Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cubano

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Guys, I"m so sorry I keep doing these ridiculously long posts with multiple quotes in them...I have dail up, so I can't have my computer on as much as I'd like to. When I do, I like to reply to multiple things. So...if it gets annoying or ridiculous, let me know or kick me out or something like that (okay, maybe don't kick me out...)

midnight_tiptoes said:
Caribbean coffee (Cuban, Dominican and Puerto Rican) is VERY strong. When I was working in a restaurant and American tourists ordered coffee basically we had to pour a shit load of water into a cup and add just a little bit of coffee, because they couldn't handle our brew. It's different. To me Starbucks isn't real coffee. When you have to add a shit load of milk and caramel and whipped cream and raspberries and whatever the fuck you're not drinking coffee, you're just drinking a milkshake!

Well, African coffees tend to be fairly bold, so it would make sense that the Caribbian would have something strong/bold/etc.

As far as drinks go...I admit it, I can't drink straight up coffee--I like the fluffy drinks. However, check out the coffee of the day--depending on what it is, you'll probably find it more to your liking (and it's cheaper).

somethingsdont said:
I don't think Calleigh is passive aggressive at all. Another reason why Jake should die, I guess.
Ha! "Top Ten Reasons Jake should Die"
10. Calleigh isn't actually passive-aggressive.
9. If she's faking orgasms, she's doing that with Jake...and it's not because she's tired after a long day :devil: (Oh dear...does this make me a bad person?!)
somethingsdont said:
I guess Calleigh can be stubborn sometimes, but she's never had a problem being assertive. Jake should know that, but since he's too busy studying his own rectum, he doesn't.
Oh goodness, Lucy, you make me laugh! He is quite an arrogant jerk sometimes, isn't he? I love how much you despise him, and you always come up with the best zingers for Jake. Honestly, we should have a whole board dedicated to your opinions on Jake ;)

StarDuquesneEMT said:
God I love you guys! I'm laughing so hard my puppy fell off the bed :lol:

I just watched Going Going Gone, and I don't get how Jake can be so cavalier about shooting someone. Calleigh may be Bullet Girl but she has respect for her craft and never uses that level of force lightly. Just one more way that E/C will come to rule the world.

You lauged your puppy off the bed?! :lol: Oh dear.
Yeah, I just watched that one too. You could tell she was pissed at/upset with Jake both when she thought he was with that girl and when she found out what he was using that girl for. It's kind of stupid though becase I feel like she knows in her head that Jake is an idiot and is only bringing her down, but there's something that keeps her going back to him. When I watch them together, I see that they have a history, and it seems like they can and should only be friends (if that). He has a habit of making these comments that are supposed to sound cute and flattering, but for who Calleigh is, I feel like they're more insulting (ie "officer pretty"...while AT a crime scene of all places) Oh dear, I can't even get my thoughts together. Well, there's my two cents.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

It's kind of stupid though becase I feel like she knows in her head that Jake is an idiot and is only bringing her down, but there's something that keeps her going back to him.
I totally agree with you Jacks! I think she knows that he is wrong for her and while that might be a small part of the appeal I really do think it's more about her knowing that as long as she is with Jake her heart won't get broken, because she is not using her heart because she doesn't love him therefore she is not in danger of getting hurt! Which sucks and is a total cop-out on her part, but I think it's true...she knows that if she were with Eric (who she truly wants to be with and truly loves) there is a danger of being hurt because her whole heart would be in the relationship...(And while we all know Eric would NEVER hurt her, EVER) she needs to decide to believe that, even though she knows it in her heart already! (Did that even make sense?)

I can't wait for the 19th...although the previews for this next week looked pretty dang good too! :D Lots of action at least it seems! :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Yeah, she's only 5lbs full grown so she tends to go flying easily :lol:

The comments Jake makes are my big thing. They might work with other girls and maybe even with Cal 12 years ago when they were together, and I know that's how long because in season 4 she says she's worked there for 10 years. Anyway, the comments are insulting to the woman she is today and prove even more that he doesn't know her at all. He's not dating Calleigh; he's in love with a 12 year old version of who Calleigh is and not giving her any credit for growing and changing. Proving even more that Eric is the *only* one who can handle her properly. He knows what to say and what not to say and when he can touch her and what isn't okay without even being told. Calleigh is trying to be someone she's not right now, and Jake doesn't notice because to him that's who she is. Eric is the only one who doen;t see her as he wants her to be but how she already is, because to him the woman she is is perfect. Did that make any sense?
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

So true, Mo!
I agree that she thinks she can keep her heart from being broken with Jake. Sure, she might get hurt because of him, but it's nothing compared to the damage that could occure if she was with Eric.
I think that scares her; she doesn't want to lose control, she doesn't want to have what her parents had, and she doesn't want to risk one of the best relationships she's probably ever had (romantic or otherwise). For anyone, the prospect of giving someone your entire heart is daunting, but because of Calleigh's family and previous relationships, she's scared...
She has this image of being completely composed and unbreakable at all times, and it's going to be a process to let that go.

