Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

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Finally she's running around with Eric, who, as stated above, is acting like a child. The fact that Calleigh has been putting up with Eric's juvenile behavior is an insult to women. Calleigh should be potraying an independent woman who doesn't need to be in a relationship to be relevant. And if she is in a relationship, it should be a good one where she does not need to be babying her partner because he's too immature to take care of himself.
Couldn't have said it better myself, and I agree with all of it. What have they done to her??? All I can say is she had better get busy and delete any phone #'s she has from members of the opposite sex because she belongs to Eric now!

That jealousy/possessive display of his had me cringing. But what was even worse was her reaction to it. Either I've been reading her wrong all these years or the manipulation of her character by tptb because of this 'romance' is making her almost unrecognizable.
That jealousy/possessive display of his had me cringing. But what was even worse was her reaction to it. Either I've been reading her wrong all these years or the manipulation of her character by tptb because of this 'romance' is making her almost unrecognizable.

It is totally the latter. Look at last night, Calleigh was playing the dumb blonde so well that Eric was looking smart. Though Eric is smart, but not as smart as they made him out to be last night. She should have known that the mineral spirits were for something with the dagger, but acted giggly and made Eric say it. And the lightbulb in the house...who doesn't turn around and check who is coming into the room? She made a rookie mistake in assuming that Eric was going to be there and broke the evidence. And then Eric comes to the rescue. :rolleyes: The only semi smart thing she did was used the gauze for the smell, but even then it was still out weighed with the flighty running around the kitchen. Plus why the heck was she alone at the crime scene...she should know that never leads to anything good. But then again she probably didn't care as long as she and Eric got to spend time alone at the crime scene.

My mom made the comment during the gooey shared look that it wasn't needed...and she doesn't pay attention to stuff like that, which means that this is getting annoying enough for people who never paid attention before and are noticing now. :eek: She also snorted when Eric was arriving at the house, the talk in the small room, and Eric and his jealously.

Which brings me to my other main point, Eric is acting like a middle schooler. Not many adults are jealous over one day, months before they started dating, that their girlfriend is hanging out with a friend of the opposite sex. Really it's more common this day and age to sometimes have more friends of the opposite sex then that of their own gender. I do have to give Ryan props for calling Eric out and in not so many words tell him that Eric is being an idiot.

Too bad that this "relationship" had to over take what was supposed to be a Ryan ep in my mind...thanks writers for ruining this for my. :(
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Couldn't have said it better myself, and I agree with all of it. What have they done to her??? All I can say is she had better get busy and delete any phone #'s she has from members of the opposite sex because she belongs to Eric now!

That jealousy/possessive display of his had me cringing. But what was even worse was her reaction to it. Either I've been reading her wrong all these years or the manipulation of her character by tptb because of this 'romance' is making her almost unrecognizable.

What exactly was that reaction supposed to portray? It made Calleigh look like she was some kind of tease with that almost arrogant/"remember I do have other options" look she had on her face while she was telling him it was before "us". To me it almost looked like a warning. Didn't she take off with the trainer right after she told Eric she needed him to verbalize what he wanted?

They're making Calleigh look like she's playing some kind of game and the message to Eric is, either give me everything I want when I want it or I'll go out and find someone who will.

The problem is that A&E continuously plays the old episodes and I get to watch Calleigh as the strong, independent woman that she used to be and then an hour or so later I'm confronted with the Calleigh of today.

It's a dramatic difference and it makes you wonder sometimes if you're watching the same show with the same character. :(

I found Eric and Calleigh a little less offensive last night, but abstract pointing out a while back that a lot of the problem may be we are overdosed on the Eric and Calleigh because of not only the relationship, but the fact that they are teamed together most of the time (not to mention the never-ending media hype) has helped a great deal. (Thanks, abstract!)

At least we weren't slo-moed to death with Eric and Calleigh "moments", but TPTB are still intent on keeping them in our face most of the episode and with constant reminders that they are "together". Like anyone could really forget it at this point! :rolleyes:

A couple of other quick thoughts:

1. I laughed when she yelled, "Gun! Everybody get down!" It just sounded wierd they way she shouted it and then told eveyone what to do. I really wish they would stop trying to make Calleigh look "Lara Croft" tough - especially when Horatio is in the scene. He just has a much stronger "command presence". It doesn't jive with her weak character right now. To me when her character does that stuff it sounds silly and pretentious. If they are grooming her to push Horatio out, they need to work a little more on the transition.

2. Okay. I give up. Please, please, please - and I say this as someone who used to LOVE watching Horatio and Calleigh work together - stop trying, already. On the rare ocassion that Horatio and Calleigh do work together, it's getting almost painful to watch.

