Eric & Calleigh #19 - Spontaneous Nudity Bound To Occur

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Ooh, I love it, Ali! I don't have patience to make animated icons. I just make stills (I use Photoshop 7).

I can't stop looking at it. You know, Calleigh could've just said 'I'm sorry' and be done with it, she didn't have to touch him, and she DEFINITELY didn't have to touch him 3 inches away from his penis! I swear, I bet Eric got all excited when he saw her hands go straight to his pelvis area.

I love that through the whole thing, Calleigh can't look him in the eyes. So Calleigh.
You know if she looked up, one of them would lean in for a kiss, and just as their lips were about to touch, Calleigh would make an excuse and run off.

We really do need something like that again soon. I honestly don't think the writers are going to be able to hold out on us much longer. I think eventually they are going to be forced to explore the relationship further. It's going to get to the point where it's too hard to keep them apart. How long can they keep spurning the obvious chemistry/attraction between them. I really don't think Eric and Calleigh could go on forever without them going a little deeper in their relationship. Even if they never ended up together, I could totally see them stepping over the friendship bounderies at least once. I just feel like there's a certain sense of inevitability about this pairing, y'know?
We usually get one big moment every season, right? I think last season's was Calleigh being jealous of Marisol. I wonder what this season will bring.

Donahue wrote the 'trust' line. Come on. And I think when a lot of people watch the show for the first time and immediately assume Eric and Calleigh are together, or were together, you have a kick ass ship. And dammit, you can't let it go to waste.

Otherwise the terrorists win.
Donahue wrote the trust line? That's either good news, as it proves that even Donahue can't resist writing for them, or very bad, and she evil and just likes toying with us :lol:. But yeah, we do kinda get one big moment, which is all fine and dandy, but if they are really gonna make something more of this pairing we need to see a constant stream of interaction spread over the whole season, not just one moment and it gets neglected completely until the next year.

Calleigh's jealousy was totally a big deal. I had to go back and re-watch it to realise how big, probably because I blocked out most of S4. That and her being the one with Eric when he heard about Marisol are he only things that matter in that entire season.

Like I said, I just hopped onto my other computer and re-watched parts on the ep and a few things stuck out. Did you notice when Ryan started arguing with Eric about his lateness, Eric turned to face Calleigh whilst trying to explain himself? It was almost like he felt compelled to address her, even though she wasn't the one confronting him about it. It's like he's trying to show her that he's not let her down, and that she won't have to cover for him like the time he lost his badge. It was so obvious that her opinion means much more to him than anyone else's, he couldn't give a damn what Ryan thinks. And it felt like it was beyond just being about work too, he didn't want Calleigh to think negatively about him not just as a collegue, but as a man too.

Calleigh's reaction spoke volumes. Her expression was pretty hard to read, but I think her tone of voice told the true story of what she was feeling. Her 'Hey Eric' was entirely lackluster, she was clearly disappointed and somewhat somber. The way she said that Marisol 'was a pretty girl' wasn't the way a friend would compliment somebody you were seeing, she seemed to just be unhappily accepting the situation that she was presented. There also seemed to be an air of regret around her, maybe rueing missed opportunities? It was quite clear that she was worried about a lot more than him losing respect as well. I kinda got the feeling that was her way of saying she was disappointed in him from earlier.
I have a friend who isn't a Hip Hugger, and after Nailed aired she wrote me and said, "Calleigh was totally jealous."

I think it's pretty obvious Eric cares about disappointing Calleigh. He doesn't seem to give a rat's ass what other people think, though. For example, he was fine with Ryan knowing about him and Natalia, he even told Cooper about it, but he didn't want Calleigh to know. In Hard Time, he also seemed to care more about what Calleigh thought of him than about the case (I always felt there were some important scenes cut out in that episode).

Calleigh's always been bitter about Eric's dates. She couldn't have been more passive aggressive in Extreme if she were a suburban housewife. Speaking of, I miss Speed in relation to Eric and Calleigh. He always seemed so, "God, these fucking assholes are trying to ruin my day again with their 'will they, won't they' crap. Just get it on already." Aw, Speed.
I still miss Speedy. He totally could see the thing between Eric and Calleigh even if they couldn't. We might of pretended to hate their dancing-around-in-circles crap, but deep down I think he was cheering them on just as we are. Plus, if Speed was here, that would mean no more Ryan walking in on their trysts at work. He does love to get in their way.

I actually don't think I've seen Extreme, so I've started downloading it (legally) so I can watch it again. Can you give remind me what happens in that ep?
It's the episode where Eric is helping this widowed woman because she's really poor and has two kids and no one to help her. While he's helping her around the house he gets beat up by these guys.

