Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cubano

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

^^hehehe. My sister is very dark skinned too. I am a little more fair but we both have brown hair and brown eyes but mine are a darker brown.

I love blonde people who dye their haor jet kills me. Most really blonde people have very fair what the hell makes them think that dying their black is going to make them not look like they are the walking dead?? It just makes them look more fair than they already are.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Caro, your grandpa probably had a recessive gene for non-brown eyes that didn't show up in his eyes

He actually has blue eyes. It's really cool. Dark skin/light eyes FTW. And ditto, I hate it when people who have dark hair dye it blond or that gawdawful honey color that Eva La Rue has. It looks so fake and cheap.

There's only one way to prove our theories, and that's for Eric and Calleigh to start procreating already. Let's lock 'em in a room together and tell them the world ran out of condoms.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Lol, Luce I love how you can go from talking about dominant genes and turn that "dominance" into something dirty! :lol: I was totally with you as soon as you said that though...that's what even better! :devil: We should let them "dominate" :devil: eachother for awhile and just see what happens! I think we'd get some pretty babies and a very happy couple as a result! :D

Lol, yup I'm with ya Caro you grab Eric, I'll grab Calleigh and we'll shove them into the closet on the count of 3...ready...1...2...wait hon the point was for E/C to start procreating! Let go of Eric and shove him in the closet already! :lol: :lol: Calleigh's waiting! :devil:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I've always wondered about this: the picture you used to have as an avatar (that's what it's called, right?) is that you?

I let my friends dye my hair for the first time this year, but I'm starting to think that blonde is more dominant than we give it credit for because my hair is only slightly darker...I have to admit, though, I thoroughly enjoy the summer because my skin gets darker and my hair gets lighter...that's the most color I have all year...dang scandinavian heritage...
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Hell how do you guys think I cope when writing E/C fics in my med lecuteres and my lecturer is talking about dominant things... definatly fuels my imagination!

Genes are the one thing I don't understand in the science department, I get all confused!

My dad is Spanish and my mom was French. Both with dark hair but my mom had blue eyes. I got her eyes, but was somehow born blond. It's gone dark now though; I like it that way.

Maybe they could have both. Like a cute blond girl with dark eyes, and another dark haired kid with green eyes. Mix and match ;)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Lol, Jacks yeah I think blonde's fairly dominant, although it's hard to tell since so many people like to bleach their hair...I'm Dutch I've the same coloring as Calleigh...blonde hair, green eyes...except she gets more tan than me...lucky girl!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Imagine Eric wanting like dozens of kids like some Latino families. My grandmother had like 16 children. It'll be like that show on TLC with the family and the 16-something kids that they had. It would so cute seeing a bunch of little kids running around. :D

Then I would imagine Calleigh going crazy from all the crying and screaming, but at the end of the day, Eric will comfort her. :devil:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

That's funny, I was thinking the other day it would be hilarious of they had twin girls - one white with blond hair and brown eyes, and one with black hair, dark skin and green eyes. Of course, the blond one would be daddy's girl and the dark one would be all about mommy. That would be the cutest thing ever but would probably only happen in fanfic :lol:

Actually, no, I went to school with twins like that. The boy was really white with light hair, really tall and bulgy, and the girl had dark skin and was really short and skinny. No one believed that they were twins. It was really cool. Genes, yay!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Mo, I know! I don't think I could go a different color if my life depended on it...though I am scared to do anything too dramatic. Honestly, I like being naturally blonde (now I have to explain to people that my hair is a little darker than it would normally be but it's naturally blonde and blah blah blah...they don't really care. Like you, I have green eyes, and if there's anything I like about myself, it's the green eyes...just a wee bit o' flavor so I don't look like everyone else :)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

midnight_tiptoes said:
He actually has blue eyes.
Oh, I misread your original post. Then I mean, your grandma has the dominant/recessive combo and your grandpa has recessive/recessive. Just replace grandma with grandpa and vice versa in my last post and you're all set.

I hope they have a son too, who looks just like Eric except maybe with lighter eyes. And he can run around and be a little mischief-maker and Calleigh's gonna be all >=[ take off your shoes when you come in! but then he gives her a kiss and she's all :")

Jacks - No, haha, that was Michelle Branch. Since I don't really care, this is what I look like. ;)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

How did I not recognize Michelle Branch? I have no words for that.

I like your hat in the picture (I've always wanted a hat like that, but I could never pull it off)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Jacks I am SO with you on the green eyes...they are my favorite thing about myself I think! It was hilarious in that eppy (that I always forget the name of) where Eric says that "blonde hair, blues offense" thing to Calleigh and she grins and goes "None taken, my eyes are green!" I totally cheered when she said that! Yay for blonde haired, green eyed people! :lol: And as for dying your hair...yeah been there, done that...I went Red and then Dark brown and am now solidly back with my natural blonde and very happy! :lol:

Lol, all this talk about E/C babies is making me so totally want to see one...and really I think we'd be likely to get a light-brown haired baby with green or brown eyes, which would be totally adorable! I keep thinking about the little girl Eric picked up off the boat...the scene that still makes my heart hurt it's so freaking adorable the smiles he and the little exchange! I think we're likely to get an E/C baby like that! :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I am wondering how you didn't know it is was Michelle Branch too :lol:

Lucy, cute hat ;)

Could you imagine E/C with twins? I think it would be the cutest thing to watch..them outnumbered and outgunned by two small children who would probably be the splitting image of their parents both in looks and intelligence.

Let the mayhem begin :lol:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I love my hat. It's so warm. It gets to be -30 degrees Celsius (-22 F) here in the winter, sometimes worse with the wind chill so I need it!

The girl, Holly, could've totally been Eric and Calleigh's. So could Emma, that girl who watched her dad die and Calleigh had really great scenes with.
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