Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

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I think the team interaction people were talking about was the one scene which had Ryan in the layout room with Calleigh and Eric. There were actually three of the team members in the room at the same time. That's rare as of late. :lol:

I agree that the daydream seemed out of place. I didn't understand it's purpose. Once a couple on tv are already together, there's really no need for those kinds of daydream scenes (at least on a weekly, hour long show that's not supposed to be Grey's Anatomy like lol).

You know, I didn't think much of the Ryan/Natalia "gossip" scene until you said that MJ. It does seem odd. I mean, I've seen scenes where Calleigh and Natalia are gossiping together, but... So, I kind of agree that the scene last night was a little unnecessary... unless they just wanted to show that Natalia now knows about E/C... or at least will be on the alert now that Ryan is suspicious that something's going on between them. :lol: Although Natalia's "la la la" was quite funny. :lol:
I just think it's kinda funny that we're supposed to believe that these 2 are so in love & that it's supposedly so obvious, yet it didn't appear that Ryan or Natalia were buying it either....considering Ryan marked it off as they needed to have a romper room, & Natalia was more like "whatever".
....oh but I thought their "love" was just so strong & undeniable that everyone can see it. :rolleyes:
I think I'm with Natalia on this one...... "lallallllaaaaaallaaaa"....
yeah that translates to "don't want to hear it". ;)

So, I kind of agree that the scene last night was a little unnecessary... unless they just wanted to show that Natalia now knows about E/C... or at least will be on the alert now that Ryan is suspicious that something's going on between them.
Personally, I just saw it as TPTB only putting the "gossip" out there to foreshadow e/c being exploited later. *lame*
I just saw it as TPTB only putting the "gossip" out there to foreshadow e/c being exploited later.

What do you mean by exploited? Do you mean found out? Or do you mean the writers pushing the storyline even more?
Ryan & Natalia have been my "relief" from all this & now I have to sit through them gossiping over it I supposed to believe that Ryan would actually throw this out there to the one person that he KNEW once had a thing with Delko herself...

I mean Come. ON. This is such bogus.TPTB have felt they needed to milk this so much that they've manipulated every character, now even Ryan & Natalia... how tasteless can a scene get?!
I hate this scene, for me it was OOC Ryan. You remember how he hate gossip? In season 4, when Cooper talks about H\Morisol and then when gossip was about him and his eye, and now he new Cooper in the lab? And he say that to Nat? :wtf: Now they wanna change Ryan and Nat characters for this romance, they show this romance from their eyes? I don't get it.

Daydream was necessary, he can just say it like "You know, it was good leave somewhere on vacation". And this scene show that Eric can't work with her, come on, he always look at her, dreaming and at this moment he can miss evidence!

About teamwork, it was tiny try to show it. I was shoked when i saw three of them in one room, talking about case more then couple words (like it was in "Presumed Guilty"). But still, Eric work with Cal, Ryan with Nat most of the time. One Ryan\Calleigh scene and one Eric\Natalia scene it was to little, lame try to show us "teamwork"
I hate this scene, for me it was OOC Ryan. You remember how he hate gossip? In season 4, when Cooper talks about H\Morisol and then when gossip was about him and his eye, and now he new Cooper in the lab? And he say that to Nat? :wtf: Now they wanna change Ryan and Nat characters for this romance, they show this romance from their eyes? I don't get it.

You know what? You're right! Ryan does/did hate gossip. Now they've got him not only actively participating, he's starting it! Wonderful. More character destruction. :(

Daydream was necessary, he can just say it like "You know, it was good leave somewhere on vacation". And this scene show that Eric can't work with her, come on, he always look at her, dreaming and at this moment he can miss evidence!

His "relationship" with Calleigh does seem to add to the list of things that complicate Eric's ability to do his job. Like he doesn't have enought trouble focusing. He really doesn't need anything more added to his plate in that area right now.

About teamwork, it was tiny try to show it. I was shoked when i saw three of them in one room, talking about case more then couple words (like it was in "Presumed Guilty"). But still, Eric work with Cal, Ryan with Nat most of the time. One Ryan\Calleigh scene and one Eric\Natalia scene it was to little, lame try to show us "teamwork"

Yeah. I didn't think the teamwork was that big a deal. The focus was still on E/C this episode. I mean, come on! How do you miss the "slow motion" dumb, blank, mindless, smiling looks when they look at each other. How is that considered romantic? Lame is the right word for it.

