Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

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Some claim that their whole attration started in season 1, and they had been working up to this all that time. I personally didn't see it, I saw a close working relationsip (that's it). From my perspective: Eric got shot in the head and woke up in love with Calleigh, that's when this started.

Oh, you're not the only one who believes that, slower! I never saw one indication that Calleigh and Eric were anything more than the best of friends until he was shot in the head.

He woke up and all of a sudden Calleigh was the love of his life! :rolleyes: Interestingly enough, Calleigh didn't seem to care that Eric was sooooooo in love with her! Nope. She was too busy sleeping with Jake and who knows, maybe she banged the horse dude just for the heck of it. It doesn't look like it takes too much to get Calleigh into bed with any guy.

The only draw that seems to exist between Calleigh and Eric is convenient sex. And it doesn't even look like it's good sex. They both looked bored to death and just going through the motions. Maybe the actors just aren't good enough to be convincing.
Okay guys, get this. So I popped into an E/C thread and I saw this. I suggest you better not be drinking/eating something right now:

I read some of the E/C fans have heard a rumour that Eric is going to propose to Calleigh and they will indeed have their baby! Now most of them are beaming with excitement. I just felt my head spinning, after reading that. I don't know if it is just their imgination or it will become true. And as someone said earlier, didn't one of the actor wanted this to happen?
Okay guys, get this. So I popped into an E/C thread and I saw this. I suggest you better not be drinking/eating something right now:

I read some of the E/C fans have heard a rumour that Eric is going to propose to Calleigh and they will indeed have their baby! Now most of them are beaming with excitement. I just felt my head spinning, after reading that. I don't know if it is just their imgination or it will become true. And as someone said earlier, didn't one of the actor wanted this to happen?

I just read that on another message board,didn't you hear me cursing?
At least for now,it's just a rumour even if it is a quite horrible one.
Okay guys, get this. So I popped into an E/C thread and I saw this. I suggest you better not be drinking/eating something right now:

I read some of the E/C fans have heard a rumour that Eric is going to propose to Calleigh and they will indeed have their baby! Now most of them are beaming with excitement. I just felt my head spinning, after reading that. I don't know if it is just their imgination or it will become true. And as someone said earlier, didn't one of the actor wanted this to happen?

I just read that on another message board,didn't you hear me cursing?
At least for now,it's just a rumour even if it is a quite horrible one.

I hope thats just a rumor cause otherwise Fonzie is getting ready to jump over that shark again along with some of the shark's friends. :lol:
Okay guys, get this. So I popped into an E/C thread and I saw this. I suggest you better not be drinking/eating something right now:

I read some of the E/C fans have heard a rumour that Eric is going to propose to Calleigh and they will indeed have their baby! Now most of them are beaming with excitement. I just felt my head spinning, after reading that. I don't know if it is just their imgination or it will become true. And as someone said earlier, didn't one of the actor wanted this to happen?

Hopefully it's just wishful thinking on some hormone driven tweener's part and so they started the rumor. Rumor's do have a tendency to take on a life of their own on the Internet.

And GNRF is right, but I'm thinking they jumped the shark on this contrived little romance a while back! They are just apparently too clueless to see it! :rolleyes:

However ...

If, in a moment of ultimate stupidity, TPTB decide to let Procter have her way and Calleigh is allowed to get pregnant, I hope it's intended as a method of getting rid of that character - for good!

It's hard for me to believe that it will be a planned pregnancy and to have Calleigh pop up with an unplanned pregnancy would really hammer home just how much destruction they've leveled at that character to force this scenario. She's supposed to be a scientist and she doesn't know how to use birth control? Pathetic! :rolleyes:

Let her get pregnant, tell Eric, have him propose and send them off together never to be seen on CSI Miami again. As long as it happens in 45 seconds or less - and I've got my trusty remote with my finger firmly placed on the fast forward button in my hand - I can deal!

