Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I've been pretty sick this past week, too, but I haven't been taking much care of myself, so I deserve it. Drink fluids and watch porn.

Welcome, Abilene! Have a pair of jeans. On us.

I always envision my fics from start to finish, so I know what's happening in every chapter, but it's all in my head, I don't really write it down unless it's something I know I might forget.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Welcome, Abilene! Looks like we got ourselves another Canuck. ;)

The problem is I had planned Time Tells to be a one-shot, and then spontaneously decided to add a second chapter, which lead to a third, a fourth, etc. I should've plotted out the whole thing first, but it was my first real fan fic and I got excited, heh. Lesson learned!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Welcome to the ship Abilene! :D

When I write fics and other materials, in general, it can go both ways... in order or in a ridiculous mess of words that somehow end up meshing together. Either way, it ends up as something... no matter how long it takes to write. :rolleyes:

Thanks Lucy and Caro! And I hope you feel better, too. :) I've been drinking fluids for days and it hasn't helped... maybe the E/C fics would help... Lucy. *cough* ;)

Whatever the hell "Time Tells" was supposed to be, I'm glad it turned out the way it is now... it gets better and better with each chapter... :)


Luv yall...

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

fadingintherain said:
I've been drinking fluids for days and it hasn't helped...

Have you been watching porn? You gotta watch the porn. It heals.

Everyone has their own methods. Obviously mine isn't the best. I still have WIPs I haven't finished since like 2002. Heeeeey!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

midnight_tiptoes said:
fadingintherain said:
I've been drinking fluids for days and it hasn't helped...
Have you been watching porn? You gotta watch the porn. It heals.

Everyone has their own methods. Obviously mine isn't the best. I still have WIPs I haven't finished since like 2002. Heeeeey!
I'd love watch it Caro, but my mom would kill me... like seriously! I'm gonna have to stick to reading it instead... any suggestions? :)

If your method isn't working, you can always try another one. ;) Or you can just use that as a sorry excuse for not having you fics done. :lol:


Luv yall...

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

fadingintherain said:
Or you can just use that as a sorry excuse for not having you fics done. :lol:

Yeah, I like that.

Have you been to CSI Forensics? Maybe there's some stuff there you haven't read yet. I wrote a "Cal and Eric go to Vegas" fic you can only find there.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Yeah, of all people, you would definitely be the one to love that! :lol:

And yes, I've been to CSI Forensics... Hey, I just realized that your the same Carolina that wrote that fic. I never knew that until today! :eek: How slow am I? :p But I loved the fic... :D huh, you can definitely write... why aren't you doing it more often?


Luv yall...

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Welcome Abilene! Glad you like my sig. Leela made it for me :D

Annabelle you are always online right? I'm sure you can some porn to watch online w/o your mom knowing ;) What would we do w/o the internet? :confused:

I love the fic Caro wrote about Eric and Cal going to is sort of begged for a sequel but it was perfect non the less. :D How is your other fic coming along btw??

If you guys want porn, Val and I are putting the finishing touches on chapter 5 (the porn chapter) of "Sins of the Father." I will let you guys know when we post it.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Jackie, now that's a thought! :D I just gotta get away from everybody first... too many people at my house cause of this BBQ we're having! And yeah, I just noticed that I'm always online... no wonder why my laptop dies on me like everyday. :rolleyes:

Whoa, Caro's got another fic coming? Since when did the Ice Age come and gone? :lol:


Luv yall...

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Annabelle, becarefull if you look for porn online. I got a virus when Igot sent to a site like that through a pop up :( Still look for some, but safely hehe.

Thank you somethingsdont. It was very helpful, I'm gonna go do that now :) Oh and say I want to write up one of the prompts.... how do I post it on LJ like the others.... I'm slow I know, sorry.

Kisses, and welcome to the newbie! :D

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

No, it's the same fic. Actually the next chapter is nearly finished, I just have to add a little bit of bullshit and bam. The chapter after that one, though? Yeah, get ready to really wait.

But maybe not, you never know.

I was gonna write a companion R/V fic to the Vegas fic, but eh. I never got around to it. I've written so much, guys, come on. I deserve to retire.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Yeah, I kinda figured that would happen... but thanks for the heads up, Jodie. This is my second laptop in like 4 months, so I don't think I'll be doing that anytime soon. My parents won't be very fond of replacing my computer every-so-often. :rolleyes:

A new fic, a new chapter, whatever the hell it is... it's surprising... uh hello, Caro you're the one writing it! And when you say the chapter is "nearly finished," how many more months is that? :lol: Don't even get me thinking on the next one after that!

And no, you don't deserve retirement! That is only for people who actually did enough sometime in their life (which you haven't :rolleyes:), have nothing to do or live for at the time (you still have E/C and us :)), and/or are really old (which you aren't ;))!

The football announcer guy won't stop saying penetration! :lol: :devil:


Luv yall...

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

You can't retire unless you finish what you start ;) Besieds right now, we NEED E/C writers so retirement is out of the question for any E/C writer who wants to stop!! It should be a commandment of this board and for this ship!

Commandment: "As long as your fingers can still type on the keyboard you can't stop writing fics!" :lol:

Well as far as the porn online goes there are reputable sites that won't give you viruses but yeah be careful of those ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Just replace "you" with "porno" and go to "you" ;)

Oh, fine then, I'll write. But very, very begrudgingly. You guys are aggravating my hernia.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I agree with that commandment! :)

Mhm... Jackie, seems to know a lot about these "reputable sites." I wonder what that means... *inquires about Jackie's extra-cirricular activities online* ;)


Luv yall...

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