Sure, they were working together briefly in last night's episode, but they never looked at each other once (unless it was in close-ups -then we get to see them supposed to be "looking" at each other) and the two times Calleigh was supposed to be speaking to Horatio, it sounded to me like she was speaking AT him - not "TO" him. Especially when she found her gun and remarked that it was him, he had her gun. It sounded like she was speaking to anyone else who may be listening, not directly to Horatio. At least when she asked him if he was okay, she called him by name. :(

It is totally the latter. Look at last night, Calleigh was playing the dumb blonde so well that Eric was looking smart. Though Eric is smart, but not as smart as they made him out to be last night. She should have known that the mineral spirits were for something with the dagger, but acted giggly and made Eric say it. And the lightbulb in the house...who doesn't turn around and check who is coming into the room? She made a rookie mistake in assuming that Eric was going to be there and broke the evidence. And then Eric comes to the rescue. :rolleyes: The only semi smart thing she did was used the gauze for the smell, but even then it was still out weighed with the flighty running around the kitchen. Plus why the heck was she alone at the crime scene...she should know that never leads to anything good. But then again she probably didn't care as long as she and Eric got to spend time alone at the crime scene.

Exactly! And this is supposed to be the smart, competent CSI that was able to improvise and clean up crime scenes with anything she could find and then left all those amazing "clues" for Horatio in All In! Another glaring indication that Calleigh is far from what she used to be.
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But what was even worse was her reaction to it. Either I've been reading her wrong all these years or the manipulation of her character by tptb because of this 'romance' is making her almost unrecognizable.

But now, she's acting like...well sorry, but there's no other word for it...a bimbo.

It made Calleigh look like she was some kind of tease with that almost arrogant/"remember I do have other options"

They're making Calleigh look like she's playing some kind of game

Ditto x3!!

How was that reaction supposed to convince us that Calleigh is taking this relationship seriously? How did it speak of her supposedly being in love with him?
Her reaction had me pretty shocked just for the simple fact that I thought TPTB were trying so hard to tell us that Calleigh was in love with him!
It isn't being shown that way, not the slightest.

Here is Eric having mid-day fantasies that their relationship is something big, all the while Calliegh just seems to be flattered by all his attention & having fun with it.
Considering that this story originally started out as a one-sided feeling, & the ball has always been in Calleigh's court - then why aren't we NOW seeing how Calleigh truly feels about him.
I mean, was a great opportunity for TPTB to show Calleigh's side....such as her being serious & perhaps lovingly telling Eric that she was with him now & he was the only man she ever wanted.
No, Calleigh giggled her way out of it saying "I don't know"/"it was before us" while Eric still sat back looking like he wasn't all convinced!!

I don't know what to really say about Eric. His jealous behavior has been played before when he was with Natalia in season 4 ('Dead Air'), & also with Jake/Calleigh in season 5, so it didn't surprise me the slightest.
However, they are supposed to be together now, & it's a little telling that Eric is still not secure in how she feels about him.
I'm not saying he has the right to be so questionative, because he does end up looking even more of a wimp, but considering that Calleigh has made choices for another man before (over Eric), I can see where Eric would be wondering if she was with another man...then & now.

The thing is though, we're supposed to be believing that all is good now, & that Calleigh has shown the man she wants. Well, if that was the case, then why is Eric still so insecure?
I'm going to guess here that Calleigh has not come very clean telling Eric "I love you" or anything remotely close (off screen)....which leaves me to wonder how she really feels. My God, it's been over 2 years of this - by now you would think we'd be seeing something more serious from her.
Her actions have been so inconsistent, & it isn't doing her character any justice whatsoever.


Someone mentioned H/Cal - I agree, already posted those thoughts in the epi thread.
'Bullet Girl' no longer exists - that scene was a lame attempt in showing that it still does, & it does not! It's again the inconsistency of her character. At this point, I think TPTB are trying so hard to increase her focus & screentime that they're at the point of just "winging it". They aren't paying attention to what they're actually doing with her or how they want her portrayed.
It speaks loudly that these characters, Eric & Calliegh both, have had thier cards played far too long - as a couple, & as individual characters.
1. I laughed when she yelled, "Gun! Everybody get down!" It just sounded wierd they way she shouted it and then told eveyone what to do. I really wish they would stop trying to make Calleigh look "Lara Croft" tough - especially when Horatio is in the scene. He just has a much stronger "command presence". It doesn't jive with her weak character right now. To me when her character does that stuff it sounds silly and pretentious. If they are grooming her to push Horatio out, they need to work a little more on the transition.

Very true, Delynn, putting her now weak character next to any of the others just makes her look worse. It's not doing anything, except to annoy the people who come for the crime and stay for the characters. The hole that the writers have put her in is so deep that if they tried to get her back it would never work and no smart viewer would accept it. It really goes to show that even a strong character can be put into such a place that even fans are no longer wanting to see the painful goings on.

