Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Thanks for the clip!
awww...he's "angry" at her...
they are sooooooo cute!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Also, no couple making out. Thanks for that, CBS.
I second that sentiment! J/C makes my skin crawl, almost as much as the Grissom/Sara (my apologies to that ship's fans) does. Jake just screams "I'm a terrible bore and I cheat on all my girlfriends". Must be those maniacal eyes of his.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I can't view the clip for some reason!! :p I'll try it again later...but just the fact that Emily and Adam want E/C together, which they have for a looooong time, but still it makes me pretty positive they'll be together! Yay!

I just love this ship...angst and all which is saying something cuz I'm not an angst fan! :lol: But E/C makes it so freakin' hot I can't even care! ;)

ETA: I forgot to tell y'all I had a dream about E/C! Which is weird cuz I NEVER dream about my ships...always want to, never do! Anyway this dream was a cross between me writing a fanfic and then suddenly it was like my fanfic turned into an eppy or they took my ideas and used it for an eppy or something...but all I remember is that E/C were grinning those flirty grins at eachother one minute and then full on making out the next (and that part was mostly definitely in an eppy!) So here's hoping that's a sign for the future! :devil: :D

Oh and I read the bit about the ET Online thing posted over in the articles section and I gotta say I really do like how they are making this a big triangle...I just hope they don't drag it on too long and if they make Calleigh wait too long to run to Eric I am gonna be bringing a world of hurt to the PTB!! That's all I gotta say!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Okay guys here's my two cents..........................

The ep was kinda blah to me. Not enough EC scenes for me but I'll take what I can get. I pretty much had a gag reflex whenever I saw Jake on the screen. No problem with JW but I really can't stand his character on the show. I wanted to jump through the tv and slap him SO bad!!!!! He was an ass throughout the episode. If I was Frank I would have pistol whipped his ass for making that comment!

And that so-called flirting he was doing with Cal seemed---just wrong on so many levels. I mean COME ON where was the chemistry, you know the heat, cause there was none there. Hell I even felt uncomfortable. :lol:

Jealous Eric was really hot. Loved the snark remark on the "tan". Could'nt get the expression on Cal face after he said though. And can you say boobs galore!!! The boat scene was alright. Wasn't really feeling the boots Eric was wearing but that gettin off topic. :p The little talk Eric and Jake had makes me believe that Eric isn't really threatened by him. Love the look he gave Jake though.

Again the promo was misleading. Where was the makeout couple,not that I'm glad it got threw out but still. On to "Eric's package", I noticed it too!!! I kinda laughed out loud when I was watching which was at my mothers house and she asked me why I was laughing and I almost told her so I had to play it off and say it was at the 7th Heaven kid!! :lol:

Thanks for the ET clip!! It was awesome!! You gotta love watching their interviews. I love Emily and Adam!!! :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Seriously, Jake is a cardboard cut out who says some lines. He is very boring, his character comes off as very immature, and he is not good looking at all.

Next weeks ep is the one about the high school girl who becomes a celebrity thanks to the internet. It is called "Cyber-lebrity" Rory isn't in this ep....that ep is slated for ep #4's slot. The title of that one is "Bang, Bang, You're Debt"

Last night's ep while visually pleasing with the boobs and peen, which was defiately noticeable. Cal will be a very satisfied woman when the time comes ;) (pun intended),was overall very disjointed and boring. I couldn't follow and all it really proved was how much chemistry J/C doesn't have.

Did anyone read that ET article on the main page of this site? I watched the ET segment...I don't remember Adam saying some of the things they say he said. I do remember that Adam was being sarcastic when he said the stuff about Cal leading him on and her then picking someone else...I find it hard to believe that Eric is going to stop fighting for Cal b/c Cal passed up on him and that Adam and Emily don't know if the writers are going to continue with the storyline when we know it goes past this episode. I am really coming to believe that the producers tell Adam and Emily what to say when asked about this..."just deny everything and pretend like you don't know"

Can this show and it writers do one thing w/o actually contradicting themselves? :confused:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Well, when that clip was filmed they were shooting episode 1, so a) Adam was being funny and b) even if he wasn't, there was no way for him to know Eric's intention cause he hadn't read the scripts for the next episodes.

