Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

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I didn't know there is a thread like this. Anyways, each time E/C are on, the spot light will be on them 24/7, the rest are just left in the dark. The rest must as well knock off early rather than stand in the dark doing nothing.
Hi there!I'm a newbie here and I came across this topic as I was browsin around the forum. I'm mainly a CSI NY fan, although I watch Miami occasionally. I guess I'm what you'd call an anti-shipper. I have nothin against Eric and Calleigh in particular, I just think love relationships and police shows don't mix.I've been enjoying reading the Debate/Dislike a Ship topics over at Shipper Central. Naturally, those are my fav topics! However, was a bit confused to find this thread here in the general CSI Miami section. Is there some special reason why this thread is here and not in Shipper Central?I ask because I'm especially allergic to Danny and Lindsay as a couple on CSI NY, and I'd like to start a topic about them in the general CSI NY section. But I don't wanna annoy the mods or step on any toes. Just want to make sure I'm ranting in the proper place LOL. Thx, Naomi.

Hi there, Naomi. There is no special reason why it's here & not in shipper central. It didn't belong in the debate thread because it wasn't started to stir up a debate at all -- just a thread for fans who didn't like the storyline & what it was doing to the show, to discuss it & vent without heating up other discussion threads.

As for wanting a similar thread in NY -- just PM the Mods over there & seek approval ...can't do any harm to ask. Good luck to you. :)
Does anyone besides myself, have the feeling that the substace of this romance is just about the sex? I may be wrong, but I have never actually heard Calleigh tell Eric that she loved him. I think that by the end of the season it will unravel.
Hey, it's been a while since I last wrote here!

I just wanted to say that the episode turned out better than I expected, The kind of scenes they made are totally what I have always meant for "some glimpses in their personal life" and I did not dislike the episode at all.

The fact that those two are keeping on seeing each other gives the authors more freedom if they need some storylines in the future, if Adam is gonna come back for some other appearences.

For the "just sex" thing, we don't need to know if they say "I love you" to each other, I mean, if we are in a crime show, what they have to show is a little scene at the end, or the beginning, those dinamics are already out of a crime show. They have to leave us guessing, if we needed to know that, we were watching a soap opera and I am glad CSI:Miami is not going that way anymore!

Oh, and AT Last some action! I mean, if you watch CSI:LV, Catherine untill the eight season has gotten more "action" that Calleigh in her entire life! LOL
Hey, it's been a while since I last wrote here!

I just wanted to say that the episode turned out better than I expected, The kind of scenes they made are totally what I have always meant for "some glimpses in their personal life" and I did not dislike the episode at all.

The fact that those two are keeping on seeing each other gives the authors more freedom if they need some storylines in the future, if Adam is gonna come back for some other appearences.

For the "just sex" thing, we don't need to know if they say "I love you" to each other, I mean, if we are in a crime show, what they have to show is a little scene at the end, or the beginning, those dinamics are already out of a crime show. They have to leave us guessing, if we needed to know that, we were watching a soap opera and I am glad CSI:Miami is not going that way anymore!

Oh, and AT Last some action! I mean, if you watch CSI:LV, Catherine untill the eight season has gotten more "action" that Calleigh in her entire life! LOL

We don't need to see them at all. Between them and Eddie, the show has been hijacked. And the other characters are pretty much pushed to the backburner. :rolleyes:
They have to leave us guessing, if we needed to know that, we were watching a soap opera and I am glad CSI:Miami is not going that way anymore!

Oh, and AT Last some action! I mean, if you watch CSI:LV, Catherine untill the eight season has gotten more "action" that Calleigh in her entire life! LOL
CSI:Miami may not be going that way at the moment.If Adam does return full time,there will be a return to the "soap opera" type scenes.It really is just time the story arc was completed.Put them together,with Adam off screen,or end it all together.It's ridiculous and irritating that this is still going on after several seasons.
As far as Catherine,she was never involved with a main character.The fans weren't hammered with week after week of seeing her and the other character together.
Hey, it's been a while since I last wrote here!

I just wanted to say that the episode turned out better than I expected, The kind of scenes they made are totally what I have always meant for "some glimpses in their personal life" and I did not dislike the episode at all.

The fact that those two are keeping on seeing each other gives the authors more freedom if they need some storylines in the future, if Adam is gonna come back for some other appearences.

For the "just sex" thing, we don't need to know if they say "I love you" to each other, I mean, if we are in a crime show, what they have to show is a little scene at the end, or the beginning, those dinamics are already out of a crime show. They have to leave us guessing, if we needed to know that, we were watching a soap opera and I am glad CSI:Miami is not going that way anymore!

