Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cubano

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I could see a follow-up type scene for that one after they get together...

Haha, we can be starbucks buddies! That's awesome. I've always been curious as to what cubano tastes like (I hope it doesn't taste like Estima--though that could put some hair on your chest) Fortunately, I work with really random people, so I don't think I'd have to explain too much...who knows :)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I applied at Starbucks and they never called me back. Ah well. Jacks, I hear ya, and if you ever want someone to vent to, I'm always around. I can stop bitching about it not being the 19th for 2 hours for Women's Murder Club and Numb3rs. But then it's back to bitching. At least the dogs are deaf :lol:

Okay who's writing the fic about Eric buying her the coffeemaker and his "special" blend? :devil:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Caribbean coffee (Cuban, Dominican and Puerto Rican) is VERY strong. When I was working in a restaurant and American tourists ordered coffee basically we had to pour a shit load of water into a cup and add just a little bit of coffee, because they couldn't handle our brew. It's different. To me Starbucks isn't real coffee. When you have to add a shit load of milk and caramel and whipped cream and raspberries and whatever the fuck you're not drinking coffee, you're just drinking a milkshake!

Probably Eric is the only one at the lab who drinks Cubano. Maybe Natalia, too, it's a very cultural thing. I can't see any of the other characters drinking it. Over the years Calleigh could get used to it, though, if Eric brewed it for her every day.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Ok we have a weird Starbucks connection here...I used to work for Starbucks for 3 years when I was in college and I had 3 home stores, I transfer every year! That was the only reason I lasted that long in the job, I kept moving! :D I liked the people I worked with (for the most part) I just couldn't stay still! So now I'm glad that my work requires traveling but it sucks when I'm not home on Monday nights so I have to watch it on my laptop :(

Ok so it's not the 19th yet...the good news? Cal probably is not sleeping very well these days. Behold the toothache that Eric left her after the night shift statement!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Great banner. That episode can't get here soon enough.

Ugh, I hope the writers strike gets resolved as quickly as possible. We finally get to the year of E/C and this happens. Also, I need to work. Fuck the networks!

Though I'm sure Miami has some scripts ready, but probably not even close to 15. Sigh.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Yeah this strike sucks and it better end quickly...of all years for this to happen it has to happen now?!! The devil is definately laughing.

I am confindent that they will resolve the strike quickly b/c the longer these networks go without new eps the more money and viewers they will I think things will be resolved quickly. Besides the writers deserve it, the networks make a ton of money and shows are as popular as they are b/c the people behind the scenes come up the stories they do.

Great banner!! I am totally gonna snag that ;)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Jackie - Heh, go ahead. I wish I had somewhere to use it.

Ugh, the writer's strike. Yeah, I don't know the specifics of the writer's demands, but I can't see the networks holding out long enough to seriously have an effect on prime time shows. That would be asinine and quite frankly suicidal for the networks (more reality TV and news? I can hardly contain my excitement). But this could be nasty and cause major headaches. Get ready for a bumpy ride if the networks are stupid enough to let it drag out.

are gonna suck, 'cause I think they're focusing on Horatio and his son? Okay, so Kyle needs a little more explaining, but Horatio can just get hit by a stray bullet. Please. Maybe I'll slip Donahue a script and she'll be desperate enough to break the law and just use it. More likely, she'll use it to roll her joints.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

The last time the writers went on strike was in 88 and it was pretty nasty (a $500 million loss). So this could be ugly. If it lasts long enough we might have to watch reruns for a really long time and could even get a shorter season. It really blows (even though I'm on the writers' side). Hopefully the AMPTP will give them what they want, they really deserve it. Without writers, there is no Hollywood.

Anyway. The next two episodes will probably be EC light, I bet. I think for now that storyline is only brought to the spotlight when Jake is around. But I still hope for some moments because,

Calleigh needs to continue seeing that Eric is the better man and not Jake. Doesn't even have to be much. Little moments between them that show us that even though Calleigh is still with Jake, she's falling for Eric. I don't have much hope, but it would be a really welcoming prelude to episode 9.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Oh man, I just hope they learned their lesson and we won't have to watch the same thing happen again. I think in general, guilds/unions are reasonable. They wouldn't go on strike unless they feel like they are being severely cheated out of their chunk of change, which again, I don't know the numbers, but I'm pretty sure the writers aren't getting nearly enough for what they do and how important they are.

I'd really like that too, but Miami tends to focus on one storyline extensively, ignoring another completely (like no mention of Kyle and very limited screen time for Horatio while playing out ECJ in the last 2-3 episodes) until they decide to shift gears and do the exact opposite. So, I'd be happy if they were in the same room together for more than five seconds. But I've been pleasantly surprised before so hopefully that'll happen again and we get another night shift-esque scene.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

hiphuggers are the most meant to be couple in the whole CSI Miami show! grrr way more than Yelina and Haratio it is Eric and Calleigh all the way I mean just look at there past! I know somthing is going to happen soon :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

welcome delko2calleigh!

Love the banner :)

So yeah, it's still not the 19th...
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Writers' strike? I'm really oblivious over here. What's going on?

It's like a cardinal sin to mess with Calleigh and Eric. She'll shoot the network people if they screw this up. Whatever this is.

*goes back to my happy E/C playlist*
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

A Writers' Strike is Looming

I can't believe it's gonna happen now, this season. They could've done it season 4 and I would be perfectly content. Even real life is making things complicated for these two people. They just can't catch a break.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Seriously with all that is going on in the show and in real life this ship has had to endure just about every possible obstacle!!!

Considering this strike, the writers better make it sweet for us when they get them together but at this point, it is the only thing they can do. As a writer you can't hope or pay for this much drama where your storyline is concerned.

Let's hope they learned their lesson years ago, both sides, get this resolved as quickly as possible.
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