Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cubano

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Definitely the writers are setting Eric up to be prince charming. I just hope the relationship isn't all perfection cause that would be kinda boring. I don't want all the issues to be ignored.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I doubt they will ignore all the issues that will come along with them being together. If anything, I think we will see more of them struggling to separate their personal lives from their professional lives.

I don't want everything to be wine and roses. It will get boring if it is. I'm just saying that I think this ship will give us a better understanding and deeper look into their characters; it will expand them
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

delkolover said:
Those pics are awesome and sooo cute. I wish Cal could have seen him with the little girl; she totally would have melted and forgotten all about Jake.
Mmmh...I think that would make a super cute little scene--just showing Calleigh's reaction to Eric interacting with a small child! Who wants to write a fic? Seriously, it's good times (please don't make me write it :))

delkolover said:I think there is still a softer side to Eric that we haven't seen yet and will probably see once E/C get together. I mean in the past he has been a womanizer but something tells me he knows how to treat a woman and would treat Cal like a piece gold. She wouldn't know what hit her. ;)
Isn't that funny? Eric seems like a little don juan, but when it comes right down to it he does respect women (but not in the creepy 'oh I could jump you' way more in the 'you deserve love and respect regardless of who you're with) As for Eric's previous behavior towards women, I'm not saying it was right for him to act so cavalier, but it's entirely possible that he's upset and disgusted with himeself for not giving those women the respect they deserve. I have a feeling that his outlook on women is similar to Horatio's: it doesn't matter if you're a prostitute or a suburban housewife, you deserve more.

Does that make sense? I have all these thoughts in my head, and they're trying to be coherent, but it doesn't seem to work for me...

Oh, he will treat her like gold! It'll be happy and wonderful, and sure they'll have their problems, but that's healthy. Anyway, I think Eric will be the one to show her exactly how much she does deserve.

Question: What exactly is a song thread thing? I'm assuming it's a thread where we put songs pertaining to the relationship, but is there more to it than that?
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Jacks said:

Question: What exactly is a song thread thing? I'm assuming it's a thread where we put songs pertaining to the relationship, but is there more to it than that?

No, that's pretty much it. It's kinda silly, I mean, you can do that here and like I said, it helps us finish the threads faster. I've never even seen an E/C fanmix, so would we really post that many songs? We rarely do.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Huh...I suppose there are some good songs that go well and/or make me think of Calleigh and Eric. However, those are the times I want to be the one to pick the music for when Calleigh and Eric are together or have their first kiss or something like that.

Strange story: I was an odd child, and when I was younger I had this game I'd play while listening to the radio. Basically what I did was chose two people (often fictional, but sometimes not) in my head and wait for the next song to come on. Whatever song came on would be their song. Now, you have to understand that this wasn't just romantic was any two people and I was always so excited to see what would come of it. I don't remember any of the good ones, but it kept me occupied...
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Actually, this song makes me think of Calleigh and her relationship with Jake and how she desperately wants him to be the guy he isn't.

It's Not
by Aimee Mann

I keep going round and round on the same old circuit
A wire travels underground to a vacant lot
Where something I can't see interrupts the current
And shrinks the picture down to a tiny dot
And from behind the screen it can look so perfect
But it's not

So here I'm sitting in my car at the same old stop light
I keep waiting for a change but I don't know what
So red turns into green turning into yellow
But I'm just frozen here on the same old spot
And all I have to do is to press the pedal
But I'm not

People are tricky you can't afford to show
Anything risky anything they don't know
The moment you try - well kiss it goodbye

So baby kiss me like a drug, like a respirator
And let me fall into the dream of the astronaut
Where I get lost in space that goes on forever
And you make all the rest just an afterthought
And I believe it's you who could make it better
But it's not
No it's not...
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Leela, I had a dream relating to Miami last night, too! Well, sorta. Boti Bliss randomly showed up and I was all OMG! Which is weird because I seriously never remembered my dreams before and suddenly, I'm having all these amazing ones. My brain is substituting for whatever's lacking on the show, which is yay.

Song threads are ugh. Most songs can be applied to more than one ship anyway, which makes them a lot less special.

