Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cubano

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I think it is a little ironic don't you that both the kids they interacted with could have been, through looks, their own??

Me thinks the writers did that one on purpose ;)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I thought your current icon was you, Lucy.

I feel like watching this episode.


Calleigh: So you got this one on sale, huh?


Calleigh: Are you sure it's strong enough to keep you tied to the bed post?


Eric: What do you mean... I though we were tying you down.


Calleigh: I got tied the last time, it's your turn now besides, we always have more fun when I tie you down.


Eric: Mmm, let's take a long lunch break.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Mo, I think that was Death Grip, and I loved that part as well! Blonde haired, green eyed people are quite wonderful. We should start a "No offense taken, my eyes are green" or something like that.

I agree, a baby could definitely look like that little girl. Oh...I want to see little EC babies! I don't know how the writers feel about this, but they should throw a child in for someone besides know, like a "oh we had a baby" not "oops...I guess I impregnated some woman and just discovered my son"
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

midnight_tiptoes said:
I thought your current icon was you, Lucy.
It is. It's what I would look like if I were in a cartoon.

Haha, that's amazing. I wonder how they'd approach the topic. I mean, I doubt they'd know the other was into being tied up and I can see Eric being too gentlemanly to push it. Calleigh'd probably the one to be like, "Mmm, wait a sec, I'll be right back," and then come back with handcuffs and Eric's like *comes*
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I thought those pics were from Invasion? That is when he has her smell the burning rope isn't it??

I think Eric would love to be tied to the bed by Calleigh...she probably still has that outfit from Body Shots lurking in a closet somewhere ;)

Just think, with Gloria Eric only had one pair of handcuffs but with Cal, they will have two pairs. Double your pleasure, double your fun :devil:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Jackie--yeah, I don't know what my deal is (maybe it's that whole blonde thing ;))
Okay, so I keep hearing about the Body Shots outfit, but what is this movie?

Gotta love windchill. I feel like a wuss these past few years because the winters have been uncharacteristically mild here, and I don't know what to do without the mounds of snow and snot-freezing cold for five just throws me off.

Caro, your caps are wonderful...I don't even remember the original conversation, but I think this one is better.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Lol, Caro you make me laugh all the time! *Hugs!* Those pics are totally cute and the the naughtiness! Where would we be without E/C smut...sad and lonely! :lol: :devil:

And yeah I totally think both little girls E/C has interacted with could have been their own...the PTB are subconsciously setting us up for when E/C has their own kids! Yay! :D

Lol, yeah Jacks Death Grip that's the eppy I was talking about...and lol, I'm all for a "Blonde/Green" club! :lol: Works for me...

Lol, double handcuffs huh... :devil: lol, Jackie you're bad...I likes! :devil: :lol:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

There is a movie called "Body Shots" that Emily was in some years ago. It is about a bunch of club going friends who start to question right and wrong when something happens. Emily plays a waitress at the club they all go and her character is apparently into kink...cuz in one scene she hooks up with this guy and ties him to the bed and she has this mask outfit dominatrix.

That is what we mean when we refer to the "Body Shots" outfit.

What can I say Moriel21? I hang out in here too much :lol: My mind has gone to the gutter.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Teehehehe, that made me laugh so much!!

Sorry but Caleigh, little miss I-need-control-all-the-time need to lose it big time! Eric, get the handcuffs and scarfs ready! Seriously, she's so in control, I'd love to see him take that all away from her.

Then again... a dominating Calleigh....

Ok, who's the genes expert?? Why do my eyes change color? Haha!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Completely OT and I know it: I'm no gene expert, but your eye color changes because eyes are like skin in that they store melanin, a pigment that is in skin, hair, eyes (among others) in humans. The same way you can get a tan with sun exposure (your skin produces melanin to protect you from the sun's rays), your iris can store more melanin and darken. More short-term eye color changes can probably be attributed to stress or changes in diet, for example.

As much bondage vibes as they give off, I think they'd be gentle/sensual a lot, which is why I love them so much.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Gentle? Of course. It'll never be sex. Always making love. Be that rough, soft or passionate, lve will always be there. Which is why I think they are so compatable.

That and with all the trust they share.... no stopping them.

Thanks darling. Blue, green, blue, green. I get so confused!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

My eyes change colour too. I was born with black hair and blue eyes. Three weeks later I had blonde hair and brown eyes. Then they were grey, now they're green. Blondes are NOT dumb!!! (Just thought i'd get that in there) My parents both have brown hair, dark skin and blue eyes and I have blonde hair, skin so pale my french professor keeps asking me if i need to go to the hospital and green eyes (I must be the postmans!)

When they have kids (WHEN!) I think the writers will deliberately turn the whole thing into a drama. If I was going to put money on E/C kids then it would be: Identical different sex twins (1 in 60,000,000,000 chance of that happening in real life but this is the world of CSI Miami so...) Blonde hair, pale skin, brown eyes. I was just wondering what Erics love would feel like? What does love feel like?


Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Identical twins can't be boy/girl. Having different genitalia immediately makes them fraternal. Identical means identical down to sharing the same sex.

I can't see EC with twins, but I wouldn't mind reading about it in fics (so long as it's written right, but in my experience 99.9% of babyfics are horribly written).
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I would love to read a fic where E/C has twins. But I agree it has to be well written b/c some fics can be disasterous.

I would love to see Cal try and deal with the idea of possibly being pregneant. I think it would scare the hell out of her b/c while she has mothering instincts, I think the prospect of *her* becoming a mother would scare the hell out of her at first. They totally wasted that storyling on E/N...bleh. You totally know that Eric's reaction would be the total opposite of what it was in that ep. He'd be jumping over the moon.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I'd like to read an EC with twins fic solely for the breakdown that I assume Cal would have eventually. Because come on, it's twins. They're never going to want to sleep at the same time; they're never going to want to be fed at the same time, they're never going to be quiet at the same time. I can imagine poor Cal trying to hold it together while Eric has to go to work, and of course those twins would be adorable and she would love them with everything she had, but still. All those days and nights of unpredictability, sleeplessness, no time to slow down and rest...that's got to wear her down eventually. That would make for good EC angst. And I love angst. :D

On a fluffier note, I can't even imagine the size of the grin on Eric's face when she tells him she's pregnant. God, he would be adorable, heh. :D He would drive Cal crazy for those nine months. She would be eight months pregnant and completely not amused by it anymore, and Eric would still be bouncing off the walls. :lol:
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