Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

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I'd rather choke as well. How many times does one of them have to be near death? Talk about desperate, the whole "romance" looks ridiculous. I wish TPTB would just get back to the original intent of the show.
Ditto. I know! It's like TPTB are trying to prove that E and C have 9 lives and will never get killed off. They just want to keep the suspense. I guess they think that there are more shippers then non-shippers so getting Calleigh in yet another near death incident will add greater suspense and more viewers will watch. I don't think that continuing this same tactic over and over again is the best way to get more viewers, because it's getting a little old. I'd rather another CSI (other than E or C) got in a life or death situation because then they would at least get their own story that revolved around them for the first time in a long long while.
I don't understand why they have to keep bombarding us with it either. It's like they think if they bury us with nothing but E/C we'll get onboard. That or they know it's not selling and they think if they keep shoving it down our throats we'll have to accept it or choke to death.
No matter how much they bombard us I refuse to get onboard. I don't think it's a matter of selling, I personally think they are doing it to make the fans happy which some fans are happy, but then there's us who disagree and are sick of the whole thing. The thing is, if we are in the minority, TPTB will never try to satisfy us because there is a majority of fans who ship E/C and they enjoy these scenes. IMHO the best way to satisfy all the fans is to marry E/C (offscreen please) and then end the story. That way the shippers get what they want and we do too, because we won't have to watch anymore shipper scenes, because the shippers will know how their fav couple turned out so will no longer require those scenes anymore. (of course I could be wrong, I don't read E/C threads so I don't know what they want in the matter). To me this seems like the simplest solution.
I think TPTB need a reminder that this is a crime drama and their ratings won't go down if they keep it that way. :rolleyes:
My concern Star_Gazer is if they do get married offscreen; then eventually it will be pregnant Calleigh and then bring on the kidnapped Delko baby drama. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Because they will find some way to keep them in the forefront. I don't really think this is going to happen, b/c in AR's interview he said he didn't think they were getting married anytime soon. This could mean that in would be towards the end of the series and then maybe not at all. :shifty:
The writers really need to come up with some solution.The cast is too huge for TPTB/writers to just keep throwing drama after drama to E/C. I really hope we aren't going to be seeing either Calleigh and Eric almost dying each remaining season.
Do you recall when Eva La Rue was asked about this romance while talking about her character? Well I thought there was nothing more disrespectful than that interview at the time. I guess I was wrong....completely wrong!

While I don't happen to remember that interview offhand, I believe you. And even as a supporter of the E/C relationship, I agree that it was definitely inappropriate for her to be interrupted and asked about the E/C relationship while she was talking about her own character. So no, you're not completely wrong, Flo. ;)

I think it is important to remember, however, that in this particular instance, it would be unfair to blame Emily Procter for that question being inserted into the interview. Blame CBS, the producers of the show, or the interviewer- whichever one is responsible for that. ;)
My concern Star_Gazer is if they do get married offscreen; then eventually it will be pregnant Calleigh and then bring on the kidnapped Delko baby drama. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Because they will find some way to keep them in the forefront.
I agree completetly. If this were a true soap opera then they could easily have them do thier little 'I do's' & then let them sit dramalessly in the background to allow others to come up front. However, this being a crime show & episodes are built around cases/plots/crime, those sidestories involving the CSI's personal lives are basically nothing more than storylines -- as long as it stays a storyline, it will no doubt be 'in play' in episodes & each season.

It's hard to explain my take on it -- but from watching this show for so long - I, as well as most of you here, know how the patterns work & how storylines tend to go. So, imo, for this type of series, I just can't see how 'marriage' (or even serious commitment for that matter) would be a good solution.

Overall, TPTB really should not even have started all this until the series was about to end. Starting mid-season 5 was a terrible mistake, 'cause here we are going on season 9 & we're still seeing the same.old.thing.add.more.puking.
Do you recall when Eva La Rue was asked about this romance while talking about her character? Well I thought there was nothing more disrespectful than that interview at the time. I guess I was wrong....completely wrong!

