Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Yup all good! ;) Lol, yeah E/C would definitely be together already if it were up to us...together, doing it...making lots and lots of sweet love and having babies and just being together...awwww love! ;)

I got a new E/C shipper by the way...I got my mom hooked on Miami and now she totally thinks E/C is perfect for eachother! I love it! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

I love talking about E/C babies... :) I have the cutest pic ever of the perfect E/C baby, but I just have to find it first... gotta love kids! :D

Ok, question... E/C... sweet love making or rough sex? :devil: My vote is for both... they can keep a schedule or something... :D

Mo, your mom's an E/C shipper...YAY! :) So is my mommy and my daddy, too. :D I asked my dad who he'd rather see Cal with when we were watching Miami and he said he thinks...

* Horatio is too weird with his sunnies, non-stop pausing in between words, and his unexplainable love of standing on rooftops while posing; :lol:

* Ryan is too immature; :)

* Frank is too Texan (no offense to Texans); :lol:

* Speed is too dead; :(

* and Jake is too cocky and seems like a total ass. :lol:

(My daddy is hilarious! :lol:) So he said Eric's the only one perfect for Cal... :D ha, even my parents think so! :)


Luv yall...

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Hey Rachel! :) If my daddy saw what you wrote, I am so getting whatever I ask for! :lol: And this thread is awesome... no questions asked! :D


Luv yall...

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

I like Texans, they're good people, very warm and welcoming :). Unfortunately I can't say the same about Mexboroughtarians (Me) :(. Were either bitches (Excuse my bad language.) or 'Jakes' (Assholes.) (Once again, please excuse my bad language.) BUT I'M OK THOUGH! I mean I'm a bit of a bitch but not too much. All Americans are really nice. When I move to Miami (A decision that was VERY CSI Miami related) I hope i'll meet lots of nice people. Does anyone here live in Miami? :cool:


P.S I realise the above question is very personal and I completely understand if you don't wish to answer....
In fact I encourage you not to. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Hey I could take offence at that haha!!

Lucy, I love time tells!!! I am sorry I havn't reviewd for a while, but this virus keeps cutting me off :(

And as for the comment of rough or sweet sex. I have both in my fic :D. Rough, passionate but sweet and romantic at the same time. Though with all that trust they have... God only knows how far they could go?? Mmm, I see a dominating Calleigh :devil: :lol:

FB: I used to live in Miami so I can direct you places haha, but I dont anymore. Go down often though. :p I don't care, Not like I'm giving you my address or anything haha.

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Annabelle said:
Ok, question... E/C... sweet love making or rough sex?
Mmh…I agree with you, I vote for both of them. In any case with Eric it would be sooo hot! :devil: :lol:

Annabelle, really both of your parents are for E/C? Omg! That would be cool! Unluckily my mom doesn’t like CSI and my dad doesn’t understand why people ship. :( At the moment I’m trying to convince my friends that Eric and Calleigh are awesome together… :D

Jodie said:
I used to live in Miami
Cool! I’ve always wished to live in Miami! But I live in Italy, so I’m ahem…a bit far away from it… :rolleyes: :p
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Something I love you fic!!! Its like my favorite one and I can't wait for you to update again!!!

Personally I'd like both sweet love making and rough sex. But you guys are right with these two, it will most defintaly be HOT!!

And I would love to see a jealous Calleigh! We don't get that nearly enough. I like the Jake seeing Cal jealous idea though and then going and confronting Eric about it.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

xanessa said:
fadingintherain said:
* Frank is too Texan (no offense to Texans); :lol:
Oh, so what are you telling me? :eek:
xane, if you want to know, you should ask my daddy... ever since he saw the whole thing with Resden... when he says "Oh, so the Texan's working the case"... he's always refered to him as "the Texan," big burly men, who wears cowboy hats, and can handle a gun! :D

I personally love Texans... :) I got to go visit my uncle out in Houston, then another one in El Paso, and everyone out in the city/ country was very nice, even though I didn't know them. I especially loved the horses and the shooting... gotta love guns! :) And the BBQ was absolutely delicious...yum! :D

Abby said:
Annabelle said:
Ok, question... E/C... sweet love making or rough sex?
Mmh…I agree with you, I vote for both of them. In any case with Eric it would be sooo hot! :devil: :lol:

Annabelle, really both of your parents are for E/C? Omg! That would be cool! Unluckily my mom doesn’t like CSI and my dad doesn’t understand why people ship. :( At the moment I’m trying to convince my friends that Eric and Calleigh are awesome together… :D
Hey Mo! Yeah, either way they'd both look hot! :devil: If anyone could give me a reason as to why they wouldn't, we'll lets just say that I won't live to hear about it, cause no one would be able to come up with one!

