Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

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writers are going to start making up stuff. :rolleyes:
Oh honey, that's already what they've done! :guffaw:
Here's Calleigh who was this little sparkler who loved guns & pranced around in her jeans & tank tops, loving the job -- now she's this woman who has to wear designer clothes, drive a fancy car, drinks of all things champagne, & adores a nice expensive truffle :rolleyes:
Hmmm, sad 'cause I honestly looked at this woman as a not so materialistic person. Very laid back, sipping an occasional beer, dining on macaroni & cheese, & NOT needing flowers or material objects to show thier worthy is how I always imagined her. Apparently I was wrong.
Sorry to nitpick, but it really makes me go :wtf:
writers are going to start making up stuff. :rolleyes:
Oh honey, that's already what they've done! :guffaw:
Here's Calleigh who was this little sparkler who loved guns & pranced around in her jeans & tank tops, loving the job -- now she's this woman who has to wear designer clothes, drive a fancy car, drinks of all things champagne, & adores a nice expensive truffle :rolleyes:
Hmmm, sad 'cause I honestly looked at this woman as a not so materialistic person. Very laid back, sipping an occasional beer, dining on macaroni & cheese, & NOT needing flowers or material objects to show thier worthy is how I always imagined her. Apparently I was wrong.
Sorry to nitpick, but it really makes me go :wtf:

:lol: True they have been adding random things in that don't's an odd game of one of these things is not like the other.

No worries you aren't nitpicking, merely showing why you, and I even, feel that the essence of her character has been destroyed.

It's very true, Calleigh had a great almost feminist aire going, though it wasn't over the top nor in your face. It was refreshing to see an independent woman be able to handle her own in a job where the large populace of co-workers was men.

I too envisioned her having a beer with her female friends and discussing the behavior of others in the bar, but now she would be the one that they are talking about; wearing clothes that are not typical to her style and generly putting on a mask to cover up who she really is. It's like high school girls or even older women who will change depending on the guy they are dating, it's disgusting to me that they can't be themselves and attract a guy that way.
mjszud said:
Here's Calleigh who was this little sparkler who loved guns & pranced around in her jeans & tank tops, loving the job -- now she's this woman who has to wear designer clothes, drive a fancy car, drinks of all things champagne, & adores a nice expensive truffle
Hmmm, sad 'cause I honestly looked at this woman as a not so materialistic person. Very laid back, sipping an occasional beer, dining on macaroni & cheese, & NOT needing flowers or material objects to show thier worthy is how I always imagined her. Apparently I was wrong.
I have the same feeling. When you write about beer, i remember ep in season 4 (Deviant) when she said Ryan that they can go after work and drink some beer.:) Sadly, now she totally another woman :(
But how they change both of them, before ralationship, it's looks like tptb know that Eric and Calleigh don't fit, that they need different characters for that. So they destroy Calleigh for Eric, and change Eric for her. But no matter tptb do to make them fit, it's looks no natural and tptb have no respect for fans who should believe in this lame lovestory when it change their fav characters in bad way.

Sorry, i probably don't wrote anything new :rolleyes:

Sweetie, don't apologize! What you said was absolutely perfect and very true.

I've been meaning to tell you for a while now how much I enjoy reading your posts. :)
writers are going to start making up stuff. :rolleyes:
Oh honey, that's already what they've done! :guffaw:
Here's Calleigh who was this little sparkler who loved guns & pranced around in her jeans & tank tops, loving the job -- now she's this woman who has to wear designer clothes, drive a fancy car, drinks of all things champagne, & adores a nice expensive truffle :rolleyes:
Hmmm, sad 'cause I honestly looked at this woman as a not so materialistic person. Very laid back, sipping an occasional beer, dining on macaroni & cheese, & NOT needing flowers or material objects to show thier worthy is how I always imagined her. Apparently I was wrong.
Sorry to nitpick, but it really makes me go :wtf:

Exactly. Whatever happened to the gal who said that a six foot tall man lying down with a three foot rifle gave her hot flashes? Sadly, I don't that guy would appeal to the Calleigh we have now.

Oops! I just realized I could have responded to both of these with one post. Slow learner here.
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You just hit multiple nails on multiple heads. In order to make these two come together they had to make Delko look less self-assured and more needy, they had to make Calleigh look less independent, and more subservient.