While I don't happen to remember that interview offhand, I believe you. And even as a supporter of the E/C relationship, I agree that it was definitely inappropriate for her to be interrupted and asked about the E/C relationship while she was talking about her own character. So no, you're not completely wrong, Flo. ;)

I think it is important to remember, however, that in this particular instance, it would be unfair to blame Emily Procter for that question being inserted into the interview. Blame CBS, the producers of the show, or the interviewer- whichever one is responsible for that. ;)

I agree also that it was disrespectful of the interviewers to insert a question into the interview that didn't involve her character. They should have stuck strictly to ones pertaining to her.

I realize Emily was only responding to questions asked; it just seems so overwhelming and in your face. Everytime we see an interview involving these two it is all about E/C and less about the show and other characters.
My concern Star_Gazer is if they do get married offscreen; then eventually it will be pregnant Calleigh and then bring on the kidnapped Delko baby drama.
You make a good point. I never thought of a "baby delko". That would add to the grief. :shifty: A whole bunch of kidnapped and near death experience stories for the new Delko family. :rolleyes: This the show definitely does not need. Especially since the ECR has taken away a lot of screen time from the other characters of the show.
Overall, TPTB really should not even have started all this until the series was about to end. Starting mid-season 5 was a terrible mistake, 'cause here we are going on season 9 & we're still seeing the same.old.thing.add.more.puking.
I guess that there is the only solution (other than putting them in the background). That would've been a wise move, because it would avoid all of this drama, large amounts of screen time and dislike. If they had done this, we wouldn't be in a position of fear, because the show would end and we wouldn't have to put up with everything we're forced to now. But no, I guess TPTB want us to endure this for as long as they possibly can. IMO they're really milking this scenario in every way possible.
The writers really need to come up with some solution.The cast is too huge for TPTB/writers to just keep throwing drama after drama to E/C. I really hope we aren't going to be seeing either Calleigh and Eric almost dying each remaining season.
If they do this, I can guarantee a lot of fans would get bored of it. The same old story everytime would get boring to everyone if they did it every season. And I"m sure the actors would say something because that's just not necessary in the slightest! :shifty:
I think it is important to remember, however, that in this particular instance, it would be unfair to blame Emily Procter for that question being inserted into the interview. Blame CBS, the producers of the show, or the interviewer- whichever one is responsible for that.
I completely agree. EP was not there, so it is not her fault for the actions of the interviewer. I do not think anyone was doing that but it's good to keep that in mind, seeing that most people here (including myself) have lost respect for her.
in AR's interview he said he didn't think they were getting married anytime soon. This could mean that in would be towards the end of the series and then maybe not at all.
Like I said before, they are really milking this! If we are lucky TPTB will not show a wedding, but maybe will imply it in the series finale or they won't get married. Either way, a wedding is something for a soap opera, and last time I checked it's called CSI: Miami not C/E Love (or something to that effect). :shifty:
It's hard to explain my take on it -- but from watching this show for so long - I, as well as most of you here, know how the patterns work & how storylines tend to go. So, imo, for this type of series, I just can't see how 'marriage' (or even serious commitment for that matter) would be a good solution.
Hmmm I agree. You all make good points! Looking back at that post I wonder why I thought a marriage was a good solution. :p I guess my opinion gets changed very easily! So in short, no wedding please, or baby delko. (no offense hiphuggers who may be reading this)
There isn't a need for this at all. The fact that tptb keep repeating the same thing for them over and over again proves there is just zero substance between and of these two individuals. It is just ridiculous the exact same plot is cut out and pasted and reused for them and there is no moving forward at all. It is a total waste of time that should have been spend on either writing for other characters or writing better solid cases. Thinking that many people like watching them is just myopic and tunnel vision and the disregard of acknowledgment of the whole show in general.
Do you recall when Eva La Rue was asked about this romance while talking about her character? Well I thought there was nothing more disrespectful than that interview at the time. I guess I was wrong....completely wrong!