Oh, and AT Last some action! I mean, if you watch CSI:LV, Catherine untill the eight season has gotten more "action" that Calleigh in her entire life! LOL

We don't need to see them at all. Between them and Eddie, the show has been hijacked. And the other characters are pretty much pushed to the backburner. :rolleyes:

The first EC scene lasted 1:22 minutes, and the second(the locker scene) - 0:44. In total - a little bit more than 2 minutes for...what - 45 minutes show? Do you really call it 'hijacking the show'?
I am of course shipper and to be fair do not make threads like ' why I dislike Horatio', even though I would be happy if he left or writers changed the way they present his character...but still watch the show, because there are other characters i like.
I think that 2 minutes of love action between Eric and Calleigh you can survive as it makes other fans of CSI Miami happy.
I agree, GREATFAN. Part of the irritation in all this is that they are 2 of the MAIN, main characters -- even with Adam/Eric being there part time, we've still seen more on him & Calleigh than the other ongoing storylines -- Natalia's storyline has only been shown in 2 episodes so far, Jesse's a few as well, Ryan has nothing, H's first appeared last night, yet the FIVE epis that Adam has been in this season (and 5 more to go!) has circled around him with dangling bits of the e/c drama. Ten episodes out of 24 that will circle around him & that useless drama......will Nat or Ryan have 10 episodes devoted to them? Hell no.

One or the other needs to go completely so this show can fully move forward with character development & storylines -- right now there's no room for full progression when TPTB interrupt every other episode with the same song & dance they've been playing for 3 seasons.

The first EC scene lasted 1:22 minutes, and the second(the locker scene) - 0:44. In total - a little bit more than 2 minutes for...what - 45 minutes show? Do you really call it 'hijacking the show'?
That was just THIS episode. The e/c invasion started back in SEASON 5! A few minutes to you.....3 ongoing seasons to us.

I think that 2 minutes of love action between Eric and Calleigh you can survive as it makes other fans of CSI Miami happy. I think that 2 minutes of love action between Eric and Calleigh you can survive as it makes other fans of CSI Miami happy.
With all due respect, TPTB shouldn't have to cater to you or your fan camp just to make YOU ALL happy. You all do not hold up this show. Many of us don't boycott certain episodes or dump the show because we don't "get our way" in regards to a freakin' 'ship'. Please do not advise that I simply need to just survive through it even more after 3 years JUST so you & your fellow fans can be "happy".
You all got 3 years of this -- how about letting alot of OTHER Miami fans get to see what they want for the show!!
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Just wanted to jump in and say that from what I've heard/read from TPTB, they really don't depend on the fans to tell them what to write. I don't doubt they want to know what interests the viewers (and even the actors as they probably have some degree of influence) but ultimately, it's up to the showrunners/producers/writers to decide what happens on the show.

I've been seeing some digs at other groups so let's try to keep things friendly and respectful in here. We might not always agree with everyone or what happens on the show but it's the show we should be discussing, not a certain group of fans wherever or whomever they may be. ;) Let's not make things personal in here. Everyone's cooperation on the matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. :)
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The first EC scene lasted 1:22 minutes, and the second(the locker scene) - 0:44. In total - a little bit more than 2 minutes for...what - 45 minutes show? Do you really call it 'hijacking the show'?
I am of course shipper and to be fair do not make threads like ' why I dislike Horatio', even though I would be happy if he left or writers changed the way they present his character...but still watch the show, because there are other characters i like.
I think that 2 minutes of love action between Eric and Calleigh you can survive as it makes other fans of CSI Miami happy.
I would be happy with just over 2 minutes of E/C.While the romantic portion may be just over 2 minutes,for me it's the amt of time they were paired up,other characters could have had many of those scenes.Add that to the 2 minutes,and it's a whole different story,especially over several seasons.In my opinion,some stories could have been a little different,but these two where paired because the fans needed to be reminded that C/E is headed in a romantic direction.It was never the amt of time for the romance,it was that and all the other time in addition,it was and is the fact that other characters where ignored over several seasons while this is playing out,and it is not settled yet.
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Hey, it's been a while since I last wrote here!

I just wanted to say that the episode turned out better than I expected, The kind of scenes they made are totally what I have always meant for "some glimpses in their personal life" and I did not dislike the episode at all.

The fact that those two are keeping on seeing each other gives the authors more freedom if they need some storylines in the future, if Adam is gonna come back for some other appearences.

For the "just sex" thing, we don't need to know if they say "I love you" to each other, I mean, if we are in a crime show, what they have to show is a little scene at the end, or the beginning, those dinamics are already out of a crime show. They have to leave us guessing, if we needed to know that, we were watching a soap opera and I am glad CSI:Miami is not going that way anymore!

Oh, and AT Last some action! I mean, if you watch CSI:LV, Catherine untill the eight season has gotten more "action" that Calleigh in her entire life! LOL

We don't need to see them at all. Between them and Eddie, the show has been hijacked. And the other characters are pretty much pushed to the backburner. :rolleyes:

The first EC scene lasted 1:22 minutes, and the second(the locker scene) - 0:44. In total - a little bit more than 2 minutes for...what - 45 minutes show? Do you really call it 'hijacking the show'?
I am of course shipper and to be fair do not make threads like ' why I dislike Horatio', even though I would be happy if he left or writers changed the way they present his character...but still watch the show, because there are other characters i like.
I think that 2 minutes of love action between Eric and Calleigh you can survive as it makes other fans of CSI Miami happy.