IMHO, no matter how hard TPTB tries, E/C are never going to look like a natural pairing. In looking natural, E/N just hits it out of the park!

I raise my glass in your honor!!
mjszud said:
Here's Calleigh who was this little sparkler who loved guns & pranced around in her jeans & tank tops, loving the job -- now she's this woman who has to wear designer clothes, drive a fancy car, drinks of all things champagne, & adores a nice expensive truffle
Hmmm, sad 'cause I honestly looked at this woman as a not so materialistic person. Very laid back, sipping an occasional beer, dining on macaroni & cheese, & NOT needing flowers or material objects to show thier worthy is how I always imagined her. Apparently I was wrong.
I have the same feeling. When you write about beer, i remember ep in season 4 (Deviant) when she said Ryan that they can go after work and drink some beer.:) Sadly, now she totally another woman :(
I can't really say how I imagined Calleigh, but quite surely I can tell you that is Calleigh is way too wealthy & fashionable than the one they pictured in the first 3 seasons.
Did you imagine her having a crysler and living in the house she's living (the wealthiest part of the city!!).
And, above all, could you imagine her having fun while drinking a Mimosa for her brunch?
Hello this is Calleigh Duquesne, the cheerful girl who used to have fun with her friend and used to drink a cup of tea while watching stupid shows on MTV!!! ;) Where did that Calleigh go????

Trust me that truffle thing was way too much for my Calleigh. I mean ok that she loves riding horses (after all she's from New Orleans), but how is it possible she loves truffles which are produced only in Chicago??? :scream:
This kind of things make me crazy!!!

I'm all for a change & I love her new clothes, but gosh this is not Calleigh Duquesne!!!

But how they change both of them, before ralationship, it's looks like tptb know that Eric and Calleigh don't fit, that they need different characters for that. So they destroy Calleigh for Eric, and change Eric for her. But no matter tptb do to make them fit, it's looks no natural and tptb have no respect for fans who should believe in this lame lovestory when it change their fav characters in bad way.

Sorry, i probably don't wrote anything new :rolleyes:

Sweetie, don't apologize! What you said was absolutely perfect and very true.

I've been meaning to tell you for a while now how much I enjoy reading your posts. :)
Exactly what I thought.
I've always said that, IMHO, they needed Eric with a bullet in his head so that he could realize he was in love with her (did Eric consider Calleigh in s4? I guess no)
Not to mention that Calleigh didn't consider Eric more than a friend (look she didn't even know anything about Marisol's presence). Now she knows everything about him, not to mention that she's in love with him. But why? Because they had to destroy her character. That was the only chance for TPTB to finally put this 2 together.

I can't really imagine Calleigh & Delko having sex and healthy relationship in s1, s2, s3 & s4. There was no way they could have put these 2 together with the characters they have builded up in the first seasons. Of course, they had to destroy Calleigh and change Delko.
Too bad that E/C was completely useless for this show, considering also the fact that it's nothing original on a franchise like CSI to put 2 CSIs together and make them happy :rolleyes:

Sorry for the rambling, but that's all I could come up with :p
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I just found the new title for this show -- The Rich & the Nauseating.
*ahem* sorry.... :shifty:


Not to mention that Calleigh didn't consider Eric more than a friend (look she didn't even know anything about Marisol's presence).
Ya know, everytime I hear anything about them being "such close friends" I always go back to that scene in 'Nailed'. You are absolutely correct -- she didn't have the foggiest idea that Marisol was his sister, & her reaction to him hearing of her death in 'Rampage' was far from warm & caring -- even thier friendship in that moment lacked significant signs or emphasis.
I think these 2 were fairly close at work because they were together seemingly every day,however, I don't think they knew each other outside of the lab very well at all --everything about them was stricly at a professional level, & not at all personal.
Strange that we're supposed to think otherwise your homework, PTB!
Florry86 said:
I can't really say how I imagined Calleigh, but quite surely I can tell you that is Calleigh is way too wealthy & fashionable than the one they pictured in the first 3 season.
Did you imagine her having a crysler and living in the house she's living (the wealthiest part of the city!!).
And, above all, could you imagine her having fun while drinking a Mimosa for her brunch?
Hello this is Calleigh Duquesne, the cheerful girl who used to have fun with her friend and used to drink a cup of tea while watching stupid shows on MTV!!! ;) Where did that Calleigh go????
I like how she was dress in earlier seasons more. She still looks very good (God, i love her shoes!). She was easy while back and her clothe suits her, now she change and have new look.
Florry86 said:
Trust me that truffle thing was way too much for my Calleigh. I mean ok that she loves riding horses (after all she's from New Orleans), but how is it possible she loves truffles which are produced only in Chicago??? :scream:
This kind of things make me crazy!!!
I didn't think about it, not in second! Seriously, where she find them? Another lame story, she likes this truffles and Eric doing improbable and find them for her (or steal evidence).
Florry86 said:
I can't really imagine Calleigh & Delko having sex and healthy relationship in s1, s2, s3 & s4. There was no way they could have put these 2 together with they characters they have builded up in the first season. Of course, they had to destroy Calleigh and change Delko.
No, they even don't show us any tiny hint that they can be involve in romantic relationships. I always saw them as best friend or brother and sister. And tptb again show us that man and woman can't be friends without romance. I hate when Tv show (many of them) doing this. :(
You’ve all raised some very interesting points, and I’ve enjoyed reading all the recent posts. A couple comments I’d like to expand on.

