Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

Is there something wrong with Jackie knowing about those sites? :lol: As if no one else here *knows* about this stuff :lol:

Yes but your hernia won't prevent you from typing....let me know when you break both hands...then we will talk. Better yet, why you don't throw yourself down a flight of steps like you suggested I do a couple of weeks ago :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I say go Jackie.... If it inspires her to write.... :p

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Jackie, there's absolutely nothing wrong with you knowing about those sites! :lol: It's only healthy for you to know them! :devil:

Yes, Caro's going to wite... begrudginly or not, you still will. I'll take what i can get! :D What the hell does a hernie have to do with writing/ typing?... Nothing, absolutely nothing! So sorry, that won't work... now go write! :p


Luv yall...

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

delkolover said:
Better yet, why you don't throw yourself down a flight of steps like you suggested I do a couple of weeks ago :lol:

I will, and break both my hands. Ha.

No, seriously, I'm looking at it now. I should really update it soon cause when I start working again I won't have time to even come online, let alone write.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Make it s juicy update since you have to go back to work soon :devil:

If you break both hands I want pics of the casts on them as proof :lol:

I am working on my fic right now....just needs to be sent to the beta reader.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Yeah, you should update it soon, Caro! That's the one of the best suggestions you've made today! :D

And Jackie's right! You should make it a juicy one... it'll make me feel better! :devil:

If you do break those hands, I'm also gonna need to see a doctor's note... a qualified doctor, that is! You can easily wrap a bandage on those hands of your and make us pity you... that ain't going to work missy!

OMG! Is it Christmas already? Wow, you're both writing fics... :eek: I must be dreaming! Why couldn't people have written this much during the summer?... when we desperately needed some E/C goodness!


Luv yall...

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

This is sad. When I started this fic Gilmore Girls was still on the air, but it's not anymore, and it's still a running gag on the fic. Will people get it?

I got called into work today, that's why I've been online. I wanna go hooome. But boredom made me look into the fic. It's such a mess, ack.

Meanwhile, Eric and Calleigh are doing it on their kitchen table.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Ignoring all the talk about porno (because that totally does not help with my distracted-from-writing problem...), um, can I use school (six courses this semester, dudes) as an excuse if Caro's gonna blame it on work?! Help me out a little, eh? The little Asian kid's gotta go to skrool and be an engineer to bring honor to her family. ^___________^
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Hehehe in mine they do it on the edge of the couch and the floor!! :devil:

No it is not Christmas...although it could be if I get to post it today, but I don't think that will happen b/c it has to go to the beta reader.

I guess we can let you use school as an excuse...especially considering you pay to go!! But you have to promise that the first chance you get you will write.

God, what I wouldn't give to be back in college :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

In mine, they're doing it in every surface of the world! Then hop into a spaceship, and blow our minds while going at it on the moon! They're so hot, the sun's got nothing on them! :devil:

Wait, does the school excuse go to me, too? Plus I'm sick so is that enough to give me the perfect, pathetic, excuse for not finishing my fic? *praying it works*


Luv yall...

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

^^No b/c you don't pay to go to school :lol: :lol:

Nice try though...If Caro has to write then the rest of you do too unless you have a valid your hands are broken or your parents shell out tons of dough for you to go to school and make them proud.

If you are sick pop some advil! :lol:

Man, I sound like my high school basketball coach...the only thing missing is a "Go Team Go" speech :lol: Although I could come up with one if you guys really need it ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

*Cries a little, wipes tear, fakes a smile, and say "I'm fine!"*

Okay, what if I tell you my parents pay for me to go to high school? Is that valid enough? :)

I hate taking pills! But I've tried taking some over the past few days, and it still hasn't worked! :( Way to be supportive, though! :lol:

I'm guessing I'm gonna need that "Go, Team, Go" speech sometime soon! I feel so freaking pathetic right now... how the hell was it possible for me to cheer last night in my current state? :confused: At least we won the game! But sadly, I think I got the rest of my squad sick... oops! :rolleyes:


Luv yall...

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

In min, they are at least in a bed guys! Bloody hell! :) what am I gonna do with you lot!

I think we could do with a go team speech! Maybe it'll convince us to write more!

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

School here is actually not as expensive as in the states, and I pay for it myself (with the help of bursaries, of course), but pretend I didn't tell you that so I still have a valid excuse.

And I'm totally making you guys wait another chapter for the smut because a) I'm a cruel, cruel bitch and b) I want to write it from Calleigh's POV. At the rate I've been going, you'll all be little old ladies by the time this fic gets finished.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Ok, I have one word for the last 3 pages: DAMN! With all the sex and porn talks around here, I can't believe there's still other ships in existence! :devil:

Thanks for those "inspirational" pictures of Calleigh with silencer and E/C with ropes...awesome...hehe... :devil:

Lucy, Belated Happy Birthday! 19 is a prime age, one year left of teendome!

Annabelle, hope you feel better soon. Eric and Calleigh sick together on bed, rubbing vapor rub thingies to each other might be a nice thought ;)

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