Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

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The baby thing isn't a spoiler, its just what Emily wanted for herself and for her character as well... but that was before the whole Adam leaving thing. I honestly can't see it happening with Adam leaving and all.

IDK, the way they were going at it....who knows? They could have that dredded backstory to give the supporters some more fuel, to keep this story alive.:rolleyes:
THEY ARE GONNA HAVE A BABY?!?! Then I'm gonna stop watching!
BTW their offspring would be a kid with a mushroomshaped head and blonde hair. And horrible shirts. XP


That's the best one I've heard yet!

The baby thing isn't a spoiler, its just what Emily wanted for herself and for her character as well...

When actors start dictating what they want in the show FOR THEMSELVES, that's a red flag that egos are about to take over.

I honestly can't see it happening with Adam leaving and all.

Knowing tptb, I wouldn't bet the ranch.
:scream::scream::scream: Oh God, it's like Jason. You think it's dead and then it comes back.

That is HILARIOUS. :lol:

This is my first official post at Talk CSI and (while I may get flamed for it)I'm using to say that the whole E/C on-again/off-again thing is annoying the crap out of me. I just don't like those two together. It's just ... ew. So when I saw the leggy-bedroom scene start off the show last night, I think I threw up a little. I am hoping beyond hope at that at some point this season E/C call it quits. They are just a little to sacchrine-y for me.

PLUS I totally agree with all the other posters who want to see a little more of the other characters in this show. While I'm a bigger fan of the old days when it was just H- and the trio (whether it was Speed/Eric/Calleigh or Ryan/Eric/Calleigh), I like Jesse, Walter and Natalia. But having so many people now seems to spread the character storylines so thin. If Delko sticks around now in Season 9, are they going to boot someone else or are the stories going to get even thinner? I'm all for ship (I suffered through nine season of forehead foreplay on the X-Files for a few tender touches and a couple of kisses) but E/C just don't have any real chemistry IMHO.

Thanks for allowing me (the newbie) to vent. :)
:scream::scream::scream: Oh God, it's like Jason. You think it's dead and then it comes back.

That is HILARIOUS. :lol:

This is my first official post at Talk CSI and (while I may get flamed for it)I'm using to say that the whole E/C on-again/off-again thing is annoying the crap out of me. I just don't like those two together. It's just ... ew. So when I saw the leggy-bedroom scene start off the show last night, I think I threw up a little. I am hoping beyond hope at that at some point this season E/C call it quits. They are just a little to sacchrine-y for me.

PLUS I totally agree with all the other posters who want to see a little more of the other characters in this show. While I'm a bigger fan of the old days when it was just H- and the trio (whether it was Speed/Eric/Calleigh or Ryan/Eric/Calleigh), I like Jesse, Walter and Natalia. But having so many people now seems to spread the character storylines so thin. If Delko sticks around now in Season 9, are they going to boot someone else or are the stories going to get even thinner? I'm all for ship (I suffered through nine season of forehead foreplay on the X-Files for a few tender touches and a couple of kisses) but E/C just don't have any real chemistry IMHO.

Thanks for allowing me (the newbie) to vent. :)

Welcome, Court! :)

No flames here! I agree with you totally. Nice to see a fellow X-Files alum. Like you I suffered through all the jerking around that Chris Carter threw at us. A brush of their hands or a special look meant the world with those two, didn't it? :lol:

Ah, I was so much younger then. They sucked me in totally.

Mulder/Duchovny and Scully/Anderson set the bar for the ultimate chemistry. After them no one has even come close. Although they do keep trying.

Fellow poster Mjszud has coined my favorite phrase that describes exactly how I feel about the supposed chemistry/heat that exists between E/C, "those 2 couldn't even warm a poptart with their "heat." :lol:

I keep wondering what rose colored glasses Ann Donahue is looking through that the on-going and growing discontent with this boring romance continues to escape her. She apparently comes from the Chris Carter school or showrunners - jerk the audience around as much as possible. The problem with that method is you fragment your fandom and things get very hostile.

I'm sure you remember how nasty it got sometimes between the Mulder/Duchovny and Scully/Anderson fans. I much prefer the Shane Brennan (showrunner and Executive Producer for NCIS - was actually a supervising producer for CSI Miami a while back) method if show running. Deliver what you promise and listen to your audience.

Please don't be a stranger!
The baby thing isn't a spoiler, its just what Emily wanted for herself and for her character as well... but that was before the whole Adam leaving thing. I honestly can't see it happening with Adam leaving and all.