A significant part of the problem is the fact that this romance has taken on a life of its own. It's always a cloud hanging over everything on the show now. They've begun to center everything around Eric and Calleigh's little romance. There was nothing subtle about that "daydream" sequence or the "Calleigh gets her man coffee" sequence. It was a 2x4 right between the eyes and both scenes were inappropriate for time and place.
I have to agree, there is a somewhat significant amount of focus on this relationship, and given the fact that tptb have taken two years to develop it (by which I mean, 2 yrs to milk the ‘will they or won’t they’ scenario) I don’t see it going away any time soon. As Ann D said, there will be “romance and repercussions”. I take that to mean we will have more of what we saw in ep 16 and again, last week, plus lots more drama for the two lovebirds. It would also appear that the actors are positively embracing the romance - and for that I can’t blame them because it must get old after awhile playing the same kind of story week after week. So, yeah, it’s here till it’s no longer giving tptb what they want or they decide to go in a different direction.

I don’t believe that EC is going to take over the show, yet I can see why it seems that way (to more than a few fans). I think the ‘EC romance’ (ECR) is going to continue to function as its own character, and just as Frank and the various lab techs get their weekly or occasional scenes, so will ECR. Why it seems as though we are overdosing on everything EC is because not only do we have several weekly scenes of (professional) Eric and Calleigh working side-by-side, we also have their personal romance moments as well. Not only that, but as it's been pointed out in earlier posts, Calleigh has lacked an individual story that didn’t involve Eric and his feelings for her in quite some time. Even her relationship with Jake was played out in such a way as to include Eric, his feelings, his need for her, his jealousy, his unwavering devotion, etc. Somewhere in all of that, Calleigh, the individual, got lost. Personally I’d love to see a Calleigh story line that didn’t include Eric and his feelings or her almost dying (which BTW, always includes Eric and his feelings) but now that they are 'in love', I can’t see that happening.

To make matters worse, as of late, the only ‘personal’ relationship that tptb have bothered to develop is Eric and Calleigh’s. By personal, I don’t mean just romance, I mean any personal, non-case-related interaction between team members. Once upon a time Horatio and Calleigh shared a personal bond. Ok, so maybe that relationship went away for reasons we are not privy to, but what about Calleigh’s friendship with Ryan or the developing friendship between Calleigh and Natalia? Sure, not all people who work together get along, and maybe Eric is the only person on the team Calleigh was/is close to - except that’s not the case at all! Calleigh got along great with both Ryan and Natalia, it’s just that since the special relationship with Eric began, her personal interaction with any other team member has fallen by the wayside - unless you count Ryan quizzing her about her relationship w/ Delko. Next we’ll have Natalia quizzing her about Delko and that will be the first non-related work conversation I’ve seen between them in forever. If I’m wrong about this, please feel free to let me know.

Bottom line, that’s why it feels like a whole lot of Eric and Calleigh and little else.

They can have their romance, but maybe it could be a bit less in our faces, as in, no more silly fantasies and slo-motion coffee moments. And maybe the next time Calleigh has a near-death experience, someone other than Eric could provide her with a personal moment of support. I don’t think that's asking for too much.

