Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

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It is interesting that you all feel that way. I always felt like Cal was the type of person/woman who felt like she needed to fix the world. I am not saying that Eric is high maintenance or I believe that Cal has become weak but I always felt that when she was in a relationship it was with someone who "needed" something or had a type of fault that kind of attracted her to them.

It is hard to put into words but I always feel like Cal is picking up the pieces so to speak....anyone get what I mean? I am definately not saying that Eric is falling apart at the seams or Cal is crazy or anything but I just feel like b/c of maybe her disfunctional family life that she feels the need to patch things up or make things right. Pretty much what she seems to always do with her dad...she takes care of him.

Did any of that make sense? I feel like I jumped into the conversation but didn't really make sense at all :lol: Feel free to ignore the ramblings...unless of course it made sense in some way :lol: Man, I need to go to bed!!

I think what you've said makes some sense. I think that is true of a lot of people who grow up in an abusive or neglected home. Calleigh certainly had her hands full taking care of her father.

And we do have evidence from the past that Calleigh came very close to "crossing the line" is how I think Horatio stated it, for someone she cared about in "Under the Influence". Calleigh had her father take a drink to protect him from tests that would indicate whether he was intoxicated at the time of the accident.

She has also stepped up in a professional capacity for Horatio in a couple of situations. But each time she stepped up for Horatio, her actions were above reproach.

Her protection of Ryan with the hundred dollar bill was her attempt to protect the lab - not necessarily Ryan.

But IMO her protective instinct with Eric since his injury has resulted in increasing evidence of bad judgment. Maybe not on a personal level, although I think that there is argument in that area, but certainly on a professional level and certainly as the senior CSI of the two.

Is Calleigh's idea of protection really in Eric's best interest? I don't feel that in most instances it is and I think the Calleigh of several seasons past would have made a different call.

In "Broken Home" Eric's mistake almost allowed the killer to walk. Calleigh called him on the mistake and pointed out to him how serious the mistake was. She was firm but understanding and supportive. She handled it perfectly and she was awesome!

And I believe when Eric said he came back too soon, he was right. And Horatio needs to take responsibility for that. I love Horatio, but he isn't perfect by any means.

I don't feel the Calleigh I saw in that episode would be making so many of what I feel are bad judgment calls. I've listed in the past where I feel she's made the bad calls, so I not going to keep beating a dead horse.

I know this is going to cause a rise in blood pressure for some, but I just find it hard to discuss the E/C romantic attraction issue in a manner that acknowledges it because I just don't see it. I see what was once a perfect friendship. I see a loving brother/sister relationship.

Calleigh's protection of Eric at this point almost reminds me of a mother protecting her child - and there are times whe I feel that Eric acts like a child. I just don't see any romantic basis there. I'm sorry. I don't mean to offend but I really don't know how to say it in a way that won't offend someone who sees a strong, romantic 'ship.

In the past, before his injury Cal lied for the ep (I can't remember the title) where he gets into trouble for buying drugs, she out and out lies and tells Stetler that she didn't see Eric with any drug paraphanalia...when in fact she was right there when Ryan asked about them and saw the rolling papers in his kit. So Cal protecting or lieing or whatever you want to call it, was there before he was shot.

Since his injury Eric has had child like tendancies but c'mon the guy has a piece of a bullet in his brain and as he said in "Down to the Wire" "it is a process....I'm retraining my brain" Something like that would definately cause a personality change in someone and possibly revert them back to an earlier mental state b/c of the fact that there are things they have to relearn. And they need to break things down like almost like a child would in order to relearn them. Things need to be made simpler b/c that is what your brain needs...something simple in order to relearn something.

