Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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Tragedy has that effect on people. Plus Calleigh almost died twice and that's gotta be affecting him too. The combination made him realize that he's gotta take the leap and go for it with her. She's probably realizing the same thing. Both of her near deaths shook her up, and we saw what Eric's did to her. Marisol too, because when you care about someone that much anything that hurts them hurts you too. They both deserve happiness. And supply closet sex :lol:
Hey guys I swear that right now I am typing up a fic. It's weird, it has to do with comics but I'm putting porn in there because I know you all would like it. :D
Ah, yes. Comic porn. I'm thinking about making Eric's character a little different though. Not that he is really weird or anything, it's just that I want to make something interesting about his character that we wouldn't have known about.
That's cool. I'm working on one now where Calleigh lets Eric go through her yearbooks and photo albums and everything she has left from her childhood and college and he finds out some very interesting things. The one good thing about not seeing much of their private lives on screen is that it gives us so much to work with in fic.
That sounds great! I love it when people write about their school memories and stuff. :D

You know what? I am going to write my story into chapters. So this first chapter is just going to be introductory and I'll include the porn in the chapters to come. ;) I'll post it later. :D

Wait...can I just post the first chapter to you guys? Even though it doesn't having anything rated R in it yet, not until other chapters?
I would love to read it but I don't think you can post it here in this thread. Post it over at is the title I will sooo look for it. We need some E/C fic considering all the stuff we are getting.
We haven't posted these in A DAY!



Her smile, sigh. So smitten.
Those pics are bliss!

Let's be honest who has watched that scene more times than they care to remember since Monday? :lol: I have lost count it has been sooo many times!

Eric totally groans when he shuts his flashlight off before pulling the shard out....who knew pulling a piece of glass out of someone's finger could be so HOT?!! :lol:
I loved the way he whispered "got it" most of all. It was so damn sexy I'm surprised Calleigh didn't have an orgasm right there. Man, Eric's so hot. Calleigh's so lucky.
I have watched the Eric/Calleigh relevant scenes too many times to count. I still end up grinning like an idiot with the glass shard scene. :D
It's called Comic Strip Love and it takes place awhile back. Feel free to post reviews, just don't be too harsh because it's my first fic there.

See if you can find it, because I can't. :lol:

If you are having trouble finding it make sure that you click the delta that lets you look at all of the ratings( It says Fiction Rating: All) and then click the delta that says Status: All and then click In-Progress. You should know where that is.

Or I could pm you the link.

And I could see Eric doing all of this, making all the preparations, etc. They were all like, "let's just get it out of the way." Heh. Perfect wedding for a non romantic like me.
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