Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

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Flo, did you ever know that you are my hero? :lol: Plus I think you have been sneaking into mjszud's and my heads. :p :)

Let's say that I laughed since the moment Horatio threw the guy on his car . So I didn't pay too much attention to the way she shouted. Not to mention that I was too busy at laughing at both of them b/c neither Calleigh nor Horatio fired a single shot . And these were Bullet Girl & superH??? WOW we lost both of them. Now I'm happy.

I was too, it made no sense that if there was a sniper going for one of them or the guy in the back of the car that neither fired a shot. Seriously Calleigh is supposed to be the weapons expert and they had her sitting there like a...well sitting duck. Was she afraid to get her new clothes dirty? Or was she just scared that she would end up hurt? Though neither of these ever phased the real Calleigh, but now that she's changed her personality and approach to the job it's become painful to watch. Any development that was in the works was lost when they decided to change her to fit with Eric. I'm sorry but to change a strong woman to work with a guy is just disgusting and really is going into the relms of fan fiction.
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Flo, did you ever know that you are my hero? :lol: Plus I think you have been sneaking into mjszud's and my heads. :p :)
I happen to know I'm your hero lately LOL :p
But I guess that how we all non-E/C fans do feel right now :lol: :)

I was too, it made no sense that if there was a sniper going for one of them or the guy in the back of the car that neither fired a shot. Seriously Calleigh is supposed to be the weapons expert and they had her sitting there like a...well sitting duck. Was she afraid to get her new clothes dirty? Or was she just scared that she would end up hurt?
Or maybe her replacement/second gun was just a toy & she didn't want H to know the truth :lol:
Seriously, I really don't understand that moment. I mean you know that there's a mob chasing you & this mob is killing also some of its member & you remain as calm as possible?

Though neither of these ever phased the real Calleigh, but now that she's changed her personality and approach to the job it's become painful to watch. Any development that was in the works was lost when they decided to change her to fit with Eric. I'm sorry but to change a strong woman to work with a guy is just disgusting and really is going into the relms of fan fiction.
Ditto, ditto & ditto!!!
But I have to admit that FFs are written in a better way than this storyline :lol:
The only semi smart thing she did was used the gauze for the smell, but even then it was still out weighed with the flighty running around the kitchen.
Sorry, but her flightly running really cracked me up LOL.
But hey that was her smart thing she did in the episode :p.

Whew! So I wasn't the only one that wondered what the heck that little running thing was! Calleigh is looking more and more every episode like she's reverting back to being a little girl.

Boy I miss the strong, competent, professional, funny, quick-witted, "I can do this job as well as any man.", Calleigh of years gone by. She was a wonderful character.

Now it seems if she isn't partnered with guys who fawn all over her and make her feel like she just "so special", she doesn't want to work with anyone. Is that how they want her character to evolve? To a scared, victimized, insecure little girl that can't function without her "man" to protect her and give her a sense of worth?

Oh, brother! :rolleyes:
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From the ‘Target Specific” review by (CSI File’s) Kristine Huntley:

“Is Delko and Calleigh's new relationship already showing signs of strain? Though Calleigh takes Delko's jealousy in stride, pointing out that her ride with Terrance was before the two of them got together and promising him they'll talk about it later, the last two episodes have subtly suggested that Delko might be a little too into Calleigh. He fantasized about the two of them sipping champagne in first class seats on a plane while working a case in "Flight Risk" and here he's obviously unsettled--deeply so--to see her in a photograph with another man. Are Delko's feelings for Calleigh venturing into the realm of fixation? It's too early to tell, but the incidents in the last two episodes could be an indicator that Delko needs to get a grip on his emotions--or else there might be trouble ahead for the new couple.”
Are Delko's feelings for Calleigh venturing into the realm of fixation? Personally I think post-brain injury Delko ventured into “fixation” some time ago. A fixation that began with Calleigh’s post-shooting concern and a platonic kiss on the cheek has grown steadily since then. For the past two years, while Calleigh remained somewhat indifferent, Delko wore his heart on his sleeve, quite often in a painfully obvious way. I do think that he’s “a little too into Calleigh”, and whether or not that has been intentional on their part, the writers have not been subtle about presenting the character that fashion.