I understand how some don't see the romantic side of E/C b/c they were such good friends but as some associated with the show have pointed out there was a shift in that in season 5 post shooting and I guess since E/C shippers are just so hyper in tuned to it, we saw it more than anyone. It is one thing to say you don't see it b/c if you are not into it, you aren't gong to see that aspect b/c it doesn't catch your fancy ;)...but it is another, and there have been some who have said this many times, to say that it doesn't exist or that the writers didn't write anything about it. An executive producer said they thought about it back in season 1 but it was too soon, they acknowledged it in season 5, they wrote it, they had been thinking about it for a very long time, they just needed to wait for the right time.....all those things were said in print. I am not saying b.c of that you HAVE to see it then...I am just saying providing a source to those who think TPTB never thought about or acknowledged it, that's all.

Cal can tend to be a mother hen, but she is like that with everyone and everything....the only person who imo was more of that than her, was Alexx....god, I miss Alexx ;) I think with Ryan and the hundred dollar bill it was more to protect the lab...but at the same time she called him out on his gambling of the death pool...and after he was fired she confronted him that he told her he would stop gambling so obviously she cared about him and his problem enough to pull the "you promised me" card. You want to fix someone or make them feel guilty b/c of their addiction or vice, trust me, you pull the "you promised me" card.

And I do see that characters are could they not be? They have all gone through hardships that leave people changed. And I can somewhat understand why people who don't get or want the E/C romance see that change as negative. What bothers and I am just laying this out there, is that people are "turning" on these characters. What I mean by that is they are shredding a character they claim to love b/c they are in a situation they don't like. Look, Eric in season 4 (not b.c of Eden) totally rubbed me the wrong way...I really didn't like how he was written and his storyline. He went from a soft hearted character to a stand offish guy; with good reason...he was dealing with something important. But that didn't lessen my love of the character and I certainly didn't start blaming those around him for his change. Or saying b/c of them his character had become something less or cheapened. I stuck with his character and in season 5 he went through a traumatic life altering ordeal which changed him once again. I personally never saw J/C but that doesn't mean that while I didn't like it, I think Cal was cheapened or lessened by it b/c I love E/C....if anything, and even though I didn't necessarily like the ship...I thought her character loosened up a little bit b/c of it. Cal was way too uptight in season 4 but then again she saw her ex-boyfriend blow his head off in front of her at the end of season 3 and she probably felt a little guilty b/c he did it, so part of me understands that attitude switch. ;) Those around them, change their personalities in different ways. She changed after Hagen's suicide, she changed again during and after Jake and then she almost died...which I think will loosen or open anyone up. I'm sure this upcoming storyline for Ryan will change him too.

Characters, even though they are fake, go through changes like real life people...or at least that is what the writers attempt to do in order to keep characters fresh.
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delkolover, characters change like normal people. IMO, they not change Calleighs character, they destroy her, all what happen with her in last 2 years was only for this romance, not for her own development.

Eric is big child for me, before shoot too (there was a little childish in his character), but after it become worse.

delkolover said:
In the past, before his injury Cal lied for the ep (I can't remember the title) where he gets into trouble for buying drugs, she out and out lies and tells Stetler that she didn't see Eric with any drug paraphanalia...when in fact she was right there when Ryan asked about them and saw the rolling papers in his kit. So Cal protecting or lieing or whatever you want to call it, was there before he was shot.
If she knew, why she don't talk with him about it? She worry about everyone, but this time she was don't care? Why she was so surprised and when she talk with Alexx in this ep she have thinking look on her face like "I don't know what's going on".

Damn, i should write my thoughts on russian firs and then translate, cuz while i write long posts here i start forgetting what else i wanna write :lol:
delkolover, characters change like normal people. IMO, they not change Calleighs character, they destroy her, all what happen with her in last 2 years was only for this romance, not for her own development.

That is exactly my thoughts as well, Orla_Dark. Calleigh's changes, IMO, haven't been positive and have severely damaged, for me anyway, the integity, ethics and professionalism of the character as she was first introduced to us and represented in the first 4 years of the series. I absolutely adored Calleigh and I feel the character that I grew to love and respect no longer exists. And I miss her terribly. :(

Eric is big child for me, before shoot too (there was a little childish in his character), but after it become worse.

