Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

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I have been reading this thread with great interest and relief that there is a place that we can blow off steam about this ridiculous story arc. I used to have this "take it or leave it" attitude about E/C but as time went on I grew to dislike it intensely and would love to add my two cents and I promise to be respectful and nice;) (well as nice as I can:lol:)

First of all Florry, I read your post and no time thought that you were saying EP was insane. I knew you meant the interview and you are always respectful when expressing your opinions.

Here goes:

1. Just because a man and woman working together can get hooked up romantically doesn't mean they should. I am not naive enough to know that, yes, it does happen, people hook up in the workplace but why show that? Why can't they set a good example by keeping these two just friends working side by side without the complications of a romantic entanglements?! News flash CSI:M TPTB: the "friendship only" can happen and I am a prime example. One of my many male coworkers is my best friend and one of the best friendships of my life and we are not and never will be romantically linked and I couldn't be happier.

2. This trainwreck of a story arc has hijacked and taken over the show. Even when one of both of them aren't on screen the "romance" is being mentioned (examples: Ryan to Natalia in Flight Risk, Ryan to Calleigh in SGIYC, Ryan to Eric in Target Specific and Natalia to Calleigh in HT). As someone has already mentioned,CSI:Miami is a crime drama, not a soap opera which happens to solve crimes. There are also 5 other characters and five other hard working actors being ignored (and I am going to include H because even he seems to be regulated to the background in these eppies), underutilized and underdeveloped at the feet of this all encompassing mess.

3. The writing for this arc is horrible. First one is in danger of dying and they can't live without the other, then they are apart and then they get together for the occasional booty call?! Writers: poop or get off the pot!! Resolve this one way or another and give another hard working actor on this show a chance to shine. And I don't consider good writing when the couple is making goo goo eyes at each other and spouting lines that would gag the most hard core romantic (See Dead on Arrival).

I am starting to dread the episodes AR will be in because those of us who are fans of the other characters will have to endure more of the same. And what if the saga continues into S9 (which I fear it will), and they marry, and reproduce?! The only way any other character will get much screentime is if they take turns babysitting for Baby Delko.

Thank you for letting me vent; I feel much better now;):)
I have been reading this thread with great interest and relief that there is a place that we can blow off steam about this ridiculous story arc. I used to have this "take it or leave it" attitude about E/C but as time went on I grew to dislike it intensely and would love to add my two cents and I promise to be respectful and nice;) (well as nice as I can:lol:)

First of all Florry, I read your post and no time thought that you were saying EP was insane. I knew you meant the interview and you are always respectful when expressing your opinions.

Here goes:

1. Just because a man and woman working together can get hooked up romantically doesn't mean they should. I am not naive enough to know that, yes, it does happen, people hook up in the workplace but why show that? Why can't they set a good example by keeping these two just friends working side by side without the complications of a romantic entanglements?! News flash CSI:M TPTB: the "friendship only" can happen and I am a prime example. One of my many male coworkers is my best friend and one of the best friendships of my life and we are not and never will be romantically linked and I couldn't be happier.

2. This trainwreck of a story arc has hijacked and taken over the show. Even when one of both of them aren't on screen the "romance" is being mentioned (examples: Ryan to Natalia in Flight Risk, Ryan to Calleigh in SGIYC, Ryan to Eric in Target Specific and Natalia to Calleigh in HT). As someone has already mentioned,CSI:Miami is a crime drama, not a soap opera which happens to solve crimes. There are also 5 other characters and five other hard working actors being ignored (and I am going to include H because even he seems to be regulated to the background in these eppies), underutilized and underdeveloped at the feet of this all encompassing mess.

3. The writing for this arc is horrible. First one is in danger of dying and they can't live without the other, then they are apart and then they get together for the occasional booty call?! Writers: poop or get off the pot!! Resolve this one way or another and give another hard working actor on this show a chance to shine. And I don't consider good writing when the couple is making goo goo eyes at each other and spouting lines that would gag the most hard core romantic (See Dead on Arrival).

