Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

He's like an emotional vibrator.
*Mo is very thankful she wasn't drinking anything when she read this because otherwise I swear it would have come out my nose!* :lol: :lol: That is the best description of Eric I think I have ever heard! Sky you're brilliant...and that is SO true! The man has it all to satisfy a woman...emotional and well...every other way! :devil: And yeah, every woman would jump at the chance to fall in love with we just need Call to realize that she is in love with him! ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Jake is a very good looking guy. Very handsome, but personally I'd pick Eric. He just has something more that lures you to him. I can't go a day without saying he is HOOOOOT!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Lol, yeah you and me both Xane! I will admit to finding Jake attractive too...but there is so much more to Eric (On top of his amazingly attractive looks!) that it's impossible not to pick him, or fall in love with him! ;)

Okay so I am sure this was said or talked about recently, but I couldn't quite remember...anyway, I saw the Looooong promo for our Season Premiere/new season last night (I can talk about this without spoiler boxes right?!)
and I have to say...the whole part with "Antigua" and where they show who I am about 99% sure is Jake kissing a blonde...I got to pondering that last night and what if that blonde is NOT Calleigh as we are supposed to believe? What if Jake went down there and *cliche I know* cheated on Calleigh and somehow Eric knows or suspects and that's what he asked Jake the way he did...any thoughts? And Eric could tell Jake to tell Calleigh and not do this to her again...and he'd say he would and then wouldn't and then later that's how Jake and Calleigh break up? Again cliche I know, but if it gets Jake/Calleigh done with, then I'm okay with cliche!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Skylar, your similes rival those of Shakespeare, lol.

Yeah Jake is cute, in a rough and tumble kind of way. And I’m sure he has a few good qualities tucked away somewhere, but Eric is Calleigh’s once in a lifetime. She’ll never meet another guy who’ll respect her and treat her the way that he always has.

I don't know if that even is Jake, it's too hard to tell. When you watch it in slow-mo, it doesn't really look like him. But if it is him and some other chick, I don't think Eric would bring it up in front of Calleigh. Aside from it being a mean and childish thing, Cal would be pissed when she found out that Eric knew all along.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I think Jake might cheat on her; he seems the type. I hope Eric twats him! (Please excuse my language :D.) She'll never find anyone more perfect for her than Eric. FanFic coming along well. Not long before i'll post it. :)


P.S I watched the promo. :)

P.P.S I hate Jake. :mad:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I agree with you Jake is a very good looking guy, but I agree with you, Eric is better! :D Jake is the kind of guy that, when you see him, you look at him and say “Yeah, he’s handsome”. :rolleyes: Eric is the kind of guy that when you see him you have the instinct to drag him behind the next bush. :devil: :lol:

Mo[/b]’s speculation.] Mmmh…It sounds interesting! ;) I only know that in this case I’d never want to be the blond woman when Calleigh will discover them, because when Calleigh will find out that Jake is cheating on her, he and the woman will look like a strainer. :lol: Never cheat on Calleigh Duquesne! ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

To be honest, while I think Jake is an ass I don't think he would go to Antigua and cheat on Calleigh; that is too soap operaish and this show is no soap opera. IMO the two people in the flashback look nothing like J/C. I mean the guy looks too young, his hair is too short and the cloe up of the lips....those aren't Jake's lips. As for thw woman while she is blonde, the hair is wrong for is much stringier than hers is. So I don't really think it is them.

We know from pcis and the promo vid that Kyle has blonde hair not red. I still contend that the two people in the flashback are a young Horatio and Kyle's mother. We all know the people who put out the promo's are notorious for stringing us along and givng us the wrong impression of things. So that is who I think is in the flashback.

Jake is moderately good looking. "Going, Going, Gone" was on A&E last night and I just couldn't get past his lip whenever he was irks me :lol: Even my cousin wants to know what Cal sees him.