There are gonna be issues. If there aren't issues in a relationship, it's not real enough to keep me interested. As much as I complain about it, I think I probably like the waiting part better than the actual gotten-together part. Yes, it will be fun and dandy when they're together and can openly admit it, but the struggle toward it is the most interesting part for me.

Eric with Holly was way too cute. He was like, "Okay, ready?" and then he lifts her and she's giggling and aw. If Calleigh had been there, she would've been like, "Let's make our own. Right now. Yes, right here, let's go."

I don't know why, but I always have this miniature version of Calleigh (blond hair, green eyes) in my mind when I think of their daughter, but that's pretty unrealistic because brown is the dominant allele in hair color and eye color, so unless Eric has a recessive gene for non-brown hair or eye color (pretty unlikely for a Cuban but his father's Russian so I dunno), their kid is gonna be brown haired, brown eyed. So there was really no point to this paragraph except to say, EC BABIEZ R KYEWT.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Oh yeah, I see that for sure!
Have you ever heard "Naked" by Avril Lavigne? I realize she was like 18 when she came up with this, but I honestly think it fits with what we're expecting when Calleigh and Eric finally get know?

I wake up in the morning
Put on my face
The one that's gonna get me
Through another day
Doesn't really matter
How I feel inside
'Cause life is like a game sometimes

But then you came around me
The walls just disappeared
Nothing to surround me
And keep me from my fears
I'm unprotected
See how I've opened up
Oh, you've made me trust

Because I've never felt like this before
I'm naked
Around you
Does it show?
You see right through me
And I can't hide
I'm naked
Around you
And it feels so right

I'm tyring to remember
Why I was afraid
To be myself and let the
Covers fall away
I guess I never had someone like you
To help me, to help me fit
In my skin

I'm so naked around you
And I can't hide
You're gonna see right through, baby

somethingsdont said:
Eric with Holly was way too cute. He was like, "Okay, ready?" and then he lifts her and she's giggling and aw. If Calleigh had been there, she would've been like, "Let's make our own. Right now. Yes, right here, let's go."
Yup...pretty much. I think women consider a man holding a small child as sexy as a man might consider a woman holding a gun (ergo, Calleigh can hold the guns, Eric can hold the children, and we'll see who can resist longer. Anyone want to place a bet?)

somethingsdont said:I don't know why, but I always have this miniature version of Calleigh (blond hair, green eyes) in my mind when I think of their daughter, but that's pretty unrealistic because brown is the dominant allele in hair color and eye color, so unless Eric has a recessive gene for non-brown hair or eye color (pretty unlikely for a Cuban but his father's Russian so I dunno), their kid is gonna be brown haired, brown eyed. So there was really no point to this paragraph except to say, EC BABIEZ R KYEWT.
I know why you've thought about this because I'm sure a lot of us have. Eric loves Calleigh, and I think it's because of that that we imagine this 'little Calleigh' who is just going to capture his heart with her looks and mannerisms. I'm sure many fathers (upon the birth of their first daughter) held their little girl in the hospital room and said something to the effect of "You're as beautiful and precious as your mother, and I'm going to spoil you just like I spoil her" That's probably the same reason many of the EC baby fics have Cal and Eric having a girl. It appeals to the sweet, manly 'i love my daughter more than anything' attitude.

Edited because I broke the rules and posted two times in a row...sorry
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

It depends how many kids they have. My grandpa has Eric's skin tone and has blue eyes. My grandma was really white and had brown eyes. They had a boy first, with tanned skin and hazel eyes. Then they had another boy and then a girl, and they both have tanned skin and brown eyes. Then the fourth child was a girl, and she's white, blond-ish and has green eyes. Then they had a boy with tanned skin and green eyes. And so on. The youngest is really white and has blue eyes. Put them in a room together and you wouldn't believe they're all siblings.

Depending on what color eyes Eric's father has, they would probably have a tanned baby first with black hair and maybe hazel eyes. If they kept having more and more children eventually one would be blond, but it's really unlikely that they'd get one right off the bat.

I don't know. Every time I think of E/C babies I think of a little girl with tanned skin and green eyes. Like Rashida Jones but with darker hair.


She's gorgeamous. But then, I've never been a fan of blond hair. I find it so boring. Black is my favorite.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Ohhhh are we talking E/C kids again? Yay...I love talking about E/C babies...cuz they are going to be the most beautiful adorable little ones we will have ever seen, I just know it! I totally picture them having a little blonde girl with big brown eyes too....and maybe a little boy with his Daddy's brown hair and olive skin and his Mama's green that makes a CUTE picture! :D Awwww!

