Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cubano

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Leave it to you, Jessica, to take such a joyous occasion as the birth of twins and turn it into an angst ridden storyline :lol:

Eric's mom would probably be there every day. Of course, Calleigh might be peeved at first, but parents of twins are always so tired they'd basically let the pedophile next door watch the kids for a damn hour if it means they can get some rest. And then there's always Uncle Ryan and Aunt Valera and the rest.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Man, I missed a lot today! As far as genes go, it's always a surprise. I'm Irish Italian and Native American, and I have green eyes and dark dark hair that goes red in the summer and fairly pale skin. Mom is pale but she has brown eyes and hair. I've never seen my father so I don't know my other half. I love having green eyes and I was so happy with the "none taken, my eyes are green" that was a great scene. This and this is me. The palomino horse I'm on/with is Sundance. (He's not mine but I love him anyway. If you want to see my horse tell me) And if I look like I'm wearing about 6 layers of fleece, I am. It was Colorado in the winter at 14,000 feet.

I can see Calleigh and Eric with twin girls. They would be awesome parents, but I can see Calleigh panicking because her example in that department was less than stellar. Eric will be able to calm her, though. She's running scared right now, because being that dependent on anyone is terrifying her. She's getting to the point where she's ready to take the leap, though, because Eric has proven over and over that he's not going to hurt her.

I'm writing Eric/Calleigh bondage fic in which Calleigh submits to Eric :devil:

I was at a Dia de los Muertos celebration today and someone actually made an offering in remembrance of Speed :lol: It was awesome.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

What can I say Moriel21? I hang out in here too much My mind has gone to the gutter.
Lol, and I LOVE that Jackie hon! I was basically born in the Gutter, so it's all good in my book! ;) Plus it's pretty impossible to stay out of the Gutter when it comes to E/C it's kinda of basic to this step in and oops there's the Gutter! :devil: :lol:

Oh and I agree to that I think Calleigh would be terrified at the thought of being pregnant, or not being pregnant so much as being scared to death that she will fail as a mother...which is where Mr. Delko will be his loving reassuring self and convince her she will make a fabulous mother! :D

And yeah Jess I would LOVE to see Eric's face as she tells him she's pregnant...he would have the biggest smile EVER on his face! It would be SO adorable, gah I want it now! :lol:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Ahh this thread goes by WAYY too quickly. ^.^ ahah.

Anyways, a strike? Oh no, that doesn't sound too promisinng.. x.x Grr.

Starbucks buddies,Jacks? Soundss good to me. haha. xD

God, I need it be 11/19th<3<3
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I live in the Gutter, the rent's cheaper :lol: Plus when you join the fire department you automatically go there, it's a requirement I think :lol:

I think another worry may be that she doesn't want to pass on what she may see as defective genes and doom her child to the life she had. Eric will wear her down eventually but it will take some serious effort.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I hope they don't go down that route, though, it's really cliche. I mean I'm sure Calleigh would be nervous about being a mom like the rest of us, but I'd like to believe she's strong and confident enough to realize she'd be okay. Despite her past, I think she's pretty damn bad ass and she has a lot of confidence in herself and her abilities. She's no Abby Lockhart with all her 'woe is me and my past' crap. I think once she gets over her issues with love the rest should come easily. Characters who are constantly having issues and being all emo about them are annoying as hell (again, Abby Lockhart).
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Ok so I was gone for like 2 days and you guys went through this thread faster than Calleigh's bullet!

EC babies: would be the most beautiful creations of the world.

Death Grip pics: Thanks! And I loved the way she said Eric's name when he had her smell the "Eric! Not here, maybe after work, your place" :D

Genetics: Great stuff, I hate math and since math is the mother of all science...