What I thought was interesting was in the ep last night Jake tells Calleigh he wants in on their investigation and tells her it is maybe b/c he feels bad about what happened to the girl and Cal replies "maybe you are just upset b/c you are not involved in this case" or something to that affect. He is just too self centered for my taste and sooner or later Cal will realize that and dump him like the bad habit he is :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

There's been a lot of indications that Jake hasn't changed, that's why I'm not worried. And the writers haven't done any favors, either. He was a jerk to Tripp in the season finale, he hasn't changed much. He looks really cocky in the premiere. And Calleigh knows he hasn't changed, either. Jake is just a distraction that has the added benefit of allowing her to run away from her feelings for Eric, but I don't expect that'll work in the long run.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Sky I agree with you. Calleigh knows that Jake hasn't changed at all and that will eventually get to her. She is only with him because being with him means she doesn't have to deal with her feelings for Eric. She can just shove them away and pretend they don't exhist. The problem with that is that her feelings are way too deep and she won't be able to shut them out. Then she can finally dump Jake and tell Eric how much she loves him!!!!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Yeah, I think it's very telling that Calleigh is giving Jake a second chance, knowing he's still the same guy. I mean, she was less forgiving to Hagen, who really wasn't that much different, was he? He insulted her dad, and I can see Jake saying something just as crass at any moment.

So like we've said over and over, I don't think Calleigh is with Jake because of Jake, but because of Eric.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Calleigh's stalling, and she's scared. Jake is a nice distraction, given their past. There's that lost love thing with him that doesn't die easily, because I suspect she really did love him once. It's always about the long run, though, and we all know who that refers to.

I suggested a prompt over at hiphuggerfics. Everyone go produce some extraordinary work, please. ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Yeah, I think Calleigh's so used to everything going wrong she doesn't even know what to do with the thought of something going right for once. And Eric is her closest friend and (I believe) the only person she trusts intimately. There's a lot at stake. For Eric, not so much because he has his family, etc. But Calleigh doesn't even have that. I can see why she wants to keep things simple, but I think at one point it'll be out of her control.

Prompts! And that's a good one. I'll try to come up with something.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

I think its already on its way to being out of her control. I think Eric's shooting really put her feelings into perspective and made her realise what her life would be like if he wasn't in it. I truly don't think she would be able to handle not having him in her life. Even with her amazing ability to handle situations. (even if its not always the best direction) That event was really the turning point for E/C and both of their feelings have intenseified since it.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Yeah Eric being shot really made Cal realize that she does feel deeper for Eric than she realized and it scared her that she might lose him. And what might have started off as just being watchful over him turned into something more and it scares her.

She has always relied on no one but herself and the thought of her having to "need" someone the way she obviously needs Eric pushed her away from him. She went to Jake out of fear and it won't last b/c one can only deny the truth for so long. And while Cal is good at avoiding the truth, she won't be able to avoid this!! Because this isn't something you can avoid for a little while and have it go away...this sort of thing is for keeps.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 --Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto

Hi! I heard you're looking for a newbie so here I am! I've been a professional lurker for a while but I'm so excited for the new season that I finally decided to join in! I own all seasons (so far) of all CSIs and all I've been doing this summer in between work is my marathon :) I'm still learning about the board, don't know how to put icon picture yet and so forth.

ANYhow, I'm female and 25 yrs. old so does that make me old, older or oldest? I noticed we have a lot of hs students here :)

I don't mean to hurt fanfic writers' feelings here (I used to write fanfic too when I was in college) but I don't read fanfic anymore (please don't throw tomatoes! :eek:)...but sometimes I'd remember some scenes and I don't remember if it was from the actual tv show or from a fanfic I read! I used to read so much fanfic that I can distinguish fanfic to actual scenes anymore! I can be stupid sometimes, and I blame global warming, air pollution, jersey water and CSI Miami writers for not having bed scenes for Eric and Calleigh! But I know sooner or later I'd crossover again to the dark side :devil:.

Btw, does anyone know if there's any interview coming up for Emily and Adam? Their interviews always make me warm and fuzzy because it's so obvious that they're such hiphuggers!

So yeah, that's my intro.

Hi again,

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