I'm afraid it's not going to get better. We are going to have to deal with the "slow motion - we wanna make sure you don't miss these silly little mindless smiles - see! - we're in love!"- looks. At least until we all join the Stepford E/C Shippers marching to the same shipper drum. :rolleyes:
Delynn said:
You know what? You're right! Ryan does/did hate gossip. Now they've got him not only actively participating, he's starting it! Wonderful. More character destruction.
I'm was so disappointed with Ryan in this moment, no i was disappointed in tptb for doing this! :scream: Can you leave other characters alone, don't involve in this romance?

Delynn said:
His "relationship" with Calleigh does seem to add to the list of things that complicate Eric's ability to do his job. Like he doesn't have enought trouble focusing. He really doesn't need anything more added to his plate in that area right now.
Yeah, they still trying hard to buy us this relationship. But still, i see picture, but i don't see soul bond.

Delynn said:
Yeah. I didn't think the teamwork was that big a deal. The focus was still on E/C this episode. I mean, come on! How do you miss the "slow motion" dumb, blank, mindless, smiling looks when they look at each other. How is that considered romantic? Lame is the right word for it.
This can be problem for investigation too (and i count his head trauma). And this not fair for whole team, you know, this relationship can put team in trouble with IAB. Eric should start be man. He should come in night shift, start treatment or just prove that he can work. But they still hide their romance, maybe because Calleigh (as liader in this romance) know that it's for a while(not serious)? I can believe in this big love, when Calleigh so easy can change Eric for other guy. She know he feel something for her, but she was with Jake, she waiting Jake. When she ask him what he want, he don't say nothing and she come on date other guy. Is it big love? Sorry, i don't see that.

Lame? Yeah, agree with that. But i always use word Fake.
Okay. I realize that I'm being a little picky here, but E/C are together now. Why is it that the writers feel the need to still have Eric "daydreaming" about what he wants to do with Calliegh?

And what the heck did it have to do with this episode? Nothing. It was put there to give a sugar rush to the E/C 'shippers.

And why do their little "romantic moments" have to be in slow motion with those stupid blank smiles on their faces? It really makes it harder than normal to watch.

They really aren't doing the characters much of a service with this trick. Will this relationship be maturing into an adult relationship anytime in the near future?

And my biggest nitpick. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it was my understanding (from the commentary on my first season DVDs) that food and drink are not allowed in the lab areas. Again, Calleigh as the senior CSI (which shouldn't even matter with a subject like this) should know better, but she brings Eric a drink in the lab - with that dumb, blank smile on her face - and in slow motion. :rolleyes:

Who knew that trapped inside of Delko was a 14 year old girl.

That little fantasy was, by far, was the silliest scene I've ever seen on Miami. A grown man fantasizing about flying 1st class and holding hands? While processing a crime scene? Seriously? What's next, a crime on a beach so Eric can fantasize a moonlit walk? The "cute" tptb are forcing into the episodes so that we can't possibly forget 'how deeply in love' these two are continues to amaze and amuse me.

I suspect that scene existed, as you stated above, to provide a squee-worthy moment for the shippers, because its relevance to the murder, the evidence, or anything else - was zip.

I thought I might have been the only one wondering why the heck that 'coffee moment' was in slo-motion. Was there a point? Were tptb afraid we wouldn't catch the significance of it? More "cute" for the viewers!

Do I see this relationship maturing? Perhaps when the next life-threatening drama hits one of them. It's been a couple weeks, surely one of them is due.

As for the Ryan & Natalia gossip moment, it was just another way to infuse more EC into the show. I'm w/ Natalia - "lalalala".

While I'm not afraid of EC taking over the show, I've seen enough painfully-in-love, gooey eyes and smiles to last me a lifetime. I wish tptb would just spin them off to their own show; they could call it "Eric Loves Calleigh". Perhaps then, the all-important 18 - 34 y/o's will come flocking because right now Miami's share of that audience isn't exactly overwhelming. Every other Mon. night CBS show does better, so do 24, House, & that dancing show on ABC. In fact, Miami barely did better than that new show Castle w/ the 18-34 y/o's according to early #'s. Maybe they need to up the EC romance quotient...could we be so lucky? :lol:
What do you mean by exploited? Do you mean found out?
Yep. It sounds like (from spoilers) that this will eventually get out......ooooh the drama. God forbid actually doing anything exciting with the cast - no - let's make finale to where this couple will have to face thier secret being outted....oh yes, what a shocker :vulcan: I am so enthused :vulcan: can't you tell? :rolleyes:

At least until we all join the Stepford E/C Shippers marching to the same shipper drum.
Nope, not gonna happen here. :p

I'm was so disappointed with Ryan in this moment, no i was disappointed in tptb for doing this! :scream: Can you leave other characters alone, don't involve in this romance?
I definitly don't point the finger at Ryan for that - this is all TPTB pushing e/c further down our throats, & it's pointless to bring in the other characters. It's damn right disrespectful - they are thier OWN characters...why the hell should they have to play off this storyline?!?!
They shouldn't...AT ALL. They deserve thier own storyline - not be reduced to being the co-workers who have nothing better to do than to chit chat over the so-called office romance.