I am not speaking just of the romantic intanglment. I am also referring to the fact that last night's and many other episodes this season; are filled up with just certain characters. It has been disrespectful to their fellow actors. Jonathan Togo is an awesome, talent that is being wasted to promote others. Eric, Calleigh, and Jesse had that episode sown up last night It should probably been their show and the others could have gone out for a beer. Why waste their talent when they won't be seen?
:scream::scream::scream: Oh God, it's like Jason. You think it's dead and then it comes back.

On again, off again. And of course, in the end, Calleigh said it shouldn't keep happening, and then Eric says "Your place or mine?"

I refuse to let it ruin an otherwise good episode.

With all due respect, TPTB shouldn't have to cater to you or your fan camp just to make YOU ALL happy. You all do not hold up this show. Many of us don't boycott certain episodes or dump the show because we don't "get our way" in regards to a freakin' 'ship'. Please do not advise that I simply need to just survive through it even more after 3 years JUST so you & your fellow fans can be "happy".
You all got 3 years of this -- how about letting alot of OTHER Miami fans get to see what they want for the show!!

Thank you, mjszud. So many E/C fans seem to have the attitude of "Give me what I want or I'm gonna take my toys and go home!" I didn't see this kind of nuttiness with the Horatio/Yelina storyline.
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:scream::scream::scream: Oh God, it's like Jason. You think it's dead and then it comes back.

:guffaw: I like your reference.

On again, off again. And of course, in the end, Calleigh said it shouldn't keep happening, and then Eric says "Your place or mine?"

I agree with slower who said it seems like this whole relationship is based totally on the physical - sex. There doesn't seem to be any real emotional committment between the two. Even teenagers, whose physical relationships are usually a reaction to surging hormones, "believe" they are in love. These two aren't even trying to fake it anymore. He made it quite clear what he wanted from her - sex. That's what he's in it for and either that's all she wants too, or she's too desperate for a man to see it. If I were Calleigh, I'd be checking to make sure he's not back to sleeping with anything on two legs.

I refuse to let it ruin an otherwise good episode.

Exactly! :thumbsup: Every other aspect of the episode was excellent and I totally and completely enjoyed it.

With all due respect, TPTB shouldn't have to cater to you or your fan camp just to make YOU ALL happy. You all do not hold up this show. Many of us don't boycott certain episodes or dump the show because we don't "get our way" in regards to a freakin' 'ship'. Please do not advise that I simply need to just survive through it even more after 3 years JUST so you & your fellow fans can be "happy".
You all got 3 years of this -- how about letting alot of OTHER Miami fans get to see what they want for the show!!

Thank you, mjszud. So many E/C fans seem to have the attitude of "Give me what I want or I'm gonna take my toys and go home!" I didn't see this kind of nuttiness with the Horatio/Yelina storyline.

That type of fan committment to certain characters is a running theme for a lot of shows. It's unfortunate when it's an exclusionary committment.

A lot of us have dealt with a significant number of issues regarding this show that we aren't happy about - not just E/C - but we're hanging in there.

Before season 8 I was increasing concerned about what they were doing to my favorite character - Horatio. For over three years I've detested the dominate storyline. And just when you're lulled into a false sense of "we've moved on" - it rears it's ugly head again. I've yet to see the reason for it as I've never seen any postive change to the ratings to justify it - in fact I've seen negative in certain instances.

I've hated that for the past 4 seasons we've no longer seemed to have a team - just a fragmented group of people who were so self-involved they could have cared less about the team as a whole. Sure, we saw two team members glued together - to the exclusion of everyone else. But other members of team were fragmented to the point of one being taken and beaten for an entire night and even though his vehicle was left abandoned on a public street, nobody else on the team knew. That was an incredibly sad example of the state of the team as a whole. There was no team.

This season, with Eric leaving and Jesse and Walter coming onboard, I've felt we do have a team again.

I'll continue to fast forward through the scenes that I feel add nothing to the show for me because by doing so I can enjoy the rest of what is usually a very good episode.
It didn't help when Adam tweeted to his fans to keep writing to tptb, for his return and Emily and her; I want a baby this year statement and how she wanted it written into the script that her and Delko have a baby. So to appease everyone they are just making the rest of us sick of both characters. Why can't they just move on?

I have a horrible feeling it is going to carry on into next season, with a backstory to the opoint all the supporters are going to be whinning to see Eric and the immaginary bady. Immaginarry at this point.

I say get rid of both characters. They have done nothing but hijack the show.

THEY ARE GONNA HAVE A BABY?!?! Then I'm gonna stop watching!
BTW their offspring would be a kid with a mushroomshaped head and blonde hair. And horrible shirts. XP
The baby thing isn't a spoiler, its just what Emily wanted for herself and for her character as well... but that was before the whole Adam leaving thing. I honestly can't see it happening with Adam leaving and all.
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