Eric & Calleigh #19 - Spontaneous Nudity Bound To Occur

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The editors seriously piss me off when it comes to E/C. Many times it feels like there are partts missing from episodes. How do you find out all this information about original scripts? Are you some kind of E/C oracle? I think I need to watch Killer Date again and fill everyone in on exactly what goes down.

Aww, you're on your own? That sucks. My family aren't doing a big thing this Christmas either, so it's pretty quiet here too. We've always been more about New Year's too, I have aout 4 parties to go to :lol:. As as Christmas gift, I'll send you an extra thousand naked Delko's, with several complimentary naked Hugh's and Lisa's. I remember you saying you didn't have Pro Per, well it's on my PC, and I can send it to you if you want as a Chrimbo pressie :)
midnight_tiptoes said:

Eric and Calleigh are kinda lame.

I don't know why but they really are. Escpecially Eric. I don't know if it's just the acting or something else but it gets on my nerves.

I'm gonna get season 2 tomorrow.

Merry Christmas!!!
Calleigh is loyal to her Cuban god. And I will say this: every woman should have their own Cuban. Cuban guys are just... well, they should, is all I'm gonna say.

What if Jake doesn't like Eric? How would Calleigh react?
I think we can all tell (or it seems) that Calleigh gets along better with Eric than Jake. She hasn't seen Jake in awhile plus he's been in the lab several times for not so good reasons. He seems immature anyways.
I think Jake is just a 'let's get Calleigh laid' plot device, which is fine by me. Calleigh really needs to have sex some time before she turns 40. After that, it's all about the Delko love.

Okay, are these the final elements for the story?

The cranky elf
The Carlton dance
The Shatner
The Disco Santa
The blackout/storm/storm-induced blackout
The Original Jack Rabbit in pink

Crap, I only have four. I have no idea how I'm gonna work a blackout into it. This is hard. And is anyone else working on theirs? Cause I'd hate to be the only one who submits a story.
Merry Christmas HipHuggers! Hugged lots of hips? Nah? Me neither..... Calleigh isn't the only one who needs to get laid... Boooo!
Ok, on topic. Yeah I'm still working on the challenge fic... I've got about 40 lines of StarTrek/BostonLegal and about 10 lines of Eric... and that's it... No Calleigh yet... CRAP! I don't know Bleeeh! I'm the queen of unfinishment! Is that a word? Oh, and I'm drunk... slightly! Just a bit...Comes with the Christmas, me thinks.
Anyway, ...uhmmm ...I forgot...
I think I might watch some good old season 2. Maybe that'll inspire me to write. That episode that Carol mentioned earlier? With the cute dog? Aww that had some good E/C scenes! Slow Burn, isn't it? Yeah, gonna watch that now! Hmm I think I have a cap of that epi somewhere.
Oh, I have two:

Merry Christmas, Leela! Don't worry, I don't think I'll finish mine tonight, either. Maybe tomorrow or the day after. Since this challenge started late, we can submit late, I guess.

I love that second picture.

Calleigh: This is a nice sketch, Eric, but I don't know if I can get my leg up that high.
Eric: Calleigh, don't kill the dream.
I'm working on mine. I was gonna finish it yesterday but I kinda got drunk. It's Christmas after all :).

If Jake doesn't like Eric, Calleigh will definately have something to say about it. She has never stood for anybody bad-mouthing Eric, from IAB to Ryan. What do you think would happen if it were the other way around?

I think that initially Calleigh wouldn't think much of him voicing his concerns, because she would have some too judging from her history with Jake, but if things got a bit more invovled, and Eric as usual starts getting overproctective, you can bet Calleigh is going to get pissed at him. Of course, she probably feels the same way, but she won't let Eric know that because she can 'take care of herself', but you know secretly she loves how terratorial he is of her. He's so bad her may as well drop trou and pee all around her. Seriously though, if we don't get any angsty argument type moments from this storyline I'll cry. I can totally see Eric and Jake having a fight in my head.
You mean if Eric doesn't like Jake? See, I don't think Eric would tell Calleigh, cause he knows how she'd react. He never told her he hated Hagen. He really just took it out on Hagen himself. But if Calleigh somehow figured out that Eric doesn't like Jake, I don't see her reacting as strongly as she would if Eric told her, "I hate that guy." She might ask him why he doesn't like him, etc. Besides, Calleigh knows Jake isn't a great guy, so though she might try to appear careless she'd sort of take Eric's thoughts into consideration.

Of course, if Eric is just plain jealous, I could see her getting mad. Calleigh looks like the type of girl who really hates the whole jealousy act.

I can't stop looking at your siggie. I love that scene so much I wanna make love to it.
I know, isn't it just perfect? Whenever somebody says they only see E/C as friends I shall shove it in their face. Does that look at all friendly to you?

I watched 'If Looks Could Kill' this morning. Although we didn't get much of Eric and Cal together, we got some, which is what makes me so optimistic about this season. We never would have got anything close to that in S4. There was a little too much Eric/Natalia for my liking, but they seem to have dropped it in later episodes which is positive. I did love that Eric went straight to Calleigh with Natalia's problem. You could tell he didn't care much about it, but at least it was an excuse to talk to Calleigh :lol:. It was also good because it proves that they still do confide in each other about stuff.

I know it wasn't a major deal, but I found it significant that they were together when the girl died. Even if you work in law enforcement, how many people are you going to see die before your eyes? My bet not many, so you could kind of class that as a big moment, which they are always together for. I think there was more to that scene than meets the eye too. You know seeing that girl die probably took an extra toll on Eric because everything with his sister is still so recent. I think in the look in the end, Calleigh may have picked up on this. If Eric really is depressed, which seems likely, even moreso with his life changing event, I can see Calleigh being the one there for him to confide in. It makes sense, although Horatio's a good guy, would you go to him for sympathy and a shoulder to cry on? No. Especially not since he's going through the same loss as you, and it wouldn't make sense for it to be anyone else, because Eric's not as close to any of them. I still think it's important that we remember the significance of Calleigh being the one with Eric when he found out Marisol passed. Could we be in for a big pay-off soon? Let's just pray Corey Miller writes that episode :D.
I missed If Looks Could Kill. What were their scenes?

Horatio's too selfish, I think. He should be the first one to recognize what Eric is going through, but he only seems to care about his own drama. Jeez, Horatio, you only knew her for a day. Stop whining about it.

Corey Miller wrote episode 12. I'm optimistic about that one.

If Looks Could Kill:
Why is there always a damn table in the way?

Strange looks:


and another

They had a couple of little scenes during the investigation. Nothing major, but cute nonetheless (well, it's E/C, what do you expect? :)) Right at the end of the episode, they were both involved in the final investigation scene. They caught the killer, but she was poisoned by the woman she killed (or something like that) with cyanide. All they could do was watch as she died.

Miller wrote the next episode? I'll stay optimistic about that too. Is it gonna be the one where Eric's 'life-changing event' happens?

Watching girl die (traumatized much?)

exchanging looks

I totally see more going on in those last pictures. Eric must have been affective by that, and I think Cal noticed. Anyone else agree?
Episode 12 is called Internal Affairs and Jake will be back in the ep. I don't want to say too much about it in case people here haven't read the spoilers
Nicks gets killed off in the episode and internal affairs investigates.....Corey Miller penned the episode

The ep that changes Eric's life is called "Man Down" and it doesn't air until February.
What ep number is that? If it's early February then I'll keep hope, because my birthday's right around that time. God owes me somethin' good!
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