CSI Level One
If I may burst your bubble for a moment......
You can count me as at least one shipper who most certainly does not believe that everyone is in love with my preferred couple.
I stand corrected. Thank you. I should have said "IMHO I believe most" E/C shippers. I'll try to chose my words more carefully in the future.
Erm... what other fantasies has he had that we know about besides the one in Flight Risk? I know, I know, one was too many, I agree, but... we only know of that one, right?
Perhaps the word fantasies should be changed to the phrase "He is, IMHO, thinking about his relationship with Calleigh every waking moment" (and probably while he's sleeping as well).
I guess I need to be more careful about qualifying everything.
Isn't she his boss? I mean, I know that Horatio is a boss to them both, but... doesn't she have the authority to decree that gambling problems need to stop without taking it to Horatio?
I'm a "boss" of significantly more people than the character of Calleigh. When one of my staff has an issue that would equal in importance to Ryan's, I would handle it. But I would advise my boss because she needs to know. She has a right to know in case it rears its ugly head and bites her in the ass. When my boss is blindsided by her boss or anyone else by an important issue and I've left her out there because I didn't tell her - then I screwed up! Badly. That is just bad management and it certainly doesn't promote trust between me and my boss. I am blessed with an amazing boss. To not keep her advised of important issues indicates a complete and total lack of respect. I would never, ever disrespect her that way. She deserves the utmost respect because that's what she gives.
That whole situation ended up in Horatio's lap and he looked pretty damned blindsided to me when Yelina showed him that video. We'll have to agree to disagree on this one. As Horatio's second in command it's her job to make sure that he's never unaware of important issues affecting the team and the lab. She dropped the ball. That is just the opinion of someone who is a "boss".
And this part of this discussion is over for me because it has digressed and doesn't really belong in this thread any longer! And I have promises to keep in that area!