Someone mentioned H/Cal - I agree, already posted those thoughts in the epi thread.
'Bullet Girl' no longer exists - that scene was a lame attempt in showing that it still does, & it does not! It's again the inconsistency of her character. At this point, I think TPTB are trying so hard to increase her focus & screentime that they're at the point of just "winging it". They aren't paying attention to what they're actually doing with her or how they want her portrayed.
It speaks loudly that these characters, Eric & Calliegh both, have had thier cards played far too long - as a couple, & as individual characters.

Amen! I really agree the true essence of Calleigh has been lost, and sadly she is making even the lesser used characters look better. The gun standoff was awkward and painful to watch, really like the first gun shot wasn't a clue that there was a sniper was a bit obvious when the Russian guy wouldn't speak about what he knew at first...he knew he was being followed.
Why, exactly, was it not ok for Calleigh to have Terrance’s # in her phone? Because it causes Eric distress? Maybe he ought to be discussing his jealousy issues with his therapist because that display was not a one-time occurence. Terrance is either a casual friend she shares a love of horses with or his is a number she hasn’t dialed since that afternoon, so why is Eric unable to handle it? Is he really that insecure? How can he be when tptb have hammered us with the fact that Eric and Calleigh share such a significant bond of trust? Presumably these two are together, happy, and ‘oh, so in love’. She reassured him that it was only one afternoon before ‘them’ - a fact he already knew since Ryan had already supplied him with the date of the photo, so why wasn’t that enough? Where was all the the trust these two supposedly share?

What exactly was that reaction supposed to portray? It made Calleigh look like she was some kind of tease with that almost arrogant/"remember I do have other options" look she had on her face while she was telling him it was before "us".
How was that reaction supposed to convince us that Calleigh is taking this relationship seriously? How did it speak of her supposedly being in love with him?
She came off looking coy. I’m really not sure what they were going after with her reaction. Was she flattered by his jealousy/possessiveness? Amused? Does she just like always having to reassure him about one thing or another? Is she somewhat uncertain about them? Whatever her reaction was supposed to convey, it’s not what I would’ve expected from her. I would have expected her to have been taken aback by both the inappropriateness of the question and the accusatory tone and implication that accompanied it. Her reaction didn’t jive with who I thought the she was.

But that’s the thing with Calleigh over the past two seasons - from episode to episode, she’s inconsitent. Although I will say her inconsistency is at least fairly consistent, it’s almost always in the Eric/Calleigh relationship scenes where it comes out.

There’s this Calleigh:

And this is supposed to be the smart, competent CSI that was able to improvise and clean up crime scenes with anything she could find and then left all those amazing "clues" for Horatio in All In! Another glaring indication that Calleigh is far from what she used to be.
And then there’s this Calleigh

Look at last night, Calleigh was playing the dumb blonde so well that Eric was looking smart. Though Eric is smart, but not as smart as they made him out to be last night. She should have known that the mineral spirits were for something with the dagger, but acted giggly and made Eric say it. And the lightbulb in the house...who doesn't turn around and check who is coming into the room? She made a rookie mistake in assuming that Eric was going to be there and broke the evidence. And then Eric comes to the rescue.
She came off like a rookie so that Eric and Calleigh could have what has by now become their requisite scene of support and evidence of Eric’s unwavering love and devotion - same way she came off looking pathetic when Eric had to come to the rescue after her lab blew up.

Just more whittling a square peg to fit in a round hole.

Okay. I give up. Please, please, please - and I say this as someone who used to LOVE watching Horatio and Calleigh work together - stop trying, already. On the rare ocassion that Horatio and Calleigh do work together, it's getting almost painful to watch.
I agree, Delynn. Rather than watch what tptb try to placate us with, I’d rather they shared no scenes at all. The bond between these two characters is long gone.

On a positive note - no fantasies or slow-mo scenes!
Well, despite how they're making her look, making her feel & whatever - what we're seeing is TPTB playing & toying around with them - thier version of dramatic repercussions :rolleyes:.
If you haven't noticed, ever since they started this storyline, TPTB have used the same pattern in damn near every episode with them - it's one episode things look positive, the next looks negative for them, then back to positive, then back to negative - back & forth back & forth for 2 freaking long years & it's still that way!!! Completely annoying, & far too repetetive. For a word like 'overkill' to be heavily used in CSI Land, you would think TPTB could see it themselves! ;)

Where was all the the trust these two supposedly share?
It apparently disappoofed along with the real Calleigh & the real Delko.