Whatever happened to the gal who said that a six foot tall man lying down with a three foot rifle gave her hot flashes? Sadly, I don't that guy would appeal to the Calleigh we have now.
I’m so glad you brought that up, Delynn! Where did that sassy, southern gal go? Eric is so not that guy, he just isn’t. I never imagined Calleigh with a guy she needed to coddle and protect, much the same as she did with her alcoholic father. I also never imagined - for lack of a better word - a 'weakened' Calleigh, just so she would fit into a relationship with Eric. Nor did I ever envision a 30+ year old Calleigh acting like a lovestruck teenager in the throes of first love, but that’s just me. One person’s idea of natural character development is another person’s idea of character manipulation (or destroying).
I have to agree, there is a somewhat significant amount of focus on this relationship, and given the fact that tptb have taken two years to develop it (by which I mean, 2 yrs to milk the ‘will they or won’t they’ scenario) I don’t see it going away any time soon. As Ann D said, there will be “romance and repercussions”. I take that to mean we will have more of what we saw in ep 16 and again, last week, plus lots more drama for the two lovebirds. It would also appear that the actors are positively embracing the romance - and for that I can’t blame them because it must get old after awhile playing the same kind of story week after week. So, yeah, it’s here till it’s no longer giving tptb what they want or they decide to go in a different direction.

I'm sure the E/C storyline won't be disappearing in the near future. They've invested much to much time and money into it to let it fade away or abuptly end. And I can also see why Procter and Rodriguez would want to seize any opportunity to not only increase their screen time, but change up what their characters are doing.

My problem with it is the character destruction. I know that ultimately it is the producers that make the final decisions, but I have to wonder how much input the actors have in their character's development and I really wonder if they truly "like" their characters. I know that Procter is thrilled with the storyline, but does she like what Calleigh has become? Calleigh used to be an amazing character. She was strong but compassionate, professional but human, quick, smart and sassy! She really looked like she loved her job. Not so much any more.

I don’t believe that EC is going to take over the show, yet I can see why it seems that way (to more than a few fans). I think the ‘EC romance’ (ECR) is going to continue to function as its own character, and just as Frank and the various lab techs get their weekly or occasional scenes, so will ECR. Why it seems as though we are overdosing on everything EC is because not only do we have several weekly scenes of (professional) Eric and Calleigh working side-by-side, we also have their personal romance moments as well. Not only that, but as it's been pointed out in earlier posts, Calleigh has lacked an individual story that didn’t involve Eric and his feelings for her in quite some time. Even her relationship with Jake was played out in such a way as to include Eric, his feelings, his need for her, his jealousy, his unwavering devotion, etc. Somewhere in all of that, Calleigh, the individual, got lost. Personally I’d love to see a Calleigh story line that didn’t include Eric and his feelings or her almost dying (which BTW, always includes Eric and his feelings) but now that they are 'in love', I can’t see that happening.

You may have a very valid point here. It seems we never get a break from E/C. It just feels like I'm being overwhelmed by all things Calleigh and Eric whenever I try to watch the show. And you may have just explained why. Possibly TPTB might consider teaming them up with different partners so some of us don't feel quite so overwhelmed with these two. It probably works if you really like the characters, but I'm having a few issues with Calleigh lately. :)

To make matters worse, as of late, the only ‘personal’ relationship that tptb have bothered to develop is Eric and Calleigh’s. By personal, I don’t mean just romance, I mean any personal, non-case-related interaction between team members. Once upon a time Horatio and Calleigh shared a personal bond. Ok, so maybe that relationship went away for reasons we are not privy to, but what about Calleigh’s friendship with Ryan or the developing friendship between Calleigh and Natalia? Sure, not all people who work together get along, and maybe Eric is the only person on the team Calleigh was/is close to - except that’s not the case at all! Calleigh got along great with both Ryan and Natalia, it’s just that since the special relationship with Eric began, her personal interaction with any other team member has fallen by the wayside - unless you count Ryan quizzing her about her relationship w/ Delko. Next we’ll have Natalia quizzing her about Delko and that will be the first non-related work conversation I’ve seen between them in forever. If I’m wrong about this, please feel free to let me know.

Bottom line, that’s why it feels like a whole lot of Eric and Calleigh and little else.