And yes, both of my parents are for E/C... I happen to know my way when it comes to talking, so I'm pretty good at persuading people, especially if it's the truth! :D My mom thinks Adam is hot... ;) a little weird to me, but who could blame her? :lol: Keep telling your friends about E/C... maybe the thoughts of hot sex would finally get them to agree with you... I know my friends ship E/C, too. Most of it is cause the girls love Eric/Adam and the guys are drooling over Cal/Emily! ;)

Jodie, we never know what can happen when they start going at it... and a dominating Calleigh wouldn't surprise me, but I'm not sure if Eric could handle it... :devil: :lol:

brookeAp3 said:
And I would love to see a jealous Calleigh! We don't get that nearly enough. I like the Jake seeing Cal jealous idea though and then going and confronting Eric about it.
Mo, we've sold people into our idea of the perfect E/C scenes... YAY for us! :D I am so anticipating everything and if anything like this happens, I'd be so excited and I'll be laughing my ass off... especially if I see Jake's face when the realization happens! :lol:


Luv yall...

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Aw well that's sweet that ya'll love Texans, but the funny thing is that I barely have an accent and I don't know how to shoot! I do love barbecue and Southern cooking though...but that's just me because I love food. :D and Jodie I have been to Miami and I have to say it was very nice and pretty, so I would think that you have a good time visiting there often.

So yeah, back on E/C, um pretty much everyone that knows about my love for these two ship them.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

They have their whole lives to figure out if they like sensual lovemaking or rough sex better. As for me, I'd be happy if they showed either (or, you know, both).

And since we were just complaining about how there weren't enough EC fics, I bring you the shameless plug:
Finished it yesterday, took another look at it today for final tweaks; unbeta'd and half-assly researched, but readable and angsty as hell. Enjoy! ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

xanessa said:
Aw well that's sweet that ya'll love Texans, but the funny thing is that I barely have an accent and I don't know how to shoot! I do love barbecue and Southern cooking though...but that's just me because I love food. :D and Jodie I have been to Miami and I have to say it was very nice and pretty, so I would think that you have a good time visiting there often.

So yeah, back on E/C, um pretty much everyone that knows about my love for these two ship them.
xane, we're neighbors??? Well, state wise that is. :) And yeah, I love the BBQ there, ye I can't decide whether it's Texas or Memphis with the better one... well they're bot great so I don't care. :D When I go back to Texas, maybe I'll see you somewhere. :D And yes, I know how to shoot a gun... with impeccable aim, if I must say! :)

As for Southern cooking, well I've been living in the deep south for 6 years and the food brings you "home." :D I could only imagine Cal cooking some Southern food for Eric, after he gets home from work and ready to see his wife and kids... how sweet! :)

Or... Cal could cook him some food to give himenergy before/ after their sleepless nights of "passion" or hot sex (in simpler terms). :devil:

FluffyBlonde, Miami is an absolutely beautiful city. The show is great, but the actual sites there is amazing. The beaches are so beautiful and you definitely have to watch the sunrise/ sunset at the beach cause it's just breath taking. :) I hope you enjoy it!

Lucy, by the way, thanks for the fic. I just read it and it was amazing... the end was beautiful and I'll be looking out for your other fics that will be posted/ updated... "Someday." :lol:


Luv yall...

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Thank you, Annabelle, but I'm not visiting Miami? Hehe, I think you have me confused with someone else. ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Sorry about that... :) I pasted your name on the wrong line and it ended up on top of FluffyBlonde's name. I'll fix it... *clicks the edit button and changes post* there, all done! :D

Lucy, I'll try to review your E/C fic(s) soon... I mean "someday" :lol: (sorry it's still on my mind, cause I just read it and it was brilliant) :D...

But as of now, I'm about to fall asleep and topple over my laptop... so I'm gonna take a short nap before coming back! I don't think my parents would be very fond of me breaking 2 computers within 4 months. :rolleyes:


Luv yall...

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