Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Lucy, we'd all be crazy if we didn't read you fics. Gosh, woman, you can write extremely well... even better than some of the writers on the show. :D

I can't believe this, but I actually have a fic on it's way to getting posted. I have tons of E/C fics started, but I never seem to have anytime to get it finished. Well, it should be up in a couple of weeks, as soon as my schedule lets up. :)

Jackie, you mentioned sophomore year... I'm a sophomore... in high school! :) And with all this talk of chemistry, physics, and anatomy kicking y'alls asses, well it's getting me apprehensive. :eek: I get 4 classes per day in each semester and when the 2nd half of the year starts, I take a couple of those classes. :( I hope it isn't as bad as y'all say... but I guess I'll just keep doing what I do... procrastinate. :D I have a 5.0 GPA (cause of Honors classes) and I don't pay attention to anything or do work until the last minute... even I'm surprised! :)

Jess, I think I’m feeling better with that equation. :D I wonder what and how many “experiments” they’ll test out… :devil:

As for everyone talking of how they're old... well you're not! :) None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. (And from what I know/ read, you guys definitely have enthusiasm! ;) :devil:)


Luv yall…

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Anna I'm a sophomore too! I have some AP classes and I always leave the work for last minute. Anyways back to the great chemistry these two have on and off set. I want to see those experiments that they do so them I can learn some things:lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

I hate AP classes... I mean they're supposedly good for you, but it's so aggravating! :mad: I can pass them easily because everything that the teacher says gets recorded in my head for some reason (don't know how, though) and when I need to use such info, I automatically remember it. :)

If Eric and Cal were my teachers for chemistry, biology, or whatever, I'd certainly be paying more attention. ;) Only God knows what their experiments would teach me! :lol: I think a leeson in reproduction and sexual health would be my favorite topics in their class... especially if they demonstrate! :devil:


Luv yall...

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Lol, yeah Xane knowing E/C's older than us makes me not feel so old ;) Although y'all who are still in high're making me feel old! :lol: Oh well, it's all good! :D

And Jackie yeah, their kids are going to be gorgeous, oh my word! They will some double-triple-take-cuz-they're-so-freakin-adorable little darlings! :D

Less than two weeks for us...finally! :lol: I'm getting impatient already dang it!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

I'm so excited for the season premiere that I remember my assignment due dates by relating them to September 24. Like I'll get a calculus assignment and in my head, I'm thinking, "Hmm, it's due the day after the Miami premiere..."

(Off-topic) It's really hard to tell how old people are on online. Everyone always tells me I sound older than I actually am online, but I look very young, so 'tis all good. :)

Back to Eric and Cal, though, yes, their babies will be hot, but unfortunately, the writers would never in a billion years let us see that on the show. That's what fics are for, I suppose.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Mo, sorry if I'm making you feel old... just remember that you aren't! :D Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.

xane, I've been part of that club for a long time, but thanks. :) I guess I have a reason to not write anymore... "Club rules state that E/C fics are not to be finished unless you want to get kicked out." I'm being weird right now...

Lucy, I do the same thing! :D I'm actually pretty happy cause i don't have school on the 24th. :) Staff Development Day kicks ass... no school for students... YAY! :D Plus, I'm constantly reminded of the date by mom, whose birthday is two days afterwards. :)


Luv yall...

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Hah! My mom asked me if I knew what day the 26th was and I aswered it right away and she was like "How'd you know that?" And then I told her but she didn't understand cause it was in english and she speaks mostly spanish. :p I think that if I started writing fics I would so join that club. I always procrastinate.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Hell, we are only young!! Well I am, I'm only 18 haha.
Oppf, If chemistry was like that, I would have enjoyed it alot more!! ;)

Procrastination is the key to being a good E/C writer: what do you think the writers of the show have been doig for the last 6years!

You speak Spanish, that_girl1? Me too :D And German, bt I don't like German too much, it's hard lol.
I really wanna know how they are gonna get Eric and Calleigh together! There are so many ways!!!

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Annabelle said:
If Eric and Cal were my teachers for chemistry, biology, or whatever, I'd certainly be paying more attention.
Same here! And surely they would be a billion better at teaching than my teacher, because he’s a totally incompetent. But if I had Eric as chemistry teacher…I wouldn’t probably look at the book or at the blackboard… :devil:

Plus, I'm constantly reminded of the date by mom, whose birthday is two days afterwards.
My mom reminds me of the premiere, too, because her b-day is on 26th September. I hope that the episode, with E/C moments, will give us another reason to celebrate. :lol:

Jodie said:
I really wanna know how they are gonna get Eric and Calleigh together! There are so many ways!!!
Yeah, I’d pay to know it. We should infiltrate in their home and put cameras there, so we’ll discover their plans…buahaha! [/treacherous laugh]

OT: About the age, I’m 16. In any case, don’t worry about the age. Hip hugger keep people young! ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Hey guys, just to let you know, I wrote a LOT last night and I mean a LOT, so you know I am working on it. It's actually quite complicated. They both keep denying things and such, but I'll tell you all when I'm done!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

I can't wait for the premiere :D!!! I'M TOO EXCITED :lol:!!!! It's gonna be great!!! The CSI Vegas and CSI New york premieres are just after that, aren't they :confused:? And THEN ... (Drum roll,please) ... It's my birthday :D! Yay!!


P.S Just started the FanFic! It's a bit fluffy! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Xane- Can't wait, link when you're done 'kay?
Andromeda- Fluffy is good :D You Ok with your fic now?

HH does keep us young ;) Hehe. I'm with you Abby, my aunts a cop (worked FBI) so maybe I can finagle us some surveillance equipment..... :)

Oh, and I have started a new angst fic about Calleigh dealing with the death of her father. It doesn't focus too much on his death... more the grieving process and how Eric tries to help in his many ways. It's a bit like kismet in terms of thier thoughts and feelings, but I'm not sure about including the sex in this one yet...

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Just finished the first paragraph. I hope people will like the finished thing. Would love to read your new Fic!

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

I can't wait to read yours too! The link is my signature so it'll be on there :)

Woop, whose got the count now?? Days? Hours? Mins? Secs? Milisecs?

I wanna know more about Calleigh and Jakes past relationship.. What happened to them for real! Just for more angst lol

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