I agree with this, too. I have always felt that Eric for the most part is extremely inmature. I will say that I was very pleasantly surprised to see him assuming responsibility and taking care of his sister when she was ill and I was sorry to see Horatio step in and assume that responsibility. I was surprised that they didn't have Eric challenge Horatio a little in that area.

I think that is another instance where a storyline was messed up so that a romance could be forced between two characters. I didn't see any more chemistry or believability with the Horatio/Marisol romance any more than I do with Calleigh and Eric.

Damn, i should write my thoughts on russian firs and then translate, cuz while i write long posts here i start forgetting what else i wanna write :lol:

You write beautifullly, Orla_Dark. I am always so impressed with your posts. I could never in a million years learn a second language. I always understand exactly what you're trying to say and I enjoy very much how you express your thoughts.
Ya know, I think it's very easy for people who are enjoying ECR to also enjoy these changes/destruction -- if it weren't being played out all for a romance, would you still enjoy this character change? Maybe...maybe not. ;)

Is Calleigh's idea of protection really in Eric's best interest? I don't feel that in most instances it is and I think the Calleigh of several seasons past would have made a different call.

Being in the positiion that she is, one spot down from Horatio, she should have taken it to her boss. Covering for someone isn't going to help them get better, & that's what Eric needed. Horatio would've made sure that he didn't lose his job or let anything bad happen. I truly believe any one of them would've made sure Eric was taken care of.

I agree Delynn that it's not in Eric's best interest. He had his cheat sheet, which he swore he never used, but the point was that he still needed something there just in case - which basically means that Eric himself wasn't confident enough to know that he was able to do the job.

All in all, Eric's shooting was something major & it is something that would've affected the entire team in how he handled work -- any small mistake could have caused the lab to be looked upon. It should've been a situation involving his boss - Horatio - not Calleigh.

& I'm sorry to offend anyone here, but look - Calleigh knew Eric was in a delicate state from the get-go, & she knew that he was looking into them as more than friends. So, what did she do? She went on to see another man for 2 years leaving Eric to sit back even more confused than he was before. IMO, that isn't right. It's one thing to need time to process the idea, it's completely another to take 2 years in bed with someone else & then lose him to figure it out.
IMO, Calleigh was looking out for Calleigh, & not giving two shits what it did to Eric. When it came to the job - yes - that's where her protection came in - but on a personal level - NO - she chose to do what SHE needed to do whether it hurt him or not - she made choices for HER - not for THEM.
delkolover said:
An executive producer said they thought about it back in season 1 but it was too soon, they acknowledged it in season 5, they wrote it, they had been thinking about it for a very long time, they just needed to wait for the right time.....
I don't believe anything that they saying. Blame my teacher in university (but i like him, he was funny and in same time teach us many good things), he talks with us about marketing. No one seller don't sell you anything less then he buy it. Everything he do, it's for his own and money. Producers is sellers for me, come on, they sell us this show. If ratings low, show close. And seeing how they advert this relationship, this all for rating and show popularity. If this storyline bring ratings low, trust me, EC break up very quickly, become close friends and it would be playing like nothing happened between this two. They never say what they really want about characters, all they need it's keep fans on this show and if it's not work, they drop it, even if producers love this couple :) I hope my point is understandable.
I don't believe anything that they saying. Blame my teacher in university (but i like him, he was funny and in same time teach us many good things), he talks with us about marketing. No one seller don't sell you anything less then he buy it. Everything he do, it's for his own and money. Producers is sellers for me, come on, they sell us this show. If ratings low, show close. And seeing how they advert this relationship, this all for rating and show popularity. If this storyline bring ratings low, trust me, EC break up very quickly, become close friends and it would be playing like nothing happened between this two. They never say what they really want about characters, all they need it's keep fans on this show and if it's not work, they drop it, even if producers love this couple :) I hope my point is understandable.

Your point is very understandable and I agree with you. The producers are going to say whatever it takes to get people to buy the storyline they're selling. Their job is to keep this show on the air and to do whatever is required to make it happen. It's black and white to them.