No, you're not wrong and I see your point. My question is, when did this become the "Calleigh" show? I know that part of my frustration is that I have grown to dislike Calleigh a great deal. So I would really rather not have all things revolve around her and HER relationships with everyone in the lab. I love watching Ryan and Natalia and Natalia and Eric work together. I love watching Horatio work with just about everyone in the lab. I used to love watching how well Horatio and Calleigh WORKED together (I DO NOT SHIP THEM!). Now I'd rather Calleigh just stay away from Horatio.

I found it telling that when Eric was having an issue with Marisol and Horatio getting married, it was Natalia who spoke to Eric (twice I believe) and tried to make him understand. Natalia was a huge part of the reason that Eric didn't miss his sister's wedding! Calleigh was no where to be found.

I just watched "Man Down". When they figured out who actually fired the shot, Ryan came unglued and stated "you shot my friend!" And let's face it, Eric hasn't always been very nice to Ryan. Calleigh didn't react to me like someone who was in love with the guy the man in from of her shot in the head.

They can have their romance, but maybe it could be a bit less in our faces, as in, no more silly fantasies and slo-motion coffee moments. And maybe the next time Calleigh has a near-death experience, someone other than Eric could provide her with a personal moment of support. I don’t think that's asking for too much.

Thank you! Please? No more teenage fantasies or slo-motion goo-goo eye moments. Please?

I was really very surprised that Calleigh and Alexx had no interaction at all when Calleigh was in the hopital (while Calleigh was in a conscious state). Considering their characters are supposed to be so close, I thought we'd have a wonderful scene with them. That was just strange. Ryan didn't even inquire. Horatio stood in the hallway.

It's like TPTB can't afford to have anyone or anything interfer or threaten this little romance they've set up. Why do they have to work overtime to protect the romance by making sure that no one else gets a "moment" in an Eric and Calleigh scene?

I’m so glad you brought that up, Delynn! Where did that sassy, southern gal go? Eric is so not that guy, he just isn’t. I never imagined Calleigh with a guy she needed to coddle and protect, much the same as she did with her alcoholic father. I also never imagined - for lack of a better word - a 'weakened' Calleigh, just so she would fit into a relationship with Eric. Nor did I ever envision a 30+ year old Calleigh acting like a lovestruck teenager in the throes of first love, but that’s just me. One person’s idea of natural character development is another person’s idea of character manipulation (or destroying).

I don't know where she went, but I miss her. :( I never thought I'd see Calleigh with a guy who was needy and high maintenance either. But Calleigh is a much weaker person than she used to be. So maybe taking care of Eric makes her feel somehow still in control and strong.

I do wish they'd take a step back and try to objectively look at how these actors are, either by choice or direction, portraying these characters in love. It really is very difficult to watch. If they were to mature the relationship a lot it might go a long way to making it at least somewhat tolerable.

Wow. This was quite an amazing post and I enjoyed reading your thoughts very much. You've made me consider things I hadn't thought of before.

Thank you! :)
Great points Abstract & Delynn.

I never thought I'd see Calleigh with a guy who was needy and high maintenance either. But Calleigh is a much weaker person than she used to be. So maybe taking care of Eric makes her feel somehow still in control and strong.
I have to question who is strong/stable enough to hold the other up?!?!
They both seem to be off balance, Eric moreso than Calleigh, but even Calleigh's control is decreasing, except for when she has her hand on the leash around Eric's neck.
I feel that their characters are both struggling - one is not stronger than the other anymore.
Eric has so many issues that he has yet to face but we don't see Calleigh actually helping matters by playing all the games she has the past 2 years.
I don't know what is up with Calleigh at all -- all I know is that she isn't herself, she has terrible luck, & even in the job she's losing her grip, so it just leaves me wondering how both of them could possibly help the other when they are both so "weak".
One of them, you would think, needs to be the stronger support system, & at this point after all they've done to break down Calleigh, I don't see either one of them as good candidates.
Great points Abstract & Delynn.

I never thought I'd see Calleigh with a guy who was needy and high maintenance either. But Calleigh is a much weaker person than she used to be. So maybe taking care of Eric makes her feel somehow still in control and strong.
I have to question who is strong/stable enough to hold the other up?!?!
They both seem to be off balance, Eric moreso than Calleigh, but even Calleigh's control is decreasing, except for when she has her hand on the leash around Eric's neck.
I feel that their characters are both struggling - one is not stronger than the other anymore.
Eric has so many issues that he has yet to face but we don't see Calleigh actually helping matters by playing all the games she has the past 2 years.
I don't know what is up with Calleigh at all -- all I know is that she isn't herself, she has terrible luck, & even in the job she's losing her grip, so it just leaves me wondering how both of them could possibly help the other when they are both so "weak".
One of them, you would think, needs to be the stronger support system, & at this point after all they've done to break down Calleigh, I don't see either one of them as good candidates.

