CSI Level Three
I think you read my mind!!! I really believe they want to convince us they're a real couple. I don't need every single episode w/ at least a hiphugger scene to prove it. I know they're together, I don't care & I really don't need to see them working TOGETHER in every single episode. Once I'll see an episode w/ no E/C scene (also a professional one), I'll really think I just had a dream & I'll never be able to believe it :shifty:Ah, I see where you're coming from. Thank you for responding.[/url]
You're welcome
And trust me, I truely believe in what I'm saying. Otherwise, I woudln't spend my time trying to reply to your posts :thumbsup:I must say that I totally agree w/ you on this. And I truely admire you for telling this since I think it is the first time I hear something like this from an E/C fan :thumbsup:
Why thank you! That's so nice of you to say.
They presumably have plenty of time to spend together OUTSIDE of work, so why do they need to be partnered up all the time? I like a flirtatious scene once in a while, but when they have the two together constantly, it's like the writers feel like they need to prove the relationship is real. In reality, it would seem more real if they'd separate them sometimes.
I think that Eric is not just whiny. I really think he lost the best part of his brain during that damn shootout!!As for the actual finale
I truely hope that it will lead to a leaving. As much as I'd love to see Eric's gone (sorry, but I really can't stand the guy since "Man Down"), I really hope it were Calleigh so that they couldn't destroy her anymore. They already harmed her, a lot, w/ the whole E/C romance & there's no need to go on.
Then again, no E/C fan will ever agree w/ m on this
Well, we obviously have different hopes, but I totally respect yours, and you don't need to apologize for them. Eric can be kind of...whiny? I'm not sure if that's the best word, but sometimes he does remind me of a lost puppy. And some of that is understandable, considering that he took a bullet to the brain, but sometimes it's kind of annoying.
Regardless of Calleigh and whatever ways she tries to "protect" him, I think that Eric should've definitely retaken his proficiencies when he came back to work right after he got shot. That's just common sense. It doesn't make him stupid, it's not demeaning to his intelligence, it's just covering all his bases and is what's best for everyone, him included.
And I can see what you're saying about Calleigh. I was kind of shocked that she actually read his therapy file. That is a HUGE violation of privacy, even if he didn't mind. I wanted to shake her and say "CALLEIGH! Girl, I know you're curious, but the REAL Calleigh is still super-duper professional! Who are you and what have you done with my Calleigh?"
I used to adore him even if he used to tooth or have sex w/ any kind of girl who was just able to breath, but this change is too much even for me. As much as I like the idea he matured, I really find it too forced & too much.
As for Calleigh, the fact they used her to read his files made me lose any faith in TPTB (along w/ my respect for them, something I lost many years ago :lol
I still remember when she gave Stetler Speed's gun report. It said it malfunctioned & it didn't say Speedle didn't clean it. Of course, she omitted this part since she didn't want IAB to speculate on his death, but still she remained as professional as possible.
I mean she could have easily said that he didn't clean it. But she didn't do it b/c she honoured him too much to permit any kind of speculation on his death.
At the same time she could have mentioned any other kind of reason in order to help him better, but she didn't do it. She didn't risk her career for him even if I'm sure she loved him!!! For god's sake she mentioned his gun malfunctioned & that was the best way to honour her friend in a professional way!!!
Of course, Speedle's death reminds me how unprofessional Calleigh has become thanks to this "crazy" storyline