There’s just something off about this entire romance - the changes in the characters, the contrived writing, the lack of believable romantic chemistry - that makes this whole thing (at least somewhat) interesting to watch, if for no other reason, then because I can’t, for the life of me, figure out where tptb are going with it. While I seriously doubt tptb are going to take their showcase couple down some twisted path, it certainly would explain a lot of things. I’ve chalked off Delko’s 'Calleigh fixation' as resulting from his brain injury, if that’s not the writer’s intent, then I second what the reviewer suggested and have Delko get a grip on his emotions. I realize that many fans viewed Delko’s jealousy as “cute”, however, I couldn’t disagree more.; there was something deeper than new relationship insecurity at play in his accusatory tone that came after he’d been reassured.

The person's core does not change with the winds; that basic personality is long-established. Whether real or fictional, the integrity of the character isn't compromised, which is exactly what tptb are attempting with these outrageous new identities.
Well said, inthewind. I still can’t figure out how someone as strong, self-assured, and independent as Calleigh once was fits in this relationship. The writers have done more than ‘soften’ the character, they've been changing who she was to fit this romance story line.

Boy I miss the strong, competent, professional, funny, quick-witted, "I can do this job as well as any man.", Calleigh of years gone by. She was a wonderful character.
I think more than a few fans miss that character, Delynn.
Are Delko's feelings for Calleigh venturing into the realm of fixation? Personally I think post-brain injury Delko ventured into “fixation” some time ago. A fixation that began with Calleigh’s post-shooting concern and a platonic kiss on the cheek has grown steadily since then
Absolutely agreed! I was surprisingly shocked to see it was pointed out in the review, but I have to say that it's looked that way since the beginning from where I'm standing.
Delko told his therapist that he was ready to settle down after he was shot. Calleigh later surfaced as the person who he became dependant on - so as I see it, Eric was already thinking along the lines of wanting something serious even before his feelings for her came into play. With that in mind- when Calleigh kissed his cheek, he immediatly thought it was something more & that's when his feelings supposedly surfaced. Eric grasped onto the "idea" that she was the one for him, the one he could depend on, the one he could settle down with - & it went from there.
Not exactly what I consider truly falling in love.

There’s just something off about this entire romance - the changes in the characters, the contrived writing, the lack of believable romantic chemistry - that makes this whole thing (at least somewhat) interesting to watch, if for no other reason, then because I can’t, for the life of me, figure out where tptb are going with it. While I seriously doubt tptb are going to take their showcase couple down some twisted path, it certainly would explain a lot of things. I’ve chalked off Delko’s 'Calleigh fixation' as resulting from his brain injury, if that’s not the writer’s intent, then I second what the reviewer suggested and have Delko get a grip on his emotions.
Well, if it isn't the writer's intent, then is it even possible for a guy like Delko to go backwards & become less emotional, less attatched?
I personally think it would just become worse. We aren't looking at the average guy here - we're looking at someone who has a bullet lodged in his temporal lobe that causes massive aftermath in a person's behaviour, especially if this person doesn't have a grip on the reality of things - in his personal life, or with his post-injury problems.

Delko’s jealousy as “cute”, however, I couldn’t disagree more.; there was something deeper than new relationship insecurity at play in his accusatory tone that came after he’d been reassured.
Yes, there has to be caution when writing jealousy scenes. They can speak how the person feels easily, but if it's too over the top then it doesn't work well. Playful jealousy is "cute" - this was not!

New relationship insecurity? No way. Sorry, but it doesn't work like that.
Not to drag anyone into a long boring story, but from past experiences I can honestly say that once you're in a relationship where you trust someone *10 years married here* & it's truly everything you thought it would be, then there is no insecurity. You just know that you can trust them if that's how the other person is making you feel - it doesn't make a squat of difference that it's a new relationship.
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There are definitely a lot of problems with the way the romance was written, but my main problem comes with the delivery. I feel like the show is forcing this romance. It's been advertised to the max, and everytime I go to watch/read something about CSIM, it's just about E/C.

While I watch the two onscreen, I literally feel like TPTB are trying to give the fans what they want. Those are the actual thoughts that run through my head. A romance shouldn't be so forced and contrived. If I'm thinking about anything except what the characters are saying and feeling, then the storyline isn't working.
There are definitely a lot of problems with the way the romance was written, but my main problem comes with the delivery. I feel like the show is forcing this romance. It's been advertised to the max, and everytime I go to watch/read something about CSIM, it's just about E/C.

