Lab Technician
As for the finale, bring it on! I was expecting EC drama, but this new spoiler (courtesy of TV Guide) surpasses my expectations. How will their love survive this upcoming ordeal????? I'm telling you, I'm on the edge of my seat. :lol:
Personally I'd prefer that the ECR storyline be left in the dust for the finale and that TPTB focus on Ryan or Natalia or Frank or the team as a whole. The E/C-centric finale is too much drama all at once for a story that's just come into official being after 2 years (or 7 years, depending on how you look at it) in the making.
Oooooh, wait, I see what you did there; you were being facetious!
Yes, that's just what I was trying to say! They remind me of a couple high-schoolers experiencing their first crush. It cracks me up! There's just no 'heat' between them. It's nothing like what I'd expect of a romance that's supposedly "been building for 7 yrs".The episode was great in the sense that the balance was finally there & it was fun, but that E/C scene was pointless. Was it sexy? No. Was it romantic? No. Did it remind me of an after-school special? Yepp.
The scene was supposed to be "lighthearted", not "heated"... as in "sweet and playful", not licking their lips and growling at each other.