Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Thank you! :D I always got picked on at school 'cos of my name. My mum chose it (She's an astronomer). I think she's a bit peculiar, to tell you the truth. Can't wait to move!!!

I've been thinking about writing a FanFic about Eric and Calleigh. Do you think it's a good idea? Would people read it? :confused:


P.S Trying to write this and talk to my friend Sam on MSN simultaniously so if something doesn't make sense, thats why. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Andromeda said:
I've been thinking about writing a FanFic about Eric and Calleigh. Do you think it's a good idea? Would people read it?
Awesome idea!!! I love fics and I’m sure that many of us would read and review it. :D Fics are the best way we survive during the summer hiatus. ;) Go girl! And give us the link when you finish it. ;)
Btw, Andromeda is a beautiful name. I love it. :)

Annabelle said:
I could totally see him in an apron that had "World's Best Cook," "World's Best Dad," or "World's Best Lover" written on it. Hey, what if it was pink? That'd be hilarious!
Yep! I’d like to see it! :D Probably he would have all these phrases written on the apron, that probably would be pink. :lol:

Mo said:
and all I could picture was Eric waiting for Calleigh in the kitchen in ONLY his favorite apron and nothing else!!
Omg! I’d kill to see this! :devil: :lol: *drool*

OT: Aww! Jen, I’m sorry hon! But don’t feel like a failure, chemistry is so hard! In these days I started hating chemistry… :rolleyes: It’s the reason why lately an hymalayan bunny started stalking me, :lol: but that’s a long story or probably too much chemistry is driving me crazy! :p
Pic to cheer you up: ;)

I hope you’ll feel better. In any case, feel free to PM me if you need something or if you want. :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Yeah, And I'll chat to you later (if I ever understand the time difference thing-seriously I failed math)

Andromeda, I got picked on at school too, though not becuase of my name :) So I know how you feel! It got better at collage/uni!
As for the fic DAMN RIGHT you should right it!!! We will read, we stick together us lot haha.

And I think Eric should have an apron that says 'kiss the cook', then Calleigh could. Oh plot bunny! :p

Kisses to everyone
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Ok! I will write it! Brill!!! Cool! :D How will I start? Hmm..... :confused:

This could take a while!!! :lol:I'll get back to you as soon as the first chapter is finished. Got a vague idea about what its going to consist of so it shouldn't be too long before it's on the web. :D


P.S Like the apron ideas! :D

P.P.S It has got a lot better since i've been at Uni. The atmos is a lot better here than it was at school. :D

P.P.P.S (This is the last, I swear. :rolleyes:) I love being 'here' (Here being the Talk CSI Eric/Calleigh fan post thingy.) Everytime I read a post I just get a huge smile on my face! :D (Like that!) Its great! Thank you soooo much! :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Hey, If you need any help Andromeda,just ask me or the others by PM. I'm sure we'd all help. :D:D
I am glad you feel happy here! I was scared to post at first, not any more haha.

Oh I notice South Yorkshire, my grandpapa lives in North Yorkshire :p

I wish we could get inside the writers mind for just a second, I really want to know what they plan for E/C.

Oh and I know what I wanted to ask, how do you guys think Eric and Calleigh will get together? Any scenarios?


P.S: Yeah uni is good for me too. Everyone is so nice! Haha, I think it's just those girls and boys that are imature that are the problem, even when you grow up, there's always someone!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

I think if we got inside the writers mind we'd end up in the funny farm! Cuz God only knows where they come up with some of these ideas.

Everytime someone says they want to get intot he mind of a writer I alsways think about what Stephen King says about where his inspirations come from...I mean he has said in interviews that he gets his ideas from dreams he has and sometimes a lot of his characters are based on him!!

So getting into the minds of the writers who WRITE THIS SHOW, doesn't seem appealing. I mean, c'mon these are people who come up with the Horatio's cheesy one sanity wouldn't be able to handle to overload :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Aw, thanks to Jackie, Leynette, Moriel, Jodie, Jen, and anyone else who read and liked my story. Reviews are only a bonus; as long as I know people enjoyed it, that pesky little number doesn't mean much anyhow. :)

Jen, yikes, sorry about how chemistry turned out. I never liked chem much, despite the fact that it was Eric's major and all. Physics, I like, and that was Calleigh's. I can't shoot a gun for my life though. Oookay, off topic.

I wish I (or one of you guys) wrote for the show. At least the E/C parts. If it were me though, I'd be fired after one ep, because I'd make their scenes unbelievably long and there wouldn't be any case to solve, just them sitting there angstily, heh.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Aw! Your welcome Lucy! Your stories are like seriously awesome. I like chemistry cause its fun! :D I was thinking about for the porn a thon of writing a scene where Eric and Cal get stuck on the elevator and...well you guys know the rest. But seriously I'm too lazy to do anything these days.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

I was pretty good at chemistry in college but anatomy; now that class kicked my ass sophmore year of college. Good lord, sophmore year of college was 7 years ago!! :eek: God, I feel old :lol:

No worries Lucy I will always read your fics...even the ones you don't have finished ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Why do you guys think you are so old? You are only old when you say you are. Feel young! Eric and Calleigh keep you young might I add.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Oh dear God why are we talking about chemistry?! :eek: I logged on here to get away from my ghastly chem stuff!

But once we get to see that highly reactive Eric + Calleigh ---> Massive Heat + Super Gorgeous Babies reaction occur... I suppose then we'd all love the subject. Especially since you have to run 2nd and 3rd and 10th trials on experiments like that... :devil: :lol:

So, what, thirteen days to go? :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

:lol: Jess that definatley is a good equation!
More like 12 hours in about 10 minutes. Less than a freaking week man!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Jackie don't feel old darlin'...sophomore year of college was almost that long ago for me too! *High five!* And like Xane said...E/C will keep us young...besides they're both as old or older than we are, so it's all good! :D Heehee!

As for chemistry...if we're talking about the kind where two people have this "spark" between them that is so deep and so visceral and base and amazing it almost can't be explained then yeah I'm ALL for that kind of chemistry! :devil: But the kind that requires boring hours of formula homework...then ick! :lol: Unless of course it's this kind of equation...:
Eric + Calleigh ---> Massive Heat + Super Gorgeous Babies reaction
;) That I'm ALL for! :devil:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Man we've been waiting all summer and now we are down to 13 days!! I can't believe it :eek:

Jess, I gotta tell ya your chemistry equation definately raises my opinion of "chemistry" ;) There is no doubt that their children would be gorgeous. How could they not? Two exceptionally hot people copulating can only = beautiful children.
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