But still, i see picture, but i don't see soul bond.
Agreed wholeheartidly. I see a man with a bullet in his brain, dependant, desperate, & needing a safe place to hide - I see a woman who's pathetic & settling on a rebound. I can't possibly see it any other way than this considering how they wrote it out. They'll never sell me on these 2 simply finding each other after all these years.....PLEASE....they found two totally different people!!! :wtf:

Who knew that trapped inside of Delko was a 14 year old girl.
I'm glad I'm not the only one seeing this. I truly believe the man left his balls back at the crime scene where he was shot. It's sad to see a once strong, healthy, self-confidant man who carried sex appeal like no other & reduce him to such a needy & pathetic wimp.
Who get's into a plane to investigate crime & has a fantasy that he's heading to a romantic get-away.... they're making him look as much like a psycho loon as the guy who murdered that girl in last night's epi.....uh, can anyone say fixated...obsessed?
I'm not saying he'd kill her, mind you....I'm just sayin' he looks like a nut with the hallucinations of Speed, this daydream, & now Im guessing that the sequence in 'you may now kill the bride' was probably coming from Eric's head there a necessary point in all this!?
Maybe Calleigh saying "it felt like a dream" will mean more by finale than what it appeared to in 'SGIYC' certainly is looking like a dream to me...or rather a nightmare that keeps repeating itself over & over again:lol:

Ok I watched this episode and the E/C scenes were just weird, not to mention they weren't part of any storyline from this episode LOL

I mean...what was the purpose of that dream?
1) you're a 35 years old CSI working on a case and you daydream on holding your hands with your girlfriend? :shifty:
No wonder why I want Eric fired :shifty:
2) you're having this wonderful dream & you dream on you having the same clothes you're wearing while working while she's gorgeous? :brickwall:
Calleigh waking him up while working was the best thing :lol:
I mean come on!!! That's exactly what I don't want to see on a show like this.

Did anyone of you see the scene with the coffee? The first thing I read on that paper Delko was examing when Calleigh brought his coffe was "you sleep" :guffaw:
Sorry, but the idea of Calleigh solving his problem in just one second and then looking at him like saying "see? It was simple my dude!" cracked me up.
Nah they better do something else unless they want me to think Eric is a 15 years old boy with a bullet in his head :shifty:

As for Ryan & Natalia I do enjoy the idea the none of them approves this couple.
I mean he said "it's not that I approve" and her "la la la" was surely a way to say "I don't know anything about them and I don't care!!!"
I thought this was a good thing they could show on this E/C.

Quite honestly, I do enjoy the idea of the others not approving their relationship & considering their maturity, I do think Ryan & Natalia can influence them when saying they don't approve the relationship :p
Did anyone of you see the scene with the coffee? The first thing I read on that paper Delko was examing when Calleigh brought his coffe was "you sleep" :guffaw:
See? I don't understand how come all these scenes seem like part of someone's fantasy opposed to being something that looks like it's really happening. I mean, all the slow motion crap, & the words in big print...the goofy forced smiles on thier faces. The scene in 'SGIYC' when he pulls the curtain back & Calleigh's in freakin' lala land. :wtf:

BTW, I had to laugh at how akward Eric looked standing there holding his coffee not taking a drink....the entire scene just looked really stupid. They just stood there!!
I've seen a lot of romances on TV, yes even crime shows, & I swear I have never before seen one played out like this before. I can't at all ever even imagine Danny or Gil Grissom having such cheesy daydreams. Is this 90210 we're watching? :rolleyes:
Who knew that trapped inside of Delko was a 14 year old girl.


That little fantasy was, by far, was the silliest scene I've ever seen on Miami. A grown man fantasizing about flying 1st class and holding hands? While processing a crime scene? Seriously? What's next, a crime on a beach so Eric can fantasize a moonlit walk? The "cute" tptb are forcing into the episodes so that we can't possibly forget 'how deeply in love' these two are continues to amaze and amuse me.

There is nothing subtle or classy about how TPTB are shoving this cheesy little relationship down our collective throats. Grissom/Sara and Danny/Lindsey were never represented with such lack of respect for the audience. This is desperation plain and simple. They aren't pulling in the target demographic like they thought they would. In fact it's a dismal failure.

I suspect that scene existed, as you stated above, to provide a squee-worthy moment for the shippers, because its relevance to the murder, the evidence, or anything else - was zip.

