Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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Did y'all see her in Breast Men? Fabulous. And her acting was good too :lol:

Yeah, only my ass :lol: They so did it in the firearms lab after he got rid of Nat :lol:
:lol: I love it! I come in here and there's like a page about Call's butt and breasts and how Eric must love both! :lol: Of course he does peeps! :devil: He's a man after all! ;) She's gorgeous, how could he not love them! :D And yeah they SOOOO did it in the it in the lab...all the time baby! :devil: Oh yeah!
Breast Men was great. I remember the first time I saw an ep of Miami I was like 'I've seen her somewhere before' and then it dawned on me...and I was like 'holy shit she was in Breast Men' Her acting was great in that movie.

They did it the firearms lab and the Hummer; I mean she was the one who suggested they ride together and he did have this 'I am so going to get lucky' look on his face when he said yes.
Jackie he SOOO did! You're so totally right...they did it in the car and that's just one of many reasons for Call to stare to smittenly at her Eric! She was on a smex high! :devil: That and she WUBS him! :lol:

Okay so all the back eps I watch now...I'm totally noticing the E/C many smiles and stares and smirks and's GREAT!! :D :D
Did anyone else notice that 2 eps in a row we've had scenes of them and then a Hummer with the porny music and feel, methinks there's a message here... :lol: :devil:

So if tap dancers do it at any tempo and EMTs do it at a moments notice, does that mean CSIs do it extremely thoroughly? :lol: :devil: :lol:
There's SO a message here...E/C is getting it on! :devil: They are together, smitten, in love and HOT for eachother, totally! :lol: For once the PTB got it right, or are getting it right! :D

And yeah CSI's do it thoroughly that you're so satisfied you can't move so boneless are you with least that's what Cal told me the other day! ;) Heehee! :devil:
:lol: Well we know they'll leave each other satisfied :lol: :lol:

One of my dogs keeps jumping off the scratching post and using me as a trampoline. Good thing she's only 8 pounds fully grown :D Crazy deaf puppies :) We need stories about Calleigh and Eric and their pets. I've got a black cat and then a pointer and Italian Greyhound who were born deaf and are from Katrina, and they definitely inspire some storylines!
Go for it. I can see them with a big dog, though it would be hilarious of Eric had to rescue a teeny tiny girly dog from a case and Calleigh coerced him to adopt it. I'm writing a story like that, but with Ryan and Valera.
I could totally see that Caro! Eric rescues a bedraggled little Maltese (they're the only cute little dogs in my opinion!) and Cal teases him about it and tells how cute he looks with such a little dog, and then when she comes over to his house the next time who does she see but "Belle" (as in Southern in Calleigh...Eric's love!) Okay even I have to admit that was cheesy...yikes! :lol:
That would be awesome. Somebody needs to turn that into a story right now or I'm going on a hunger strike.

Eric would even cuddle with the dog when nobody's looking.
It would be hilarious. I mean my big dog is huge and she gets in so much trouble and she climbs on my lap and almost crushes me because she thinks shes this tiny little thing, and the little one I swear thinks she's a Rottweiler. Calleigh has so muxh compassion I can see her getting knocked out of her own bed by the rescues she's brought home. I can also see her dealing with a tiny scared little thing and carrying it everywhere just to be near her. And she wouldn't scare a deaf one with her guns :lol: Mine became the firehouse mascot on my volunteer gig for that reason.
For some reason I could see Calleigh as a cat and dog person and Eric as a dog person. Eric would despise her cat, but if she has a girl dog and he has a boy dog, they could catch them humping each other in the kitchen. Like owner, like pet. :rolleyes:
Lol, he SO would! :lol: Is it sad that I could even see him talking baby talk to the little pup? :lol: You so know Cal would catch him at that too and tease him forever! :lol:
And yeah I'm sure Cal has a soft spot for all the lost little animals...I see her as cat person though, that or a really big dog person...dunno why, I just do! :D
Eric would even cuddle with the dog when nobody's looking.

Awww! I think that just might be the cutest image ever. :D I can see him being all, "come on, Calleigh, that's a girly dog!" But then when her back's turned (or when he thinks her back is turned...but really, she's standing in the doorway with a camera :D ), he starts cuddling with it. Aw. Calleigh would melt. She'd have to. :D
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