I feel the same way, it's hard to get excited for spoilers or spoiler photos as it usually revolves around Calleigh and Eric. Even with a Ryan ep on the horizon it's still hard to be excited because E/C is going to shoved in there and take the focus away. Heck look at how much screen time Calleigh and Eric had in the last ep along....I think she had 9 and he ad 8. Seems like everyone else is left in the dust...even H was shoved out. I'm alright with the characters having relationships on the show...but it seriously should be with people not associated with their job.

While I watch the two onscreen, I literally feel like TPTB are trying to give the fans what they want. Those are the actual thoughts that run through my head. A romance shouldn't be so forced and contrived. If I'm thinking about anything except what the characters are saying and feeling, then the storyline isn't working.

There is giving people what they want, and then giving the audience what the writers want, sadly huge difference. And it's true this relatioship is taking away from the point of the show...this isn't a soap opera where there has to be dramatic romance moments between a couple, this is a crime show. The main focus should be what happened to the victum, if something happens to the suspects, evidence is gone missing, something happens to one of the CSIs, and then perhaps throw in a bit about the dating lives.
Don't get me started on that scene with Calleigh attacked with the plastic bag. I mean I felt like screaming at my computer tellng her to turn round to see who it was.I mean honestly it reminded me of those scenes you find in those badly made horror movies where the girl instead of running out the house where people might be. She runs upstairs and your left screaming at the tv. It just made her look so stupid. I hate thinking that badly about Calleigh. She used to be the perfect example of a strong confident women. Who works in a mans world but you never felt she was shoving feminism down anyones throat. If that makes any sense. Why couldn't they have had Natalia come by instead? Why does it have to be the old cliche man saves woman?

The person who reviewd the episode was right. That whole Eric jealousy thing got on my nerves. Shows he might have more than one issue with trust. Not a good sign.

Honestly I was watching my second favourite show last night NCIS. It just got me thinking about the stark contrast in chemistry E/C and the characters of NCIS Tony/Ziva. I mean the chemistry with tony/ziva is just natural, not forced. They just click. As if it was always going to be. I love it in any show when you have two characters who just have so much chemistry and sexual tension together. You're left wondering is it the actors leading the writters or the writters leading the actors?
I think most people here would agree in this case it is the writters leading the actors.
That's just my opinion.
Don't get me started on that scene with Calleigh attacked with the plastic bag. I mean I felt like screaming at my computer tellng her to turn round to see who it was.I mean honestly it reminded me of those scenes you find in those badly made horror movies where the girl instead of running out the house where people might be. She runs upstairs and your left screaming at the tv. It just made her look so stupid. I hate thinking that badly about Calleigh. She used to be the perfect example of a strong confident women. Who works in a mans world but you never felt she was shoving feminism down anyones throat. If that makes any sense. Why couldn't they have had Natalia come by instead? Why does it have to be the old cliche man saves woman?

I completely agree with that! Throughout the entire scene, I was cringing at the pure ridiculousness of it! It was like a scene plucked from a movie from back in the day, like Psycho. It was laughable at best! Her entire reaction and form of handling the attack was very 'damsel in distress'. Though, I don't know what was worse; her attack or the few moments after with Eric.
Eric was too concerned over how she was when she was trying to save what evidence she could and do her job but he kept getting in the way! That's exactly why relationships within the team do not work and more specifically, why this relationship does not work! He put his personal feelings ahead of professional and it was obvious, it annoyed Calleigh too who only wanted to find the gauze.

I see the discussion has been pretty heated in here lately so I don't want to say much else, as I'm sure it's already been said by someone! :lol:

I'll say one more thing, the scene with the photo's in the morgue. What gives Eric the right to ask why she has another man's number in her phone?! Relationships are built on trust and it seems, the cuban doesn't trust her. Calleigh's reply was disappointing, she acted girly and giggly with her; "I dunno" response and smile. She definitely should have called him on it or at least shown some annoyance rather then acting like a teenager who thinks she's in love.

Every scene with E/C was disappointing and ridiculous on many levels, lets hope the writers see this and either; 1) fix it so it's not so highschool-esque or 2) end it.
You're left wondering is it the actors leading the writters or the writters leading the actors?
That is an excellent way of putting it, & you are so incredibly correct!
This is definitly a case of actors reciting lines, & being "directed" to feel & act a certain way towards each other. The word 'natural' is non-existant with this couple.