Lol, not a fan of blonde hair Caro ;) Poor Calleigh and I...sad day! :lol: I have to admit I'm partial to it...but then again since I am a blonde that tends to help with that! ;) Black hair is gorgeous though...I'm with ya on that too! :D

Can't wait for our eppy tomorrow, I think it's gonna be good! This ship is making me happy more and more...which is never bad!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

It always depends on how those genes come together. I don't know if you've ever heard of the quadroons/octoroons in Louisiana back in the day (basically, they were the product of a placage between a white man and a woman of color. Some of the children from these unions were dark skinned/dark haired, but some where blonde haired/blue eyed couldn't even tell one of their parents had African roots. And then there was a whole gamot in between with various features taken from both of their parents.
As far as all of this goes, it's all how the genes match up. Calleigh and Eric are more likely to have children with dark skin, hair, and eyes. However, because of recessive genes and Eric's Russion background, it is possible that they'll have light haired/skinned/eyed children or some random mix of the two.
If you want my opinion, I would assume there would be some sort of mixture (dark hair, green eyes; blonde hair, brown eyes) but you never know.

I'm blonde's good times (caro, if it makes you feel any better, we'll go extict soon ;))
Honestly, I think little red-haired children are adorable. Madison was so freaking cute. Honestly, if there ever is a child in the picture, it'll be as cute as a button, regardless of the hair/eye color...seriously, look at the parents!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Jacks thanks for Bio lesson! ;) Yeah it would make sense definitely if they did have darker skinned, haired and eyed kids...but I still think it would be adorable for them to have a little blonde baby girl who would have her Daddy wrapped around her little finger! Although let's face it, whatever the kids' coloring they will be amazingly beautiful children and they will have both their parents completely in love with them! :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I could see a little girl with dark hair and green eyes running around.

I mean I am Italian with small amounts of German, Irish and Scottish mixed in and my cousin has blond hair and hazel eyes and is fair skinned. My aunt (her mother) has dark brown hair and blues and very olive it would be possible for their daughter to have brown hair and green eyes or blond hair and brown eyes....either way the kid would gorgeous.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Moriel21 said:

Lol, not a fan of blonde hair Caro ;) Poor Calleigh and I...sad day!

It's not that I hate it or anything, but for some reason all blond people look the same to me. I find dark hair more exotic and unique. Emily's the only exception to that rule, I love her. But all my other girlcrushes have dark hair (Lisa Edelstein is <3!).

You never know with genes, that's the beauty of it. Looking at Marisol, though, I get the feeling Eric's dad has black hair, too. Eric's eyes aren't dark brown, either, so maybe his dad has green eyes. Who knows. My oldest sister is white and blond and I look like I was found on the streets of Calcutta.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

If you're really not interested in genetics, don't read this post, because you'll probably be bored to death.

Caro, your grandpa probably had a recessive gene for non-brown eyes that didn't show up in his eyes because the brown one dominated over it but he probably passed that recessive gene to his first and fourth children and passed the dominant brown eye gene to his second and third children (which is why they had brown eyes even though they didn't get a brown eye gene from their mother--your grandmother).

So while Eric's mom probably had two dominant genes from brown eyes and thus gave Eric one of them (which is why phenotypically, he has brown eyes), Eric's dad could've given him a recessive gene for non-brown eyes that isn't visible on him but he could pass on to his children. Of course there's more than one gene at work for eye color, but just generally, unless they have a lot of children, if Eric has two dominant alleles for brown eyes, their children are likely to all have brown eyes.

As for hair color, it's possible that at birth, their child will have blond hair that will eventually darken to brown/dark brown (again because of Eric's dominant genes for dark hair that overrules whatever recessive hair genes Calleigh and her light hair could throw at their kid). But as always, nothing is controlled by one gene, so it's not impossible for them to have light-haired children, just rarer.

All this talk about dominance is putting really dirty thoughts into my head.

But yay black hair! I have black hair and I've never dyed it ever. I knew this girl who dyed her black hair platinum blond and it looked so awful on her.
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