I do believe that this relationship was designed to bring in a certain demographic. And the ratings indicate it's not really working in that capacity. Time will tell if that changes as the relationship progresses.

I also don't believe it when they say they've intended this since season 1.

I've watched this show since the first episode and I've always seen two very good, close friends when I look at Calleigh and Eric. I never saw any indication of anything but a deep, loving friendship between these two.

I know that others swear they have seen a romantic chemistry from the first episode. I'm not going to say they didn't. I'm saying "I" didn't and looking around the Internet, I'm not alone. It's all perspective. It's why eye witnesses are the least reliable method of finding out what happened. There are three ways of looking at any situation. They way you see it; they others see it; and the way it truly is. People see things from their perspective - they see what they want to see.

I bought the friendship between Eric and Calleigh hook, line and sinker. I just can't for the life of me see any romantic chemistry between these characters.
The producers are going to say whatever it takes to get people to buy the storyline they're selling. Their job is to keep this show on the air and to do whatever is required to make it happen. It's black and white to them.
Absolutely. If TPTB got some wild hair up thier rear & later threw out a romance between Horatio & Natalia they would do the same thing -- try hard to sell it & make it look like something that it never was intended to be!
They would go back & say that thier moment in 'Internal Affairs' was love developing & not friendship. They would throw out reminders of how he wanted to protect her from her ex-husband, & that he understood her --
they would take everything that was nothing but friendship & turn it around just to sell the story.
& ya know what? New viewers would sadly buy into it because it's that easy to be influenced by what TPTb say, the actors, & by what people read in fanfic. The thing is - at the time those "moments" were in play they were never meant by TPTB to mean anything more, just like those moments in the past between Eric & Calleigh.

There were far too many times that TPTB could've shown something more (in the first 5 seasons) & they never did -- such as jealousy over the other having a love interest, nothing over the top, but just a smidge of a look that says- "hmm, I don't like her/him being with someone else" would have told the audience that they were leaning towards something more. A warm hug after Hagen offed himself, or after they lost Speed, or even after Marisol was killed...or when Calleigh was ran off into the canal? No, nothing at all...not even the slightest emphasis on them.

As Delynn pointed out earlier - where was Calleigh during the Marisol story? No where to be found. That was the first arc that Eric had that focused on his personal life, & family - perfect time to add Calleigh & show something significant. Funny that they didn't have her anywhere close to being there for Eric at that particular time, since supposedly thier love was always in the back of thier minds. ;)

It was all wrong timing? How does one figure?
They didn't HAVE to show them developing the love story during that time. All they needed was to show bits & pieces of intimate tender moments that spoke volumes. This they did not ever show in the first 5 1/2 seasons! No emphasis. No sappy music during thier scenes to add the "oomph", no camera's angled to zoom in on gestures, or up close on thier eye contact.
Bottom line is, there are numerous ways to show that 2 people are being set up for a major love story (no matter what the timing is) & TPTB did not use any of those opportunities to show us that, which just tells me that the "e/c idea" was not always on the agenda.
Absolutely. If TPTB got some wild hair up thier rear & later threw out a romance between Horatio & Natalia they would do the same thing -- try hard to sell it & make it look like something that it never was intended to be! They would go back & say that thier moment in 'Internal Affairs' was love developing & not friendship. They would throw out reminders of how he wanted to protect her from her ex-husband, & that he understood her --
they would take everything that was nothing but friendship & turn it around just to sell the story. & ya know what? New viewers would sadly buy into it because it's that easy to be influenced by what TPTb say, the actors, & by what people read in fanfic. The thing is - at the time those "moments" were in play they were never meant by TPTB to mean anything more, just like those moments in the past between Eric & Calleigh.[/ quote]

Truer words have never been spoken, I don't enjoy having something seem so don't get me wrong it' all great if the characters have a significant other....but it should be someone form outside the office. This interoffice dating is a time bomb waiting to go off...not to mention the obvious that Steatler will rush in and pretty much change everything....someone would either get fired, be forced to quite, or move to another shift.