While I watch the two onscreen, I literally feel like TPTB are trying to give the fans what they want.
I do too. What I don't understand is why are they running it into the ground, & so quickly. They took "baby steps" to bring them together, but those damn baby steps have been in almost every episode for 2 seasons - that's quite the overkill! Fans of this couple would have still been squeeing all the same if they were kept in the background - so why all the focus?
This isn't John & Marlena Brady of days of our lives for God's sakes!!

Look at NY for a sec. When TPTB were asked about D/L & Rikki, they said that the fans just want to see D/L & so that's what they wound up doing - BUT - one thing they didn't do was have these 2 side by side in every episode drowning out the other characters or juicy storylines. They brought out that storyline for those fans, but they still managed to keep with the aspect of the show & the other characters weren't pushed aside for them.
So, that's what I really cannot understand - why oh why is there this need to focus THAT MUCH on a romance....THAT'S ON A CRIME SHOW!
I highly doubt TPTB look at ECR as thier pride & joy of this show - so what gives? There's something very fishy about the way they've written this, the "development" that they've put into these characters, & how they've shoved them front & center. I can't help but look at the entire big picture here & feel like this will lead to something else. Can a "fantasy like" couple keep this show standing for the rest of the series run with very little of anything else? I highly doubt it, & I would doubt TPTB think it could either.

Don't get me started on that scene with Calleigh attacked with the plastic bag.
Let me ask everyone this question. When any of our CSIs are in danger - what is like second nature for them to do in responce? DRAW YOUR GUN IMMEDIATELY!!! or at least TRY!
What did Calleigh do? She dropped the evidence & instead of reaching for her gun, she reached for the bag over her head. :wtf:

Now for another question. What exactly was the point in that scene?
I can't for the life of me understand why they chose, once again, to have it be Calleigh in that situation. E/C are already together, so nothing significant came out of that in this situation.
It tied into the case well enough, but why Calleigh again?!?! What are TPTB trying to show us here?!
Let me ask everyone this question. When any of our CSIs are in danger - what is like second nature for them to do in responce? DRAW YOUR GUN IMMEDIATELY!!! or at least TRY!
What did Calleigh do? She dropped the evidence & instead of reaching for her gun, she reached for the bag over her head. :wtf:

Yeah, I kept expecting her to reach for her gun and shoot the guy. :lol: It's what I would have done. If she was gonna reach for the bag over her head, why didn't she at least try to poke a whole in it with her fingers in an area the guy wasn't holding... at least that way she'd been able to breathe. :lol: But, they didn't have her reach for her gun cause they wanted the guy to take it. What I don't get was what was the purpose of him taking her gun when he didn't do anything with it and she got it back shortly after? Was he planning on using her gun to commit a crime?

something else I'm confused about... this guy wasn't involved with the guy who took Ryan was he? I keep trying to figure out why he was shot in the end. Surely one of his partners wouldn't have shot him when all they were doing was stealing stuff. Plus the police already knew who his partners were at that point, so it would have been moot to shoot him.
You're left wondering is it the actors leading the writters or the writters leading the actors?
That is an excellent way of putting it, & you are so incredibly correct!
This is definitly a case of actors reciting lines, & being "directed" to feel & act a certain way towards each other. The word 'natural' is non-existant with this couple.
I'm pretty sure it's all about TPTB directing the actors. I mean I just can't see anything natural between these 2 even during the interviews. Look at their interview & you'll find out that nothing is serious between them. I mean they always make some kind of joke about a (possible) reletionship between their character, but they always pretend doing it seriously.
I know it's not clear what I'm trying to say, but I can express this ramble in a better way :lol:

While I watch the two onscreen, I literally feel like TPTB are trying to give the fans what they want.
Me too. I mean there's no way that without fan's desire, this couple could have been created. This is the typical canon couple made up for fans.