After all - remember how "tired" Procter is. I think it's only right that we allow her to rest - permanently! :thumbsup:

What's really sad about this whole thing is that Donahue, Procter and Rodriguez don't seem to care enough about the show that has been nothing but good to them to stop this boring, divisive, destructive storyline and what it is doing to the show and the fan base.

It makes them appear to be selfish. Especially as other cast members continue to suffer in the background while this pathetic, badly acted, teenage sex-romp plays out. It really doesn't speak well of them. :(
So, let me get this strait -- Eric, with bullet lodged in brain, claims he can't live without her, but then as bullet is removed from the brain, he leaves her. Then, he returns months later, they're still broke up but continue to keep it strictly screwing, & now he's supposed to ask her to marry? ................:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:

Sorry, but rumor or not I find it plain laughable.....TPTB really expect me to buy this crap of a "love story"?! That scenario is very D/L on NY -- break up, reunite in bed, get knocked up, get married. The only difference is that at least we could see through Lindsay that she was in love with Danny (she said as much) & missed the relationship/him - I'll give them that much. I don't see any of this with e/c. They can spin & sell it any way they want to -- it's not there from where I'm sitting.

I agree with Delynn -- let it be a way to get rid of both of them. Spin them off to the Disney network or Nickelodeon....then the fans won't have to stay up past thier bedtime.
The rumor is laughable,but so was the romance to start with.I never thought it would have gotten as far as it did, yet here we are.
Ive been saying for a while to spin them off to their own show but never thought of Disney or Nicelodeon,that's a great idea.
So, let me get this strait -- Eric, with bullet lodged in brain, claims he can't live without her, but then as bullet is removed from the brain, he leaves her. Then, he returns months later, they're still broke up but continue to keep it strictly screwing, & now he's supposed to ask her to marry? ................:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:

Does sound like something out of a really bad paperback. Doesn't it? ;)

Sorry, but rumor or not I find it plain laughable.....TPTB really expect me to buy this crap of a "love story"?! That scenario is very D/L on NY -- break up, reunite in bed, get knocked up, get married. The only difference is that at least we could see through Lindsay that she was in love with Danny (she said as much) & missed the relationship/him - I'll give them that much. I don't see any of this with e/c. They can spin & sell it any way they want to -- it's not there from where I'm sitting.

I'm beginning to wonder if a lot of the problem I have with this "love story" is that I believe in LOVE. Classic romance. Not people who get together every once in a while to have sex because they're no better than teenagers who can't control they homones and urges.

Looking back, both Calleigh and Eric have been pretty sexually active and with very little or no committment to the other participant.

It reminds me of the opposite - how important it was to Natalia that Eric know she hadn't been with ANYONE since Nick when the pregnancy scare happened.

No way Calleigh could make that claim. And trying to spin Calleigh's indifference into she's just trying to hide her feelings? I don't buy it. I'm more likely to believe that one of two things (or both), Calleigh is in it for the sex or Procter doesn't have the ability to act those feelings. I have never believed that Procter is very good at extremely emotional scenes. They look forced and robotic to me.

I agree with Delynn -- let it be a way to get rid of both of them. Spin them off to the Disney network or Nickelodeon....then the fans won't have to stay up past thier bedtime.

:guffaw: MJ, I just LOVE your way with a phrase. :guffaw:
Just a reminder for those who missed it/forgot etc.

I've been seeing some digs at other groups so let's try to keep things friendly and respectful in here. We might not always agree with everyone or what happens on the show but it's the show we should be discussing, not a certain group of fans wherever or whomever they may be. ;) Let's not make things personal in here. Everyone's cooperation on the matter would be greatly appreciated.

For the most part, things have been going pretty smoothly in here but the above should be kept in mind. Thanks. ;)
Toss your cookies? Sounds about right. We may all have to watch the rest of this soap from the bathroom or at least with a bucket handy. :guffaw:

I agree that the earlier version of Calleigh was interesting and someone to watch. But, since this E/C debauckle (sp?), I have seen Calleigh being defined by her relationship with Delko. What kind of nonsense is that?

