Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

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First of all and I hate to play that part but it's just getting on my nerves, what is with some of you not getting what posting at least 3 lines means? If you have a question, address it to the person who posted by PM but do not just write one-liners here. It makes the thread look cheap and I like this ship too much to accept that. If you have nothing more to say, don't post, PM.

I try not to think how far away March 2 is but I guess we are all suffering here. I've been thinking a lot too about what next level means. I guess I'm safe saying it's dating. I certainly do hope for a kiss in 716, who knows we might finally get it.

As for kids... well I can picture them with some but I must admit I'm not keen on seeing it on the show. This is still CSI and somehow kids... I don't know it just doesn't fit, especially babies. I already wonder how they are going to play that card on NY. But I guess with good writers you could pull it off nicely.

Well now back to lurking and writing some fics.
Happy Valentines Day to my favorite Ship!

Here we are talking about kids and they aren't even together (well yet at least), but I'm in, I'll put in my two cents.

I can see Calleigh and Eric having kids. Those would be some very pretty children because both of them are very easy on the eyes.

If they had a little girl she would totally be daddy's little girl with her mothers drive and of course a little boy would be Eric all the way.

The next level does mean so many things but the way Miami does things, I am thinking/hoping that it will be that first onscreen kiss we are all hoping for. Because if they have been dating for a few weeks I really don't think that their first kiss would be shared outside of a detention center, maybe that is what they are trying to make us believe. Either way, I can't wait. Two more long weeks.
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WOW!:) This board has so much to offer!:lol: It's awesome! :cool:I love it, still trying to find my way around cause i'm new but, it's awesome!:lol::lol: I can't wait till 7x16 cause I can't wait for the Hiphugger Moments! lol =] Chloe xox
I love reading fics where Cal and Eric are parents, but I think we should leave that to the fanfiction. This is crime show and, as much as I love EC relationship and sometimes that's all I'm interested when watching an episode, I want it to stay a crime show. It's different for CSI:NY, because the actress got pregnant and it would be very stupid to put her in giant cloths and say that she got fat. It wouldn't be very realistic, don't you agree? Anyway, back on EC, I think both of them would be great parents, I just don't think we should see that on the show.

Elicia said:
First of all and I hate to play that part but it's just getting on my nerves, what is with some of you not getting what posting at least 3 lines means? If you have a question, address it to the person who posted by PM but do not just write one-liners here. It makes the thread look cheap and I like this ship too much to accept that. If you have nothing more to say, don't post, PM.

I think that the problem is that we have a lot of new posters and they don't know the rules yet.

So, guys: at least 3 lines of EC per post, no double posting (you have 24 hours to edit your post), don't bash other ships and people who like other ships (I haven't seen that one in this thread and that's great :thumbsup:), use spoiler tags for discussing episodes not aired yet... Have I covered everything? I think it's for the best that we, the EC shippers, make each other respect those rules and not make mods come here. Okay?
Eric whispered it was real, oh I think my heart melted. The look on each one of their faces spoke volumes. I don't care what other people think, this is one relationship that will go down in history, a great love affair. All I have to say is AT LAST!

I still have tears in my eyes everytime I watch the hospital scenes! When I saw the episode, I cried from the point where Cal collapsed in the Interrogation room right up until the last scene of them at the Hospital after "It was real.." I love this episode, definitely my fav episode of them all and I can't wait till they finally have their first kiss..It will then be official that we WILL have OUR Hiphuggers! :lol::lol:

Hope to talk to you soon,
Elicia said:
First of all and I hate to play that part but it's just getting on my nerves, what is with some of you not getting what posting at least 3 lines means? If you have a question, address it to the person who posted by PM but do not just write one-liners here. It makes the thread look cheap and I like this ship too much to accept that. If you have nothing more to say, don't post, PM.

I think that the problem is that we have a lot of new posters and they don't know the rules yet.

So, guys: at least 3 lines of EC per post, no double posting (you have 24 hours to edit your post), don't bash other ships and people who like other ships (I haven't seen that one in this thread and that's great :thumbsup:), use spoiler tags for discussing episodes not aired yet... Have I covered everything? I think it's for the best that we, the EC shippers, make each other respect those rules and not make mods come here. Okay?