It is interesting that you all feel that way. I always felt like Cal was the type of person/woman who felt like she needed to fix the world. I am not saying that Eric is high maintenance or I believe that Cal has become weak but I always felt that when she was in a relationship it was with someone who "needed" something or had a type of fault that kind of attracted her to them.

It is hard to put into words but I always feel like Cal is picking up the pieces so to speak....anyone get what I mean? I am definately not saying that Eric is falling apart at the seams or Cal is crazy or anything but I just feel like b/c of maybe her disfunctional family life that she feels the need to patch things up or make things right. Pretty much what she seems to always do with her dad...she takes care of him.

Did any of that make sense? I feel like I jumped into the conversation but didn't really make sense at all :lol: Feel free to ignore the ramblings...unless of course it made sense in some way :lol: Man, I need to go to bed!!
I agree with delkolover Calleigh has always gotten with the person thats at fault or the one who brakes up with her. She is the person who cares for people alot. I'm not saying Eric is at fault or falling apart. It's just that Cal cares alot for people just how she took care for her dad. Alot of what I said comes from her childhood or taking care of her dad.
It is interesting that you all feel that way. I always felt like Cal was the type of person/woman who felt like she needed to fix the world. I am not saying that Eric is high maintenance or I believe that Cal has become weak but I always felt that when she was in a relationship it was with someone who "needed" something or had a type of fault that kind of attracted her to them.

It is hard to put into words but I always feel like Cal is picking up the pieces so to speak....anyone get what I mean? I am definately not saying that Eric is falling apart at the seams or Cal is crazy or anything but I just feel like b/c of maybe her disfunctional family life that she feels the need to patch things up or make things right. Pretty much what she seems to always do with her dad...she takes care of him.

Did any of that make sense? I feel like I jumped into the conversation but didn't really make sense at all :lol: Feel free to ignore the ramblings...unless of course it made sense in some way :lol: Man, I need to go to bed!!

I think what you've said makes some sense. I think that is true of a lot of people who grow up in an abusive or neglected home. Calleigh certainly had her hands full taking care of her father.

And we do have evidence from the past that Calleigh came very close to "crossing the line" is how I think Horatio stated it, for someone she cared about in "Under the Influence". Calleigh had her father take a drink to protect him from tests that would indicate whether he was intoxicated at the time of the accident.

She has also stepped up in a professional capacity for Horatio in a couple of situations. But each time she stepped up for Horatio, her actions were above reproach.

Her protection of Ryan with the hundred dollar bill was her attempt to protect the lab - not necessarily Ryan.

But IMO her protective instinct with Eric since his injury has resulted in increasing evidence of bad judgment. Maybe not on a personal level, although I think that there is argument in that area, but certainly on a professional level and certainly as the senior CSI of the two.

Is Calleigh's idea of protection really in Eric's best interest? I don't feel that in most instances it is and I think the Calleigh of several seasons past would have made a different call.

In "Broken Home" Eric's mistake almost allowed the killer to walk. Calleigh called him on the mistake and pointed out to him how serious the mistake was. She was firm but understanding and supportive. She handled it perfectly and she was awesome!

And I believe when Eric said he came back too soon, he was right. And Horatio needs to take responsibility for that. I love Horatio, but he isn't perfect by any means.

I don't feel the Calleigh I saw in that episode would be making so many of what I feel are bad judgment calls. I've listed in the past where I feel she's made the bad calls, so I not going to keep beating a dead horse.

I know this is going to cause a rise in blood pressure for some, but I just find it hard to discuss the E/C romantic attraction issue in a manner that acknowledges it because I just don't see it. I see what was once a perfect friendship. I see a loving brother/sister relationship.

Calleigh's protection of Eric at this point almost reminds me of a mother protecting her child - and there are times whe I feel that Eric acts like a child. I just don't see any romantic basis there. I'm sorry. I don't mean to offend but I really don't know how to say it in a way that won't offend someone who sees a strong, romantic 'ship.
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