So, that's what I really cannot understand - why oh why is there this need to focus THAT MUCH on a romance....THAT'S ON A CRIME SHOW!
I highly doubt TPTB look at ECR as thier pride & joy of this show - so what gives? There's something very fishy about the way they've written this, the "development" that they've put into these characters, & how they've shoved them front & center. I can't help but look at the entire big picture here & feel like this will lead to something else.
I do feel that the last 2 episodes kinda showed how Eric's love is mora a fixation than an actual love. I mean he can't work without her, he can't imagine her with any other man even if they're her friends. Next time I can picture him trying to kill Ryan just b/c he's Calleigh's co-worker.
I mean this, IMHO, is just leading us to Eric's fixation & I'm pretty sure that this could creat trouble to the couple.
They created E/C for fans, but there's no rule which tells it has to go on for th rest of the show. They can always be trying to split them up. At least I hope b/c I can't stand neither of them (especially when they have a scene together), right now ;)

Can a "fantasy like" couple keep this show standing for the rest of the series run with very little of anything else? I highly doubt it, & I would doubt TPTB think it could either.
I highly doubt it & I do think that the fact they lost a lot of viewers right when they were presented as an official couple kinda showed them they were making a mistake. And, if they really want viewers for their show, they need to change the storyline. Surely kidnapping Ryan as they did in the last episode may help them, but it's not suffient considering the whole E/C drama yet.

Don't get me started on that scene with Calleigh attacked with the plastic bag.
Let me ask everyone this question. When any of our CSIs are in danger - what is like second nature for them to do in responce? DRAW YOUR GUN IMMEDIATELY!!! or at least TRY!
What did Calleigh do? She dropped the evidence & instead of reaching for her gun, she reached for the bag over her head. :wtf:
I do think that reached the bag as her first reaction b/c she still has lung problems. Surely, a person who's panting while talking to you after she told you she was attacked & while looking for a gauze has trouble. I mean it's not normal for a heathy person. I know that she had a bag on her head & probably most of us would be panting after that situation, but you have to consider that she still has lung problems, she was in coma & intubated just few weeks ago & TPTB promised consquences for her too.
I can guarantee you that the bag on her head was a terribly stressful situation for her her & her lung [I still think she lost one of her lungs in the attic or in the interrogation room :lol:].
Still, she could/should have tried to reach her gun way before than the moment she actually did it.
Not to mention that the stolen gun was completely useless for this episode. I mean the Russian should have killed someone with it [or they could have used it to knock out Ryan :p]. In that case this "robbery" wouldn't have been pointless as it actually was.

Now for another question. What exactly was the point in that scene?
I can't for the life of me understand why they chose, once again, to have it be Calleigh in that situation. E/C are already together, so nothing significant came out of that in this situation.
It tied into the case well enough, but why Calleigh again?!?! What are TPTB trying to show us here?!
The only possible reason I can find in this scene is her lung. Still the fact that her problem hasn't been pointed out, except for Calleigh panting while talking with Eric, makes me wonder about the actual reason for it.
I, for once, would have loved to see Natalia in a situation like this...more than Calleigh. Surely the way it has been used & played out in this episode show how it would have suited perfectly for Natalia.
Gosh I still can't believe they used the Russians against Calleigh. She has Russians, Miami citizens & everyone else from overall the world who hates her. Give some enemies to Natalia as well :lol:
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You're left wondering is it the actors leading the writters or the writters leading the actors?
That is an excellent way of putting it, & you are so incredibly correct!
This is definitly a case of actors reciting lines, & being "directed" to feel & act a certain way towards each other. The word 'natural' is non-existant with this couple.
I'm pretty sure it's all about TPTB directing the actors. I mean I just can't see anything natural between these 2 even during the interviews. Look at their interview & you'll find out that nothing is serious between them. I mean they always make some kind of joke about a (possible) reletionship between their character, but they always pretend doing it seriously.
I know it's not clear what I'm trying to say, but I can express this ramble in a better way :lol:

Me too. I mean there's no way that without fan's desire, this couple could have been created. This is the typical canon couple made up for fans.

I agree as well. There is no real communication between them, just short questions about this or that, for example the photo and phone number. Really sit down and talk about this when not at work and the stress from the job is clouding judgment; another reason to not date someone in the work place, just adds more fuel to the fire.