Oh, thank God. BTW, that's really selfish of her! :eek: At least I think so.
The baby thing isn't a spoiler, its just what Emily wanted for herself and for her character as well... but that was before the whole Adam leaving thing. I honestly can't see it happening with Adam leaving and all.

Oh, thank God. BTW, that's really selfish of her! :eek: At least I think so.

I wouldn't be to sure that it won't happen.

Whether it was ego and he has no intention of really coming back, or he plans to use the number of complaints about his leaving as a method of getting what he wants contractually to come back, Rodriguez did encourage his fans via his Twitter account to let CBS know how they feel about his departure.

Not only that but, for some strange reason, Procter seems to get whatever storyline she wants. So don't think Calleigh getting pregnant is not possible!

In several interviews lately Procter has professed that "everyone" is so tired and she believes this is the last year for the show. With the infusion of new blood, and the ratings still strong, there is no evidence that this is true. I'm wondering if public statements like that, so negative to the show and the crew and fellow castmates, are a way of positioning herself for contract negotiations.

So I don't believe that Rodriguez leaving is a done deal. As has been pointed out by others more articulate that myself, Eric popping in and out has served no real purpose. What closure for Eric are we achieving with his appearances? His appearances seem to be nothing more than a lame attempt to show two supposed adults who can't control their sexual urges. They've done nothing that brings closure to the character or is of any substanial benefit to the show.

With Eric's departure there was a chance that the soap opera aspect of the show would be substantially reduced. There is little to no soap opera when Eric is not present. Drama, yes. Soap opera, no. It only happens when he is there and they feel they have to insert the lame E/C scenes.

Until Eric moves on (and I'd really like to see him take Calleigh with him) this horrible "relationship" just hangs there like a cloud over the entire show.

Other cast members who have been waiting so patiently for their turn and still aren't getting it deserve to be rewarded for their patience. :scream:
No way I could tolerate a pregnant Calleigh. If I had to hear that whiny obnoxious voice of hers crying over labor pains, I'd literally pull all my hair out!

Furthermore, she, nor this "couple", need or deserve anymore of a major storyline. If someone needs to get pregnant, I'd rather see Natalia be victim of a rapist & give birth to a bastard child! At least there would be something shocking, & interesting for a tvshow!! Not that I want my Nat hurt, but ....I'd take it over seeing more focus on e/c. Just sayin' ;)

Calleigh is supposed to be the female lead -- IMHO, she no longer is capable of that role. The team & the job doesn't seem to mean squat to her anymore. She's been reduced to being co-dependant, & at times, a total ditz! Never a 'normal' storyline for her, it's always a circle around some love story; whether it's Hagen, Elliot, Jake, or Eric. To top it off with shitty diapers & a hubby would be even worse. It's not what I would expect to see from Catherine or Stella (TRUE portrayals of leading ladies), & I sure as hell don't want to see it with Calleigh. It would take over the whole damn show.

As far as ego's go -- that red flag was waving years ago. "Original" castmembers, I don't give a ratt's behind -- Adam & Emily have had thier fair share, as has thier fans. There's Horatio, Kyle, Stetler, Natalia, Ryan, Jesse, Frank, Walter, Valera, Dave, Tom, & Travers .....and fans for every one of them! So get off your cloud & let others take the spotlight.
The baby thing isn't a spoiler, its just what Emily wanted for herself and for her character as well... but that was before the whole Adam leaving thing. I honestly can't see it happening with Adam leaving and all.

Oh, thank God. BTW, that's really selfish of her! :eek: At least I think so.

Wanting a baby is selfish of her? I would say it's only natural.

I think we all want, shippers and haters, some kind of closure. I hope it is a baby and possibly a marriage and all that drama or as you call it soap opera is over, we can all move on. Even with Adam popping from time to time, like Alexx, it could be a normal relationship, without these ups and downs which don't make happy any of us.
Wanting a baby is selfish of her? I would say it's only natural.

