Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cubano

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

this strike is happening at the WORST possible time!! If they run out of scripts then we may end up getting a continuation of the E/C storyline that makes absolutly no sense!! After as long as we've waited that would be cruel and unfair! Especially since this is E/C's season!

I just hope that they are able to work this out as soon as possible!!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Yeah seriously. It absolutely sucks when these feuds happen because people can't be bothered to pay people what they're actually worth. Of course, looking at what I had to go through to get my EMT cert and then looking at what I was actually paid in the private sector I shouldn't be surprised really. But the universe can seriously go screw itself all the same. Bright side I think, November 19th should be filmed and ready already. But I really hope they get it together and resolve things. I agree with the writers but the timing blows.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

This happens more than we realise unfortunatly. I was in a short film once and we were delayed 4 months becasue the writers refused to work.

I hope that doesn't happen here. I don't think I could cope without my Miami fix ;) Like Star said, it's a cardinal sin to mess with the forces of EC.

It's ok to call you Star, right? I just decided it was cool.

Oh and another H storyline?? I don't know how so much can happen to one man?!!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Yeah, it's cool :) My nickname's been Star since I was little. It's funny hearing it yelled across an accident scene :lol: My family started calling me starchaser because I wanted to be a singer and I was involved with theatre and dance, but between high school politics and a dance injury I don't have the body type anymore for that, even though I still love it. I love rescue work but I still wonder what might have been if I could have stayed in the company.

I'm watching Sunblock again (and again, and again) and that line where Jerkley says that's not your usual passive aggressive... is she? Have I missed something huge?

And I just have to say how much I love Khandi Alexander for that opening scene. I loved her on NewsRadio and she just gets better.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Hey, so everyone here should support Ryan/Valera or Ryan/Samantha because it's the EC way.

I don't think Calleigh is passive aggressive at all. Another reason why Jake should die, I guess.

I loved Alexx in the last episode, too. She's crazy, and she can actually pull off the pauses, not like Horatio.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I support R/V all the way.

I love Khandi Alexander, but she's a total waste of talent on this show. Girl is amazing and they never have her doing anything. Last Monday's episode was a total joke for her. I'm surprised she didn't burst out laughing at one point. Her lines were totally ridiculous and insulting.

But that's Miami, I guess.

I don't think Calleigh's passive aggressive, either. She can be, but usually she'll tell you what's on her mind. I can't see Eric having patience with passive aggressive women (see Natalia).
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Khandi did a great job with what she was given, regardless.

Passive aggressiveness is characterized by stubbornness and avoidant behavior, right? I guess Calleigh can be stubborn sometimes, but she's never had a problem being assertive. Jake should know that, but since he's too busy studying his own rectum, he doesn't.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Yeah, it is hard to read people see things when you head is jammed up your ass. Probably one of the reasons he takes thing at "face value" like Calleigh said.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

somethingsdont said:
Jake should know that, but since he's too busy studying his own rectum, he doesn't.

Lucy, this cracked me up!! it's soo true! If Jake could possibly think about something other than him he might see Calleigh's growing feelings toward Eric. Instead he'll be an ass and guess where she's going to end up (HINT: Eric's arms!) :lol:

I loved Khandi in this episode!! Her interaction with Calleigh was great! And it was great to see her having a more active role than she's had recently, minus Deep Freeze.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Hah, I'm watching the Seinfeld episode where Elaine tells Jerry she used to fake her orgasms with him. Imagine if one day Calleigh tells Eric she had to fake an orgasm, or if he caught her doing it. Man, he'd go on this personal crusade to make her come night after night after night. After a month Calleigh would need a vagina transplant.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

If Calleigh has to fake orgasms with Eric, there's no hope for her. She'd have to face the fact that if she can't come with Eric, she's probably never gonna have an orgasm again. Ever.

Okay, so if Calleigh and Jake are still at it secretly, (1) it sucks and (2) she can't say anything to Eric that reveals that she has feeling for him too, which leads to (1). I'm pretty sure I've said this before, but I don't want Calleigh to ditch Jake because he treats her like shit or something stupid like that. That would suck so much, as if they need more than one abused woman on this show.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Hey, it isn't always about the guy. Sometimes you have a tough day and you just wanna get to sleep already, so you just fake it. I faked it with an ex on occasion because sometimes I was just too tired. But I'm sure Eric would take it the wrong way. Hilarity ensues.

I do hope that's not what happens, but I get the feeling it will. There just isn't enough time between now and the 9th episode and Jake isn't in the upcoming two. Unless, of course, in the next two episodes Eric and Cal get closer, then that would be better, but as of now it looks like she only dumps Jake because he's an ass. Which is fine by me, but I hope they show us that Eric was the best option all along, and I think they have. Last Monday, for example. You could tell from Calleigh's reaction that she was having second thoughts about her choosing Jake.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

God I love you guys! I'm laughing so hard my puppy fell off the bed :lol:

I just watched Going Going Gone, and I don't get how Jake can be so cavalier about shooting someone. Calleigh may be Bullet Girl but she has respect for her craft and never uses that level of force lightly. Just one more way that E/C will come to rule the world.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Hmm, I've never lived with someone and actually had to do the night-after-night thing, so yeah. But fic? Fic! Please. I'll eat your cupcakes.

I think they could (and should) give us a similar scene or two in the next two episodes, to really drive home the fact that Eric genuinely wants this and Calleigh is finding it more and more difficult to ignore her own feelings for him. Or they could keep hinting (so far not very discrete but whatever) that Jake is an ass, even though he's not physically there in the episode. I'm so glad they already did the abuse thing with Natalia and Yelina, so they really can't do it again with Calleigh (not that she'd take it or anything; just saying).

Jake was really stupid in Going Going Gone, but so was Calleigh. Going there without backup? Idiotic. And then sticking with Jake even though he probably put her in more danger by showing up and making the guy feel threatened? Double idiotic.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I am really hoping for more E/C scenes in the next two episodes to leat up to episode 9!! I don't want them to forget about it for two weeks and then suddenly Calleigh is in his arms. wether she should have been there all along or not! :D but this is Miami so it wouldn't surprise me if they did just that.
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