Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Sky's easier to type, but whatever you wanna call me is fine.

Also, I brought gifts:



Oh, baby. No words. Righty? Heh.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

No words...

Yeah, I don't want her to 'end up' with Eric either. It has to be a concious decision for the both of them. They need to talk... big time...
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Can you imagine after it's been stimulated? Ah, but this is a PG-13 board so let's not get started on that.

Someone should show these caps to Calleigh, man. I mean, I'm sure she sees it every day and has to stop herself from staring, but to get it in picture form? Priceless.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

You're welcome! Here's another one:


I think Jake and Calleigh will break up, and Calleigh will take some time to think and all that, and THEN she'll go to Eric. Or I hope so. I don't want her to be destroyed. While she's with Jake, I don't think she trusts him (as per Emily's suggestion) and on the back of her head she's aware that he's gonna mess up at one point. So hopefully it's more like:

Eric: I'm sorry about Jake.
Calleigh: It's okay. He was never really the one I wanted.
Eric: But...
Calleigh: You need to be more aggressive, mister.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

And then Eric kinda chuckles nervously and just touches her arm or something, because he knows she doesn't like public displays of affection so much. That would be perfect. Too bad this is Miami!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Well, after a suggestion like that I kinda hope he grabs her face and kisses her. Maybe the New and Improved (and Pesky Pain In The Ass) Eric will some day. I kinda get the feeling that he learned his lesson and needs to be more aggressive.

I was watching the boat scene (which I think is very symbolic) and after all the EC banter, right before Jake starts talking again, there's a shot where you can see Eric laughing.


I wonder if that was a cut scene or what, or if he was laughing at her going "Hey, mama!" I think it's the latter and it's really adorable, and why there's no way Eric could ever turn Calleigh down! No one makes Eric feel like that. And Jake's in the background all "hey, stop flirting with my girlfriend!"
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

somethingsdont said:
Someone should show these caps to Calleigh, man. I mean, I'm sure she sees it every day and has to stop herself from staring, but to get it in picture form? Priceless.

Maybe we could cap it and send it to her? :devil: Along with our heart-felt letter about how much we love her and Adam. I think she'd appricite it. Adam? Maybe not so much...

Thanks for the ET vid, Sky. Just got around to watching it! Haha, she is definatly the 'danger mouse' in her relationships! ;)

Haha, yeah, I would love to see how Eric would handle it if Callegh just came out and told him how she feels. And I think she will one day, when she's tired of pretending.

Maybe I should set a fic challange to get all you lazy people writing lol : how do Eric an Cal get together? Write a fic. Get going... :lol:

And Eric is SO checking her out in that scene!!!!!! Not so subtle, Delko!

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

_____Skylar said:
Well, after a suggestion like that I kinda hope he grabs her face and kisses her.
Heh, well, I figure if Calleigh does come forward and say that, Eric'll be kinda thrown off. It's cute when he's confused or shocked out of words (like the look on his face as he's watching Calleigh leaving after she kisses him on the cheek). And can we agree that Calleigh did not enjoy Jake's little PDA session in the middle of the lobby? Eric probably knows that, wouldn't push it even though he's Eric and knows she's totally in love with him.

But I mean, hey, I'm all for the kissing as well. And later he can show her just how "aggressive" he can be. ;)

Jake in the background of that pic totally cracks me up.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Well the girls were and out about last night so it is quite possible that Eric is smiling as if to say "Thank You Lord, that is a beautiful scene" It would explain the visible package he was sporting later on....Calleigh's boobs helped to get better in Mand Down...those babies are like magic for Eric :lol:

Cal is soo not the type of woman to run to another man when one breaks her heart...not that I even think she is giving Jake access to that. When the time ultimately comes for the step foward, I really think it will be Eric's injury that makes Cal wake up but I think they may play that after Jake leaves. If they do it while he is around (to the point where Cal is at Eric's side at all times) it will be too soap operaish and dramatic...I think it will happen the way it happened last year; she is going to gravitate towards him and it is possible that this time he will call her out what she wants.

He might tell her that she is doing it again and he can't handle it or it is not fair to him and she needs to decide what she wants; does she want to be friends or does she want something more? It is going to get the point where Eric is going to say something to make her make a decision but it will be his injury that will get them to that point.

Anyone following? :lol:

The pic is funny:
Calleigh: Is he talking to us?
Eric (staring at Cal's chest) Umm What?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

What gets me is that Emily keeps saying Calleigh "can't choose." But she's already with Jake. Why would she need to choose? So obviously Calleigh has doubts about her relationship with Jake, which is why she might not get her heart broken after all (of course, it's Miami, you never know). And if Eric gets injured again, I'm thinking her relationship with Jake is just gonna fall apart and maybe it'll be her who breaks his heart? Whatever, just BE TOGETHER ALREADY!

Also, I'm watching that Friends episode, The One With the Prom Video, and it needs to be said: Eric is Calleigh's lobster.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

It'd be terrible writing for Calleigh to have her heart broken, because you figure after her disastrous past relationships, she'd be a lot more careful with where she puts her heart. If my ex-boyfriend held a gun to my head and then killed himself basically in front of me, I would never fully recover from that. I doubt she has in 2 years.

I can't stop thinking how out of character this is for Calleigh, and how much damage this could inflict to her character if JC were dragged out too long (especially given how one-dimensional the writers have decided to make Jake).

Eric needs to walk up to Calleigh and go, "How you doin'?" a la Joey Tribbiani.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

This whole can of worms the writers seem to be opening is so out of the ordinary. I think Cal is throwing herself so hard into whatever this is she has with Jake so she can ignore Eric and the fact that he is there and is not letting this whole thing evidence of his actions on more than one occassion last night.

Cal is being oblvious on purpose and I think she has put herself soo far into her happy place that she is trying too hard to be into Jake and I think it shows and it is the only explanation i can come up with for the abismal forced crap we saw last night. I really hope the writers wake up and smell that crap b/c it is what they are sitting in and writing right now!

When Eric said the comment about seeing Jake outside and him having a matching tan, watch Calleigh. For a split second her smile falters and she stops tell me that isn't sign of someone who was busted and feels guilty about it.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I think Calleigh should make the next move, or at the very list show us she has feelings for Eric. Nothing I've seen tells me she has feelings for Jake. If he hadn't kissed her in the finale, she wouldn't even be with him. In the same episode he kept trying to force a date out of her. If Jake weren't so aggressive, they wouldn't be together at all.

But on the other hand, she was proactive with Eric. She gave the signals and made the moves. I don't know why but I get the feeling she will again, especially if Eric is mad.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I think there lies the problem. When I was watching the last few episodes of S5, Calleigh gave a lot of hints. She gave Eric a lot of openings and he didn't do anything. The only vocal thing the we know of was his snide comment of Jake would've loved a visit from Calleigh when he was sent to the hospital. Whilst as Jake was really pestering Calleigh for a date, even mentioned that he just had to try harder. I guess that was why I was a little ticked at Eric during those episodes, he hardly really tried. When he pulled the glass out of Cal's finger and she whispered his name, that was an opening. And what did our guy do? He changed the subject to evidence after they stared at each other. ugh! Eric needs to keep his cute butt moving and not only show Calleigh that he loves her but actually acknowledge it!
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