Song thread: don't bother...we'd rather talk about EC sex which leads to EC babies :devil:

Nov. 19th: still not here but it's getting close :)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I live in the Gutter, the rent's cheaper Plus when you join the fire department you automatically go there, it's a requirement I think

I think another worry may be that she doesn't want to pass on what she may see as defective genes and doom her child to the life she had. Eric will wear her down eventually but it will take some serious effort.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I don't think Calleigh would have a problem with being a mom once she's settled down with the right guy. Can you see her being pregnant with Jake's kid? I can't, 'cause I think she knows there's no stability there. With Eric? It's no problem, because he's always been there for her and she knows that, so it's a lot easier to relax and just let nature take its course. If she ever makes the mistake of having a kid with someone else, I can see Eric stepping in to be the surrogate dad. Remember that episode where he gets beat up by those chop shop guys or whatever and we find out that he's been helping this single mom by fixing her windows and taking her son to a ball game, with no ulterior motive? And he's not even in love with the woman, so could you imagine to what lengths he'd go to make sure Calleigh was okay?
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

wow guys, this thread could really be over by the 19th!!!! I haven't been here for 3 days and there's so much going on.

Strike: that really sucks, so I hope everything settles quickly. Just give the writers what they want so we can keep watching EC... I mean CSI:Miami ;)

EC Babies: so cute, so perfect, so going to happen one day

AND IT'S MONDAY AGAIN :) :D!!!! Time's going by quickly so the 19th is almost here :D. Plus, here's to hoping we get a good EC scene today, Actually any EC scene... :)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Wikipedia has been lying to me! Thats where I get most of my info from too...

I don't think she'd ever have Jake Jerkely's kid either. But if she did, Eric would be totally chivalrious and help her out left, right and centre.

What do you think an E/C baby would be called? I think Eric would go with whatever Calleigh liked so ... I'm gonna say Martin for a boy and i'm still undecided for a girl...



P.S Whatever they pick, it's bound to be mega cute!!!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Haha, names are alwyas interesting! I don't know. I can see Eric suggesting something... different... ;) Bless, how cutie!

I too hope she done't get all depressed and starts feeling sorry for herself. I stopped watching ER becasue of that. Gerr, Abby. I used to love her too, now she's so annoying!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Boring genetics warning again: If two "identical" twins are different genders, it'd be due to a really rare genetic mutation (thank you aneuploidy) that usually happens if the zygote is XXY instead of XX/XY and then splits unevenly when dividing into two separate embryos. Normally, XX splits into two XXs and XY splits into two XYs, but XXY could create one XX and one XY. If, however, the baby in question inherits all three chromosomes (XXY), he's likely to have many mental and physical issues, including sterility, learning disabilities, and a more "female" figure. This also technically makes the twins non-identical, though medically speaking, they're not fraternal either, since they came from one zygote.

In other words, boy/girl "identical" twins can't really be considered identical and even if you categorize them there, they're usually prone to abnormal behavior and we don't want this happening to EC's babies.

I think I've said this before but TIMMY. C'mon, that'd totally be their first son's name. For a girl, I can see Isabelle/Isabella. I'm not sure why. Maybe Alias is getting to me again.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I think Isabela makes good sense cause I always thought of a latin sounding name for their girl cause of Eric's background. And he would totally be 100% involved in the name decision. And, I don't know it just goes with the two of them.

Yes, Timmy, that's perfect if it's a boy.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Calleigh is not going to go emo. She's not going to let anyone see her like that. She may be scared and uncertain but she won't be obvious about it. Eric will pick up on it from the subtle signs she has, and reassure her before she even tells him what's wrong because he's awesome like that. And all will be right with the world. Even when she's depressed she's not obvious about it.

I was watching the season 4 finale last night and Calleigh is so awesome. She didn't take any crap from the feds. She's been at the lab 10 years and is a decorated officer with many commendations and they want to talk about her father. Bastards. And her singlehandedly taking down the REAL mole just rocked. And she did so well as the boss in the season 5 premiere. Can we just drop a bus on Ho and have her be Lieutenant Duquesne for real? :lol:
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