There were far too many times that TPTB could've shown something more (in the first 5 seasons) & they never did -- such as jealousy over the other having a love interest, nothing over the top, but just a smidge of a look that says- "hmm, I don't like her/him being with someone else" would have told the audience that they were leaning towards something more. A warm hug after Hagen offed himself, or after they lost Speed, or even after Marisol was killed...or when Calleigh was ran off into the canal? No, nothing at all...not even the slightest emphasis on them.
It's very true everything has been friendly banter...nothing really came to light until character traits were changed to fit into the pre-determined mold, which to me is not being originally and letting relationships happen organically.

As Delynn pointed out earlier - where was Calleigh during the Marisol story? No where to be found. That was the first arc that Eric had that focused on his personal life, & family - perfect time to add Calleigh & show something significant. Funny that they didn't have her anywhere close to being there for Eric at that particular time, since supposedly thier love was always in the back of thier minds. ;)
Amen! I was going to being this up, but once again people are reading my mind. ;) If something was being set up to happen then there would have been tell tale signs fromt he beginning, in one of the biggest times of need that Erica had before getting shot and Calleigh was nowhere. Eric confided in H, and H then became family. Calleigh was off in the ballistics lab testing guns and solving crimes.

It was all wrong timing? How does one figure?
They didn't HAVE to show them developing the love story during that time. All they needed was to show bits & pieces of intimate tender moments that spoke volumes. This they did not ever show in the first 5 1/2 seasons! No emphasis. No sappy music during thier scenes to add the "oomph", no camera's angled to zoom in on gestures, or up close on thier eye contact.
Bottom line is, there are numerous ways to show that 2 people are being set up for a major love story (no matter what the timing is) & TPTB did not use any of those opportunities to show us that, which just tells me that the "e/c idea" was not always on the agenda.
Indeed. Everything about Eric and Calleigh is comming off forced and not normal for any fiction couple. Throwing together something because it seems like a small populas of fans wants it is not a way to boost ratings or get new viewers. Establish something that could potentially go somewhere and take time...never force anything otherwise it's never going to turn out positively.
Truer words have never been spoken, I don't enjoy having something seem so don't get me wrong it' all great if the characters have a significant other....but it should be someone form outside the office. This interoffice dating is a time bomb waiting to go off...not to mention the obvious that Steatler will rush in and pretty much change everything....someone would either get fired, be forced to quite, or move to another shift.

And the really funny thing? Horatio, who Calleigh barely speaks to and when she does she really makes me feel like someone is holding a gun to her head, will be the one forced to step up, take on Stetler and save both Eric and Calleigh backsides for consciously ignoring the fraternization policy. (I really hope the actors are able to overcome this tension when Calleigh reportedly speaks to Horatio in tonight's episode. Then again, watch for the long shots and splicing. :rolleyes:)

Then again, Calleigh did this once before with Jake. So apparently in her mind as long as she gets what she wants, she doesn't have to play by the rules like everyone else. And at this point Eric does whatever Calleigh tells him to do. At least Jake wasn't her subordinate.

Maybe this time Horatio won't be able to pull it off and get special treatment for someone on his team and the "big" story that will change everyone's life at the end of the season is either Eric or Calleigh needs to move to another shift if they plan to continue their relationship. Eric told her before he would do it - but I really hope if anyone moves it's Calleigh.
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Maybe this time Horatio won't be able to pull it off and get special treatment for someone on his team and the "big" story that will change everyone's life at the end of the season is either Eric or Calleigh needs to move to another shift if they plan to continue their relationship. Eric told her before he would do it - but I really hope if anyone moves it's Calleigh.

