Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

You bother with this pairing because they are insanely HOT and in love and even with the angst right now, you cannot help but adore them...that's why you bother Luce that and your reasons of course! ;)

Okay I have to go figure out how to set my VCR up with my new cable box...oh joy! :p
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

somethingsdont said:

Why do I even bother with this pairing, other than for Eric's peen and Calleigh's boobs.

Because in a few months those two things are going to come together.

Pun definitely intended.

What's happening next week? All I know is Jake isn't in the episode and that makes me happy.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Because in a few months those two things are going to come together.
Pun definitely intended.
Pun definitely appreciated! ;)

No Jake next week? Sweet!! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I'm too impatient for this stuff.

Anyone notice Jake's name rhymes with ache, fake, flake, mistake and snake, and Eric's name rhymes with... atmospheric? ... I had a grand total of two hours of sleep in the last day, shut up.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I don't know what's happening next week? Isn't that when Rory is coming back? I thought Eric was suppose to be dealing with his head injury, but all they showed was H?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Wow Luce you're onto something there! ;) Lol, I know I'm mean and have had some sleep! Sorry babes! :lol: Get some rest, E/C will be around tomorrow! :D

Yup that's right this next week is when Speed "comes back" to help Eric! E/C interaction hopefully, without Jake?...Sweet!! :D

Okay and I'm off to watch the eppy...finally!! Wohoo! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

What a crap premiere. I knew it was coming, but I was still kinda hopeful.

The triangle. Oh, man. First of all, Eric is seething with jealousy. The way he was looking at Jake, it's like he wanted to rip his head off (can't blame him there). So the heat is on. It doesn't look like Eric sees Jake as a big threat, either.

I don't know what to think about Calleigh. Being with Jake just seems so out of character for her. She doesn't really look at him like a woman who is in love. In fact, the way she looked at Eric in Burned... there's no comparison. She just looks at Jake like, "okay, good sex, good times." It just doesn't seem special. If it's supposed to be, then Johnny and Emily aren't selling it. It was really flat and they just don't match, physically or otherwise. It just feels really off. They're like two teenagers learning how to flirt for the first time.

After tonight, I'm pretty sure they're gonna have Jake screw up in one way or another. Either he'll get a job offer in another state and leave or he's gonna mess things up. It's really obvious. I was hoping Calleigh would leave him because it's Eric she loves, but that would be good writing and that doesn't go with this show. So I think things are gonna move slower. and it's gonna take Calleigh a while, because I think Jake is gonna break her heart. She's giving him a second chance thinking people can change and if this is a new and improved Jake? I don't wanna think what he was like back in the academy. A total scum.

The comments Jake made to Calleigh were pretty damn stupid and completely chauvinistic. Jake is kind of a pig and that came through tonight. And I'm sorry, but I don't think that's something the Calleigh we know appreciates. Jake is the kinda guy who sits on the couch all day and then orders his wife to make him a sandwich and slaps her in the ass as she walks by. So what is Jake and Calleigh about, really? They don't have a deep connection, they don't have much chemistry, their personalities don't match at all. I guess the sex must be good, but honestly, this is so out of character for Calleigh I don't even know what to make of it.

She's playing with fire and she's gonna get burned and Eric is gonna be there to pick up the pieces. I'm willing to put money on that.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I have no doubt that Jake and Calleigh will come to a screeching close, I just hope that they don't drag it out forever and make us suffer!! I would like to see Calleigh choose Eric over Jake, but I don't know if that's going to happen? I think it will depend on what Eric does and how much he fights for her. He is obviously jealous, and making no attempt to hide it. (tan comment!!) Further more Johnny and Emily don't have any chemistry, unlike Adam and Emily!! I don't think Jake will last long!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

hmm just finished watching the Jake/Calleigh scene for the second time...
its just...soooooo...wrong -_-|||
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I know. I used to be a bit of a Jake fan, but they totally lost me tonight. In fact I'm gonna say it: I liked Hagen more than I like Jake right now. Hagen was the guy with the sucky life, who just kinda lost everything and got a bad hand, and he struggled with that and his personality was a result of it. Jake is an ass because he enjoys being an ass. When he was bitching to Eric about having to wait (whatever department they were waiting for) he came off as a giant douche. Apparently he wants to snap his fingers and for everyone to do his bidding. He's a bully.

I'm rooting for E/C of course, but they didn't need to make Jake so one-dimensional. He was acting like a 4 year old tonight, and it made Eric look like a freaking prince charming.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I totally agree with you on Hagen...
I mean...I have to say I never really hated Hagen's character. I actually felt sorry for him...
However, Jake? sigh...he is so annoying...especially the way he talks ~_~

Eric was/is/will continue to be Calleigh's prince doubt to that ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Okay my review in 30 seconds...
J/C scene...Call was cute...Jake was freakin' annoying and there was no real chemistry...not worried about Jake, he'll be gone very soon!

Eric is freaking GORGEOUS! Holy Cow...and when Call walked in and saw him, her smile was huge and adorable! LOVE! :D

They will be doing it in no time...I know it! :devil:

Next week's promo...Calleigh is shooting a bow and arrow? Rock on! :D

Not the full of hot E/C moments premiere I was hoping for...but it'll do...and now I'm off to sleep!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Ok, so like Mo I'm in California right now so I'm also 3 hours behind. I'll be back in east coast time next week.

So anyway, I don't dislike Jake but I still cringe whenever I see him with Calleigh. Jealous Eric is so hot. Cleavage and booty shots of Calleigh is very hot. Eric and Calleigh at the boat while Cal has her ass in front of Eric and Jake extremely clueless, the hottest so far! hehe...

We're so going canon this season!

I think CBS had changed the episode line up. Next week's preview is cyberlebrity (or something like that). Rory's supposed to be on the identity one. I'm thinking that the eppy where Cal's gonna get mad at Eric will be aired first and then the Rory ep will be next so that when Eric goes through his post traumatic thingie (I'm very technical tonight) she'll be really guilty. But I might be mixing my episodes so just correct me if I was wrong.

All in all not a great episode but I'll take all the EC scenes that I can get.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Did anybody see the ET clip? You can see it here.

It's really funny! I love it. And Emily says that if it were real life, she would chose Eric and she thinks with Eric Calleigh would have the, "solid, trusting, wonderful relationship," but not so much with Jake. And Adam is pissed that Calleigh is with Jake and he says from now on he's gonna be a pain in the ass about it :lol:. I love Adam and Emily.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

OMG thanks for posting the link! That totally made my night and not the episode! gah! I actually like JW, I just don't like Jake with Calleigh. Love Adam and Emily! :p interview's great!
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