Star, no kidding. I don't like when he does that...although I've been thinking a lot about this, and I almost wonder if it's what he's saying or how he's saying it. Okay, so officer pretty is really stupid, but some of the things he says could be cute if it was someone else: "What did you find CSI Duquesne?" From jake it just sounds shallow and condescending. I have a story and I promise it helps make my point. So, here goes: I have a male friend (not a boyfriend) who once wrote a letter to me. it started with "Hey, beautiful blond girl" It was nowhere near condescending or sleezy or anything like that. If anything, it made me feel kind of special. HOWEVER, I know of other people in my life who could never get away with saying something like that because it would sound either creepy, rude, or condescending. Do you know what I'm saying?
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I know exactly what you're saying. My 2 best friends call me Dippy. They are the only 2 people on the planet that I would not get my horse to stomp on for calling me that. I have some learning disabilities and other stuff that really makes life difficult sometimes because I can pass as "normal" just enough that most people don't pick up on how differently I see the world, but a lot of things are just completely lost on me so I come off as really stupid when I just don't understand or got completely the wrong impression or just phrased something badly. The girls know this and when they call me Dippy it's kind of like a pet name because I know they love me and my one friend in particular is SO protective of me like a big sister, but if anyone else did it I'd be very hurt. I think it's like that with Calleigh, maybe she used to let him get away with stuff and now she's almost trapped into continuing a cycle that she's outgrown. She can't figure out how to get out of it and she's terrified of a relationship that she's actually invested in. To her, a relationship like that inevitably ends badly. She's terrified of taking that step with Eric because he's the one she can't stand to lose, and she has no concept of forever. It's never been there in her life so she doesn't know it's actually possible. Eric will show her, but he's got to move carefully, and he is.

I'm watching Rampage from Season 4 and when Eric and Cal are talking and she's giving him advice on Gloria and he's all "Play hardball, I like your style" she has the cutest smile on her face. I love that scene.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Ok, I come on here and ya'll are talking about orgasms (again)!! Fine by me :) There sex will be explosive; all that UST.

Yeah Star, Calleigh is defiantly one to play hardball with a guy. :lol: I can see her totally confusing Eric on occasion.

she has no concept of forever.

Very true. It has never been there and now she's scared. If she starts womething with Eric, who's to say that wont fall apart like everyting has with her.

To quote Friends:

"What makes you think we would break up?"

"Have you ever been in a relationship where you havn't?"
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I know what you mean too. My friends call me either bint or bimbo. But I don't mind cos' I know they mean well. If it was someone I didn't like then I would not be happy.

Calleigh is so emotionally detached. The sooner she realises Eric is the one for her, the better. Whats all this about passive agressiveness? Have I missed something really big?

I love friends. That quote is one of my all time faves. Its where rachels stood on the balcony listning to her boring boyfriend but imagining ross. If i just changed a couple of the names around ...


Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu


Anyone else think we should open an E/C song thread? Or do we already have one?

I just spotted the jake/Calleigh one and I was like... hummmph.

Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Hmmm... I thought we're the "Not-Having-A-Song-Thread-And-Proud-Of-It-Ship"...

But whatever... I'm hardly ever here anyway... ;) which Stetler makes a fuss about Cal's blood alcohol and she's all: "I only had ONE cosmopolitan last night! ...ONE tiny cosmopolitan!" :lol:

Now where did this come from? Watching too many Sex And The City reruns Hmmm...
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Cosmo? Cool :) Great dream....

Oh we may be, I didn't know :p I don't mind, I was just getting some songs of ITunes and was thinking about it. But, do we need a sond thread? I suppose not :lol:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

StarDuquesneEMT said: She's terrified of taking that step with Eric because he's the one she can't stand to lose, and she has no concept of forever. It's never been there in her life so she doesn't know it's actually possible. Eric will show her, but he's got to move carefully, and he is.

I think that Calleigh knows that if she lost Eric that it would break her. For a woman who has to always maintain control knowing someone has that power over her has got to be terrifying! Which is exactly why she is with Jake because he doesn't hold that kind of power with her so there's no chance of that happening, at least to the degree that it would if she lost Eric. Just look at her reaction in Man Down! It was the first time we really saw what loosing Eric would do to her.

Calleigh has to realize that Eric isn't going to hurt her and that he is never going to let her go once he has her. (If it had been me, I would've transfered to the night shift!!) Once Calleigh accepts that and believes it then she won't be able to not be with him!!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Song threads are kinda stupid. We can post songs in THIS thread, and thus earning the thread more posts and ending it faster ;). We got the smarts.

Look what I just found! Aw.


Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I think she's psyching herself out in a way. She understands on a basic level that Eric loves her and will not hurt her, but she's experienced so much pain in the past, she's afraid to let herself hope because she thinks if she does, she'll be let down. In other words, she can't think she's safe with Eric because that would somehow turn around on her and she would get hurt again...irrational? perhaps, but we all do it (or at least I'm fairly certain we all do) That little battle you go through in your mind where you're like "Oh, it's going to be different this time. NO, don't think like that because what's to say it won't be exactly the same? Plus, once I get my hopes up for this (whatever 'this' might be) that's a sure sign it'll turn out all wrong. No...maybe the best course of action in this case is to avoid it completely"
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Smart dude! Hehe. We do seem to be racing though our threads! We rock! Or just talk to much...

I can't see your pics :( :(
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Those pics are awesome and sooo cute. I wish Cal could have seen him with the little girl; she totally would have melted and forgotten all about Jake.

I think there is still a softer side to Eric that we haven't seen yet and will probably see once E/C get together. I mean in the past he has been a womanizer but something tells me he knows how to treat a woman and would treat Cal like a piece gold. She wouldn't know what hit her. ;)
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