Eric & Calleigh #19 - Spontaneous Nudity Bound To Occur

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I think it's a bank account. Like when you reach four hundred and one years old you can take your money out of the bank and buy a condo in Miami. Oh, wait, they LIVE in Miami... well, then they can buy a poodle.
I'll see what I can do with that :lol:.

Guess what's the most popular screen cap at Random Scribblings? Link.

Guess what I'm doing. Going through our old threads! Man, we had some GOOD times here. Threads #1-4 are missing, but thread number 5 is in the last page. I still remember when thread #1 was the longest threat in all of CSI Files. There used to be so many Hip Huggers, we'd go through like two threads in a week. It was awesome. I miss those good times and I miss lament. She was such a kick ass moderator.
midnight_tiptoes said:
Guess what's the most popular screen cap at Random Scribblings? Link.

Heh, caught in the act! :lol:
Though, I don't see why Ryan had to stop them. It wasn't like Calleigh was doing anything wrong. She was just gonna help the world out a little bit by getting that awful shirt off of Eric. And the shirt underneath. And those pants. :devil:
Ryan is just doing what Ryan does best: walk in on Eric and Calleigh having sex. He's probably cranky cause he hasn't taken his nap. Now Calleigh has to put him down with a warm bottle and a copy of Finding Nemo.

And then by the time she makes it back to the counter, Eric is already asleep. Ugh, Ryan!
So what do we have now?

The cranky elf
The Carlton dance
The Shatner
The Disco Santa
The blackout/storm/storm-induced blackout

That's it?
Leela adds something as well - something for the kinky fun:

The Original Jack Rabbit.... in pink! (If you don't know what that is, just ignore please...)

Ok, I think I'm gonna start writing now. Muaha.
Leela! *slaps on wrist* :D. I can't wait to read whatever you're planning.

Once again, this quote speaks the truth:
Because Wolfe is Donahue in male form, trying to rob us of all our hopes and dreams!

I was writing a review at, and a thought came to mind. Have you noticed that Eric is always the one tending/pandering to Calleigh? Even in fics, I don't think I've even seen it the other way around. Do you think that if they were ever to get together that Eric would have to make the first move? Or should it be Calleigh?
I've seen that in fics fact I've done it in my own fics. But in my fic "Being There" she makes the first move...of course Eric had taken care of her the night before. Tell you next fic will be the other way around just for CSI_Ali !! How does that sound? ;)

Oh and hey....thanks for the review on my latest chapter!! :lol:
Yay, Leela fic! We also have Sunny's element. She's evil and wants us to do research.

I think Eric always makes the first move because he's a little more in touch with his feelings than Calleigh. The only reason why I think Eric doesn't make a move is because he might think he's not good enough for her. Whereas Calleigh, even if she's madly in love with him, probably doesn't wanna open herself up to someone and get her heart broken. In her relationship with Hagen, she seemed to be the one in control, and as soon as something semi-bad happened, she bailed. Of course, Eric wouldn't let her bail, but yeah.

I think Calleigh made the first move in my first Christmas challenge fic, cause Eric was such a chicken shit.
I really should get to work on my challenge fic, but I think my muse fell into the drain when I took a shower this morning. Maybe I'll listen to Shatner's spoken word verson of 'Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds' to get the creative juices going.

I agree with Caro's opinion, but I think if they got together on the show it would be a little different. I still think Eric would make the first real move, but I think Calleigh might just have to give him a little nudge to get the ball rolling. I think he respects her and her bounderies far too much to truly go for it. He knows Calleigh, better than any other, and I think he feels like doing that might cause her to retreat away from him further. Nothing too obvious, maybe a little look or a touch, or just opening up a little more in a conversation to hint ever so subtly that she's ready for a relationship, or to let Eric in her life in that way. I think by this point, he would need something to go on before putting his heart out there for her to possibly stomp on.
I agree with that, too. Calleigh would have to give him the okay for him to make a move, cause there's no way Eric would just randomly kiss her (and survive).

I don't think it would take too much. I think Eric and Calleigh are aware of their attraction to each other, they just need to be in that place at the same time. It seems like when Cal's doing okay, Eric's messed up and vice versa.

I think the difference between Eric and all the other guys is that Eric knows his Calleigh boundaries. For example, when Hagen died he was there but didn't push, let her work the case but gave her all these rules (I LOVED in-charge Eric in that moment. He should be boss more often). He knows her dad's fucked up, but would never insult him the way Hagen and Ryan did. He understands her like no one else does.
Totally. I truly believe that Eric is the only one who's close to knowing the real Calleigh, it's obvious he can see past half the stuff she hides behind. It does appear she's coming out of her shell a little more this season though, she's definately less robotic and melancholy. Maybe that's good news for us.

The second thing you said is one of the reason I kinda believe the writers have had E/C in their minds all along. It's seems as though they purposely keep them apart and make sure that emotionally they're never on the same page at the same time. This may just be wishful thinking on my part. Hopefully, the writers are a lot smarter than we've given them credit for and there really is a grander scheme in place for Eric and Calleigh. (If you're reading, the offer for Donahue Methodist Churches still stands, Ann.)
Calleigh seems better this season, but if Jake is bad news (as he appears to be) then I can see her retrieving back to her shell like she did when Hagen died. Damn, these two characters can't catch a break.

I think the writing staff leans more towards E/C. They've given that ship a lot of romantic material, whereas the other ships haven't really gotten anything. Well, I remember there was some H/C stuff back in season one, but they dropped that pretty quickly. Meanwhile, we get a lot of deep stuff. Even the stuff that gets cut is pretty deep. There was also a part in 48 Hours where Calleigh goes to a prison and someone (a prisoner) asks her if she's ever been with a Cuban.

We know Adam and Emily are playing flirtatious for us, so that's another plus. I just hope they keep pushing for the relationship.
That's my only fear about the Jake thing. It could be both a positive and a negative for Calleigh. Either way, I don't think it will last. Jake seems to definately have a bad side, but he's obviously already hurt Calleigh before, so I'm not even sure they even will get together, albeit for the short term. If it does happen and they inevitably don't work out, I can see Calleigh either putting up her walls again, or, maybe it's just the incentive she needs to make her realise what's been in front of her eyes the whole time. When will she stop getting ivolved with bad guys and trust her heart with a decent man? It's kind of a fine line to walk though, I hope she doesn't lose that spark again, I nearly cried when she smiled again (all thanks to Eric :))

Speaking of fine lines, the damn writers do keep me on edge. It's so hard to try and interpret their decisions. Either they really do care about both characters and the pairing, which I why they are putting them through so much crap now, or they really just don't give a damn about either. Looks like we can't catch a break either :(.
I think Calleigh might get to a point where she'll start considering starting something with Jake, but just when she does that's when it begins to get bad for him. Or maybe they'll even sleep together, but I don't see them falling in love or being in a healthy relationship. I don't think Calleigh trusts him as far as she could throw him.

It's normal for girls who grow up with lousy fathers to be attracted to crummy guys. Calleigh doesn't really know what a good husband is supposed to be like, so it makes sense that a lot of her choices regarding men are bad. I think the good ones (Eric) scare her. No one can deny he'd be a great husband and an awesome dad. I think that's pretty much canon. I mean, the guy almost died to protect a family that wasn't even his own. Imagine what he'd do for his.
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