On the rare ocassion that Horatio and Calleigh do work together, it's getting almost painful to watch.
The bond between these two characters is long gone.
Her bond with everyone seems to be long gone. I used to see that certain people could bring out the best in her & show her personality better than when she stands alone. Ryan for instance was always pretty good at this. Horatio was in the early days.
But now it's something I can't even see anymore. Calleigh has become a completely different person to where even the other characters can't bring her back.
Why, exactly, was it not ok for Calleigh to have Terrance’s # in her phone? Because it causes Eric distress? Maybe he ought to be discussing his jealousy issues with his therapist because that display was not a one-time occurence. Terrance is either a casual friend she shares a love of horses with or his is a number she hasn’t dialed since that afternoon, so why is Eric unable to handle it? Is he really that insecure? How can he be when tptb have hammered us with the fact that Eric and Calleigh share such a significant bond of trust? Presumably these two are together, happy, and ‘oh, so in love’. She reassured him that it was only one afternoon before ‘them’ - a fact he already knew since Ryan had already supplied him with the date of the photo, so why wasn’t that enough? Where was all the the trust these two supposedly share?
I agree completely. I thought that scene was completely insulting for two reasons.

1) It shows that Eric does not trust Calleigh, and that Calleigh is apparently okay with that. Does Eric really expect Calleigh not to have friendships with other men? She has every right to have a man's number in her phone. She even has every right to be spending time with that man. We know that Calleigh wouldn't cheat on Eric, and he should know that too. Personally, I won't be in a relationship where my boyfriend does not trust me. Those relationships can't work. It may have been in character for Eric not to trust Calleigh, but Calleigh not saying anything about that? She should have called him on it right away. But she didn't.

2) The show is implying that a woman belongs to her boyfriend/husband and can't have platonic relationships with other men. Furthermore, it implies that the only reason a woman would have a relationship with a man is for sexual/romantic reasons. This is ridiculous. Calleigh is a woman. She can be friends with whomever she pleases. She can put any number she wants to into her phone. I find it insulting that Eric would take injury from the fact that Calliegh has a man's number on her phone, and that Calleigh basically says "I understand." If my boyfriend got upset over that, I would slap him across the face. I am a woman, and my world does not revolve around a man.

TPTB need to smarten up and lose the sexism. Calleigh is being used as a sexual object these days and I'm just sick of it.
2) The show is implying that a woman belongs to her boyfriend/husband and can't have platonic relationships with other men. Furthermore, it implies that the only reason a woman would have a relationship with a man is for sexual/romantic reasons. This is ridiculous. Calleigh is a woman. She can be friends with whomever she pleases. She can put any number she wants to into her phone. I find it insulting that Eric would take injury from the fact that Calliegh has a man's number on her phone, and that Calleigh basically says "I understand." If my boyfriend got upset over that, I would slap him across the face. I am a woman, and my world does not revolve around a man.

TPTB need to smarten up and lose the sexism. Calleigh is being used as a sexual object these days and I'm just sick of it.

I totally agree. Calleigh used to be vocal in what she wanted out of a relationship and now she just floats along and is so submissive that it's a wonder women's rights organizations haven't started letter writing and email campains or protests, which if that did happen it would not surprise me in the least.

As for male friends, she can talk to whomever she wants to. I've watched too many people stop talking to cetian people because the significant other said they had to or they would be over....I would have taken the relationship being over before giving up a friend because I was told to, espeically if said person had done nothing wrong to bring out the demand.

Eric honestly needs to grow up and Calleigh needs to come around and just kick him to the curb. By Eric being so controlling it's doing nothing but harm the relationship and inturn things will more than likely end badly.
Ok, well I do agree with the above. There's nothing wrong with a woman having a man as her friend. This all seems to sound very recycled of the Ryan/Nat/Eric fiasco along with Nick Townsend's accusations of his own ex-wife. What is it with this show?!?! :wtf:

Anyway, I do think she should have called him out on his trust issues, but at the same time her reply to his assumptions should have been less cold & non-chalant towards him. I don't think she actually owes him any kind of explanation, but she should've handled the situation differently.

Considering we haven't seen the real Calleigh in some time, I wasn't shocked that she didn't throw his jealousy in his face, but after all the hoopla over how they're supposed to be so in love, I would have expected some kind of cheesy gooey eyed reply reassuring "her man" that he is the one & no one else. *puke*
She came off as very arrogant, & it almost looked as if she got a little kick out of him feeling that way. Maybe she get's off on it now. :rolleyes:
It is interesting that you all feel that way. I always felt like Cal was the type of person/woman who felt like she needed to fix the world. I am not saying that Eric is high maintenance or I believe that Cal has become weak but I always felt that when she was in a relationship it was with someone who "needed" something or had a type of fault that kind of attracted her to them.

