO not Eric and all! :lol: Anyone related, who acts at all like they act with eachother, needs family counseling! ;) They're smitten with eachother...clearly in love and wanting each other! Lots and lots of eachother! :devil: Kiss already dang it! :D
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