I think it would be great to make an example of them, show that sneaking around and thinking that they can get away with it means that everyone is being watched closely. Speaking of being watched, they could be watched by some of Stetlers hencemen, which would not surprise me in the least. That man is sneaky and will do anything so he can come tearing into the lab and make trouble. But for once I would be on Stetler's side because the relationship is no good for either person. Calleigh has changed so severly that she is almost a shell of her former self and replaced with a plastic doll wannabe. And Eric....oh my, even if his brain injury causes him to act differently he is still in control of what he does and how he does it. But lately he's become Calleigh's puppet and it's disgusting to see a man that has to stoop and change for a women, it's hard enough to see women change for guys, but it's worse when a guy chooses to change for a girl. Gender roles and rules and been reversed, reapplied, and rewritten for these two and frankly it's changing the dynamic of the show...and not in the positve light that, at least form what I think, TPTB want it to go in.
Maybe this time Horatio won't be able to pull it off and get special treatment for someone on his team and the "big" story that will change everyone's life at the end of the season is either Eric or Calleigh needs to move to another shift if they plan to continue their relationship.
Oh Gawwd :rolleyes: I really hope that TPTB don't consider E/C having to change shifts a life changing event.
They get this ---> :angryrazz: for creativity if that's the case.

They're already suffering terribly with lack of team interaction - splitting up the team for Eric & Calleigh's relationship will make it even worse. I would love to see something more along the lines of something major & life changing that would maybe bring this team together more. They're in desperate need of bonding, & TPTB could really use the opportunity to refreshen these characters.

I honestly don't know what Horatio will do. It's very hard to tell. Stetler has the upper hand with this, I assume. So say Horatio can't do anything about it & Eric & Calleigh have a choice to make - Is Calleigh so in love that she would switch,or allow Eric to switch?
Perhaps she is --- or perhaps the big kicker will be that she won't allow this relationship to break up the team. One never knows with her anymore. These days, she seems to be changing her mind quite often, & rather quickly.

but I really hope if anyone moves it's Calleigh.
If it boils down to this, then I agree. Though it really seems like a big rip off of GSR (a storyline that isn't very old in the franchise) - which makes it even less of a dramatic obstacle that they'll have to go through....& still not what I consider "literally changing the life of everyone on the team".
I wasn't aware that the entire team's lives were revolving around having Eric & Calleigh a part of thier team. :rolleyes:
And the really funny thing? Horatio, who Calleigh barely speaks to and when she does she really makes me feel like someone is holding a gun to her head, will be the one forced to step up, take on Stetler and save both Eric and Calleigh backsides for consciously ignoring the fraternization policy.
That's assuming there is a fraternization policy still in effect. If there is, then certainly both EC are aware that they are playing with their careers. One would think that since Calleigh has already been burned by the policy once before that she'd avoid getting burnt for a second time. One would also think that given her past experiences with Stetler that she'd go out of her way to avoid involving him in her career again. Why not head trouble off at the pass? If this is, indeed, a serious relationship, then why not be proactive and handle the work/relationship conflict like two adult professionals? Why go the hiding route?

Maybe this time Horatio won't be able to pull it off and get special treatment for someone on his team and the "big" story that will change everyone's life at the end of the season is either Eric or Calleigh needs to move to another shift if they plan to continue their relationship.
If there is a fraternization policy, then I can easily see that scenario being the end of the season 'life-changing' EC drama - the EC romance "repercussions" that Ann D promised us. Maybe we'll get a cliffhanger out of it - a 'break-up' or one of the two is forced to move to another shift if they want to keep their jobs, and then, just like last year's 'Horatio is dead' cliffhanger, EC will get back together/get back on the same shift in the season 8 opener. Tptb certainly aren't going to split the team up for more than an episode (or so) simply because Miami doesn't even have 2 cases per show, let alone show us 2 different shifts of CSIs. But really, do you honestly believe that Horatio wouldn't, in the end, save the day for Eric and Calleigh?