Oh, I'm sure of it. And it worked. The shippers are thrilled.

I thought I might have been the only one wondering why the heck that 'coffee moment' was in slo-motion. Was there a point? Were tptb afraid we wouldn't catch the significance of it? More "cute" for the viewers!

It was so cheesy I actually cringed and looked away! :(

Do I see this relationship maturing? Perhaps when the next life-threatening drama hits one of them. It's been a couple weeks, surely one of them is due.

I'm sure they will play up Calleigh's "bag over the head" moment next week for all it's worth! :rolleyes:

As for the Ryan & Natalia gossip moment, it was just another way to infuse more EC into the show. I'm w/ Natalia - "lalalala".

Yep. Like their total destruction of Eric and especially Calleigh isn't enough. Now they have to destroy Ryan. Hopefully Ryan can hold on and he can be restored. Natalia's "la, la, la, la" was adorable. Bless her heart!

While I'm not afraid of EC taking over the show, I've seen enough painfully-in-love, gooey eyes and smiles to last me a lifetime.

I wish I could be as optimistic as you about E/C taking over the show. Their cheesy, lame goo-goo eyes makes me want to hurl.

I wish tptb would just spin them off to their own show; they could call it "Eric Loves Calleigh".

Ah, a woman(?) after my own heart! I've been saying that since this whole thing started.

Perhaps then, the all-important 18 - 34 y/o's will come flocking because right now Miami's share of that audience isn't exactly overwhelming. Every other Mon. night CBS show does better, so do 24, House, & that dancing show on ABC. In fact, Miami barely did better than that new show Castle w/ the 18-34 y/o's according to early #'s. Maybe they need to up the EC romance quotient...could we be so lucky? :lol:

Yep. That target demo isn't coming through for them, is it? Seems like the youngsters are finding the old-timers not quite interesting enough - despite the fact that they are both acting well beneath their age in this little romance.

{sigh} Please let one of them move to the nightshift. I had originally suggested that Calleigh be promoted to the nightshift supervisor. After thinking it over, however, her recent behavior on the job doesn't even begin to rate her for a promotion. But I'd still rather see her moved from the team than Eric. For some reason I'd just hate to see Eric go. I still have a little respect for him.

Calleigh wouldn't bother me. I don't have any left for her.
BTW, I had to laugh at how akward Eric looked standing there holding his coffee not taking a drink....the entire scene just looked really stupid. They just stood there!!
I've seen a lot of romances on TV, yes even crime shows, & I swear I have never before seen one played out like this before. I can't at all ever even imagine Danny or Gil Grissom having such cheesy daydreams. Is this 90210 we're watching? :rolleyes:
His face was just hilarious :guffaw:. I loved her face, at the same time she was questioning him why he hadn't taken any sip yet and how was it possible he hadn't been able to examine that paper :lol:

Can you imagine Gil falling asleep while examining an evidence & daydreaming on Sara??? Nah not at all, surely not with the face Eric was lef while holding that coffee cup :lol:
I have to agree w/all y'all. I'm on E/C ship but I didn't get the whole daydreaming thing. It was a bit much and didn't fit in the storyline, I said to my GF "don't get it". They should've totally left that part out.
His face was just hilarious
He looked like he was confused staring at the coffee like he wasn't sure what to do with it. I kept watching his movement specifically, & he kept looking down at it, moving his hand a little like he was thinking of taking a drink & then didn't. It wasn't just a really bad scene all together, but it was terrible acting as well!! That may have been what rubbed me the wrong way, I don't know, but there just isn't any "oomph" there that's needed in making a tv couple pull off a romance.
Even Calleigh/EP had this forced goofy smile on her face that looked completely ridiculous. Ughhh, it was just plain awful.
The lack of chemistry & passion between these 2 make the actors look -- mmmmmm... not so good with thier acting skills. ;)
At least until we all join the Stepford E/C Shippers marching to the same shipper drum. :rolleyes:

I thought this thread was for people to talk about what they don't like about the Eric/Calleigh romance, not what they don't like about E/C Shippers. Sorry, but I think this comment was just a little out-of-line.

As for last night's episode, I agree with the consensus that the daydream scene was totally unnecessary. While my shipper heart said "awww" my logical brain said "Ugh". CSI:Miami is first and foremost a crime drama, not a soap opera. The scene made Delko look like a doofus, to put it kindly. Working a crime scene is NOT the time for daydreaming about your girlfriend. I would've been happiest if they filed this one under "DELETED SCENES" for the Season 7 DVD release.

I'll go back to my shipper thread now until I have something to complain about with these two again. ;)
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