I am starting to dread the episodes AR will be in because those of us who are fans of the other characters will have to endure more of the same. And what if the saga continues into S9 (which I fear it will), and they marry, and reproduce?! The only way any other character will get much screentime is if they take turns babysitting for Baby Delko.

Thank you for letting me vent; I feel much better now;):)

Wow! I'm speechless. What an intelligent, articulate, well tought out post. And I'm not going to cut a word of it in my response.

I know you can't see it, Miamiwolfe, but right now I'm giving you a standing ovation!! :beer:

Thank you for starting off my morning with a smile - I really needed it! :)

It is posters like you that I really hope TPTB are taking the time to listen to.
And what if the saga continues into S9 (which I fear it will), and they marry, and reproduce?! The only way any other character will get much screentime is if they take turns babysitting for Baby Delko.
:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: Fantastic! :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:I feel just the same way!!!

And look..I was the first people to support E & C romance and all the drama! But there are limits! and the limits of this relationship have already been exceeded for a long time! in S9 this series will change name to "Eric and Calleigh shows"! I had to think that the best way to stop this is to do a spin off for them looooooool:guffaw:
The only way any other character will get much screentime is if they take turns babysitting for Baby Delko.
Perhaps the other characters can investigate if baby Delko is kidnapped,switched at birth,etc.I'm actually thinking a spinoff,or just another show entirely for E/C is probably what is needed,especially if there really is some interest(kidding or not) in a Mr. and Mrs.Smith type situation.
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First of all Florry, I read your post and no time thought that you were saying EP was insane. I knew you meant the interview and you are always respectful when expressing your opinions.
WOW, thank you so much :thumbsup:. Knowing I'm not that crazye is kind of a relief :lol:

And what if the saga continues into S9 (which I fear it will), and they marry, and reproduce?! The only way any other character will get much screentime is if they take turns babysitting for Baby Delko.
:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: This got to be the best thing I've ever heard about these two :guffaw::guffaw:. Seriously, that would be the actual cool thing the two of them could offer to the show. At least we could see the others.....that's why I still feel we're asking too much even with this picture in our mind :p

Thank you for letting me vent; I feel much better now;):)
I know how does it feel. You're welcome and, btw, amazing vent :thumbsup:
Wow that was an amazing vent. Perfectly said and thought out!
The only way any other character will get much screentime is if they take turns babysitting for Baby Delko.
:guffaw: I have to agree that is hilarious! But yet, so true!
I've been watching season 3 lately, and I've often wondered what the old Calleigh would've thought about getting in a relationship with Eric. Hahahaha the thought of the old Calleigh with the old Eric makes me laugh! :lol: Oh how the characters have changed!
Perhaps the other characters can investigate if baby Delko is kidnapped,switched at birth,etc.I'm actually thinking a spinoff,or just another show entirely for E/C is probably what is needed,especially if there really is some interest(kidding or not) in a Mr. and Mrs.Smith type situation.
I know right... If baby Delko does come into the picture, all the other characters will never see the spotlight. It'll be hogged by E/C until the day the series is over. If baby delko does come into the picture, we will never know anything about Ryan, Natalia or Frank. :shifty:
If baby delko does come into the picture, we will never know anything about Ryan, Natalia or Frank. :shifty:
I swear....if baby Delko comes into the picture you're sooooo gonna see me bald as, in the meantime, I've ripped all of my hair off :scream::scream::scream:

The more I think of this couple, the more they seem a bad copycat of Danny/Lindsay from NY. Too bad that I didn't know anything of old Danny and old Lindsay (btw are they still alive? Is their baby still alive? :lol:). I wish I had never known anything about Calleigh or Delko in my life. The only way possible I could cope with the two of them is having my memory ereased :lol::p
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Danny and Lindsay are still alive but they don't get nearly the airtime of E/C. Lindsay doesn't even appear in every episode.
Perhaps hynosis would work for you. Florry :)
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Thanks for all the kinds words.:thumbsup: I have wanted to post for awhile but there was so much I agreed with and wanted to comment on that I got overwhelmed and said "ahhh....let's go to the Jon Togo Thread.....:rolleyes:

Perhaps the other characters can investigate if baby Delko is kidnapped,switched at birth,etc.I'm actually thinking a spinoff,or just another show entirely for E/C is probably what is needed,especially if there really is some interest(kidding or not) in a Mr. and Mrs.Smith type situation.

They could call it "Love Miami Style" the story of two crazy kids who laugh love and solve crimes (gosh I better stop, I am starting to make myself sick:)). I would move the romance where it belongs: off CSI:Miami.

I've been watching season 3 lately, and I've often wondered what the old Calleigh would've thought about getting in a relationship with Eric. Hahahaha the thought of the old Calleigh with the old Eric makes me laugh! :lol: Oh how the characters have changed!

I frankly think that Calleigh wouldn't have much to do with him outside of work. Eric was too much of a playboy and at times, didn't strike me as too mature. Plus the whole grieving over Speed and his constant butting heads with Ryan which Calleigh seemed to spend a lot of her time being their referee.

If baby delko does come into the picture, we will never know anything about Ryan, Natalia or Frank. :shifty:

But we'd hear about all Baby Delko's bowel movements:lol::guffaw:

Danny and Lindsay are still alive but they don't get nearly the airtime of E/C. Lindsay doesn't even appear in every episode

That is how a romance should be written; part of the background and not taking over every episode.

Perhaps hynosis wuld work for you. Florry :)

And please don't pull out all of your hair; you may not like being bald.:lol::) posted this...

Basically this ep is a "coming full circle" ep for E/C...well that is my interpretation of it anyway b/c the ep starts off with Ryan and Calleigh showing up to a burning house....Both of them a see a man in the second story window of the house and Calleigh rushes in to help him; deja vu anyone?
It seems, from what I can see in the spoilers, that the guy, Patrick, she was trying to save dies (pay attention cuz that is important)

Idk what exactly happens but this time she gets hurt at the scene and is rushed to the hospital. IDK what exactly is wrong with her either this time...I don't think it is smoke inhalation this time. She is on a ventilator again but and here comes the twist...

We see the Patrick, the dead guy talking and trying to interact the with team while they investigate (think ghost whisperer). At first, I was like wtf is going on...then I read a little more and it began to make sense. Obviously no one can obviously see him but he continually tries to tell them that he didn't start the fire. Later Calleigh is at the scene investigating when Patrick starts going off about how this isn't his fault yada when all of a sudden Calleigh turns and looks right at him! Both are shocked that she can see him but neither know why...then there is a flash and Calleigh is in a hallway in the hospital. She follows the doctors and nurses to a room where she sees Eric and Horatio talking. She is confused, that is until someone moves and she sees who they are all standing's her!! She is unconscious and on a vent. She doesn't know what to do but she thinks since she can see Patrick that she is some how meant to help him.

They follow the team as they investigate. In one scene they are watching Ryan test the burned homes sprinkler system when suddenly out of body Calleigh begins to feel strange....back at the hospital, Eric is sitting with Calleigh when all of a sudden she goes into a seizure and flatlines. Patrick meanwhile is trying to soothe a panicking Calleigh who actually begins to "see the light" and asks Patrick if she is dying. Back at the hospital the doctors try and shock Calleigh to bring her back but nothing happens....the scene ends with a nurse asking the doctor if they are going to shock again and the doctor replying......"No"

Don't have a heart attack....we all know she doesn't die!!
...So obviously this is the ep that the mega buzz was referring to....