And at this point Eric does whatever Calleigh tells him to do. At least Jake wasn't her subordinate.
Jake as Calleigh's subordinate - somehow I just can't see it. :lol:

Here's something I've been wondering about, and I'm curious what you think. At the end of season 5, Calleigh expressed (what I felt were) valid concerns about the two of them getting involved because they work together, often side-by-side, all day (and some nights) every single day. Have those concerns of hers simply vanished? Or are they still valid? Why was it an issue then, but not now? One of my biggest gripes with the writing of Calleigh since mid-way through last season is the inconsistency with her character's behavior.

Personally I'd like to see that issue addressed, not in some soapy-dramatic fashion, but in a somewhat, for Miami, anyway, realistic fashion. Could their relationship interfere with their respective jobs (or compromise a case)? If Calleigh is put in another position where she once more disregards her ethics to help Eric out, could that be the time she pays the price? Or will it be smooth sailing because they are Miami's showcase couple? Thoughts?
That's assuming there is a fraternization policy still in effect. If there is, then certainly both EC are aware that they are playing with their careers. One would think that since Calleigh has already been burned by the policy once before that she'd avoid getting burnt for a second time. One would also think that given her past experiences with Stetler that she'd go out of her way to avoid involving him in her career again. Why not head trouble off at the pass? If this is, indeed, a serious relationship, then why not be proactive and handle the work/relationship conflict like two adult professionals? Why go the hiding route?
They go the hiding routine so the other characters can be dragged into the whole thing.To be proactive ,they would have to act as adults,not middle school kids in love for the first time.
About hiding relationships. It's looks like they don't sure in their relationship, that's why they hiding them. If they was sure that it's love forever or just serious, they said it in loud and one of them come in night shift (I prefer it was Eric, i just can't look at him :(). But they didn't! That's mean they don't sure and how many time should past when they would sure? They acting like two teenagers, seriously, it's just ridiculous for show like this, it's not romantic movie(show)! It's about crime, CSI: Miami always was very serious, LV in that way more easyly, but still serious!

I don't saw ep yet, but i read that Eric was very jealous when see Calleigh and horse trainer pic. I don't know how bad it was, but from what i read, it was really childish. Eric, when you grow up? It's work, not high school!

And one more thing, today i accidentally saw icon from "Flight risk" ep from coffee scene. I didn't know it was that bad :eek: Calleigh smile in that moment was :wtf: This goofy smile more suits to Ryan :rolleyes:, but Calleigh :wtf: They kill her and made her clone with some errors :cardie:
orla_dark said:
And one more thing, today i accidentally saw icon from "Flight risk" ep from coffee scene. I didn't know it was that bad :eek: Calleigh smile in that moment was :wtf: This goofy smile more suits to Ryan :rolleyes:, but Calleigh :wtf: They kill her and made her clone with some errors :cardie:

:lol: I couldn't have said it better. They really have killed Calleigh. I used to look up to her so much. She was this really strong independent female who didn't take crap from anyone, including Eric. But now, she's acting like...well sorry, but there's no other word for it...a bimbo. We don't see that strong Calleigh we used to know.

Furthermore, I'd like to point out a strong problem I have with how Calleigh's character has been used, from a female's perspective. Calleigh is supposed to be representing a strong woman in the workforce. For many years, she did just that. But the past couple of seasons the character has become little more than drama between different men (Jake&Eric.) This is a problem that occurs on all three CSI's. Why does a female character have to get caught up in a romance? Why do Catherine and Stella always end up in bad relationships? Why has the focus of Calleigh's character become what man she is currently with?

Think about it. What have Calleigh's main storylines been of late? Well, she had her brush with death...which ended up really being about Eric. She's had her troubles with Jake. She's had her little horse riding with...oh, that's right, a cute guy. Finally she's running around with Eric, who, as stated above, is acting like a child. The fact that Calleigh has been putting up with Eric's juvenile behavior is an insult to women. Calleigh should be potraying an independent woman who doesn't need to be in a relationship to be relevant. And if she is in a relationship, it should be a good one where she does not need to be babying her partner because he's too immature to take care of himself.

Okay, feminist rant over. :lol: But I might come back and talk about it some more--there were some points I forgot. ;)
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