He was joking. I laughed, doesn't worry me. Besides, Emily bugged the writers for years to give her a boyfriend and now she wants Eric with Calleigh. She's not gonna stop being a pest until they give her what they want again :lol:

I had a EC dream, too. I dreamt Eric landed in the hospital and someone called Calleigh at home but she was in the shower. Jake picked it up and told her, "you got a phone call, one of your friends is in the hospital," and before he could tell her who Calleigh already knew it was Eric and ran out of her apartment to go to the hospital. Jake asked her if he could come and she said no. Then she was driving so fast and crying at the same time and nearly got into an accident. It was awesome.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I had to laugh when Adam said that in the ET thing about "you only get one chance with Eric Delko." :lol: Come on, it's CALLEIGH. He loves her; he's not going to give up that easily. ;) And besides, I think Eric would give Calleigh as many chances as it took, if it meant he would finally get to be with her in the end. He's made his choice; it's Calleigh, or nobody. Aw. So yeah, I highly, highly doubt that Calleigh is going to ever go to him, only to hear him say "Nope, sweetheart, you had your chance. Sorry." I don't think it'd be possible for him ever to turn her away. :D

Although, I really hope Eric does continue to be a "pesky pain in the ass" about it. :lol: I like bitter-because-he's-jealous Eric. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I hope so too, Jessica. I really hate the possibility of emo, mopey Eric glancing at Jake and Calleigh from afar. Him being a pain in the ass about it is much more entertaining.

And yeah, there's no way he'd turn her down. Or that he's 'done'. If he were done, there would be no jealousy. He would also be sleeping with somebody else by now. This guy snaps his fingers and could have any woman he wanted but he's still hung up on Calleigh. At this point it's too deep and serious for him to be able to go, "oh, that's it then. Well, have fun shagging your thing there, I'll be off now."

Which begs the question: why is Eric British?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Not only is jealous Eric HOT & SEXY!! but it also means that he's not over her. If he was then he wouldn't care what Jake and Calleigh did, and her clearly wants to punch Jake's lights out!! (the look he gave him was priceless!!) But it matters to him, because he loves her and that's not going to go away!!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Well, for one thing 'shagging' is British slang for doing the horizontal tango.

Jealous, pain-in-the-arse Eric is my new favorite, particularly because we haven't seen sweaty-doing-the-deed Eric yet. It's coming, though.

There's definitely no chance of Eric being able to turn Calleigh away. I doubt he'd even be able to front like he was over her, no less actually move on. Like someone said up-thread, he's way too invested. She's too much a part of his life, it'd be like losing a limb.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I have said that time and time again Sky! :)

We have seen and heard about Eric being with alot of girls, lets face it he was a player. But he has never had that connection with anyone before. I honestly don't think he's done the 'friends first' thing in a very long time. And in the past 6 years, I have never seen Eric Delko look at a woman the way he does Calleigh.

Even Natalia, who we saw him interact with (besides the sex against the wall with the random girl), didn't get 'the look'. And as for Gloria.... Well, lets not go there!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Exactly. And if a broken hearted Calleigh showed up at his door crying his heart would break into a million pieces and he'd turn to mush. When Jake breaks her heart no doubt Eric is gonna scoop her up in his arms (unfortunately I think this is exactly how it's going to happen).
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Thank you so much for posting that link to the ET clip, Skylar! (Do you prefer Sky?)

Adam and Emily are such HipHuggers. Yay.

*anxiously awaits next Monday*
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I do not want them to make it so that Calleigh gets majorly butt-hurt over how Jake's treating her and then falls into Eric's arms because of that. That's not Calleigh at all, but yeah, it certainly looks like something Miami writers would do, since they're so good at destroying all female characters in the show, making them seem needy or dependent at one point or another for whatever reason (enter Natalia). I wish they would come to a point where Calleigh chooses to take the risk with Eric because she loves him, not end up with him only because Jake's out of the picture.

Emily and Johnny didn't look that awkward in the ET clip, so I dunno why we can't have any semi-okay, non-gag-worthy JC moments. And Adam? Funniest guy ever. Oh, and I finally saw his bulge. Yowza.
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