At the beginning of the episode Eric's late and Calleigh says something about him being with a woman, and she says it all bitterly. Later on she confronts Eric about it and is all, "what's her name?" and Eric tells her it's not like that. Everybody else was all 'whatever' but Calleigh was really hung up on Eric being with another woman. He has to reassure her that that's not the case.
Ah, it's all coming back to me now! I think that was one of my first eppy's and I haven't seen it since, but I do remember picking up some bitter/jealous vibes from Calleigh.

midnight_tiptoes said:
Okay, was I the only one who loved Calleigh interacting with that cute little Hispanic girl last night? And what was her name? Emma! Coincidence? I think yes. Seriously, it really reminded me of Jessica's story.

I was going through Jess' fics, and I think I found the one you were talking about. Here's the link, if you were still looking for it folks. Clicksies.

You know, I was just watch episode whatever, the one where Eric nearly gets busted for smoking pot (Shattered?). Anyway, I loved how Calleigh totally had his back in that episode. When Alexx told her that the dealer said Eric was one of his clients, it seemed like she was quick to defend him 'I don't believe that, do you?'. It sounded like she said that to convince herself as well, because she can't let herself believe anything bad about him. Then, when Stetler approached them about interviews, You could tell by the look she gave (and flashback) that Ryan would rat him out, so she made sure she went in first to defend him. I swear, if looks could kill, Alexx would have been carving her up some Stetler right then and there. The way she was so forceful with her answers spoke volumes too. She only ever gets that way when she's defending something that's really important to her, i.e. Eric and the Lab. I love the way they both look out for one another so much. If they could only just do it when the other one is in the room :(.
Calleigh took Eric's storyline way too personal. I mean:



Angst central. And then she got pissed. And then she kicked some ass. And then she lied for him. Calleigh lied!

We know Eric is totally devoted to Cal, but it's nice to see it working both ways. I love it when she stands up for him and I think in this instance it was more about protecting the lab or taking one for the team. If that were the case, she would've lied no problem and been on her merry way. But look at her reaction up there. She really took it personal.

At the same time, I love her confronting him outside the hospital. She's devoted, not stupid. But even when she confronts him, I love it that she always does it in such a caring way. With Ryan she just yells and rolls her eyes. With Eric, it's always about concern and being there for him.
Exactly! When she yells at Ryan she gets angry, but with Eric, she always seems disappointed in him if he's done something wrong. Ryan's ego gets him into so much trouble at times that Calleigh expects that now, but with Eric, we always get a strong emotional response from her, and this was in Season 4, where she was Robo-Cal. I'm pretty sure the only emotional responses we got out of her that season were Delko related.
She was pissed in Hard Time, but so many scenes got cut in that episode that it's hard to know what the hell was going on. Speed said that Eric was in court, but we were led to believe that he got to the scene and then left? I really wish the writers would've explained what the hell was happening in that episode, cause I totally didn't get it.

You know, I would like to see an episode in which Calleigh screws up, and how the team reacts. That would be cool. I hate that she's so close to Horatio territory. Make her human!
I think Calleigh is definately human (except from when she's emotionless Robo-Cal), but she is the Superwoman on CSI's. Everything in her professional life is always perfect, but her personal life couldn't be much further away from that. I'd love to see the roles reversed for a change. Maybe Calleigh making a mistake and Eric bailing her out could help their relationship get off the ground. I think we'd get some great scenes if that went down.

:lol: I don't think anyone could match Horatio on heroics. I wouldn't be surprised if the Sunglasses Of Justice get a built-in laser soon.
I miss fun, flirty Calleigh. She used to be such a blast. Now she's like going through the motions. I know Eric's really depressed right now, but it's understandable.

I'd love to see Calleigh saving Eric's life. Being his knight in shining armor. Then again, Eric's being such a target this season. The show really needs to leave him alone. But it would be funny. Eric would be all, "you saved my life! Now you can take my virginity," and Calleigh would make sweet love to him at the beach.

Calleigh has been a huge improvement, but she's still not the same girl she was in Season 1. I guess that understandable, she's been through so much since then. Old Calleigh does come back at times, recently only in scenes with Eric. They always seem so much happier around one another, and that's not just my shippy self blocking out everything that doesn't involve them, if you watch two scenes, one where Eric and Calleigh are together, and another with just one of them, there is a noticeably change in their demeanours. I wonder if that's just coincidence, if it's intentional, or if it's just because Adam and Emily like working with each other that much more than anyone else :D.
That's what I always tell people, Eric and Calleigh seem so happy around each other but seperate they're so bored. Especially this season.
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