It is hard to put into words but I always feel like Cal is picking up the pieces so to speak....anyone get what I mean? I am definately not saying that Eric is falling apart at the seams or Cal is crazy or anything but I just feel like b/c of maybe her disfunctional family life that she feels the need to patch things up or make things right. Pretty much what she seems to always do with her dad...she takes care of him.

Did any of that make sense? I feel like I jumped into the conversation but didn't really make sense at all :lol: Feel free to ignore the ramblings...unless of course it made sense in some way :lol: Man, I need to go to bed!!

I think what you've said makes some sense. I think that is true of a lot of people who grow up in an abusive or neglected home. Calleigh certainly had her hands full taking care of her father.

And we do have evidence from the past that Calleigh came very close to "crossing the line" is how I think Horatio stated it, for someone she cared about in "Under the Influence". Calleigh had her father take a drink to protect him from tests that would indicate whether he was intoxicated at the time of the accident.

She has also stepped up in a professional capacity for Horatio in a couple of situations. But each time she stepped up for Horatio, her actions were above reproach.

Her protection of Ryan with the hundred dollar bill was her attempt to protect the lab - not necessarily Ryan.

But IMO her protective instinct with Eric since his injury has resulted in increasing evidence of bad judgment. Maybe not on a personal level, although I think that there is argument in that area, but certainly on a professional level and certainly as the senior CSI of the two.

Is Calleigh's idea of protection really in Eric's best interest? I don't feel that in most instances it is and I think the Calleigh of several seasons past would have made a different call.

In "Broken Home" Eric's mistake almost allowed the killer to walk. Calleigh called him on the mistake and pointed out to him how serious the mistake was. She was firm but understanding and supportive. She handled it perfectly and she was awesome!

And I believe when Eric said he came back too soon, he was right. And Horatio needs to take responsibility for that. I love Horatio, but he isn't perfect by any means.

I don't feel the Calleigh I saw in that episode would be making so many of what I feel are bad judgment calls. I've listed in the past where I feel she's made the bad calls, so I not going to keep beating a dead horse.

I know this is going to cause a rise in blood pressure for some, but I just find it hard to discuss the E/C romantic attraction issue in a manner that acknowledges it because I just don't see it. I see what was once a perfect friendship. I see a loving brother/sister relationship.

Calleigh's protection of Eric at this point almost reminds me of a mother protecting her child - and there are times whe I feel that Eric acts like a child. I just don't see any romantic basis there. I'm sorry. I don't mean to offend but I really don't know how to say it in a way that won't offend someone who sees a strong, romantic 'ship.

In the past, before his injury Cal lied for the ep (I can't remember the title) where he gets into trouble for buying drugs, she out and out lies and tells Stetler that she didn't see Eric with any drug paraphanalia...when in fact she was right there when Ryan asked about them and saw the rolling papers in his kit. So Cal protecting or lieing or whatever you want to call it, was there before he was shot.

Since his injury Eric has had child like tendancies but c'mon the guy has a piece of a bullet in his brain and as he said in "Down to the Wire" "it is a process....I'm retraining my brain" Something like that would definately cause a personality change in someone and possibly revert them back to an earlier mental state b/c of the fact that there are things they have to relearn. And they need to break things down like almost like a child would in order to relearn them. Things need to be made simpler b/c that is what your brain needs...something simple in order to relearn something.

I understand how some don't see the romantic side of E/C b/c they were such good friends but as some associated with the show have pointed out there was a shift in that in season 5 post shooting and I guess since E/C shippers are just so hyper in tuned to it, we saw it more than anyone. It is one thing to say you don't see it b/c if you are not into it, you aren't gong to see that aspect b/c it doesn't catch your fancy ;)...but it is another, and there have been some who have said this many times, to say that it doesn't exist or that the writers didn't write anything about it. An executive producer said they thought about it back in season 1 but it was too soon, they acknowledged it in season 5, they wrote it, they had been thinking about it for a very long time, they just needed to wait for the right time.....all those things were said in print. I am not saying b.c of that you HAVE to see it then...I am just saying providing a source to those who think TPTB never thought about or acknowledged it, that's all.

Cal can tend to be a mother hen, but she is like that with everyone and everything....the only person who imo was more of that than her, was Alexx....god, I miss Alexx ;) I think with Ryan and the hundred dollar bill it was more to protect the lab...but at the same time she called him out on his gambling of the death pool...and after he was fired she confronted him that he told her he would stop gambling so obviously she cared about him and his problem enough to pull the "you promised me" card. You want to fix someone or make them feel guilty b/c of their addiction or vice, trust me, you pull the "you promised me" card.

