Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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All the moms would think Calleigh's the luckiest girl in the world.
Lol, I'm pretty sure all the mom's will think Call is the luckiest girl in the world just by looking at Eric...regardless of what he does! :devil:

Now...did I hear something about E/C smut? :devil: Where can I get my hands on some more of that? Oh please, oh please?!

Del Hi! Did I know you were a E/C fan? :D

Love the "Smith & Wesson" idea Leela that's brilliant, and SO totally Calleigh! :lol:
All right. I finished my vid so go check it out, I posted the link at the CalleighandEric LJ community. It's at Youtube so I can't post the link here. :)
lol, i love your video Sab,the song fits it perfectly!

wow!, i go away for 5 hours and i come back to nearly a page!
Sab the video was awesome...I've been watiing for someone to make a vid to that song cuz it is sooooo E/C!! :D

I could picture Cal and Eric having a medium size dog who would be totally protective of any child they have....Although it would be cute to see Eric walking a maltese or poodle or something! Ya know really showing his feminie side :lol:

Meanwhile, Calleigh would name the dog after her favorite gun like 9mm or magnum or colt or something!!
You want naughty ideas, try a secret dungeon is Calleigh's basement :lol: :devil: Someone else needs to post porn or send me links for inspiration *angelic smile* I'm almost afraid mine is going to be too kinky...

My cat just ran off with a taco. She stole a freakin taco! Straight out of my Taco Bell bag. Can anyone else see Calleigh's cat running off with Eric's food and him being afraid to tell her :lol:
At last my e-mail adress is up and running so I can join *jumps happily* *better stop be for I get motion sickness*.
I must say that u guys are very quick posters. But who can blame you with all this E\C loving going on.

StarDuquesneEMT said:
You want naughty ideas, try a secret dungeon is Calleigh's basement :lol: :devil: Someone else needs to post porn or send me links for inspiration *angelic smile* I'm almost afraid mine is going to be too kinky...:

Ok so u want porn, well I wrote this very pornographic story on fanfic called 'Twins' it involves Cal, her sister Laura and Eric :devil: :devil:
^ you can't post the link to but what is the title of the story so I can find it :D

A secret dungeon in Cal's basement huh? I can't say I couldn't picture it b/c there is a lot about Cal that we don't know! So her being into kink sure as HELL wouldn't surprise me :lol:

Mega Thanks to Leela for my new sig!! You rock girl ;)
I can totally picture it. On my Sims 2 I have a house with a dungeon. Maybe Calleigh should own it? :devil:

I would love to see Calleigh open up a room full of whips. Ever seen that movie called Tomcats? When he dated a red head she has a room full of whips.

The only difference here is that Calleigh's mom wouldn't come and take over the job, Eric would actually like it, and Cal would be more playful.

I could picture Eric coming into the lab one day all telling the boys how naughty Calleigh is. :lol:
Jackie, your new siggie is awesome! I can't stop staring at it. Muwah.

Welcome, Miamifan4life. We're actually not allowed to post R+ material on this board, so a moderator will probably remove that link if you don't. Just give people the name of the story and they'll find it on their own.
Sims 2 has a dungeon? That kicks ass :lol:

I actually read your Twins story, it was good :)

Argh, writing cover letters and resumes sucks and I suck at it. I wanna write fic.

Dude I have like 6 more posts before I get an icon *does happy dance* *goes back to making icons*
I'm working on my resume, too. If there's something I hate more than anything in the world, is doing my resume. Gah!

Are there really only two episodes left? What the hell are we going to do during the summer? I won't survive, people. I just won't survive.
I know as much as I want it to be Monday it will mean the season is near its end and we will have to wait 3 months til new eps :eek:

I don't think survival is going to be easy....I may not make it :lol: There better be some good spoilers leaking out over the summer about season 6 or I am going to find a very high tree and a short rope!!!! :lol: Basically I feel the same way about repeats as I do about work :lol:
Well what I am going to do is watch the entire 2nd season again and only the worth watching episodes of Miami and then compare them or something. Then I am going to do all I can to be a full time shipper. Not that I am not, because I have converted almost all the peole on another forum to Hip Hugging. Come on, it sexy. ;)
A lot of people have been converting. I think it's awesome. Tons of fans weren't sure about the relationship because of Eric, but I think Marisol's death combined with the shooting have really changed him, made him more serious and mature. Which was a brilliant move by the writers, if the intention had been to hook Eric and Calleigh up all along.

I'm excited to see how he handles a serious relationship.
The thing about some people converting or actually getting into a ship makes me wonder if they liked E/C all along. No worries,though, because you can't blame them. :D

No really, I think that people were a little unsure of Eric feelings towards Calleigh and Calleigh's about Eric but it is obvious that they feel something now. It's just we haven't really gotten down to the meat yet. They are just building up the chemistry, I will really go nuts the day they actually get together.
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