Okay, got it, thanks :thumbsup:
And sorry, I didn't know...

I love reading fics where Cal and Eric are parents, but I think we should leave that to the fanfiction. This is crime show and, as much as I love EC relationship and sometimes that's all I'm interested when watching an episode, I want it to stay a crime show. It's different for CSI:NY, because the actress got pregnant and it would be very stupid to put her in giant cloths and say that she got fat. It wouldn't be very realistic, don't you agree? Anyway, back on EC, I think both of them would be great parents, I just don't think we should see that on the show.

I have to agree with you, but only, imaginning Calleigh and Eric with their kids is just awesome :rolleyes::lol:
I can't wait to see the promo, I hope you'll can see some promising E/C :luvlove:

Gosh, 2 weeks away from the episode :( But only 1 to the promo, it's not that bad *;)* altought is gonna be 2 tortured weeks!!
It's by TV Guide, they're making Down To The Wire.
Here's the link:
Hope it helped :thumbsup:

Thank You csifann1! You're the best!:)

I'm glad I could help :)

Does anyone know with who will Eric be when he's gonna be "arrest"?

According to the original spoilers, he is working on a DNA sample with Natalia when INS comes in and detains him. I don't know given the state of affairs with E/C if that scene will change....I kind of hope it doesn't though....I think it would be better if Cal were to find out from someone else and then head over to the detention center....idk why, I just think it would flow better on screen.

The next level could mean anything but I don't think it means something as simple he asks her out in this ep. Especially considering it is in the release. Although, some see that as a play on words or a trick to get us to think one thing while something silly or simple happens. I think the next level means they are either already dating when the ep starts or they have decided to take it there.

I lean more towards they might have gone on their first date the night before or have been seeing each other for a few days when this happens. The release says: DELKO'S FUTURE AS A CSI IS THREATENED JUST AS HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH CALLEIGH MOVES TO THE NEXT LEVEL.....just as, which to me says it happens in this ep or right before....I am hoping for a kiss and leaning torwards one b.c there is no way they can leave us hanging til 720 w/o any physical contact between these two....that would be criminal :lol:

2 weeks to the ep :eek: this is seriously going to drive me nuts :lol:

Since the ep is sooo far away, the next best thing to look forward to is 10:58pm on Monday the 23rd!! ;)
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Here's my thought on 7.16...

Calleigh goes to the detention center, and goes to sit and talk to eric. i imagined them siting on one of those bench things, like they have at miami dade in their holding cells.

"How are you doing?" is what calleigh should ask, looking at him. eric does one of those half-smiles, and looks up at her.

"I'm in a detention center and my own father refuses to acknowledge me. not good." eric grinned again, but is wiped away and he looks down.

"whats wrong?" i imagine calleigh asking, bending her head down, to try to get eric to look up at her.

"nothing, im just always so..i dont know..emotional lately. not in the crying sense, but in the sense that i always say how im feeling, and make everyone else feel what im feeling. ever since i was shot..i just.." eric trailed, not finding the right words, and not feeling manly b/c of how he's been acting lately.

"have been thinking about your future? settling down?" calleighs voice wavered, as eric slowly lifted his head, his eyes wide.

"yea, i guess i have..." the two smile at each other until the guard tells calleigh he has to leave, when she gets up, they share a hug, a little awkward at first, but then eric kisses her hair and whipsers 'thank you'

alright, thats all i got. im trying to picture there first kiss, but with E/C, they should be on a beach, all alone, with waves crashing in the moonlight as fireworks go off in the distance and a dolphin jumps out of the water :D...i think after this much time, they deserve at least that much :guffaw:

Yeah that would be awesome i don't think there first kiss will be in a dettention center but I think we might get a hug or a small kiss on the cheek or something there, I have thought that they will get interumpted by an officer! I can't wait it's too long!!!:scream:
What if Calleigh's lasting condition after Smoke Gets In Your CSI's prevents her from the concept of kids for now? Calleigh is not in her early 20's. The old original bio has her in her early 30's, but from dropped bio info, we know that cannot possibly be true unless she was out of high school by the time she was fifteen, It doesn't make any sense. Fourth seaon (end One Of Our Own) stated that she had been in Miami for ten years. In the first season it was stated that Calleigh was new (and kept her head down) when Horatio's brother had been "killed" two years prior(Grave Young Men). This does not total up to aound 35 as of this season. It's closer to 40 and that's a little old to be thinking about first children.
What if Calleigh's lasting condition after Smoke Gets In Your CSI's prevents her from the concept of kids for now? Calleigh is not in her early 20's. The old original bio has her in her early 30's, but from dropped bio info, we know that cannot possibly be true unless she was out of high school by the time she was fifteen, It doesn't make any sense. Fourth seaon (end One Of Our Own) stated that she had been in Miami for ten years. In the first season it was stated that Calleigh was new (and kept her head down) when Horatio's brother had been "killed" two years prior(Grave Young Men). This does not total up to aound 35 as of this season. It's closer to 40 and that's a little old to be thinking about first children.

Well, I think around 35 is not a litle old to think about the first kids, I mean, there is womem that have their first kids with 40 so... ;)
But, now, honestly, I think that won't happen, like someone said before this is a crime show so kids doesn't fit that well!
But that's just my opinion :)
According to the original spoilers, he is working on a DNA sample with Natalia when INS comes in and detains him. I don't know given the state of affairs with E/C if that scene will change....I kind of hope it doesn't though....I think it would be better if Cal were to find out from someone else and then head over to the detention center....idk why, I just think it would flow better on screen.


I lean more towards they might have gone on their first date the night before or have been seeing each other for a few days when this happens. The release says: DELKO'S FUTURE AS A CSI IS THREATENED JUST AS HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH CALLEIGH MOVES TO THE NEXT LEVEL.....just as, which to me says it happens in this ep or right before....I am hoping for a kiss and leaning torwards one b.c there is no way they can leave us hanging til 720 w/o any physical contact between these two....that would be criminal :lol:

I too hope Calleigh isn't with him when he is detained by the INS. I can just imagine the look on Calleigh's face when someone informs her. She'll be pissed, and the look on her face plus her reaction will be so telling to others as to how she feels about Eric. I do believe that they'll already have moved to the next level when the episode begins, and their relationship will be completely secret to everyone (as we all know from future spoilers involving Ryan)... so having them NOT be together when he is detained gives some fodder for others in the lab, like Natalia and Ryan, to wonder about their relationship.

I would love it if we could get a kiss in this episode, and if we do, I doubt it would be this passion filled explosion, more of a soft sweet kiss. Please God let it happen ;).

As for Calleigh's age, the background on each character changes as the years go by... even Eric's mother's name changed! CSI:M wouldn't be the first show to change, or forget, what their character's bio is. I don't believe Calleigh to be 40 in the show, more mid-30's... just my opinion, as it certainly isn't fact!

E/C babies... I love to daydream about that, but I seriously doubt we will EVER see that, or a marriage, on this show... especially since it's being done on CSI:NY.
Oh hey, I don't know if Feb. 14 is a big deal anywhere else in the world, but folks in America go all gooey and lovey-dovey. Like you really need one day to tell the one you love how you feel. Seems so contrived. Anyway, in the spirit of Valentine's Day: Yes, I wrote it and I thought folks here would like to read it. Leave reviews or chocolates. No throwing of vegitation, please.:lol:
Oh hey, I don't know if Feb. 14 is a big deal anywhere else in the world, but folks in America go all gooey and lovey-dovey. Like you really need one day to tell the one you love how you feel. Seems so contrived. Anyway, in the spirit of Valentine's Day: Yes, I wrote it and I thought folks here would like to read it. Leave reviews or chocolates. No throwing of vegitation, please.:lol:

I'd actually already this before you posted it :D

I like it, it's so sweet and perfect :adore:

They really should have an episode of CSI: Miami on Valentine's Day one year, or one close to it so is could be all :luvlove:
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