I think we all want, shippers and haters, some kind of closure. I hope it is a baby and possibly a marriage and all that drama or as you call it soap opera is over, we can all move on. Even with Adam popping from time to time, like Alexx, it could be a normal relationship, without these ups and downs which don't make happy any of us.
The poster isn't speaking of Emily wanting a baby herself as selfish,it's wanting the baby written into the storyline for Calleigh,that is selfish.Her character has had more than her share of stories,and portions of other characters too.To ask for more is nothing but selfish.Emily can get pregnant and take a break,let others have a little of the limelight.
There has been no proof that this could be a normal relationship as of yet,why would that change? I could see it now,that poor CSI baby being kidnapped,more soap opera drama.Or how about the CSI baby being switched at birth.There just needs to be closure,period.No baby,no wedding,then we can move on.
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Whether it was ego and he has no intention of really coming back, or he plans to use the number of complaints about his leaving as a method of getting what he wants contractually to come back, Rodriguez did encourage his fans via his Twitter account to let CBS know how they feel about his departure.
Unfortunately, at least for me, that's true...there's some encouragement which, IMO, shouldn't be there since, officially, he left the show because he wanted to try something new like movies or other show. If he means business, he shouldn't come back...he should move on. Now, the fact his show "Ugly Betty" was cancelled shouldn't imply his return If he were coherent with his idea of trying something new (which I can only admire), he would move on from CSI:Miami. He once was commited to CSI:Miami and now isn't so he shouldn't come back. I'm glad that his fans want him back (it's a really nice thing), but he left for a certain reason and if that's reason is true he shouldn't come back as a regular. That would be uncoherent.

Not only that but, for some strange reason, Procter seems to get whatever storyline she wants. So don't think Calleigh getting pregnant is not possible!

In several interviews lately Procter has professed that "everyone" is so tired and she believes this is the last year for the show. With the infusion of new blood, and the ratings still strong, there is no evidence that this is true. I'm wondering if public statements like that, so negative to the show and the crew and fellow castmates, are a way of positioning herself for contract negotiations.
I have always defended Emily Procter and, I'm quite sure, I would have gone on with this policy till some months ago. But, unfortunately, there have been too many statements from her in a very short period of time which disappointed me.

The first one is about a possible pregnancy. While I can only admire her for wanting a family and desiring the best thing of life, I do find selfish from her the idea of having a pregnancy included in a show like this. Not only is selfish but it actually goes against her own values. As southern woman she has always put family as the first value of her life. Well I still can't believe I'm saying so, but having the best thing of your life included in a show like this just because she wants a storyline for her character and possibly because she thinks it would perfectly fit with the whole E/C storyline....well it is rather selfish and a little bit disrespectful towards the fans of the show. Not to mention that is completely uncoherent with her values! But, then again, there's still hope TPTB won't listen to her, though considering what happened on Monday I believe they will stick around with this idea :rolleyes:

Certainly, saying that cast & crew are tired of working on the same show for less than 10 years is really and by really I mean really negative both for the show and her. I won't even tell you how disappointed I was as a fan when I first heard it. It is probably the worst thing you could ever reveal to a fan of the show you're working int. There are shows where no one complained about working there for almost 15 years. Others have been even cancelled after 4 years and after more than 10 years from their closure there are people all over the world still signing for a petition to get it back!
It is negative for the show as, clearly, a statement like this implies she isn't the only one tired of it. It implies everyone's commitment to the show has gone and I'm quite sure (well, at this point, I do hope) that's not true.
It is also negative for her 'cause she is the one who officially said it.
Now, I don't know what kind of joke she is playing or whether it has something to do with her wanting something more from the show (for her character) or else.

All I know is that neither Emily nor Adam as professional actor, they're paid as, should behave the way they actually are. It is selfish and is disrespectful towards the fans of THE SHOW.

I know we shouldn't talk about actors on a board like this, but at this point I do think it's pretty clear that sometimes actors do have the power. After all, they're the ones who are paid to portray fictional characters. While I can dislike the idea actor giving major imputs like implying love storylines to TPTB ,something which I actually hate since, IMHO, they're paid to do what TPTb write for them. (If that's not ok with them well the door is always open!) unfortunately, I know they actually can do it. I can only appreciate actors who feel they have to give imputs to improve the show, but they can't do it with major storylines. The problem with both Adam and Emily, at this point, as well as the whole E/C storyline is that they're having too much power on it.

It's pretty clear, IMHO, that the fact they're not closing this storyline means that Adam is not gone for good...yet. Otherwise, they soooo would find something to let him go. Same thing with Emily which, let's face it,has had more major storylines than anyone else on the show and is never put aside (even Horatio has been put aside from the major scenes b/c they were for the other like Jesse, Calleigh and Eric).

