Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grotto!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

fadingintherain said:

The only ships that I think would be sailing this season are Eric and Calleigh :D ;) :devil: and Horatio and Yelina :) if she's around often. (R/N might start and there's also J/C :mad: while he's still on the show.)
I know that's why I think its like a joke. I can't see Jake becoming a regular.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

There's no reason for Jake to become a regular... Not only will he delay the inevitable (of Cal and Eric getting together), but he'll take away Frank's airtime.

Nothing will come good of Jake staying, no offense to Johnny Whitworth... at least that movie he's in is doing well at the box office.


Luv yall...

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Yeah there is no way they will make Jake a regualr. Right now Jake is filler; he is there for the E/C storyline and no other reason. If they were to add him it would take away from Frank and he would also be pointless once they start to get E/C the only purpose his character serves right now is as filler for the E/C storyline.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

If they made Jake a regular, that'll just add to the list of things that is wrong with the show. :mad: Jake is pretty hot, but I'd prefer watching Frank on the show. :) A "nice happy, go-lucky" or an "aggravated, angry" Texan is a better detective than a cocky jerk, anyday. :)

Once E/C starts, it'll be a quality relatioship, no fillers. (That remineds me of the Oscar Mayer weiner commercial... "quality beef no fillers.") Hey, Eric is way more than enough on a man for Cal, so Jake is so unnecessary. :D

Gosh, everything does lead back to E/C... even a hot dog commercial. :lol:

Jackie, your sig is still giving me the chills... :) I love it! it gets me feeling all warm and fuzzy inside and I'm all excited for E/C to happen! :D Hopefull, when the season starts, you can add another scene to that sig with them in bed. :devil:


Luv yall...

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Lol, yeah Jackie I definitely agree...pissing off Calleigh would not be a good idea! Those guns ain't her babies for nothing...the girl's got skills with a handgun and I for one do not want to play target for her! :eek:

And I am with y'all on seeing Calleigh get a bit jealous...I am most definitely not a fan of angst, but....but in this case, since it would prove to us what we know (that Cal LOVES Eric!) then I would be okay with jealousy! ;) Especially if Jake saw Call be jealous...or like Annabelle (I think it was you!) said, if Calleigh starting complaining to Jake about the "Hoe" that was flirting with Eric...I can just see Jake's jerky grin fade as he realizes exactly what that means!

Gah I need E/C together already...the waiting is driving me nuts!!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Yea, I'd pay to see that scene play out! :D Here's what I said...
Even better... if Calleigh started telling Jake about the girl she saw with Eric. She'd be like, "I can't believe Eric left the lab with that slut." Jake's smug grin would disappear when he realizes Cal's jealous.
Calleigh has a wide range of words she could choose from... slut, hoe, whore, bitch, tart, skank, etc. Whatever she says, Jake will get the point and get pissed off... yes! :lol:

If and when he does find out, I want him to go after Eric with every intention of kicking his ass, (since Cal's in love with Eric instead of him) but because Eric is much stronger than he is, Jake's the one getting his ass kicked. :lol:

I really should write a fic with all these events in it! That'd funny! :D


Luv yall...

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Lol, now that would be an awesome scene Annabelle! I can totally see this...Calleigh sees some girl flirting with Eric, she gets jealous...and complains to Jake about it. Jake sees that she is jealous and realizes what that means (that Calleigh wants/loves Eric! ;) ). So Jake gets pissed and goes to confront Eric about this...since Jake thinks Eric has stepped in on his girl. Eric is confused as to why Jake is pissed at him. Jake explains that Calleigh was "bitching" to him about Eric and some girl and Jake knew she was jealous and wanted to know what was going on. At this point Eric would get that adorable little smile on his face...realizing like Jake did, that Calleigh being jealous means that she does indeed care about him after all...and then he would turn to Jake and be like "Look there's nothing goin' on with Calleigh and I..." and then as he walked off...he'd grin to himself confidently and finish softly..."Yet!"

Wouldn't that be an awesome scene!! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Just to bring this thread back like a page (because I'm cool like that), I'd love it if there was a community where someone would give (bi-)weekly challenges or prompts for drabbles. We just need more EC anything, darn it. Although, to be completely honest, I'm not sure how many drabbles I'd pump out myself, because I get lazy. When I first started writing Time Tells, I totally updated like twice a week. Now there's school and... life.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Mo, that would be awesome! :D You and I should totally write all the E/C scenes for Miami and anyother shipper would be welcome to join us! :)

Lucy, it's alright, it's cause "you're cool like that!" :cool: Sky will start the community soon enough and we'd all be able to try and write drabbles... :) By the way, I can't wait for you to update "Time Tells" and "Stolen Moments" (and whatever else you write). :D


Luv yall...

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Ah, thanks, Annabelle. It's just that not every episode has a good EC scene to work with (which I knew when I started Stolen Moments) so it's a challenge. As for Time Tells, well, I've never written smut before. I'm trying to make it good. ;)

Regarding Jake, I just hope he doesn't hurt Calleigh too badly when he goes and undoubtedly does something idiotic to piss her off. At least Eric will be waiting with open arms, not that Calleigh's going to fall into them without a fight or two or five - such stubbornness!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Somethings I've told you how much I LOVE "Time Tells" right? Cuz I freakin' love it, I check like everyday for updates! ;) hint, hint! But yeah I understand about life getting in the way..that's why when I write I tend to stick with one-shots, cuz I know I won't update as often as I should!

Lol, yeah Annabelle wouldn't that scene rock! I would love to write for CBS...I have several ships in several of the CSI's and I would kill to write scenes for any of them....E/C definitely included! Or even to just have the chance to suggest ideas to the writers and have them listen...that would be freakin' awesome too! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Lucy, I get exactly what you mean, especially when it's from season 4. I owe you like 10 reviews for "Time Tells" and yes smut is definitely wanted. You asked if we wanted an NC-17 scene and yes... :devil: I'll definitely be waiting! :) Sorry for not reviewing, yet, but you should know that I love it. :D

Mo, you and I ship practically the same couples :)... except for Without a Trace. I'm a Sam/Martin shipper :)... sorry! I would love to write scenes and give suggestions if they listened, for once, but I'll definitely start with E/C. :D


Luv yall...

Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Heh, yes you did, Moriel. ;) I'm trying! I have bits and pieces of the next two chapters written, so soon, hopefully.

And I was also thinking, when Eric and Calleigh finally do become canon, I'd probably lose interest in writing angst for them, just because they'd be so darn cute together.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Lol, Annabelle, cool beans that we ship almost all the same ships! I'm a HUGE Jack/Sam shipper on WaT...but other than that, it's all good! ;) And yeah I would LOVE if the PTB would actually take our suggestions for E/C! That would rock! ;)

Lol, somethings I too can't wait for some smut in your awesome ficcie...I think you'll do a fabulous job of it, I'm confident! ;) And whenever you get a chance to update it'll be all good with me!

Lol and yeah I totally see them being cute, teasing and flirting and bantering...awwww good times! I can't wait!! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #25 -- Traffic-Jam In The Pleasure Grott

Well, then Mo, it's all good! :D I'm a HUGE Sam/Martin shipper, and I can't wait for this season to start! :) Anyway, if TPTB were to actually listen to us, E/C would've happned like a million years ago! :D (But they don't :(... at least not yet! :))

Teasing, laughing, flirting, etc. that'd make my heart flutter... :) they would be so cute, I mean they already are, but it would just be the sweetest scenes, ever. Hey, if they were to fight, and then make-up soon after... now that would be hot! :devil:


Luv yall...

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