I do not see the spark that most couples have when they start dating, and the lucky ones can hold on to it. With Calleigh and Eric it feels like dead air, it's not intreguing or entertaining, especially when people who aren't shippers nor follow the show intently are getting annoyed. Case and point my mom, she pretty much wished that this wasn't even started and has remarked many times this week that she felt the case was very shredded because of shoving the moments in there. Sadly this is what is sticking out in her mind, instead of being able to talk about the case at her job they are debating how the case was ruined. Therefore I hope TPTB realize that this "relationship", which seems to be filled with more lust than love, could potentially ruin the show and cause and even bigger ratings loss. All in all I feel that TPTB have done this to try and increase ratings, which may prove true, but they are going to lose the true fans who turn in to see the crimes.
I do not see the spark that most couples have when they start dating, and the lucky ones can hold on to it. With Calleigh and Eric it feels like dead air, it's not intreguing or entertaining, especially when people who aren't shippers nor follow the show intently are getting annoyed. Case and point my mom, she pretty much wished that this wasn't even started and has remarked many times this week that she felt the case was very shredded because of shoving the moments in there. Sadly this is what is sticking out in her mind, instead of being able to talk about the case at her job they are debating how the case was ruined. Therefore I hope TPTB realize that this "relationship", which seems to be filled with more lust than love, could potentially ruin the show and cause and even bigger ratings loss. All in all I feel that TPTB have done this to try and increase ratings, which may prove true, but they are going to lose the true fans who turn in to see the crimes.

You've hit on a very relevent point here. If you check out some of the online entertainment sites and blogs the people who didn't like the E/C ship or didn't care either way are getting a little more vocal.

I'm seeing more and more people posting about how annoying this E/C relationship is and how tired they are of how it appears to dominate the show.

I try to keep in mind what abstract pointed out. That while the "relationship" may only take centerstage on occassion it appears to dominate because you very rarely see one without the other. Excellent point!

But you are also reminded because the writers have elected to have other characters on the show "mention" the relationship to each other in their discussions. So there is another "trick" to keep it front and center. And it adds to the appearance that the relationship is dominating the show. And it has to make you wonder if that is what TPTB are intending to do.

Seriously. How can all of this be an accident? It's overkill.

And more and more people are starting to voice their disapproval.

So if TPTB plan to continue on their present course, it will be interesting to see what happens with the viewers.
I do not see the spark that most couples have when they start dating, and the lucky ones can hold on to it. With Calleigh and Eric it feels like dead air, it's not intreguing or entertaining, especially when people who aren't shippers nor follow the show intently are getting annoyed. Case and point my mom, she pretty much wished that this wasn't even started and has remarked many times this week that she felt the case was very shredded because of shoving the moments in there. Sadly this is what is sticking out in her mind, instead of being able to talk about the case at her job they are debating how the case was ruined. Therefore I hope TPTB realize that this "relationship", which seems to be filled with more lust than love, could potentially ruin the show and cause and even bigger ratings loss. All in all I feel that TPTB have done this to try and increase ratings, which may prove true, but they are going to lose the true fans who turn in to see the crimes.

You've hit on a very relevent point here. If you check out some of the online entertainment sites and blogs the people who didn't like the E/C ship or didn't care either way are getting a little more vocal.

I'm seeing more and more people posting about how annoying this E/C relationship is and how tired they are of how it appears to dominate the show.
I noticed that too & I'm really glad this is happening.
Before these months I thought I was crazy b/c I was one of the very few people who clearly said that I didn't care about them & I didn't like them.

The fact more & more people, who don't enjoy this couple, are now able to expresse their opinion & are brave enough to express it makes me think that finally we reached a point of non-return.
I mean there's no way that TPTB can decide Calleigh should leave Delko b/c of his jelousy or whatever the reason may be. It wouldn't be respectful towards the fans they just made happy. Right now they just have to go on with this storyline.
They have changed Delko's character, they've destroyed Calleigh's one. IMHO, there's no way they can bring back the old Delko or that, even better, they can bring back the real Calleigh Duquesne.

Right now, they just have to go on with this storyline, but, of course, going on with it means that more & more people will be able to express their mind against this couple. This will just prove that their constant mention is overkill.

So I do think that TPTB came to the famous point of non-return & fans will go on complaining about this storyline. I don't think there's any way for people, who don't enjoy this couple, to accept it from now till the end of the show.
Right now, they just ruined the real essence of the show & I do think there's no way to bring it back.

So if TPTB plan to continue on their present course, it will be interesting to see what happens with the viewers.
Well unless they'lle be able to bring back the real essence of Calleigh Duquesne ( I do think it was far more important than Delko's character), I do think that more & more people will complain about this storyline & less & less people will go on watching this show.

After all TPTB invented this couple to get the viewers they actually are losing :lol::p
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