And I do see that characters are could they not be? They have all gone through hardships that leave people changed. And I can somewhat understand why people who don't get or want the E/C romance see that change as negative. What bothers and I am just laying this out there, is that people are "turning" on these characters. What I mean by that is they are shredding a character they claim to love b/c they are in a situation they don't like. Look, Eric in season 4 (not b.c of Eden) totally rubbed me the wrong way...I really didn't like how he was written and his storyline. He went from a soft hearted character to a stand offish guy; with good reason...he was dealing with something important. But that didn't lessen my love of the character and I certainly didn't start blaming those around him for his change. Or saying b/c of them his character had become something less or cheapened. I stuck with his character and in season 5 he went through a traumatic life altering ordeal which changed him once again. I personally never saw J/C but that doesn't mean that while I didn't like it, I think Cal was cheapened or lessened by it b/c I love E/C....if anything, and even though I didn't necessarily like the ship...I thought her character loosened up a little bit b/c of it. Cal was way too uptight in season 4 but then again she saw her ex-boyfriend blow his head off in front of her at the end of season 3 and she probably felt a little guilty b/c he did it, so part of me understands that attitude switch. ;) Those around them, change their personalities in different ways. She changed after Hagen's suicide, she changed again during and after Jake and then she almost died...which I think will loosen or open anyone up. I'm sure this upcoming storyline for Ryan will change him too.

Characters, even though they are fake, go through changes like real life people...or at least that is what the writers attempt to do in order to keep characters fresh.

Great post delkolover! :bolian:
And I do see that characters are could they not be? They have all gone through hardships that leave people changed. And I can somewhat understand why people who don't get or want the E/C romance see that change as negative. What bothers and I am just laying this out there, is that people are "turning" on these characters. What I mean by that is they are shredding a character they claim to love b/c they are in a situation they don't like. Look, Eric in season 4 (not b.c of Eden) totally rubbed me the wrong way...I really didn't like how he was written and his storyline. He went from a soft hearted character to a stand offish guy; with good reason...he was dealing with something important. But that didn't lessen my love of the character and I certainly didn't start blaming those around him for his change. Or saying b/c of them his character had become something less or cheapened. I stuck with his character and in season 5 he went through a traumatic life altering ordeal which changed him once again. I personally never saw J/C but that doesn't mean that while I didn't like it, I think Cal was cheapened or lessened by it b/c I love E/C....if anything, and even though I didn't necessarily like the ship...I thought her character loosened up a little bit b/c of it. Cal was way too uptight in season 4 but then again she saw her ex-boyfriend blow his head off in front of her at the end of season 3 and she probably felt a little guilty b/c he did it, so part of me understands that attitude switch. ;) Those around them, change their personalities in different ways. She changed after Hagen's suicide, she changed again during and after Jake and then she almost died...which I think will loosen or open anyone up. I'm sure this upcoming storyline for Ryan will change him too.

Characters, even though they are fake, go through changes like real life people...or at least that is what the writers attempt to do in order to keep characters fresh.

Change is not always for the better, hence why different people view change positively or negatively. I see the change in Calleigh as a negative, she was a strong woman who took nothing form anyone and now she is willing to risk her job once again for a relationship. She also has been dumbing herself down so that Eric can explain things to her and make him feel important. Frankly it's a play for the ego for both of them and that is never a good basis for a relationship. Going from a strong, positive role model type figure to a gushing, gooey eyed love struck woman who plays dumb is quite a strech, and to me this comes off as Calleigh changing herself to fit into the mold that the guy she is seeing wants her to be.

Sure tragic events change people, but that is to make them stronger, Calleigh has gone backwards and then made a complete 180. There is a huge difference between keeping a character fresh and ruining them to the point that it's painful to watch them.

As for the turning and shredding you are claiming is happening is when people see something differently and express their opinion as to why they do not like it. I've loved characters on other shows but if they get turned to a negative direction it's a turn off and makes the show and character hard to watch; it's a person's periogative if they want to like the character or show after the change happens horray for free speech. Someone does not have to stick with a character if they do not like the change, that is where people differ, and if they want to say that another has changed a certain character it is their opinion to do so.
Well, not being mean or anything but I think Calleigh is pretty but her accent is annoying. I mean sometimes I just don't pay attention cuz it gets on my nerves. I really don't think that her and Eric will last very long cuz she just doesn't seem his type but whatever. I just think the E/C fans have taken this to far. You don't have to look at this thread. And if you're goin to then don't get so mad. Cause you have a choice whether or not to look at it, so if you're goin to get mad then don't look at it. But I'm a EDeN shipper anyway. But that was all I have to say.
Characters, even though they are fake, go through changes like real life people...or at least that is what the writers attempt to do in order to keep characters fresh.

Growth is a natural progression in real life, adding new layers to our character as experiences mount; some positive, some negative. That's the baggage we all carry.

