Donahue wrote the trust line? That's either good news, as it proves that even Donahue can't resist writing for them, or very bad, and she evil and just likes toying with us :lol:. But yeah, we do kinda get one big moment, which is all fine and dandy, but if they are really gonna make something more of this pairing we need to see a constant stream of interaction spread over the whole season, not just one moment and it gets neglected completely until the next year.
Calleigh's jealousy was totally a big deal. I had to go back and re-watch it to realise how big, probably because I blocked out most of S4. That and her being the one with Eric when he heard about Marisol are he only things that matter in that entire season.
Like I said, I just hopped onto my other computer and re-watched parts on the ep and a few things stuck out. Did you notice when Ryan started arguing with Eric about his lateness, Eric turned to face Calleigh whilst trying to explain himself? It was almost like he felt compelled to address her, even though she wasn't the one confronting him about it. It's like he's trying to show her that he's not let her down, and that she won't have to cover for him like the time he lost his badge. It was so obvious that her opinion means much more to him than anyone else's, he couldn't give a damn what Ryan thinks. And it felt like it was beyond just being about work too, he didn't want Calleigh to think negatively about him not just as a collegue, but as a man too.
Calleigh's reaction spoke volumes. Her expression was pretty hard to read, but I think her tone of voice told the true story of what she was feeling. Her 'Hey Eric' was entirely lackluster, she was clearly disappointed and somewhat somber. The way she said that Marisol 'was a pretty girl' wasn't the way a friend would compliment somebody you were seeing, she seemed to just be unhappily accepting the situation that she was presented. There also seemed to be an air of regret around her, maybe rueing missed opportunities? It was quite clear that she was worried about a lot more than him losing respect as well. I kinda got the feeling that was her way of saying she was disappointed in him from earlier.