I was wondering were did you get this information from...please send me a message or quote this ..please

anyone else who knows where (delkolover) go this from please tell me
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And please don't pull out all of your hair; you may not like being bald.:lol::)
Am I not that lovely bald?:guffaw:

Ok seriously, Eric and Calleigh back in s3 would have never started dating. They would have never done it till the bullet in the head magic trick. Calleigh back in s3 was way too mature for Eric and, in all honesty, I woulnd't have been able to picture her getting in love with a guy who used to make some toothing...I won't even get started with the whole toothing stuff 'cause it still makes ma naseous :rolleyes:. Not to mention that Eric Delko has always been busy getting pissed off at Ryan just because the poor guy happened to replace his lost best friend....Eric Delko get it over! BTW, I will never buy that the two of them can even become buddies as they hinted in episodes like "Bolt Action" when the two of them shaked their hand :)eek: I swear...I was like "TPTB actually want us to believe these 2 can be friends? :rolleyes:") 'cause as far as I knew Eric Delko would have only been happy to kill Ryan and get rid of his body somewhere in the EverGlades :rolleyes:

But oh well they had to change everything and everybody to make this couplefit in rest of the show.....too bad that they failed...miserably!
Am I not that lovely bald?:guffaw:

Maybe I was thinking of me:guffaw::lol::guffaw:
Ok seriously, Eric and Calleigh back in s3 would have never started dating. They would have never done it till the bullet in the head magic trick. Calleigh back in s3 was way too mature for Eric and, in all honesty, I woulnd't have been able to picture her getting in love with a guy who used to make some toothing...I won't even get started with the whole toothing stuff 'cause it still makes ma naseous :rolleyes:.

I completely agree with this. Nothing more needs to be added.

Not to mention that Eric Delko has always been busy getting pissed off at Ryan just because the poor guy happened to replace his lost best friend....Eric Delko get it over!

Doubt that will happen in this lifetime.

BTW, I will never buy that the two of them can even become buddies as they hinted in episodes like "Bolt Action" when the two of them shaked their hand :)eek: I swear...I was like "TPTB actually want us to believe these 2 can be friends? :rolleyes:")

Not for lack of trying on Ryan's part.

'cause as far as I knew Eric Delko would have only been happy to kill Ryan and get rid of his body somewhere in the EverGlades :rolleyes:


But oh well they had to change everything and everybody to make this couplefit in rest of the show.....too bad that they failed...miserably!

Why do I get this sick feeling that the change stuff is just beginning?
Why do I get this sick feeling that the change stuff is just beginning?
I have the same feeling. I've tried not feeling so pessimistic,but just because of the history TPTB and writers have with this show,I really think some totally asinine changes are going to occur.We will be seeing the complete transformation from a crime show to a crime/opera
Why do I get this sick feeling that the change stuff is just beginning?
I have the same feeling. I've tried not feeling so pessimistic,but just because of the history TPTB and writers have with this show,I really think some totally asinine changes are going to occur.We will be seeing the complete transformation from a crime show to a crime/opera
Oh please no. As mutual as the feeling is, I really am hoping the writers snap out of it! I don't think I can take any more of this change! I think TPTB really need to watch CSI Miami from season 1 on. That way, they can see how many amazing characters they've destroyed.
Yeah this whole drama has been changing the face of Miami. It has become so centered around the romance that TPTB has forgotten why the show was created. I am not against romance if its done right. But this farce has gone on too long.

I have watched from season 1, and never saw them as a match. Others will say they have been pining for each other since then. Especially after that awkward hiphugger scene in (what was it; season 2) IDK. The chemistry is just not there. I liked Eric much better as a player; he was interesting. I like Calleigh for her strength/toughness and her chemistry with Ryan is there. Well at least TPTB is making an effort to show Calleigh and Ryan's freindship again.

Now that they are together everything and everyone is taking a backseat. I don't understand why TPTB feels that we are all so thrilled with this. :(

BTW you can call me ignorant, out of the loop or what ever else. :lol: But what does toothing mean? :alienblush:
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