The person's core does not change with the winds; that basic personality is long-established. Whether real or fictional, the integrity of the character isn't compromised, which is exactly what tptb are attempting with these outrageous new identities.

Such drastic transformations usually spell disaster for a fictional character.
Ok I watched this comic episode. Sorry, but I had to laugh from the beginning till the end of it, especially at some romance moments.
Anyway I've also read some your thoughts about it & I'm going to write something about it using some of your quotes ;)

Firs of all the first scene they had together got me really pissed of. I still can't believe that Eric suddenly became so smart and Calleigh became such a dubm blonde girl.
I know for sure that neither Calliehg nor Emily are so stupid as the person who was portrayed in this episode.
I mean who does believe that Calleigh didn't know the existence of that instrument to get some prints?
Not to mention her flirty behaviour with Eric which made me so mad at her.

I couldn't have said it better. They really have killed Calleigh. I used to look up to her so much. She was this really strong independent female who didn't take crap from anyone, including Eric. But now, she's acting like...well sorry, but there's no other word for it...a bimbo. We don't see that strong Calleigh we used to know.

Furthermore, I'd like to point out a strong problem I have with how Calleigh's character has been used, from a female's perspective. Calleigh is supposed to be representing a strong woman in the workforce. For many years, she did just that. But the past couple of seasons the character has become little more than drama between different men (Jake&Eric.) This is a problem that occurs on all three CSI's. Why does a female character have to get caught up in a romance? Why do Catherine and Stella always end up in bad relationships? Why has the focus of Calleigh's character become what man she is currently with?

Think about it. What have Calleigh's main storylines been of late? Well, she had her brush with death...which ended up really being about Eric. She's had her troubles with Jake. She's had her little horse riding with...oh, that's right, a cute guy. Finally she's running around with Eric, who, as stated above, is acting like a child. The fact that Calleigh has been putting up with Eric's juvenile behavior is an insult to women. Calleigh should be potraying an independent woman who doesn't need to be in a relationship to be relevant. And if she is in a relationship, it should be a good one where she does not need to be babying her partner because he's too immature to take care of himself.

Okay, feminist rant over. But I might come back and talk about it some more--there were some points I forgot.
Feminist rant or not I totally agree with you. As a woman I do feel insulted by the Calleigh who has been portrayed in the last episodes.
I mean ok that Eric is way too immature & ok that she's supposed to be the strong, indipendet woman. But, exactly for this last reason, you don't need her to have all bad relationships and then put her with such an immature and childish guy so that she can control him.
She was able to control Jake without problem, but she was passive aggressive when she was with him (that's how she used to be, at least that's what Jake tolde her in "Sunblock").
With Eric she's not only aggressive aggressive, she really controls him as if he were her little toy.
That's why as a woman I do feel insulted.

As for her attack. I kinda laughed at how she was so confident it was Eric!!!
Anyway I do love the fact she still doesn't let Eric control her. I mean he asked her more than once whether she was a ok or not, but she really didn't pay attention to him. I do think it's a good sign.
Did anyone of you notice that Eric didn't know whether she had the gauze in her kit. I mean he looked inside her kit & asked whether guaze was in it or not.
I do feel it was kinda a reminder that Eric is still not ok :p

Now let's go to my fav. scene (the one which made me laugh so hard ).
The morgue secene:
1) what a nice place to have a private chat. It was full of bodies :guffaw:
2) Eric's jealousy. Oh boy you were the one toothing & you demand she doesn't have any male friend? I do really wonder whether TPTB watch this show :scream:.

Why, exactly, was it not ok for Calleigh to have Terrance’s # in her phone? Because it causes Eric distress? Maybe he ought to be discussing his jealousy issues with his therapist because that display was not a one-time occurence. Terrance is either a casual friend she shares a love of horses with or his is a number she hasn’t dialed since that afternoon, so why is Eric unable to handle it? Is he really that insecure? How can he be when tptb have hammered us with the fact that Eric and Calleigh share such a significant bond of trust? Presumably these two are together, happy, and ‘oh, so in love’. She reassured him that it was only one afternoon before ‘them’ - a fact he already knew since Ryan had already supplied him with the date of the photo, so why wasn’t that enough? Where was all the the trust these two supposedly share?
I agree completely. I thought that scene was completely insulting for two reasons.

1) It shows that Eric does not trust Calleigh, and that Calleigh is apparently okay with that. Does Eric really expect Calleigh not to have friendships with other men? She has every right to have a man's number in her phone. She even has every right to be spending time with that man. We know that Calleigh wouldn't cheat on Eric, and he should know that too. Personally, I won't be in a relationship where my boyfriend does not trust me. Those relationships can't work. It may have been in character for Eric not to trust Calleigh, but Calleigh not saying anything about that? She should have called him on it right away. But she didn't.