I'm sure most of you won't agree with me and probably will attack me, but, to me, it is also pretty clear that the occasional sex with a character who isn't gone for good yet can only lead to one end and we all know what I'm implying :rolleyes:. So yeah I do think that actors, in this case, have had too much power...something they shouldn't any case.
I have often felt that if they let this whole backstory happen with marriage and a baby TPTB would not be able to put this mess to rest. The HipHuggers would want to see Eric all the time. IMO CBS should have refused to let Ann Donahue, Adam, and Emily call the shots in this matter. Eric should have just left at the begginning of the season or TPTB should have just killed him off. I use to like both characters, but since their egos as actors have gotten in the way; I say get rid of both and move on with better storylines for the rest of the underused cast members such as Jon.
I'm sure most of you won't agree with me and probably will attack me, but, to me, it is also pretty clear that the occasional sex with a character who isn't gone for good yet can only lead to one end and we all know what I'm implying :rolleyes:. So yeah I do think that actors, in this case, have had too much power...something they shouldn't any case.
You won't get an attack from me Flo. I know that you have always defended Emily,I remember your defense the first time the baby story surfaced.To go from that to your present thinking is probably hard.
I agree with so much of what you posted.The fact that the writers and TPTB don't appear to be moving toward a closing story for Eric does give me a lot of concern.Instead of the disaster that may come from this continued storyline,
I would rather the writers and TPTB really just spin Eric and Calleigh off to their own little show since they as well as the actors are so in love with it.
I'm sure most of you won't agree with me and probably will attack me, but, to me, it is also pretty clear that the occasional sex with a character who isn't gone for good yet can only lead to one end and we all know what I'm implying :rolleyes:. So yeah I do think that actors, in this case, have had too much power...something they shouldn't any case.
You won't get an attack from me Flo. I know that you have always defended Emily,I remember your defense the first time the baby story surfaced.To go from that to your present thinking is probably hard.
I agree with so much of what you posted.The fact that the writers and TPTB don't appear to be moving toward a closing story for Eric does give me a lot of concern.Instead of the disaster that may come from this continued storyline,
I would rather the writers and TPTB really just spin Eric and Calleigh off to their own little show since they as well as the actors are so in love with it.

I'm with you greatfan! No attacks or flames here, Flo. I, and I think many others here, understand completely where you are coming from.

I know that it's been difficult for you lately trying to deal with what appears to be happening to the character and her storyline and with how Emily apparently feels about the show and her place there. I know you care a great deal about her.

I wish we could trust TPTB to have a plan that's going to make this all turn out well. But they appear to be having too much fun watching all the fans tearing each other up to deal with the issues causing the hostilities.

I'ts sad. :(

You hang in there, Flo. You are too important to this board. We need you. So keep posting your thoughts. They are valid and I love reading them. :thumbsup:
It's pretty clear, IMHO, that the fact they're not closing this storyline means that Adam is not gone for good...yet. Otherwise, they soooo would find something to let him go. Same thing with Emily which, let's face it,has had more major storylines than anyone else on the show and is never put aside (even Horatio has been put aside from the major scenes b/c they were for the other like Jesse, Calleigh and Eric).

I hear ya Flo, and I am right there with ya. When H started taking a back seat to E and C ... well I think it affected the quality of the show and that makes me REALLY sad. Horatio is the MAN. :cool:

I LOVED the early Calleigh stuff (Kill Zone is one of my favorite eps EVER) but in the last few years her storylines have become very grating. If she gets preggers with Delko's kid, I may toss my cookies. :rolleyes:
It's pretty clear, IMHO, that the fact they're not closing this storyline means that Adam is not gone for good...yet. Otherwise, they soooo would find something to let him go. Same thing with Emily which, let's face it,has had more major storylines than anyone else on the show and is never put aside (even Horatio has been put aside from the major scenes b/c they were for the other like Jesse, Calleigh and Eric).

I hear ya Flo, and I am right there with ya. When H started taking a back seat to E and C ... well I think it affected the quality of the show and that makes me REALLY sad. Horatio is the MAN. :cool:

I LOVED the early Calleigh stuff (Kill Zone is one of my favorite eps EVER) but in the last few years her storylines have become very grating. If she gets preggers with Delko's kid, I may toss my cookies. :rolleyes:

Toss your cookies? Sounds about right. We may all have to watch the rest of this soap from the bathroom or at least with a bucket handy. :guffaw:

I agree that the earlier version of Calleigh was interesting and someone to watch. But, since this E/C debauckle (sp?), I have seen Calleigh being defined by her relationship with Delko. What kind of nonsense is that?

Some claim that their whole attration started in season 1, and they had been working up to this all that time. I personally didn't see it, I saw a close working relationsip (that's it). From my perspective: Eric got shot in the head and woke up in love with Calleigh, that's when this started.
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