Some claim that their whole attration started in season 1, and they had been working up to this all that time. I personally didn't see it, I saw a close working relationsip (that's it). From my perspective: Eric got shot in the head and woke up in love with Calleigh, that's when this started.

Yeah, it sucks when you need a bottle of Pepto Bismol to get through an episode - or at least I did to get through the first few minutes of 'In the Wind.' :wtf:

There is no way that so-called "romance" started in Season 1. The dymanic was built around Calleigh, Delko AND Speed as a team. It was like two brothers and their sister (which by the way makes this whole e/c relationship THAT much more creepy to me). I feel like this e/c thing is being forced down our throats.
The E/C thing is definitely forced down our throats, just like a couple of other things. GAG. The E/C thing has already gone over board. All ships should stay off shore, imo.
I personally have no problem with 'ships if they're tastefully done or if the show itself isn't compromised. There was something fun and classy about the old DuCaine, I think. But everything stayed on a professional level.

Where E/C went horribly wrong is 1) when things ceased to be on a strictly professional level 2) what had once been a smart, detail-oriented forensics drama got really sloppy, all in the name of this 'ship 3) Am I really supposed to believe that two people who did half of Miami now suddenly can't live without one another? 4) If there is going to be a relationship, I can live with that, but it's been how many seasons? For God's sake, pee or get off the pot, will ya??
^^ Agree with those completely JagLady. I'll add: 5) the destruction of the characters, Eric and Calleigh. Both were turned upside down & ass-backward just to fit this storyline. 6) Existing characters pushed to the backburner, all for the sake of dragging out this ship.

2) what had once been a smart, detail-oriented forensics drama got really sloppy, all in the name of this 'ship
Very sloppy indeed. Up until midS5, the character development we did see in everyone felt like an actual story, unfolding bit by bit through every season. I haven't had that vibe in the last 3 seasons. Everything since has felt 'thrown-in' & 'made up' to fit a certain agenda; nothing is consistant. It makes me feel that there's no "true-to-TPTB" story in this show anymore's all fan-forced, with the assistance of certain actors controlling their own 'puppets'.
Both were turned upside down & ass-backward just to fit this storyline

So true. I finally splurged on S1 of Miami and will get S2 when I get my tax check. Eric and Calleigh were totally different in the early years. I had forgotten how much I liked the early Calleigh. Yes, she had to clean up her father's "messes", but it seemed different. She kept her integrity to the job and her skills, it seemed. Eric could do all these things--speak Russian, fly helicopters, underwater recovery, etc., etc. Now if a gunshot wound to the head caused him to lose his pilot's license or his diving cert, I can certainly accept that, but it seemed like everything suddenly revolved around how he felt about Calleigh and worrying how she felt about him, all the time she was more interested in Jake.

Existing characters pushed to the backburner, all for the sake of dragging out this ship

Believe me, as a die-hard Rick Stetler fan, I couldn't agree more. TPTB have sooooo many good, talented actors at their disposal and don't seem to let them do much of anything. The writers could have so many different and interesting plots and storylines using different characters. I think about "A Space Oddity" in Vegas in which two techs not only had a storyline but actually had a big role in solving the crime. I think the last time any tech really had anything like that, Maxine Valera had a larger part in "Internal Affairs", and that was HOW MANY SEASONS AGO?? Boti Bliss did a great job, imho. I can't help but notice these actors are now doing other projects, probably giving themselves a chance to spread their wings and show prospective casting directors that they CAN do more than be cardboard cutouts in labcoats or loud suits. (Don't get me started on how they botched Dan Cooper's departure!)

Up until midS5, the character development we did see in everyone felt like an actual story, unfolding bit by bit through every season

I was cruelly reminded of that while watching "Born to Kill", the S5 finale. In one scene, Calleigh was in a black catsuit and stilettos, gathering evidence on a sandy beach. While this used to be one of my favorite epis, it's now too painful to watch.
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