While I don't happen to remember that interview offhand, I believe you. And even as a supporter of the E/C relationship, I agree that it was definitely inappropriate for her to be interrupted and asked about the E/C relationship while she was talking about her own character. So no, you're not completely wrong, Flo. ;)

I think it is important to remember, however, that in this particular instance, it would be unfair to blame Emily Procter for that question being inserted into the interview. Blame CBS, the producers of the show, or the interviewer- whichever one is responsible for that. ;)

I think the interview was with the tv guide channel or one of those morning shows, but I'm not 100% positive. :lol:

I agree that the incident was not any of the actors' faults. I blamed the interviewer. I know some people think that the interviewers are given questions to ask, but I don't think that is necessarily the case. I think that particular interviewer just went with what was the hot topic at the time. As I said earlier in this thread, if the interviewer had rephrased the question to say: "How do you think your character Natalia will feel if/when she finds out that Eric whom she briefly dated is dating one of their co-workers?" or "How would your character feel if a guy she had briefly dated started dating one of their co-workers?" Then it would have been a bit more appropriate and the interviewer could have gotten the same results from asking it that way. So I definitely put the blame pretty much solely on that interviewer. :lol:

Quick question: Is it true that one of the writers/show-runners of this show used to write for a soap? I thought I'd heard that somewhere, but can't recall where. It could have been a NY writer rather than Miami, I'm not sure. :lol:
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:wtf:I finally took time to see the promo photos for 8.20, while eating dinner; not a wise idea. Are we sure there isn't an error, slipping in photos from last season by mistake? :lol:
Their desperation move, as depicted in these promo shots, indicates they have nowhere to go with the storyline. A distinct lack of substance, as was mentioned previously.
The nomance was a 'no go' from its ill-conceived beginning, and has disintegrated from there. Do you think Ms. Procter and TPTB are too close to the situation to see things clearly? Those rose-colored glasses have distorted their vision.

"Hostile Takeover" was rerun tonight. I had forgotten how well I tolerable Calleigh when Eric's not around. Likewise, I like Eric when Calleigh's out of the picture. Admittedly, neither are favorites characters in recent years, yet each is palatable in small doses.
:wtf:I finally took time to see the promo photos for 8.20, while eating dinner; not a wise idea. Are we sure there isn't an error, slipping in photos from last season by mistake? :lol:

Uhmmm. You may have a point there, inthewind! Oh, wait! I think I saw Jesse in one of the photos, so it must be a different episode. Maybe they just filmed a couple of new scenes and spliced in the scenes of Calleigh in a hospital bed on a ventilator to save some money. They just flipped the film to have Eric on the other side of the bed. :rolleyes:

Their desperation move, as depicted in these promo shots, indicates they have nowhere to go with the storyline. A distinct lack of substance, as was mentioned previously.

Michya is right. There is zero substance between E/C and absolutely no where for these characters to go. The stories involving them are repetitive and boring and it eats up valuable time that could be better spent fleshing out the other, much more interesting characters.

The nomance was a 'no go' from its ill-conceived beginning, and has disintegrated from there. Do you think Ms. Procter and TPTB are too close to the situation to see things clearly? Those rose-colored glasses have distorted their vision.

I do. I think they have been so flattered by all the media hype (and conveniently forgotten most of that is by their own design) and the fact that they are only listening to the fans who are providing them with the positive feedback they want to hear, that they have lost all perspective regarding this storyline.

I was very heartened to see the recent interview with Procter acknowledge that E/C has mixed reaction among the fans. It was the first time I'd seen anyone recognize that not all of the fans are onboard with this silly little uncommitted sex-romp.

"Hostile Takeover" was rerun tonight. I had forgotten how well I tolerable Calleigh when Eric's not around. Likewise, I like Eric when Calleigh's out of the picture. Admittedly, neither are favorites characters in recent years, yet each is palatable in small doses.

My thoughts exactly! I enjoyed "Hostile Takeover" more the second go round then I did the first. While I don't think I can ever get back to where I was with Calleigh, she is permantly damaged for me, I find myself better able to tolerate her without Eric. The only exception to this are scenes with Calleigh and Horatio. Whatever working chemistry they had is dead for me and I would just as soon they not bother creating scenes for them.