2) The show is implying that a woman belongs to her boyfriend/husband and can't have platonic relationships with other men. Furthermore, it implies that the only reason a woman would have a relationship with a man is for sexual/romantic reasons. This is ridiculous. Calleigh is a woman. She can be friends with whomever she pleases. She can put any number she wants to into her phone. I find it insulting that Eric would take injury from the fact that Calliegh has a man's number on her phone, and that Calleigh basically says "I understand." If my boyfriend got upset over that, I would slap him across the face. I am a woman, and my world does not revolve around a man.

TPTB need to smarten up and lose the sexism. Calleigh is being used as a sexual object these days and I'm just sick of it.
That's exactly how I felt while watching this scene.
I still can't believe Eric doesn't trust her, that he wants her without male friend or something like that. He was the one who used to tooth.
And yep Calleigh is being used as a sexual object in these last episodes. I mean look at the face when she tells him "it was just an afternoon". Calleigh!!! Gosh you spent such an enjoyable afternoon riding a horse with a cute guy!!! It was a normal thing!!! You can't have that face as if it was something bigger b/c it wasn't.
I mean her face really worried me, but gosh it was a normal action she did. They are blowing that thing up out of proportions :rolleyes:

Couldn't have said it better myself, and I agree with all of it. What have they done to her??? All I can say is she had better get busy and delete any phone #'s she has from members of the opposite sex because she belongs to Eric now!

That jealousy/possessive display of his had me cringing. But what was even worse was her reaction to it. Either I've been reading her wrong all these years or the manipulation of her character by tptb because of this 'romance' is making her almost unrecognizable.
Right now I'd ommit "almost" in your last sentence .
Anyway I do agree with you.
Now she just should be like a desperate housewive baking some cakes while waiting for her Eric to come back after a tough day on a crime scene .
Please, please, please, we're not in the '60s when women didn't have any right except for cooking, ironing or any other housework!!! Women fought for the emancipation, they obtained it. Calleigh was the perfect representation of emancipation, please don't destroy it!

What exactly was that reaction supposed to portray? It made Calleigh look like she was some kind of tease with that almost arrogant/"remember I do have other options" look she had on her face while she was telling him it was before "us". To me it almost looked like a warning. Didn't she take off with the trainer right after she told Eric she needed him to verbalize what he wanted?

They're making Calleigh look like she's playing some kind of game and the message to Eric is, either give me everything I want when I want it or I'll go out and find someone who will.

Yep she did, but a truffle stolen from a crime scene (there's no way he was able to get it from Chicago in one day ) melted her frozen heart .
There's no way that's the Calleigh I used to know :(

1. I laughed when she yelled, "Gun! Everybody get down!" It just sounded wierd they way she shouted it and then told eveyone what to do. I really wish they would stop trying to make Calleigh look "Lara Croft" tough - especially when Horatio is in the scene. He just has a much stronger "command presence". It doesn't jive with her weak character right now. To me when her character does that stuff it sounds silly and pretentious. If they are grooming her to push Horatio out, they need to work a little more on the transition.

2. Okay. I give up. Please, please, please - and I say this as someone who used to LOVE watching Horatio and Calleigh work together - stop trying, already. On the rare ocassion that Horatio and Calleigh do work together, it's getting almost painful to watch.

Sure, they were working together briefly in last night's episode, but they never looked at each other once (unless it was in close-ups -then we get to see them supposed to be "looking" at each other) and the two times Calleigh was supposed to be speaking to Horatio, it sounded to me like she was speaking AT him - not "TO" him. Especially when she found her gun and remarked that it was him, he had her gun. It sounded like she was speaking to anyone else who may be listening, not directly to Horatio. At least when she asked him if he was okay, she called him by name.
Let's say that I laughed since the moment Horatio threw the guy on his car . So I didn't pay too much attention to the way she shouted. Not to mention that I was too busy at laughing at both of them b/c neither Calleigh nor Horatio fired a single shot . And these were Bullet Girl & superH??? WOW we lost both of them. Now I'm happy.

If they have problems shooting this scene & if you notice that there's not chemistry left between two people, than give up doing some scenes with these 2 together. I mean it's just painful!!!

The only semi smart thing she did was used the gauze for the smell, but even then it was still out weighed with the flighty running around the kitchen.
Sorry, but her flightly running really cracked me up LOL.
But hey that was her smart thing she did in the episode :p.

Exactly! And this is supposed to be the smart, competent CSI that was able to improvise and clean up crime scenes with anything she could find and then left all those amazing "clues" for Horatio in All In! Another glaring indication that Calleigh is far from what she used to be.
At this point I'd define "All in" a miracle :lol:

Sorry, my rant is over ;)
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