Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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Lol, yeah Jess Cal would totally melt, I could see her smiling that sweet "Can-he-get-any-more-perfect?" smile of hers...but you know she wouldn't be able to resist teasing him about it too! Then of course she'd make him feel all better and "manly" only she can! :devil:
Have you ever seen an Italian Greyhound, Mo? Those are from when she was about 10 weeks, right after I rescued her. I can totally picture Cal living with the crazy madness that is my house. I can also so see Eric doing his best to be on her animals' good sides knowing full well that if they don't like him, it's not them who have to leave :lol: I have this mental image of him being creeped out by critters staring at him during sex and Cal laughing her ass off about it. :devil:
Aww, I love Yorkies! So cute. :D Eric would be so adorable sitting in the floor, fighting with the puppy for his sock. :lol:

How cute would it be if Calleigh came home for lunch one day on Eric's day off, and she found him sleeping on the couch with the puppy snuggled on his chest? Aww! Or even cuter; Eric, the puppy, and their daughter all curled up together! That would be adorable. :D
Awww. Now my biological clock is on overdrive. Thanks, Jessica.

Man, that would be all shades of cute. Eric and Calleigh would have the most gorgeous kids. Why haven't they procreated already? They owe it to society.
LoL you're forgiven, she was actually just a foster of mine (I do special needs rescue, blind, deaf, paralyzed, etc) and I never ever expected her to be permanent. The problem with her is that she knows she's cute and therefore gets away with murder :lol: Kind of like I imagine Cal does with Eric :devil: but my pointer does the same thing. That Maltese is sooooooo cute! Yorkies are too. Can you imagine Horatio going to Calleigh about firearms evidence and finding her with a tiny dog in the pocket of her lab coat? :D I do that with Sicily, she has no body fat so in the winter I stick her in my coat.
My dad has a little chihuahua. Her name is Frida. There's nothing funnier than seeing a grown man walking a 3 pound dog. I prefer cats.

I can see Calleigh suddenly deciding she wants a designer dog, and Eric fighting her decision with all he's got, cause he's the one who'd end up walking it. All his friends would make fun of him.
Awwww Jess that is the most perfect picture! That little dog is SOOOOO cute...and that little one...curled up with this little one on Eric's chest as they sleep on the couch...oh dear lord, I would be done...melting and swooning through the roof! Gah, I would be in love with him, forever! :lol: Lol, Caro babe, if that doesn't set your clock to tickin' I don't know what will babes! ;) I know it set mine on overdrive! :lol:
Eric should become a stay at home dad. I'd be hilarious to see him at the park, sitting amongst all the moms, telling everyone who he gets ketchup stains off silk. All the moms would think Calleigh's the luckiest girl in the world.
We're already on page 9? Wow that's impressive after only a week :lol:
To me Calleigh is more a cat person. She is an independant and quiet kind of gal so a cat would suit her... Not to mention that this could lead to funny stories with the cat and Eric being jealous of each other.
But Eric is definitely a dog person. I see him with a golden retriever...

I almost finished my last porn. I hope to be able to post it by the end of the week... It is a request from Leela. I hope you'll like it ;)
It is a request from Leela.

Shit! Busted! :lol:
They'll love it though! It's very hot, so far! Hehehe!

You kow what's weird? I made all these E/C icons BEFORE they got all their scenes... and now I tried to make some from the last two episodes... and I came up with exactly ONE icon! :rolleyes:
I made lots of icons of Calleigh alone, yes... but E/C... *sighs* ONE ICON! ...and it's a boring one...
I'm weird...
Leela said:
It is a request from Leela.

Shit! Busted! :lol:
They'll love it though! It's very hot, so far! Hehehe!

You kow what's weird? I made all these E/C icons BEFORE they got all their scenes... and now I tried to make some from the last two episodes... and I came up with exactly ONE icon! :rolleyes:
I made lots of icons of Calleigh alone, yes... but E/C... *sighs* ONE ICON! ...and it's a boring one...
I'm weird...

You honestly didn't think I was going to let you get away with it :lol: And I won't even add that this wasn't the naughtiest of your ideas ;) Oops sorry :lol:
And you better be around later so that I can send you the file for you to go through it :D

And of course you're weird, that why we love ya :D

Okay but seriously, only one EC icon? :eek: What is wrong with you? They had so many nice moments... you have to try harder ;)
My dad has a little chihuahua. Her name is Frida. There's nothing funnier than seeing a grown man walking a 3 pound dog. I prefer cats.
Midnight! That sounds so adorable! :)

Do we have any spoilers E/C wise...?
And I won't even add that this wasn't the naughtiest of your ideas Oops sorry
Shhhhhhhhut up now! :lol:
Yeah, I'll be online this evening... after I get my spine put right again... ouch... *lol*
Oh, three lines of good posting...
I also think that Calleigh is a cat person (Emily is too!). She could have two cats who she calls 'Smith' and 'Wesson'!
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