I actually found myself liking and enjoying Eric again in "LA." His interaction with just about everyone, with the exception of Calleigh and Ryan, is interesting and enjoyable. It is when he is acting holier than thou with Ryan and interacting in any capacity with Calleigh, that I find him intolerable to watch.

What it comes down to for me is that the last 4 years of all the E/C drama, and the total destruction of the characters to bring that about, has caused me to lose any respect or caring I ever had for either of them. I would rather NOT see them period. If I HAVE to see them, I would rather it be with ANY character rather than each other.

I still say spin them off into their own "Mr. and Mrs Delko" and let the rest of the show get out of the soap opera business and back into the crime drama business.
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The only exception to this are scenes with Calleigh and Horatio. Whatever working chemistry they had is dead for me and I would just as soon they not bother creating scenes for them.
These two do seem to be making a small effort to interact civilly this season, but the chemistry of the past is long dead.
Has any explanation come from 'on high' for the no Natalia and no Frank? They could develop fresh storylines for the two of them, rather than exhuming dead issues. Do TPTB not understand the concept of 'do not resuscitate'?
:eek: These two do seem to be making a small effort to interact civilly this season, but the chemistry of the past is long dead.

Yeah. I think the questions about those two totally ignoring each other got so loud TPTB could no longer allow outside circumstances to dictate what happens on the show. However, by the time they addressed the issue all chemistry was dead and now they both range from looking uncomfortable to they'd rather be with anyone else. It's less painful to watch then it was when they first forced them to start working together again, but not by much.

Has any explanation come from 'on high' for the no Natalia and no Frank? They could develop fresh storylines for the two of them, rather than exhuming dead issues. Do TPTB not understand the concept of 'do not resuscitate'?

I don't think they do. It's apparently an alien concept to walk away from wasted storyline in an place of that hold on to one that is worth pursuing. We had a multitude of stories worth pursuing. I'd pay real money to see them pursue Horatio's story with regard to his parents in New York. What cross-over potentional that had!

But rather than put any effort into it, they'd rather rehash and cut and paste the same tired old stories for the same tired old characters.

Not a lot of respect for the audience - or for the actors who work so hard on interesting characters who are virtually ignored.
Do you recall when Eva La Rue was asked about this romance while talking about her character? Well I thought there was nothing more disrespectful than that interview at the time. I guess I was wrong....completely wrong!

While I don't happen to remember that interview offhand, I believe you. And even as a supporter of the E/C relationship, I agree that it was definitely inappropriate for her to be interrupted and asked about the E/C relationship while she was talking about her own character. So no, you're not completely wrong, Flo. ;)

I think it is important to remember, however, that in this particular instance, it would be unfair to blame Emily Procter for that question being inserted into the interview. Blame CBS, the producers of the show, or the interviewer- whichever one is responsible for that. ;)
**this post is for everyone**
*rpping off some of her hair while screaming*
OH FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!!!:scream::scream: I've NEVER said Emily was insane. I've said the article was insane. I would never say something like that when referring to Emily or any other actor/persone in the world!!! *lets out a breath* are we clear now? :p:lol:
These two do seem to be making a small effort to interact civilly this season, but the chemistry of the past is long dead.
Calleigh and her chemistry with everyone is dead to me. She used to have great chemistry with tons of the other characters, but now I see nothing. This new Calleigh really isn't working for me and they better change her back soon before I loose the little respect I have left for her. Same goes for Eric.
Do TPTB not understand the concept of 'do not resuscitate'?
Apparently not, seeing that both Eric and Calleigh have gone through this stage multiple times.
Apparently Calleigh flat lines in this episode, and the doctors say that it is unnecessary to shock her again. Hmm.. I wonder how she'll come back to life after this little ordeal...
But rather than put any effort into it, they'd rather rehash and cut and paste the same tired old stories for the same tired old characters.
I wouldn't mind the same old story as long as it happened to different characters. Unfortunately this "cut and paste" pattern as happened twice and will probably come back to haunt us many times in the next few seasons. :shifty:
Not a lot of respect for the audience - or for the actors who work so hard on interesting characters who are virtually ignored.
No respect at all. That's definitely what we/they all deserve... :shifty:
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