You’ve all raised some very interesting points, and I’ve enjoyed reading all the recent posts. A couple comments I’d like to expand on.
A significant part of the problem is the fact that this romance has taken on a life of its own. It's always a cloud hanging over everything on the show now. They've begun to center everything around Eric and Calleigh's little romance. There was nothing subtle about that "daydream" sequence or the "Calleigh gets her man coffee" sequence. It was a 2x4 right between the eyes and both scenes were inappropriate for time and place.
I have to agree, there
is a somewhat significant amount of focus on this relationship, and given the fact that tptb have taken two years to develop it (by which I mean, 2 yrs to milk the ‘will they or won’t they’ scenario) I don’t see it going away any time soon. As Ann D said, there will be “romance and repercussions”. I take that to mean we will have more of what we saw in ep 16 and again, last week, plus lots more drama for the two lovebirds. It would also appear that the actors are positively embracing the romance - and for that I can’t blame them because it must get old after awhile playing the same kind of story week after week. So, yeah, it’s here till it’s no longer giving tptb what they want or they decide to go in a different direction.
I don’t believe that EC is going to take over the show, yet I
can see why it seems that way (to more than a few fans). I think the ‘EC romance’ (ECR) is going to continue to function as its own character, and just as Frank and the various lab techs get their weekly or occasional scenes, so will ECR. Why it
seems as though we are overdosing on everything EC is because not only do we have
several weekly scenes of (professional) Eric and Calleigh working side-by-side, we also have their personal romance moments as well. Not only that, but as it's been pointed out in earlier posts, Calleigh has lacked an individual story that
didn’t involve
Eric and his feelings for her in quite some time. Even her relationship with Jake was played out in such a way as to include Eric, his feelings, his need for her, his jealousy, his unwavering devotion, etc. Somewhere in all of that,
Calleigh, the individual, got lost. Personally I’d love to see a Calleigh story line
that didn’t include Eric and his feelings
or her almost dying (which BTW, always includes Eric and his feelings) but now that they are 'in love', I can’t see that happening.
To make matters worse, as of late, the
only ‘personal’ relationship that tptb have bothered to develop is Eric and Calleigh’s. By personal, I don’t mean just romance, I mean any personal, non-case-related interaction between team members. Once upon a time Horatio and Calleigh shared a personal bond. Ok, so maybe that relationship went away for reasons we are not privy to, but what about Calleigh’s friendship with Ryan or the developing friendship between Calleigh and Natalia? Sure, not all people who work together get along, and maybe Eric is the only person on the team Calleigh was/is close to -
except that’s not the case at all! Calleigh got along great with both Ryan and Natalia, it’s just that since the special relationship with Eric began, her personal interaction with any other team member has fallen by the wayside - unless you count Ryan quizzing her about her relationship w/ Delko. Next we’ll have Natalia quizzing her about Delko and that will be the first non-related work conversation I’ve seen between them in forever. If I’m wrong about this, please feel free to let me know.
Bottom line, that’s why it feels like
a whole lot of Eric and Calleigh and little else.
They can have their romance, but maybe it could be a bit less in our faces, as in, no more silly fantasies and slo-motion coffee moments. And maybe the next time Calleigh has a near-death experience, someone
other than Eric could provide her with a personal moment of support. I don’t think that's asking for too much.
Whatever happened to the gal who said that a six foot tall man lying down with a three foot rifle gave her hot flashes? Sadly, I don't that guy would appeal to the Calleigh we have now.
I’m so glad you brought that up,
Delynn! Where did that sassy, southern gal go? Eric is so not that guy, he just isn’t. I never imagined Calleigh with a guy she needed to coddle and protect, much the same as she did with her alcoholic father. I also never imagined - for lack of a better word - a 'weakened' Calleigh, just so she would fit into a relationship with Eric. Nor did I ever envision a 30+ year old Calleigh acting like a lovestruck teenager in the throes of first love, but that’s just me. One person’s idea of natural character development is another person’s idea of character manipulation (or destroying).